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Schroeder, Sara Doerksen (1896-1973)

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(Created page with "''Mennonite Brethren Herald'' obituary: 1973 Mar 23 p. 31 Birth date: 1896 text of obituary: <center><h3>SARA SCHROEDER</h3></center> Sara Schroeder (nee Doerksen was born...")
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<center><h3>SARA SCHROEDER</h3></center>
<center><h3>SARA SCHROEDER</h3></center>
Sara Schroeder (nee Doerksen was born in 1896 in South Russ-ia. After
Sara Schroeder (nee Doerksen) was born in 1896 in South Russia. After
attending elementary and glirls' s-chool in
attending elementary and girls' school in
Ne-u-Halbs,tadt, she took teacher trarining
NeuHalbstadt, she took teacher training
a'nd taught in several schools before the
and taught in several schools before the
revolution. The Doerksen family fled to
revolution. The Doerksen family fled to
Petershagen, where the Communist
Petershagen, where the Communist
authorit:ies arppo-ill't'ed her teacher of
authorities appointed her teacher of
Russian refug·ee children, hut without
Russian refugee children, but without
In the diff.icult t:imes a1 Schoernferl-d,
where the Mac-hno bandits murdered Iher
In the difficult times at Schoenfeld,
brother, she committe-d her '''ilfe to the
where the Machno bandits murdered her
Lord. She was mrarnied 10 Wrilhelm W.
brother, she committed her life to the
Schroeder ,in 1923, and buried their fir,s't
Lord. She was married to Wilhelm W.
son the fo-liowing year. In 1925 they
Schroeder in 1923, and buried their first
moved to Meadows, Manlitoba, and later
son the following year. In 1925 they
to Roseng,ard, near S'l-einrbach.
moved to Meadows, Manitoba, and later
Here the'ir 8 children grew up. The
to Rosengard, near Steinbach.
grace of God was evident in the,ir family
I,ife, and in 1934 they joined the MrB
Here their 8 children grew up. The
Church in Ste-inlbach. Under the :influence
grace of God was evident in their family
o't the mother, the children found their
life, and in 1934 they joined the MB
Lord and Savliour. An infant dau'ghter died
Church in Steinbach. Under the influence
'in 1933. Faithful in prayer, always willing
of the mother, the children found their
to s-acrifice, s'he served the Lord.
Lord and Saviour. An infant daughter died
During the lasl1: s'ix ye-ars of her life
in 1933. Faithful in prayer, always willing
she suff.ered from Park'inson's dise'ase, and
to sacrifice, she served the Lord.
she gradually became weaker. In September in a f'a'il beside her bed, she broke
her hip. Since then shoe remained in
During the last six years of her life
hosp,jta-i, where, -in spite o't exceHent c are,
she suffered from Parkinson's disease, and
she died on February 21 . In srpi,te
she gradually became weaker. In September in a fall beside her bed, she broke
'bomin 1896 in South Russ-ia. After
her hip. Since then she remained in
attending elementary and glirls' s-chool in
hospital, where, in spite of excellent care,
Ne-u-Halbs,tadt, she took teacher trarining
she died on February 21. In spite
a'nd taught in several schools before the
trying times, she affirmed her faith to
revolution. The Doerksen family fled to
the triumphant end. She was 76 years old.
Petershagen, where the Communist
authorit:ies arppo-ill't'ed her teacher of
Russian refug·ee children, hut without
In the diff.icult t:imes a1 Schoernferl-d,
where the Mac-hno bandits murdered Iher
brother, she committe-d her '''ilfe to the
Lord. She was mrarnied 10 Wrilhelm W.
Schroeder ,in 1923, and buried their fir,s't
son the fo-liowing year. In 1925 they
moved to Meadows, Manlitoba, and later
to Roseng,ard, near S'l-einrbach.
Here the'ir 8 children grew up. The
grace of God was evident in the,ir family
I,ife, and in 1934 they joined the MrB
Church in Ste-inlbach. Under the :influence
o't the mother, the children found their
Lord and Savliour. An infant dau'ghter died
'in 1933. Faithful in prayer, always willing
to s-acrifice, s'he served the Lord.
During the lasl1: s'ix ye-ars of her life
she suff.ered from Park'inson's dise'ase, and
she gradually became weaker. In September in a f'a'il beside her bed, she broke
her hip. Since then shoe remained in
hosp,jta-i, where, -in spite o't exceHent c are,
she died on February 21 . In srpi,ch try.ing times, sheaHirmed her falith to
the triumphant end. Sh e was 76 y·ears old.
Left to mourn are her husband, five
Left to mourn are her husband, five
sons, and 'three daughters, 13 g-randchi,ldren , four brothers, three sisters, and
sons, and three daughters, 13 grandchildren, four brothers, three sisters, and
many other relatives and friends. The
many other relatives and friends. The
funer,al service wa,s held on February 25
funeral service was held on February 25
from the Steinbach MB Church, with
from the Steinbach MB Church, with
Re·v. Joihn Re'imer in charge.
Rev. John Reimer in charge.
[[Category:Mennonite Brethren Herald obituaries]]
[[Category:Mennonite Brethren Herald obituaries]]

Revision as of 16:01, 14 December 2016

Mennonite Brethren Herald obituary: 1973 Mar 23 p. 31

Birth date: 1896

text of obituary:


Sara Schroeder (nee Doerksen) was born in 1896 in South Russia. After attending elementary and girls' school in NeuHalbstadt, she took teacher training and taught in several schools before the revolution. The Doerksen family fled to Petershagen, where the Communist authorities appointed her teacher of Russian refugee children, but without salary.

In the difficult times at Schoenfeld, where the Machno bandits murdered her brother, she committed her life to the Lord. She was married to Wilhelm W. Schroeder in 1923, and buried their first son the following year. In 1925 they moved to Meadows, Manitoba, and later to Rosengard, near Steinbach.

Here their 8 children grew up. The grace of God was evident in their family life, and in 1934 they joined the MB Church in Steinbach. Under the influence of the mother, the children found their Lord and Saviour. An infant daughter died in 1933. Faithful in prayer, always willing to sacrifice, she served the Lord.

During the last six years of her life she suffered from Parkinson's disease, and she gradually became weaker. In September in a fall beside her bed, she broke her hip. Since then she remained in hospital, where, in spite of excellent care, she died on February 21. In spite trying times, she affirmed her faith to the triumphant end. She was 76 years old.

Left to mourn are her husband, five sons, and three daughters, 13 grandchildren, four brothers, three sisters, and many other relatives and friends. The funeral service was held on February 25 from the Steinbach MB Church, with Rev. John Reimer in charge.