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Engel, Randall Clair (1957-1972)

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the demands of God. Thus it came as no
the demands of God. Thus it came as no
surprise at West Bank Bible Camp when
surprise at West Bank Bible Camp when
at the age of 'Seven he r:esponded eag,erly
at the age of seven he responded eagerly
when ·the invitayion to s'alvat,ion was
when the invitation to salvation was
g'iven. T'his was tlhe experience he had
given. This was the experience he had
quest1 ioned hris diad a:beut ea'rl'ieor and n'ow
questioned his dad about earlier and now
thedecisi'On was made. His da,d A 'a,d 'lihre
the decision was made. His dad had the
priv,ilege o·f pointing out Cb,rist's sac::niflice
privilege of pointing out Christ's sacrifice
and Randi wa'5 gloriously born a@'ain in-too
and Randi was gloriously born again into
the family o,f God, Romans 10:13 "For
the family of God, Romans 10:13 "For
whosoever sha'il c'all on ,th e nam e M rhe
whosoever shall call on the name of the
Lord shaH be saved " became very reall
Lord shall be saved" became very real
'and precious to him .
and precious to him.
To Rlandi this now be'ca'me a way of
To Randi this now became a way of
life. H'e e,njo'Y·ed fe llo'Wshi'J;! witA 11 he
life. He enjoyed fellowship with the
Lord-pray:e'r ancl reading o,f t,he Word
Lord - prayer and reading of the Word
o,f, G'od. Se,v,elfal y,ea,rs I'a'ter, M 8@ie e'lr eveA ,
of, God. Several years later, at age eleven,
he follewed t'me Lord 'iA bap,ti· sm. 'Ev,eA
he followed the Lord in baptism. Even
be· fore this nAe tw,o bmthers took ,an
before this the two brothers took an
a0ti,Vle ,irillteres t iril miss i.0 ril'S 'anc;l J;! ed e;! a
active interest in missions and pledged a
speC'iofic amO,Urilt i'n swp,portof a mis'Slionary the)! leamed t.o kn.ow, a pr0mlise t,A :ey
specific amount in support of a missionary they learned to know, a promise they kept to the time of his passing.
k'ept to the · t;ime of h'is passing.
LO'Y 'in@ the Lorcl , however, d,idn't stifli e
Loving the Lord, however, didn't stifle
the 'a€,1;i,y,iities o,f this n'ormal yowng man.
the activities of this normal young man.
At h.ome Ae was a gre'a· t. friend t o slisters
At home he was a great friend to sisters
Peg@i a,lid K.athy a,s well as ,to bro,tR:er
Peggi and Kathy as well as to brother
Rlick. He didn't mind work ei,toher but
Rick. He didn't mind work either but
gl'ad'ly 'Rel'J;!ed on the farm in v,ari.ous
gladly helped on the farm in various
ways. At school too he was an a0tive'
ways. At school too he was an active
sP'orts enthusiast with interests ranging
sports enthusiast with interests ranging
from hockey to football. IHe fwrther
from hockey to football. He further
found rime for p'iano and I'ater ,took
found time for piano and later took
special interes,t in sing ing and 'band,
special interest in singing and band,
being a member of the Assinlibolia band
being a member of the Assiniboia band
for quite some time.
for quite some time.
Letters and A0t'es recDr'd he lo'ved his
Letters and notes record he loved his
parerHs dearl,y and didn't mind ex'pressing
parents dearly and didn't mind expressing
Although m :e enjoy,ed li·fe thorou§hly,
Although he enjoyed life thoroughly,
he was bo rhered with sinus and ftrequent
he was bothered with sinus and frequent
hera'd.aches. St,U iI, mOAe ort these thin@s
headaches. Still none of these things
disturbed h,im @ :r8a'tly, es.p.eoially sp:i.rIM:-
disturbed him greatly, especially spiritually.
ua·lily. Thi's becam.e eV'ident in the s'ongs
This became evident in the songs
he loved such a:s 'One Of These D'ays' and
he loved such as 'One Of These Days' and
in h,is c:leep con0erm for ·others.
in his deep concern for others.
The yo:u,n@ . J;!e:oJp'I,e of the Woo,dro,w
The young people of the Woodrow
Church h'acl a great time tog,ether on
Church had a great time together on
S'atmday night, April 15, '85 s,eve'm
Saturday night, April 15, as seven
indivi dl1a Is ma dre deci's i'O ns for thie Lo,rd .
individuals made decisions for the Lord.
Then on Sunday after the wors>h>i');l s·erv,ice, Ra'Aclii was wi,th the @ 'fOUJ;! praY'iA.g
Then on Sunday after the worship service, Randi was with the group praying for others who did not know the Lord.
for others who cl'id n0,t kmolW the lo:rd .
Howev,er, his work was al'Ail'os,t cloAre.
However, his work was almost done.
Whil'e on hli's way h.ome f,r,om e,hurcR, ,t,h'e
While on his way home from church, the
auto,mobi lre im whiern he was ridii.m .g lerft
automobile in which he was riding left
the rea:e;! amlll ,me was fatarl1 ly ,i,mjured .
the road and he was fatally injured.
Although he w:a's rwshed to hospiMI in
Although he was rushed to hospital in
Gra,v,elfu.owf@ ane;! I'a'ter 'hly air 'amhlJll'ance
Gravelbourg and later air ambulance to Regina, his time had run out and Randi went to be with the Lord he loved and served on the afternoon of April 16.
to R'e.gina,, ' his time ha'cl rwn ow-t a,md,
Randli went ,to be wit h tbe Lonl he loved
aAd se'rved on the af,terno.on of Apr'i.1 1'6...
He leav,esc ~o mourf.l his passing is~
J;!'arellts, Allen and Joyce Eng'el; hoi's
He leaves to mourn his passing his parents Allen and Joyce Engel; his
br01her, R'ick; and his s'i'Sters, Pegg'i 'aAd
brother, Rick; and his sisters, Peggi and
Kathy; his grandparen'ts , Mr. and Mrs.
Kathy; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed B'aumback ef Lodi , California aAd Mr.
Ed Baumback of Lodi, California and Mr.
and Mrs. Emil Engel of Medic'ine Hat,
and Mrs. Emil Engel of Medicine Hat,
Allberta; and 'a host ot' other re:1'atives als
Alberta; and a host of other relatives as
we'il as numerous friends.
well as numerous friends.
[[Category:Mennonite Brethren Herald obituaries]]
[[Category:Mennonite Brethren Herald obituaries]]

