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Thiessen George James (1910-2002)
"Mennonite Brethren Herald" obituary: 2002 Jul 12 p. 26
Birth date: 1910 Jul 1
Text of obituary:
George James Thiessen passed away May 3. He was born July 1, 1910 to Rev. and Mrs . Jacob w. Thiessen in Herbert, Sask. He accepted Christ, was baptized and joined Greenfarm MB Church before graduating from high school. In 1930 he graduated from Moose Jaw (Sask.) Normal School, then taught near McMahon and Gould- town, Sask . He was principal of a 2-room school in Main Centre, Sask., teaching all subjects grade 8-12 . He was teacher and principal of Waldheim (Sask.) High School 1941-49. He continued his university education through correspondence and summer school for 10 years, and after a 1- year residence earned degrees in arts and edu- cation with a major in math. Following 2 years as "helping teacher" in the Herbert School Unit, he became superintendent of schools in the Blaine Lake (Sask.) School Unit. In 1959 he joined the faculty of Saskatoon Teachers College, which lat- er became the College of Education at the Uni - versity of Saskatchewan . He retired in 1975. He had a keen interest in school sports, especially track and field . He taught adult Bible classes in Sunday school for over 10 years and was the first moderator of Nutana MB Church in Saskatoon . He was a member of the Gideons for 50 years, serving on its Can adian board for several years . Pr edeceas ed by his wife Kathryn, a granddaugh- ter, 3 brothers and 5 sisters, he is mourned by daughter Muriel Romancia; sons Ro land and Burton; 4 g ra ndchildren; 3 gre at-grandchildren; 26 July 12, 2002 M ENN ON ITE BRETH REN HE RA LD and 1 sister. A memori al service was held May 8 in Forest Grove Community Church, Saskatoon, with Ab e Klassen ministering. Agnes Barkman Agnes Barkman of Steinbach, Man. passed away May 8. She was born Dec. 18, 1919 in Russia. The family immigrated to western Manitoba in 1926, moved to Ste . Anne and settled in Steinbach. She married Leonard A. Barkman Dec. 22, 1945 . She led a healthy life until 2000, when she broke her hip and needed hip replacement surgery, but con- tinued to live on her own until entering hospital May 2. Her greatest joys included her children, grandchildren and gardening . Predeceased by Leon ard Jan. 5, 1979, an infant sister and 1 broth- er, she is mourned by son Wayne; daughters Elaine Toews, Audrey, and Bev Kehler; 12 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; 2 brothers and 1 sister. The funeral was May 11 in Steinbach MB Church, with Abe Klassen ministering.