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Thiessen, Henry F. (1888-1974)
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1974 Jan 9 p. 8
Birth date: 1888
text of obituary:
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Henry F. Thiessen passed away at the Linden Home Friday, Dec. 6, after but a brief illness. Mr. and Mrs. Thiessen had been residents at the Home for some time. Funeral services were held Dec. 10. Min. Cornie Unruh of Abbotsford, B. C. spoke on Ps. 23. Others from British Columbia who attended were Mrs. Susan Unruh, Mrs. Cornie Unruh, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Unruh, Mr. and Mrs. Elson Unruh, Mrs. Edgar Thiessen, and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Friesen. Coming from Manitoba were Marie Thiessen, Greenland Home, C. L. Toews, Min. and Mrs. Corn. T. Penner, Mrs. Albert Wiebe, Alphaeus Penner, Mrs. Albert Isaac, Mr. and Mrs. John Isaaac, Bert Penner, Carol Isaac, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Isaac. Mr. Thiessen reached the age of 86.
— Jac. D. Toews