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Lehrman, Susanna Voth (1860-1944)

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Dem, der alles wohlgemacht.”</blockquote>
Dem, der alles wohlgemacht.”</blockquote>
''Mennonite Weekly Review'' obituary: 1944 Feb 3 p. 3
''Mennonite Weekly Review'' obituary: 1944 Feb 3 p. 3
text of obituary:
<center><h3>MRS. HENRY LEHRMAN</h3></center>
"I, Susana Lehrman, was born in the year 1860, October 23, in hte [''sic''] village of Prangenau, South Russia. My parents were Johann C. and Karolina Herfort Voth. My father was the village schoolteacher for a number of years.
"When the village of Gnadenthal was organized my parents were among the first pioneers and moved down there in 1863. Here I spent my happy childhood and school years. My teachers were all true Christians who were sincere in their efforts to point out to us the straight and narrow path which leadeth to everlasting life.
"In the year 1874, my parents with others joined the emigrants to America. It was very hard for my parents to say farewell to their beloved home and go to a new and at that time unknown land.
"They settled in Marion County, Kansas. In Russia and also here they were members of the Alexanderwohl Mennonite church. In the year 1879, I also joined the Alexanderwohl church through baptism.
"In January 18, 1883, I was joined in holy matrimony with henry Lehrman, with whom I was privileged to to [''sic''] share joy and sorrow for 31 years. Ten children were born to us, 5 sons and 5 daughters. The youngest son, Anton, died at the age of 14 months.
"When the Tabor church was organized in 1908, we were among the charter members.
"September 19, 1914, the Lord took my husband from my side. Since then I have spent many lovely [''sic'' lonely] hours consoling myself with the thought that maybe soon the call will also come for me to "come home."
This much was written by our mother in 1923.
Our mother now lived for 20 more years in her own home place with her oldest daughter and family, H. J. Brandts. On April 29, 1941, she scddenly [''sic''] became ill. She rallied again but was ailing since then. She needed steady care now, which we children tenderly and lovingly gave her. She was so thankful for everything that was done for her. We had a praying mother and often in the stillness of night we heard her pray for every member of her family.
On January 5, 1944, she suddenly became ill of influenza. She was now bedfast and helpless for two weeks. What medical aid and loving care could do was done for her, but she steadily grew weaker sand on January 20, 1944,at 7:05 in the morning she softly fell asleep to be with her Lord whom she loved so dearly. We hope to meet her in glory. She reached the age of 83 years, 3 months less 3 days.
She leaves the following children: Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brandt, Route 2, Newton; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Loewen, Goessel; Mr. and Mrs. George Schmidt, Route 2, Newton; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lehrman, Aberdeen, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. John V. Lehrman, Brooks, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Unruh, Route 2, Newton; Mr. and Mrs. Will V. Lehrman, Route 2, Newton; Mr. and Mrs. Ted C. Lehrman, Goessel.
More than 26 grandchildren and over 10 great-grandchildren survive. Two grandchildren preceded her in death.
She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Frank Klassen, Topeka; and Mrs. J. H. Buller, Route 2, Hillsboro, and one brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. voth, Route 1, Hillsboro, besides a number of relatives and friends.
All the children were able to attend the funeral, except one son, H. R. Lehrman from Aberdeen, Idaho.
Funeral services were held Monday, January 24, 1944, at the Tabor Mennonite church. A short service was held at the home, with Rev. P. H. Richert in charge.
At the church, Rev. P. H. Richert used John 17:24 as text for his sermon, while Rev. h. B. Schmidt had as his text Heb. 11:13-16. Special music was rendered by a ladies' quartet and mens' quartet.
Grandsons acted as pall bearers: Elmer Brandt, Milford Brandt, Hartsel Schmidt, Floyd Lehrman, Milton Unruh, Marlin Unruh.
Rev. J. J. Voth made a few remarks at the graveside. Interment was made in the Tabor cemetery.
Mother resteth now. No more her breast<br>
Heaves with its weary breath;<br>
Pain sits no longer on her brow<br>
Where lies the calm of death.<br>
&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Sunk to her rest like a tired child<br>
&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;She lies in slumber deep,<br>
&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Soft folded in the arms if him<br>
&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Who giveth his beloved sleep.<br>
Rest on dear Mother; your labors are over<br>
Your willing hands will toil no more.<br>
A faithful Mother true and kind,<br>
No friend on earth like you we'll find.<br>
<p span style="text-align:right">&#8212;The Bereaved Family</p>
[[Category:Christlicher Bundesbote obituaries]]
[[Category:Christlicher Bundesbote obituaries]]
[[Category:The Mennonite obituaries]]
[[Category:Mennonite Weekly Review obituaries]]

Latest revision as of 10:48, 1 September 2015

Christlicher Bundesbote obituary: 1944 Feb 8 p. 14

Birth date: 1860 Oct 23

text of obituary:

