Manuscript Collections
(alphabetical order)
January 9, 2008
(don't take this as gospel, especially the statuses; it needs to be inventoried)
Status: 1 = never been processed
2 = processed in the past, needs reprocessing
3 = recently processed
# Name Status
205 (unused)
555 Abrahams, Ethel
516 Adrian, Walter V.
162 Aeschliman, P. R. (1862-1938) (.15 cu. ft.)
001 Albrecht, Franz (.6 cu. ft.)
536 Andreas, Frieda (van der Smissen)
191 Andreas, Johann (.3 cu. ft.)
488 Andres, Anna (1 cu. ft.)
422 Andres, Joanna Sudermann (6.1 cu. ft.) (brought in by her nephew David Sudermann, 8 April 1998)
245 Aschliman, Ura V. (.15 cu. ft.)
045 Asia Trek, Central (.3 cu. ft.)
572 (Central) Asia Trek papers from Dov Yaroshevski
427 Bachman, Dale V. (1920-1997) (.15 cu. ft.) (brought in by Elda Bachman, 19 August 1998)
261 Bachmann, Ernest (.15 cu. ft.)
125 Bachmann, Henry A.
204 Baerg, Anna (.3 cu. ft.)
426 Baergen, George P. (1898-1993) (.15 cu. ft.) (brought in by Hugo Reimer, 6 August 1998)
240 Baergen, Marie (.6 cu. ft.)
237 Balzer, Frank and Agathe (1 cu. ft.)
061 Balzer, Jacob Frank (6.75 cu. ft.)
349 Balzer, Peter (1807-?) (.15 cu. ft.)
570 Banman, Arthur (1904-1996)
002 Banman, Heinrich (1.45 cu. ft.)
342 Banman, Hulda (.6 cu. ft.)
249 Bargen, Anna Balzer (.15 cu. ft.)
083 Bargen, Bernhard (2.5 cu. ft.)
100 Bargen, David H. (.3 cu. ft.)
509 Barrett, Lois (3 cu. ft.)
167 Bartel, Lawrence A. (.3 cu. ft.)
348 Bartel, Leonhard and Peter (.6 cu. ft.)
460 Bartel, Roland (.15 cu. ft.) UNPROCESSED
376 Bartel, Rosella Mosiman
115 Bartsch, Hans (.3 cu. ft.)
127 Bauman, Harvey R. (.6 cu. ft.)
490 Bauman, Kenneth G. (1926-1986) (.15 cu. ft.) (funeral tapes)
108 Baumgartner, Paul see #108 E. G. Kaufman
266 Beachy, Alvin (9.5 cu. ft.)
223 Beatrice, NE, business - unidentified (.3 cu. ft.)
161 Becker, A. J. (1.45 cu. ft.)
147 Becker, Honora (3.3 cu. ft.)
377 Becker, John (1870-1968) and Eva Frey Becker (1880-1960) (2.15 cu. ft.)
564 Becker, John J. (1870-1956)
221 Behrends, Ernst (2.3 cu. ft.)
206 Bender, Merle (.3 cu. ft.)
447 Benjamin, Charles (30.3 cu. ft.) UNPROCESSED (transferred to MLA, June 1994) (contains both materials related to teaching political science and to his various political campaigns; there is probably a lot here that can be discarded)
487 van Bergen, Fritz (1900-1941) (.15 cu. ft.)
461 Berger, Martha Ewy (3.3 cu. ft.) UNPROCESSED
565 Bert, Harry
246 Boese, Ben (4.75 cu. ft.)
330 Bohn, E. Stanley (.6 cu. ft.)
568 Born, Floyd (brought in by Brad Born (son) 19 June 2007) see also elecrec/acc159
433 Boyd, Gaston, photo collection (.3 cu. ft.)
339 Braeul, Abraham P. (.15 cu. ft.)
091 Braun, Peter Jacob (.15 cu. ft.)
003 Brown, Heinrich Jacob (.6 cu. ft.)
548 Brown, Roland
066 Bueckert, Johann P. (.45 cu. ft.)
398 Buller, Henry P. and Beatrice (Rosenthal) (.3 cu. ft.) (transferred to the MLA from Archives of the Mennonite Church, Goshen, Indiana, 9 Oct. 1996)
