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Tießen, Derk P. (1859-1946)

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text of obituary:
text of obituary:
<center><h3>'''REV. DERK P. TIESZEN'''</h3></center>
Rev. Derk P. Tieszen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tieszen, was born March 7, 1859, in the village of Paulsheim in South Russia. In 1874, at the age of 15, he with his parents migrated to America and settled on the plains of South Dakota, three miles west of Marion. He was baptized upon his confession of faith in Jesus Christ as his Savoir [sic] in 1878 and was received as a member in the Schartner church, which divided in 1883 and the part that broke away became what is now the Bethesda church, which he also joined.
Rev. Derk P. Tieszen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tieszen, was born March 7, 1859, in the village of Paulsheim in South Russia. In 1874, at the age of 15, he with his parents migrated to America and settled on the plains of South Dakota, three miles west of Marion. He was baptized upon his confession of faith in Jesus Christ as his Savoir [sic] in 1878 and was received as a member in the Schartner church, which divided in 1883 and the part that broke away became what is now the Bethesda church, which he also joined.
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''Mennonite Weekly Review'' obituary: 1946 May 2 p. 1
''Mennonite Weekly Review'' obituary: 1946 May 2 p. 1
'''Aged South Dakota Minister and
text of obituary:
Elder Called Away in Death'''
<center><font size="+2">'''Aged South Dakota Minister and Elder Called Away in Death'''</font></center>
Marion, S. D. — Funeral services held here on Wednesday, April 10, for Rev. Derk P. Tieszen, for 48 years a minister and elder in the Bethesda Mennonite church were largely attended.
Marion, S. D. — Funeral services held here on Wednesday, April 10, for Rev. Derk P. Tieszen, for 48 years a minister and elder in the Bethesda Mennonite church were largely attended.
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Ordained as minister and elder of the Bethesda church here in 1894, he served the congregation devotely [''sic''] until advanced age and ill health made it necessary for him to retire. In 1930 he and his wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
Ordained as minister and elder of the Bethesda church here in 1894, he served the congregation devotely [''sic''] until advanced age and ill health made it necessary for him to retire. In 1930 he and his wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
Officiating minsters at the funeral services were Rev. A.P. Waltner, Rev.. J. J. Adrain, Rev. D. D. Tieszen and Rev. J. A. Tieszen.
Officiating minsters at the funeral services were Rev. A.P. Waltner, Rev.. J. J. Adrian, Rev. D. D. Tieszen and Rev. J. A. Tieszen.

Revision as of 11:20, 22 July 2013

Christlicher Bundesbote obituary: 1946 Apr 23 p. 13

Birth date: 1859 Mar 7

text of obituary:

Aeltester Derk P. Tießen, Sohn von Peter Tießens, ward geboren den 7. März, 1859 in dem Dorf Paulsheim in Süd Rußland. In 1874 zog er mit seinen Eltern nach Amerika und siedelten 3 Meilen west von Marion, S. D. Er wurde getauft auf das Bekenntnis seines Glaubens an den Herrn Jesum Christ als seinen Heiland in 1878 und aufgenommen in der Schartner Gemeinde, welche sich im Jahre 1883 teilte, und der Teil, der sich loß machte, wurde was jetzt die Bethesda Gemeinde ist, welcher er sich auch anschloß. In 1890 war diese Gemeinde, ohne Prediger. Eine Wahl wurde gehalten, und sie fiel auf ihn. Im Frühjahr 1891 wurde er in das Preditamgt eingeführt. Im April, 1894 wurde er zum Aeltester gewählt, und im folgenden November als Aeltester ordiniert. Dieser Gemeinde diente er treulich und ununterbrochen 48 Jahre. In Helena Deckert fand er eine treue Gehilfin mit welcher er einen heiligen Ehebund am 4. Dezember 1880, schloß. Sie wohnten auf einer Farm neben dem heimatlichen Eltern-Platz. Dieser Bund wurde mit 13 Kindern gesegnet wovon 4 ihm im Tode voran gingen. Sie feierten ihre goldene Hochzeit in 1930 1925 verließen sie die Farm, und zogen sie nach Freeman und machten ihre Wohnung bei ihrer jüngster Tochter und ihrer Familie. Um die Danksagungszeit in 1941 ward er vom Schlag berührt, von welchem er sich wider [sic wieder] ziemlich gut erholte. Letzten Herbst merkten wir wieder einen leichten Schlag. Er hatte auch ein Augenleiden das schon in 1895 anfing. 1940 wurde er an seinen Augen operiert, aber sein Augenlicht nahm ab, daß er in 1926 ganz blind wurde. Er fühlte auch oft nicht gut, aber konnte noch immer auf sein, ausgenommen in der letzten Woche wo er fest zu Bett war. Am 7. April, kam wieder ein Schlag und er wurde zu seiner ewigen Ruhe gerufen um 5:20 Uhr Morgens Wir gönnen ihm die selige Ruhe. Er hinterläßt seine l. Gattin und 9 Kinder: Abraham, Anna (Mrs. Dan Becker), Johann und Benjamin zu Mario [sic Marion]; Susanna (Mrs. Toby Becker) zu Dolton; Derk zu Albany, N.Y.; Eva (Mrs. O. C. Krehbiel) zu Hutchinson, Kan.; Agnetha (Mrs. L. H. Linscheid) und Amalia (Mrs. J. D. Unruh) zu Freeman; dazu ein Bruder Jakob P. Tießen und eine Schwester, Maria (Mrs. John Engbrecht) beide wohnhaft zu Marion; und 36 Großkinder und ein Urgroßkind. Er erlangte ein Alter von 87 Jahren und 1 Monat. Die Begräbnisfeier fand statt in der Bethesda Kirche wo folgende Prediger Brüder Teil nahmen: Rev. A. B. Waltner, J. J. Adrian, D. D. Tießen und J. A. Tießen. Die Beerdigung war auf dem Bethesda Friedhof. “Selig sind die Toten, die in dem Herrn sterben von nun an. Ja, der Geist spricht, daß sie ruhen von ihrer Arbeit; denn ihre Werke folgen ihnen nach.” Offb. 14:13.

Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1946 Apr 18 p. 3

text of obituary:


Rev. Derk P. Tieszen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tieszen, was born March 7, 1859, in the village of Paulsheim in South Russia. In 1874, at the age of 15, he with his parents migrated to America and settled on the plains of South Dakota, three miles west of Marion. He was baptized upon his confession of faith in Jesus Christ as his Savoir [sic] in 1878 and was received as a member in the Schartner church, which divided in 1883 and the part that broke away became what is now the Bethesda church, which he also joined.

In 1890 this church was without a pastor. An election was held and the choice fell upon him. In the spring of 1891 he was ordained to the ministry of this church. On April 1, 1894, he was elected as elder and ordained into the eldership the following November. He faithfully and without interruption served his church for 48 years.

In Helena Deckert he found a devoted and helpful helpmate and he was united with her in holy matrimony on December 4, 1880. They lived on a farm joining the old parental place. This union was blessed with 13 children, four of whom preceded him in death.

Rev. and Mrs. Tieszen celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1930. In 1925 they retired from the farm and moved to Marion, where they lived until the fall of 1945, after which they made their home in Freeman, with their youngest daughter and her family. Around Thanksgiving time in 1941 he suffered a stroke, from which he recovered quite well.

Last fall a minor stroke was again noticed. He also had an eye trouble which dated back to 1895. In 1904 he underwent an operation on his eyes but his sight diminished until in 1926 he became totally blind. He had been ailing for some time, but was able to be up until the last week or so, when he was confined to bed. On Sunday morning, April 7, another stroke came and he was called to rest at 5:20 a.m.

He is survived by his beloved wife and nine children: Abraham, Anna (Mrs. Dan Becker), John and Benjamin of Marion, Susanna (Mrs. Toby Becker) of Dolton, Derk of Albany, N. Y., Eva (Mrs. O. C. Krehbiel) of Hutchinson, Kansas, Agnetha (Mrs. L. H. Linscheid) and Amalia, (Mrs. J. D. Unruh) of Freeman. Besides these he has one brother, Jacob P. Tieszen, and one sister, Maria (Mrs. John Enbrecht) both living in Marion, and 36 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. He attained the age of 87 years and 1 month.

“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.” Rev. 14:13

Funeral services were held in the Bethesda church, Marion, S. D. on April10, 1946. Interment was made in the Bethesda cemetery. Clergymen officiating were his pastor, Rev. A. P. Waltner, and J. J. Adrain, D. D. Tieszen and J. A. Tieszen.

Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1946 May 2 p. 1

text of obituary:

Aged South Dakota Minister and Elder Called Away in Death



Marion, S. D. — Funeral services held here on Wednesday, April 10, for Rev. Derk P. Tieszen, for 48 years a minister and elder in the Bethesda Mennonite church were largely attended.

Rev. Tieszen, who was 87 years of age, died at the home of a daughter in Freeman on April 7, after a long illness. Since 1926 he had been totally blind.

Ordained as minister and elder of the Bethesda church here in 1894, he served the congregation devotely [sic] until advanced age and ill health made it necessary for him to retire. In 1930 he and his wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.

Officiating minsters at the funeral services were Rev. A.P. Waltner, Rev.. J. J. Adrian, Rev. D. D. Tieszen and Rev. J. A. Tieszen.

The Mennonite obituary: 1946 Apr 30 p. 8

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