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Wiebe, Ed (1928-2005)
"Mennonite Brethren Herald" obituary: 2005 Sep 23 p.26
Birth date: 1928 Oct 2
text of obituary:
Ed Wiebe died July 26. He was bom Oct. 2, 1928 in Randolph, M an . He was a truck driver, mechanic, and long distance dispatch- er for Penner Interna- tional. After retirement he worked on his hob- bies, including repair- ing and restoring an - tique trucks and motorcycles, and designing and building a prototype snow-plane. He en- joyed cross-country skiing and breakfast out. He acknowledged Christ as Saviour and was baptized at 26. This was a real turning point for him. He was usher at the church and per- sonal devotions were an important part of his daily routine. He prayed for his family, missionaries and current events. Predeceased by his first wife Bernice, grandson Kyle, 1 sis- ter, he is mourned by Eleanor (Bergman), his wife of 33 1/2 years, daughter Carmelle Recksiedler; sons Darian, Riley, Jared, Jason; 11 grandchildren; 6 brothers; 4 sisters . The funeral was July 30 in Steinbach MB Church with Abe Klassen ministering.