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Dyck, John H. K. (1899-1970)
Mennonite Brethren Herald obituary: 1970 Nov 13 p. 22
Birth date: 1899 Feb 22
text of obituary:
A long-time res'ident of W'inkler, Manitoba, Mr. John H.K. Dyck passed away on OctQber 18. He was active .jn community af,fairs, having serv,ed on the schoO'l bQard for many yea,rs and was a charter member of and held various pos,itions ,in the Winkler Ohamber of Commeroe. Mr. Dyck was a son of the I'ate Mr. and Mrs. J.'B. Dy'ok, among the early pioneers of Winkler, 'and a member of the W'inkler Mennonite ,Brethren Church. He reached the age o,f 71 ye'ars. He is survived 'by his wife, MiHie; four daughters, Mrs. Stanley Enns (Evelyn), East Ki'ldonan; Mrs. Art Klassen (Mi'I'ly), Minneapol'i'S; Mrs. Paul Thomas (Frances), St. Catharines; Bonn:ie,at home; and three sisters, Mrs. Frank Fr,iesen (Mary) San JQs,e, Ca'I'if.; Mrs. Jerry Mudge (Helen) Winnipeg; and Mrs. Harry Klassen (Katie), StQnewa,11