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Toews, Cornelius David (1900-1970)
Mennonite Brethren Herald obituary: 1971 Feb 05 p. 30
Birth date: 1900 Mar 19
text of obituary:
Minter Street, Clearbrook, B.C., passed away on December 29, at the ag'e of 70 years. The funeral was conducted in the Clearbrook MB Church on January 2, with Rev. Rudy Wii'lms offioi'ating. He was born in 1900 'in the Orenburg settlement, Russia. At the age of 17 he accepted the Lord as his Saviour and was baptised into the IQical Mennonite Brethren Church. After four years of servi·oe as a oubHc school teacher he emigrated to Ca~ada with h,is young wife lin 1926. He was a oubHc school teacher in Mani,toba for 14 years. At the age of 36 the Niverville Church orda'ined him to the ministry. The familv moved to B.C. in 1943, where he pre;ched in the C.O. cam'Ps during the war years. Af·ter continuing studies in music, he taught musk in the Mennonite Brethren privahighschools in Clearbrook and Yarrow for 15 years. He was also entrusted with promo-ting the MB choirs in B.C., and the Canadian Conference. He worked with choir leaders and singers thmughout the provinces. In 1961 he was called by the MCC to work in Europe with the Mennonite Bible School in Switzerland, also ministering to the Mennon'ite church in Frankfurt, and the Mennonite Bmt!hren mission in Heidelberg. From 1964 he served as pastor of the East Aldergmve Church, B.C., and conducted a radio broadcast, "Stimme des EvangeHums." In 1966 his wife passed away, and the following ye'ar he remarried. In Augus,t, 1970, he resigned as pastor, but cont'inued the radio ministry which he loved. Hois survived by his wife Anna; s'ix sons: Neil and Harry, Kamloops, B.C.; Walter, Vancouver; John and NeH 'Peters, Winnipeg; Handy Peters, Cleapbrooi<; five daughters: Mrs. L. (Clara) De Heck, Phoenix, Arizona; Mrs. J. (Ne;j.j,ie) Krahn, North Vancouver; Mrs. H. (Lily) Aller,t, Men;". B.C.; Mrs. W (Anna) Penner, Em Creek, Manitoba; Mrs. C. (Elvin) Neufeld, Winn:ipeg; 24 grandchildren; two brothers, Jacob and John.