Selbstverfaßtes Lebensverzeichnis

Ich Susanna Voth Lehrman, bin geboren 1860 dem 23. Okt. im Dorfe Prangenau, Süd-Rußland. Meine Eltern waren Johann C. und Karolina Herfort Voth. Mein Vater war eine Reiche [sic] von Jahren Schullehrer im Dorf. Als das Dorf Gnadental gegründet wurde waren meine Eltern auch von den Ansiedlern. Zogen nach Gnadental im Jahr 1863, wo ich meine glückliche Kindheit und Schuljahre verlebte. Meine Lehrer waren Peter Dück, Peter Theilman u. Jakob Janzen. Es waren frommen Lehrer, denen es Ernst war uns zum Heiland zu führen. Das Wort, das uns Lehrer Janzen so recht wichtig machte und mit gab fürs Leben, steht geschrieben 1 Joh. 2:28: “Und nun, Kindlein, bleibt bei ihm” usw. Es machte damals tiefen Eindruk auf uns wie er so liebevoll uns ermahnte. Ich erinnere mich besonders der Worte da er sagte: “Wenn ihr bei Jesus sein.” Wir waren unsere 5, die in dem Jahre aus der Schule traten Die andern sind jetzt schon alle in der Ewigkeit. Als 1874 die große Auswanderung stattfand waren meine Eltern auch unter den Auswanderern. Es war ein schwerer Abschied, die Heimat und alles, was uns lieb und wert war, zu verlassen und in ein fremdes, noch unbekanntes Land zu ziehen. Besonders unserer lieben Mutter fiel es sehr schwer, mußte sie doch alle ihre Geschwister und auch ihrer alte Mutter verlassen. Ein paar Jahre nachher kamen die beiden Schwestern ihr nach. Die Eltern siedelten in Marion County, Kansas an. Sie waren in Rußland und auch hier Glieder der Alexanderwohl Gemeinde. 1879 schloß auch ich mich der Alexanderwohl Gemeinde an. Ich erinnere mich noch recht oft an den Unterricht, den der liebe Aelteste Jakob Buller uns erteilte. Möchte ich nur treuer sein in der Nachfolge meines Heilandes!

1883 den 18. Januar trat ich in den Ehestand mit Heinrich Lehrman, mit dem ich 31 Jahre Freud und Leid teilen durfte. Es schenkte uns der Herr 5 Söhne und 5 Töchter, wovon das jüngste Söhnchen, Anton, im Alter von 14 Monaten in die obere Heimat gehen durfte. Als in 1908 die Tabor Gemeinde gegründet wurde, schlossen wir uns derselben an. 1914 den 19. September starb mein lieber Gatte an einem Schlaganfall. Jetzt wird es manchmal so einsam und ich seufze oft zum Herrn:

Ich ginge gern, so gern zu Dir.
Doch wenn Du mich noch länger hier,
In Sturm und dunklen Nächten läßt
So halt Du meine Seele fest.

So weit von ihr geschrieben. (Siehe Familiennachrichten.)

Susanna Voth Lehrman, geboren den 23. Oktober 1860, starb am 20. Januar 1944 im Alter von 83 J. 3 M. weniger 3 Tagen. Nach dem Tode ihres lieben Gatten am 19. September 1914, wohnte die Mutter bei ihren Kindern H. J. Brandts. Am 29. April 1941 ward sie plötzlich krank, erholte sich aber bald wieder, doch blieb sie leidend und bedurfte viel Pflege, die die Kinder, so gut sie konnten, ihre gerne zukommen ließen. Sie hing mit inniger Liebe an ihnen. Rührend war es für die Kindern, wenn sie die Mutter in stillen Nachtstunden oft hörten für jedes ihrer Kinder beten, daß keines am throne der Gnade fehlen möchte. Wie gebetsvoll konnte sie das Lied “Jesus, Heiland meiner Seele . . .” so oft, ja täglich hersagen, und immer wieder fand sie neue Kraft und neuen Trost darin. Jetzt ist die Stimme verstummt, die Augen sind geschlossen, die Hand, die unsere Hände so oft gedrückt, ist für immer erkaltet. Am 5. Januar 1944 erkrankte sie plötzlich an Influenza und war auch gleich ganz hilflos. Sanft schlummerte sie morgens um 7 Uhr ein um ewig bei dem Herrn zu sein. Sie hinterläßt folgende Kinder: Mr. und Mrs. H. J. Brandt, Newton; Mr. und Mrs. H. J. Loewen, Goessel; Mr. und Mrs. G. Schmidt, Newton; Mr. und Mrs. H. H. Lehrman, Aberdeen, Idaho; John V. Lehrman, Brooks, Oregon; Mr. und Mrs. Albert Unruh, Newton; Mr. und Mrs. Will V. Lehrman, Newton; Mr. und Mrs. Albert Schmidt, Newton; Mr. und Mrs. Ted C. Lehrman, Goessel; 26 Enkel; 8 Urenkel; dazu 2 Schwestern: Mrs. J. H. Buller, Hillsboro; nebst vielen Freunden. Die Begräbnisfeier fand am 24. Januar in der Tabor Kirche statt. Es dienten die Prediger P. H. Richert, Text Joh. 17:24; H. B. Schmidt, Text Ebr. 11:13 – 16; und J. J. Voth. Sie ruht auf dem Tabor Friedhof.