039 Buller, Peter (1 cu. ft.)
230 Camp, Eleanor (1 cu. ft.)
567 Carlson, Phyllis (Hershey)
166 [not used; moved to MLA.VI.32]
055 Claassen, Cornelius F. (.6 cu. ft.)
185 Claassen, E. J. (.15 cu. ft.) (1957 World Conference attendance materials)
543 Claassen, Edward L. (1904-1999) and Hester (Lingenfelter Regier) Claassen (1910-?)
563 Claassen, Elizabeth (1901-1989)
452 Classen, Henry W. (1920-1995) (.15 cu. ft.)
402 Claassen, Hermann, geometry book (donated by Willard Friesen of Pryor, Oklahoma, 18 January 1997) (.3 cu. ft.)
090 Claassen, Jacob (.3 cu. ft.)
374 Claassen, Jacob, arithmetic book (.3 cu. ft.)
089 Claassen, John and Gertrude (.6 cu. ft.)
503 Claassen, Virginia (.3 cu. ft.)
254 Claassen, Willard K. (.3 cu. ft.)
361 Classen, Jakob (1861-1904) (.15 cu. ft.)
371 Classen, Peter, arithmetic book (.25 cu. ft.)
231 Clemens, J. C. (.3 cu. ft.)
578 Cooper, Lydia Eck
084B Deaconess work and deaconesses (5.6 cu. ft.)
393 Deckert, Marion (.3 cu. ft.)
355 Deknatel organ (from Robert Kreider) (.45 cu. ft.)
279 Dester, Anna (.15 cu. ft.) 1
121 Dester, Laura Ellen (2 cu. ft.)
341 Dester, Louisa Eberle (.15 cu. ft.)
523 Dester, Marvin (.6 cu. ft.) (mostly CPS)
465 Dirks, Marvin J., Sr. (1911-1979) (.6 cu. ft.)
097 Doell, J. H. (1.45 cu. ft.)
482 Dueck, Ulrich (.65 cu. ft.)
329 Duerksen, Agnetha (1 cu. ft.) 1
331 Duerksen, Edward (.3 cu. ft.)
117 Duerksen, Jacob R. and Christena (5.45 cu. ft.)
215 Duerksen, Menno (39.66 cu. ft – mostly books.)
333 Dunkelberger, Gustav (1 cu. ft.)
525 Dyck, Gordon R.
140 Dyck, H. J. (3.45 cu. ft.)
123 Dyck, Peter (1821-1885) (.6 cu. ft.)
575 Dyck, Walter H.
334 Ediger, Elmer (4 cu. ft.)
146 Ediger, J. B. and Agatha Regier Ediger (1 cu. ft.)
315 Ediger, Marlow (3.75 cu. ft.) 1
579 Ediger, Tina Block
406 Ellenberger, Adolf (.15 cu. ft.)
384 Ellenberger, Selma (correspondence and diaries, donated by Adam and Amelia Mueller (Ellenberger was Amelia’s aunt) 18 Oct 1995) (4 cu. ft.)
507 Enns, Frank J. (1 cu. ft.)
268 Enns, Herman (.15 cu. ft.)
524 Enns, Marianna (Sister) (1900-1978)
175 Enss, Amy (Mrs. Gustav) (.3 cu. ft.)
512 Ensz, Roland H. (2.3 cu. ft.) (Mennonite Mutual Fire Insurance and Keystone Copper Mining papers)
004 Entz, Frieda Voth Regier (5.3 cu. ft.)
062 Entz, John E. (10.3 cu. ft.)
172 Epp, Arnold (8.3 cu. ft.)
453 Epp, Elisabeth (1896-1979) (.15 cu. ft.) (donated by Rachel Senner of Freeman, South Dakota, 13 April 2000)
202 Epp, H. D. (.3 cu. ft.)
397 Epp, Henry F. (.15 cu. ft.) (transferred to MLA by Calvin Redekop 10 Aug 1996)
005 Epp, John H. (2 cu. ft.)
531 Epp, Merritt (1962-)
104 Epp, Peter G. (1 cu. ft.)
401 Epp, Waldo J. and Martha (.15 cu. ft.) (mostly school papers, some from Bethel, transferred from Kauffman Museum, Dec. 16, 1996)
