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Schmidt, Tina Friesen (1894-1971)
Mennonite Brethren Herald obituary: 1971 Jun 25 p. 30
Birth date: 1894 Aug 02
text of obituary:
Mrs. Tina Schmidt was born on August 2, 1894 to Peter and Maria Friesen, Henderson, Nebraska. When she was seven years old, the family moved to Saskatchewan. A few years later they settled on a farm near Hepb-urn. At the age of eleven she accepted Jesus as her personal Savi'our and foll'Owed him 'in b-aptism. She was a'ccepted 'int'O the Mennonite Brethren Church 'Of whi'ch she remained a ,fa'i·thful member for 65 years. On July 19, 1914, sheex'Ch'anged vows with Peter D. Schmidt at Hepburn, Sask. The early years of their married life were spent 'On a farm. Later they moved into the town of Hepburn. 'Seven sons and ,four daughters were born ,to them. An event wh'ich is rememlbered with fondness by her family and friends was theirgo'iden wedding 'anniversa'ry 'in 1964. The family remembers 'her for her enduring devotion to God 'and home, her p'atience, her serenity under all circumstances and ,her ,example 'Of love and joy. ~pproxima1:ely four years ago, her heal~h began to fail. On May 18, it ple'ased the Lord to take her home 'at the of 76 years H'er peaceful departure is <testimony of her dose re'lationship with her Saviour and Lmd. She 'Was predeceased by her parents, one ,sister two br01:hers, and iher daughter Myrtle. Surviving are: her 'husband; three daug,hters, Velma (Mrs. J . Jantzen) of Dalmeny, Sask., Caroline (Mrs. Wilmer Fast) of Saskatoon; J'Osie (Mrs. Norman Ens) 'O'f Carrot River, Sask .; seven sons, Allan of Hope, B.C., Alfred 'Cif Kinshasa, Cong'O, Wesley of Winnipeg, Toby 'Of Hepburn, and Harry, Ernest and Edward of Saskato'On; three sisters; eight brothers; 'and 36 grandchildren.