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Anderson, Arthur (1881-1962)

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Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1962 Jun 14 p. 1

Birth date: 1881

text of obituary:

text of obituary:

Two Couples Die In Highway Accident Near Ashland, Ohio

Orrville, Ohio. — Double funeral services were conducted at the Martins Mennonite Church near here on June 6 for Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Rafeld of North Lawrence, who were killed on a highway accident June 2 near Ashland which also claimed the lives of Mr. Rafeld's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson of Seville, Ohio.

The two couples were en route to the Anderson home at Seville. Officers reported that the car driven by Mr. Rafeld went out of control on a short curve of the ramp from U.S. 250 to U.S. 42, then went across the latter highway, down a 25-foot embankment and landed on its top. All except Mrs. Anderson died at the scene, and she passed away en route to the Ashland hospital.

Mr. Rafeld, 74, farmed in Wayne County most of his life. Mrs. Rafeld, 66, was the former Nola Horst. She had been employed at the Massillon State Hospital for the past 10 years. The Rafelds were members of the County Line Mennonite Church.

The accident occurred on Mrs. Anderson's 65th birthday and her husband was 81. They were retired farmers.

Surviving Mr. and Mrs. Rafeld are two daughters, Mrs. Elmer Martin of Dalton and Mrs. Dennis Seiner of Wadsworth, seven grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.