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Schmidt, Eva Goertz (1892-1971)
Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1971 Apr 22 p. 8
Birth date: 1892
text of obituary:

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— Funeral services were held Monday morning at the First Mennonite Church of McPherson for Mrs. Eva Schmidt, 79, who died April 16 at the McPherson County Hospital after a brief illness. Rev. Ernest Porzelius, pastor, officiated at the services. Mrs. Schmidt was the former Eva Goertz and a native of the Goessel community. Her husband, Peter P. Schmidt, died in 1963. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Edwin Plenert of Hillsboro and Mrs. Harold Brunk of McPherson; two sons, Lloyd of Newton and Harvey of Hutchinson; 13 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren; two sisters and two brothers.