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Martens, Eugene (1914-1973)

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Mennonite Brethren Herald obituary: 1973 Feb 23 p. 30

Birth date: 1914

text of obituary:


Herbert, Sask. He w as saved in his 16th year and join ed the MB church in Herbert, Later he spent a year in the copper mines of B,C, before returnin g to farm for a number of years. He attended t he Herbert Bible School and Bri ercrest Bible Institute and was ordained to the ministry in 1952, serving at th e TUl'llhi l1 church for about 10 yea rs and in Swift Current as well. After 1963, when th e fa mily moved to Swift Current, he was actively involved w ith the MB Church there. He was active in th e Westbank Bible Cam p for abo ut 20 y ea rs in a va riety of capacities, and on t he Home Missions Board of Saska tch ewan for 15 years. Due to a heart condition , he was forced to restrict his activities som ewh at. He died in a traffic accid ent whi le returning from his daily trip to th e ran ch on January 13. He was 53 years old. His family t reasures the fine example he left for t hem to follow. He is survived by his wife, Lydi a, and children, all of Swift Curr ent: M ari na and John Bergen, Harold and Sylv ia Martens, Gordon an d Sonya M arte ns , Dorothy and HichardWeetman, Ruth (at MBBC) , Dorothy and Julie M artens, 11 grandchi ldren, 7 brothers, 2 sisters, and his mother, Mrs. Anna Martens.

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