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Klassen, Elizabeth (Julius) Grunau (1903-1973)
Mennonite Brethren Herald obituary: 1973 Apr 06 p. 30
Birth date: 1903 Sep 28
text of obituary:
born ,in Burwalde, S. Russ-ia ,in 1904. Here she spent her childhood and yout'h. She had the sad e){perience o·f losing her father and brother the s'ame time as the result of a typho,i,d epidemic, She was married in 1924 to Julius K'I'assen, and their union was blessed wi-tn 10 children. One son prede'ceased her in infancy. They shared joys and sorrow lo·r 48 years, In 1926 ,they moved to Canada - and settled in a viHage south o·f W,inkler, where Mr, K'I-assen served a landlord -for 13 y ear s. <Bible studies were conduc1ed in various homes, but Mrs, Klas'sen was n knowledge of the Bihle and the way o·f salvation, Rea lizing her need for a persona·1 Saviour, she accepted 'Chris,t one day wh en the contents o,f a song she was sin'ging overwhelmed her. Together with her husband she joined the Winkler MB Church. 'In 1966 ,they retlired to W,inkler, where her husband died in 1972, She -Iearne-d to a'ccept the hand of God even in su'ffering, and the last months of her life were spent in hoOspitals, where the hospital staff was amazed that she was able 10 accept 'and endure her suffening so quietly. The Lord is merGiful and gracious. The funeral was held in the W-inkler MiB Church on March 8, wi1h H,ev, Henry Klass'en oOf Vancouver officiat-ing, She is survived by 5 sons: Ge'orge, Abe, Henry, Cornie, and John; 4 daughters: Betty, Nettie, Helen, and Marlene; with their ,families (36 grandchildren); 1 sis,ter and 2 brothers.