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Yoder, Gilbert Lee (1947-1949)
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1949 May 26 P. 5
Birth date: 1947
text of obituary:
. . .
— As the Review is about to go to press, word comes that Gilbert Lee, 22 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Yoder, who live along the Arkansas river southeast of Hutchinson, was drowned shortly after six o'clock on Tuesday evening. The lad had apparently slipped into the river, which is bank-full at this time. Eldon Bontrager and Glen Yoder, cousins of the child who had joined in the search, found the body caught on the limb of a tree in the river about a mile from the Yoder home.
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1949 Jun 2 p. 1