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Andres, Helen Petkau (1920-2002)
"Mennonite Brethren Herald" obituary: 2002 Jun 21
Birth date: 1920 Aug 26
text of obituary:
Helen Andres pass ed away Mar. 24 . She wa s bo rn Aug. 26, 1920 to Peter and Elizabeth Pet ka u in Kam enka, Orenburg, Rus sia, 1 of 7 children . Her mother d ie d at age 36 . Her fa- ther marr ie d Maria Block, who came with 4 ch ildren. The family im- mig rat ed to Ha lbstadt, Man . in 1926, moving to Ox bow, Sask. in 1928 and to Hepburn, Sask. in 1933 . Sh e at- tended Bible school for a year in 1937. The family moved to Ni a- gara-on-the-Lake, Ont. She accepted Chri st at a revival meeting in 1933 and was baptized in 1941. In 1941 she mar- ried Jacob Andres in the Mennonite church in Virgil, Ont. They lived in Niagara-on-the-La ke, Niagara Falls and St. Catharines. She was a quiet, steadfast and ba- sic person who rarely showed her emotions; didn't seek excitement, glamour or fame; was dedicated to raising a sound healthy family; kept a clean, safe and orderly home; did everything with care; was a good cook; and enjoyed sewing, mak- ing the finest clothes from scraps. She loved to help her children, lis- tened to their tales of school and encouraged them. She tended her gardens and flowers. When her children were grown, she worked with Jacob and son Lar- ry for a brief period, tending the books and keeping the accounts straight. Her greatest joy was seeing all her children and grandchil- dren come together every Christmas and summer. She trusted God to help her through the darkest hours. Predeceased by a great -granddaughter, she is mourned by chil- dren David, Dorothy, Larry, Gerald, and Su- san ; 11 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchil- dren. The funeral was Ma r. 27 in Vineland (Ont.) MB Church, with Doug Sch ulz and John Block ministerin g.