“O Mutterherz, Du bist nun eingegangen
Zur ew’gen, sel’gen Ruh!
Der Kampf ist aus,
In ew’gen Freude lebest Du.
Für uns hast Du gelebt, gebetet,
Mit inn’ger Liebe hast Du uns geliebt.
Und nun ruh’ sanft nach Kampf und Streit
Dein Heiland hat für dich ein Heim bereit’
In seiner Gegenwart.
Dort treffen wir Dich einmal wieder,
Wenn unser Lauf vollbracht;
Und singen ewig Jubellieder
Dem, der alles wohlgemacht.”

Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1944 Feb 3 p. 3

text of obituary:


"I, Susana Lehrman, was born in the year 1860, October 23, in hte [sic] village of Prangenau, South Russia. My parents were Johann C. and Karolina Herfort Voth. My father was the village schoolteacher for a number of years.

"When the village of Gnadenthal was organized my parents were among the first pioneers and moved down there in 1863. Here I spent my happy childhood and school years. My teachers were all true Christians who were sincere in their efforts to point out to us the straight and narrow path which leadeth to everlasting life.

"In the year 1874, my parents with others joined the emigrants to America. It was very hard for my parents to say farewell to their beloved home and go to a new and at that time unknown land.

"They settled in Marion County, Kansas. In Russia and also here they were members of the Alexanderwohl Mennonite church. In the year 1879, I also joined the Alexanderwohl church through baptism.

"In January 18, 1883, I was joined in holy matrimony with henry Lehrman, with whom I was privileged to to [sic] share joy and sorrow for 31 years. Ten children were born to us, 5 sons and 5 daughters. The youngest son, Anton, died at the age of 14 months.

"When the Tabor church was organized in 1908, we were among the charter members.

"September 19, 1914, the Lord took my husband from my side. Since then I have spent many lovely [sic lonely] hours consoling myself with the thought that maybe soon the call will also come for me to "come home."

This much was written by our mother in 1923.

Our mother now lived for 20 more years in her own home place with her oldest daughter and family, H. J. Brandts. On April 29, 1941, she scddenly [sic] became ill. She rallied again but was ailing since then. She needed steady care now, which we children tenderly and lovingly gave her. She was so thankful for everything that was done for her. We had a praying mother and often in the stillness of night we heard her pray for every member of her family.

On January 5, 1944, she suddenly became ill of influenza. She was now bedfast and helpless for two weeks. What medical aid and loving care could do was done for her, but she steadily grew weaker sand on January 20, 1944,at 7:05 in the morning she softly fell asleep to be with her Lord whom she loved so dearly. We hope to meet her in glory. She reached the age of 83 years, 3 months less 3 days.

She leaves the following children: Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brandt, Route 2, Newton; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Loewen, Goessel; Mr. and Mrs. George Schmidt, Route 2, Newton; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lehrman, Aberdeen, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. John V. Lehrman, Brooks, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Unruh, Route 2, Newton; Mr. and Mrs. Will V. Lehrman, Route 2, Newton; Mr. and Mrs. Ted C. Lehrman, Goessel.

More than 26 grandchildren and over 10 great-grandchildren survive. Two grandchildren preceded her in death.

She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Frank Klassen, Topeka; and Mrs. J. H. Buller, Route 2, Hillsboro, and one brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. voth, Route 1, Hillsboro, besides a number of relatives and friends.

All the children were able to attend the funeral, except one son, H. R. Lehrman from Aberdeen, Idaho.

Funeral services were held Monday, January 24, 1944, at the Tabor Mennonite church. A short service was held at the home, with Rev. P. H. Richert in charge.

At the church, Rev. P. H. Richert used John 17:24 as text for his sermon, while Rev. h. B. Schmidt had as his text Heb. 11:13-16. Special music was rendered by a ladies' quartet and mens' quartet.

Grandsons acted as pall bearers: Elmer Brandt, Milford Brandt, Hartsel Schmidt, Floyd Lehrman, Milton Unruh, Marlin Unruh.

Rev. J. J. Voth made a few remarks at the graveside. Interment was made in the Tabor cemetery.

Mother resteth now. No more her breast
Heaves with its weary breath;
Pain sits no longer on her brow
Where lies the calm of death.
     Sunk to her rest like a tired child
     She lies in slumber deep,
     Soft folded in the arms if him
     Who giveth his beloved sleep.
Rest on dear Mother; your labors are over
Your willing hands will toil no more.
A faithful Mother true and kind,
No friend on earth like you we'll find.

—The Bereaved Family

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