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Knelson, Jacob (1906-1970)

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Mennonite Brethren Herald obituary: 1970 Mar 06 p. 26

Birth date: 1906 Dec 03

text of obituary:


Jacob Knelson was born in N-icopol, Russlia on December 3, 1906. He spent his yourt'h at Nicopo'l and after t'he hards'h-ips of the Revolution emigrated to Canada. He came to Saskatchew an in 1925 and worked as a farm labourer for several years. During t'he late 20's and early 30's he farmed on his own. On March 31, 1931 he was marr,ied to M ary Janzen. The'ir marriage was blessed w ith four children, two boys and two girls. Mr. Knelson owned and operat ed a grocery s'tore in the haml-et of Kelsrtern from 1937 to 1959. From Kelstern the family moved to Reg-ina where Mr. Kn elson first took up postal duties and th en jo'ined the firm of C.A. DeFe-hr & Sons with whom he worke-d unt'il several monrt'hs prior to his dearh. Mr. Knelson made his initial experience with Ohrist at the age of 12. At 16 he recommiNed his life t'O the Lord and w as baptized and rece:ived ,into the Mennonite Brethren Church. He t'Ook great interest in Slinging and espedailly enjoyed serving the Lord in ma'ie quartets. During the closing months of h'is I-ife Mr. Knelson experienced a deepening in his re'lat·ionship to Christ. He pas'sed away quie.tly 'On January 22, at the age of 63. He is 10ving'ly remembered by his w ife, Mary; four children, Mrs. Manfred (Hilda) Gerhart of Medioine Hat. Alta., Edward Knelson, also of Med'idne Hat, Mrs. Ken (Voiola) Armstrong 'Of Ottawa, Dennis Knelson of Reg'ina; three brothers, Henry of HodgevH-le, Sask., Dick of Kelstern, Peter of Mouse Jaw; one sister, Mrs. R. (Helen) Tacho-Isky of Swift Current, and one step-s,ister, Miss Mary Goertzen of W linnipeg. Funeral services were held from th e Hilll Avenue Mennonite Brerthren Church of Reg1 ina on January 26 with Rev. Ed Lautermilch of Swift Current min-istering. A ma'ie quartet made up of employees from C.A. DeF ~h r & Sons ministered in song. A special service was held on th e evening o'f January 25 for those who could not attend the funeral service. Here Pastor Peter Teigmb spoke on "The Struggle Aga'ins't Sin, Triumph of Faith and the Cour'age of Trust." A favourite song of M r. Knelson·s. " Where wi1 ,1 you Spend Eternity?" , w as sung by a mixed octet

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