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Wiebe, William (1933-2002)

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"Mennonite Brethren Herald" obituary: 2003 Jun 13 p. 28

Birth date: 1933 Feb 4

text of obituary:


William Wiebe died Dec. 18 of cancer. He was bom Feb. 4, 1933 in Turtle Mountain, Man. In 1947 the fam- ily moved to Abbots- ford, B.C. Bill was bap- tized in 1948, joining West Abbotsford Men- nonite Church . After graduating from MEl, he attended Normal School in Vancouver, be- coming a teacher. He married Helen Letke- man in 1952. He taught in Crescent Spur, B.C., then in various other parts of B.C. He spent a year studying at Canadian Mennonite Bible College, Winnipeg, and earned his Mas- ter's degree in education at Western Washing- ton University, Bellingham, Wash. He taught high school in Surrey, B.C. and worked as an orderly in Surrey Hospital in the evenings. In 1963 they bought a hobby farm near Clear- brook. He taught at Abbotsford Junior High School, was foreman at Abbotsford Growers in summer and grew raspberries and raised livestock. At age 48, they sold the farm. He worked in real estate until retirement. He took numerous short-term mission trips with Church Partnership Evangelism to Central and South America. He was enthusiastic about the opportunity to share his testimony. Bill loved to ride his motorcycle, taking trips through B.C., Alberta, Washington and Oregon. He sang in the Vancouver Welsh Men's Choir and Abbotsford Male Chorus. He played numer- ous instruments. He is mourned by Helen; sons Dan, Bob, Ken and Loren; daughter Elaine. The funeral was Dec . 23 in Mountain Park Commun ity Church, Abbotsford, with Cam Stuart and Abe Tilitzky ministering.