Latest revision as of 15:55, 28 September 2016

Mennonite Brethren Herald obituary: 1972 Jun 16 p. 30

Birth date: 1957 Aug 12

text of obituary:


Randi came to join the Engel family and to bless their home on August 12, 1957. Since he arrived on the scene somewhat early, he was of special concern to his parents. They realized by what a slender thread even a baby's life can be suspended and so showered their love upon him and accepted him as loaned by the Lord.

The house of the Lord was to play an important part in his life. He made his first appearance there at just over one month of age. The following Mother's Day he was presented to the Lord in dedication.

His early childhood was quite normal and happy. Whether accompaning his parents on various trips or moves or enduring childhood diseases, he accepted them all with little complaint. It became rather obvious that Randi made friends easily and it was clear that he would thoroughly enjoy himself regardless of the situation.

Very early in life Randi understood the Word of God sufficiently well to realize his goodness was not sufficient to meet the demands of God. Thus it came as no surprise at West Bank Bible Camp when at the age of seven he responded eagerly when the invitation to salvation was given. This was the experience he had questioned his dad about earlier and now the decision was made. His dad had the privilege of pointing out Christ's sacrifice and Randi was gloriously born again into the family of God, Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" became very real and precious to him.

To Randi this now became a way of life. He enjoyed fellowship with the Lord - prayer and reading of the Word of, God. Several years later, at age eleven, he followed the Lord in baptism. Even before this the two brothers took an active interest in missions and pledged a specific amount in support of a missionary they learned to know, a promise they kept to the time of his passing.

Loving the Lord, however, didn't stifle the activities of this normal young man. At home he was a great friend to sisters Peggi and Kathy as well as to brother Rick. He didn't mind work either but gladly helped on the farm in various ways. At school too he was an active sports enthusiast with interests ranging from hockey to football. He further found time for piano and later took special interest in singing and band, being a member of the Assiniboia band for quite some time.

Letters and notes record he loved his parents dearly and didn't mind expressing it.

Although he enjoyed life thoroughly, he was bothered with sinus and frequent headaches. Still none of these things disturbed him greatly, especially spiritually. This became evident in the songs he loved such as 'One Of These Days' and in his deep concern for others.

The young people of the Woodrow Church had a great time together on Saturday night, April 15, as seven individuals made decisions for the Lord. Then on Sunday after the worship service, Randi was with the group praying for others who did not know the Lord.

However, his work was almost done. While on his way home from church, the automobile in which he was riding left the road and he was fatally injured. Although he was rushed to hospital in Gravelbourg and later air ambulance to Regina, his time had run out and Randi went to be with the Lord he loved and served on the afternoon of April 16.

He leaves to mourn his passing his parents Allen and Joyce Engel; his brother, Rick; and his sisters, Peggi and Kathy; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baumback of Lodi, California and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Engel of Medicine Hat, Alberta; and a host of other relatives as well as numerous friends.

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