190 Esau, Abraham (.3 cu. ft.) (translation into German of Smith’s Story of the Mennonites)
308 Esau, Elma (.45 cu. ft.)
306 Esau, John A. (1 cu. ft.)
403 Ewert, Eldon ( 2.45 cu. ft.) (transferred to the MLA 16 January 1997 by his brother Marvin Ewert)
107 Ewert, John A. (1879-1971) (.3 cu. ft.)
510 Ewert, Marvin H. (.15 cu. ft.)
006 Ewert, Wilhelm and Wilhelm J. (4 cu. ft.)
047 Fast, Aganetha Helen (12.5 cu. ft.)
385 Fast, Anna Thiessen (1872-1942) (.15 cu. ft.)
542 Fast, Erna J.
049 Fast, Henry A. (39.15 cu. ft.)
193 Fast, Herman (.3 cu. ft.)
380 Fast, Isaac B. (1884-1971) and Aganetha Unruh Fast (1884-1974) (.15 cu. ft.)
386 Fast, Peter (1831-1910) (.15 cu. ft.)
198 Fleischer, F. C. (.15 cu. ft.)
211 Flickner, E. E. (.6 cu. ft.)
364 Flickner, Peter A. (.15 cu. ft.)
057 Franz, Heinrich C. and Cornelius (.15 cu. ft.)
387 Franzen, J. H. (.15 cu. ft.)
069 Fretz, J. Winfield (23.7 cu. ft.) (partially unprocessed)
152 Frey, Arthur J. and Cornelius (10.5 cu. ft.)
176 Frey, C. J. (.15 cu. ft.) (Hopi material)
317 Frey, Gustav (.3 cu. ft.) 1
296 Frey, J. B. (Hopi dictionary) (.3 cu. ft.) 1
060 Friesen, Abram A. (4.3 cu. ft.)
188 Friesen, Cornelius B. (8.3 cu. ft.) 3 (1998)
052 Friesen, Cornelius H. (3 cu. ft.)
396 Friesen, Duane (2 cu. ft.) (transferred to MLA 3 July 1996 by Duane Friesen)
566 Friesen, Gerhard J. (1886-1970)
207 Friesen, Gordon (3.7 cu. ft.)
051 Friesen, Heinrich B. (.45 cu. ft.)
124 Friesen, Henry C. 1892-1970 (1.5 cu. ft.)
114 Friesen, J. John (1 cu. ft.)
067 Friesen, Jacob J. (.6 cu. ft.)
407 Friesen, Peter J. (1870-1950) (13 cu. ft.)
481 Friesen, Stanley R. (.3 cu. ft.)
282 Froese, Peter F. (.15 cu. ft.) 1
297 Funk, Arnold (3.15 cu. ft.) 1
474 Funk, Peter W. (b. 1861) and Maria Funk Funk (b. 1865) (.15 cu. ft.)
050 Gaeddert, Albert (18.6 cu. ft.)
007 Gaeddert, Dietrich (2.75 cu. ft.)
086 Gaeddert, Gustave R. (4.3 cu. ft.)
532 Galle family reunion (.15 cu. ft.)
093 Galle, Menno Jacob (2.15 cu. ft.)
522 Galle, Oswin and Sara (.3 cu. ft.)
053 Galle, William (2.15 cu. ft.)
365 Geiger, Sarah (.15 cu. ft.)
032 Goering, C. J. (1 cu. ft.)
557 Goering, Clifford
174 Goering, Erwin (5.45 cu. ft.)
154 Goering, Jacob D. (2 cu. ft.)
301 Goering, Jacob J. (1 cu. ft.) 1
561 Goering, Oswald H. (1923-) and Elaine Wedel Goering (1926-)
087 Goering, Samuel Joseph (1.15 cu. ft.)
289 Goertz, Adalbert (2 cu. ft.) 1
251 Goertz, Anna Marie, Sister (.3 cu. ft.)
111 Goertz, David (.45 cu. ft.)
414 Goertz, Elisabeth D. (.3 cu. ft.) (compiled from scattered items in Small Archives and audio recording collections)
035 Goertz, Peter Siebert (1886-1948), Mathilde Harms Goertz, and Helen Riesen Goertz (7.6 cu. ft.)
283 Goertzen, Heinrich and Jacob H. (.45 cu. ft.) 1
233 Goertzen, Henry S. (.15 cu. ft.)
494 Goertzen, Mary Lou Rich (.15 cu. ft.)
027 Goerz, David (2.3 cu. ft.)
338 Goossen, Rachel Waltner - dissertation research materials (photocopies - originals still in her possession - 27 Sept 1993) (.45 cu. ft.)
