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Wiebe, Philip (1912-1966)
Mennonite Brethren Herald obituary: Jun 10 p. 18
Birth date: 1912 Jan 31
text of obituary:
Plhriolonp 'W:i,ebe was rom J,amull!I'y 31, 1912, 'the sixttl 'chi!ld of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wiie!be, GnadenthaiJ., South em Russ,ia. A f:t e rIo s 1 n g Iboth :parents ,throliligh itllea1ih in ibis 'early 'chtldlh'Ood, he emigm:ted to Camada art iIlhe age of eleven, toge'tJher wlth hlis hr.ouhe<rs a:nd sisters.
Art .a rev!ival meeting lin GnadenthaiJ., ManilltOlba, in 1928, he 'accepted Christ as hlis Saviour, and ;geoame an alCtive testimony for the LolI'd, part~cul&r:l'Y through the medlium O[ singi'll'g.. He enr:olled dn 'the Wdnkler Biblle Scho'O,l lin 1929 !aJll.dattended ,there for over five yeans.Later he attended Biible School -at Three HiHs, Alberh. Tmougih his studies and his concern fQr the WO'rd he was led into the min~try and in 1954 he was QrdaiJned to 1:1he wOlrk.
On September 5, 1935' he was joined ,in marriage' ,to' Anna D:\-,ck and tQgetherr they had 7 ohHdren----!foW' sons and three daughters. In 195>2 (he left Gnadental, Manitoba and moved itO' Clearbrook, B.C. wIth his family. There heorten served with great blessing in rtJhe TalbQr Blome for the Aged.
A heart a!ilmentcaused ms health to' suffer duping ,the last few years and doctQrs advised open iheart suvgery. The operation seemed successful <l)nd the fa:mi~y were 'c.onfident ill la ,oOimplete irecovery. However, on May 15 ihe became seriously :iJl'l 'agarn and PaJSB,ed away on the mQrning of Ma;y 16, 'aJt the age of 54 years.
He ,is: -survived aJnd lovingly remembered by his wife, Anna Wiebe; four sons, Ben, Dave, John and Menno'; three daugihters, Irma, Laura 'and Linda; three sisters and their Ifami'l~es living an Marntoba <3!Ild two ilwothers and a s'ister wH~h their families, HYing in Olearbrook.