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Neufeld, Aganetha Enns (1892-1977)
Mennonite Brethren Herald obituary: 1977 Aug 05 p. 37
Birth date: 1892 Apr 30
text of obituary:
(Mrs.) Aganetha (nee Enns) Neufeld was born on April 30, 1892 in Alexanderthal, Ukraine. Her childhood and youth were spent in Georgsthal, where she joined the Mennonite Brethren Church after baptism on the profession of her faith in Christ. On January 14, 1918 she married Peter Neufeld. They lived in Sergewka where they adopted two homeless children, Peter and Tina. The Neufelds encountered many hardships, especially during the war years. Peter is believed to have perished at that time, and their daughter Tina, although separated from them for some time, found her way safely to Germany. They had to leave her behind when they emigrated to Canada in 1950 because she had plans to marry and settle there. In Canada Mrs. Neufeld faith· fully took care of her invalid husband until he predeceased her in 1965. She spent her last years in the Steinbach, Man. Resthaven home where she was treated with loving concern. She passed away on July 6. Though a pilgrim and stranger most of her life, she had found an eternal home. She is lovingly remembered by her relatives and friends.