319 Gross, Harold (4 cu. ft.) 1
168 Gruchy, John de (.3 cu. ft.)
186 Habegger, Alfred (3 cu. ft.)
138 Habegger, David (6.45 cu. ft.)
552 Habegger, Loris
547 Habegger, Marden
217 [not used]
163 Harder family collection (from Leland Harder) (.3 cu. ft.)
008 Harder, Gustav (3.45 cu. ft.)
102 Harder, Henry N. (6.85 cu. ft.)
009 Harms, Gerhard N. (4.6 cu. ft.)
119 Harms, H. H. (.15 cu. ft.)
404 Harms, Valentine T. (1901-1961) and Elsie Schmidt Harms (1905-1996) (1.25 cu. ft.) (transferred to the MLA 9 January 1997 by their son Edgar Harms)
034 Harshbarger, Emmett Leroy (8.45 cu. ft.)
554 Hart, Julie
571 Hart, Lawrence
428 Haury, Ada Mae (.3 cu. ft.) (brought in by Ada Mae Haury, 26 August 1998) (Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship tapes)
173 Haury, David A. (3.15 cu. ft.)
216 Haury, Edward (.15 cu. ft.)
263 Haury, Emil (.45 cu. ft.) (Most of this is print items, which should be removed and cataloged as items.)
489 Haury, Irma Drusilla (1891-1977) (.15 cu. ft) (Bethel Academy scrapbook, 1912)
076 Haury, S. S. (and family) (2.15 cu. ft.)
305 Heer, Alfred (.3 cu. ft.) (maybe should be transferred to Pacific District archives)
144 Hege, Christian (.6 cu. ft.)
075 Hege, Henry (.3 cu. ft.)
228 Hege, Jacob (.15 cu. ft.)
580 Heidebrecht, Peter G. (1861-1940)
037 Hiebert, Peter C. (18.5 cu. ft.)
417 Hilty, Elam and Helena (1 cu. ft.) (donated by their son Karl Hilty, 6 January 1998)
497 Hirschler, Helen Janzen (1886-1988) (.15 cu. ft.)
159 Hirschler, John S. (1847-1915) (.6 cu. ft.)
389 Hodel Family Correspondence transf. to MLA Feb. 21, 1996 by Adam & Amelia Mueller (.15 cu. ft.)
143 Hoeppner, Dietrich R. (.15 cu. ft.)
085 Hohmann, Walter H. and Rupert (13.75 cu. ft.)
092 Holdeman, Johann (.6 cu. ft.)
178 Holsinger, Justus (4.15 cu. ft.) UNPROCESSED
109 Horsch, M. M. (1 cu. ft.)
576 Hostetler, Eldon E.
318 Hostetler, Lester (4.45 cu. ft.) 1
214 Huffman, Florence Krehbiel (1 cu. ft.)
196 Isaac, F. J. (.45 cu. ft.)
373 Isaac, Jacob, arithmetic book (.25 cu. ft.)
544 Isaak, Arthur C. (.15 cu. ft.)
030 Jansen, Cornelius (10.6 cu. ft.)
420 Jantz, Peter C. and Olga (slides) (.15 cu. ft.) (donated by their son Vern Jantz of North Newton, 16 February 1998)
549 Jantzen, Johann (1823-1903)
559 Jantzen, Lubin and Tillie
210 Janzen family collection (.15 cu. ft.)
Janzen, B. H. see Regier, Marie J. (MS.54)
059 Janzen, Jacob H. (12.45 cu. ft.)
354 Janzen, John M. and Reinhild (.15 cu. ft.)
448 Janzen, Lester (.45 cu. ft.)
291 Janzen, Marianne (Mennonites in Mexico) (.3 cu. ft.) 1
337 Juhnke, Anna (1.3 cu. ft.)
136 Juhnke, James C. (5.3 cu. ft.)
408 Juhnke, William E. (1912-1991) (.3 cu. ft.) (brought in by Jim Juhnke, 7 July 1997) (contains material on the Hopefield Mennonite Church conflict of the 1920s and 1930s)
478 Kasper, Arlo and Kathryn (2.5 cu. ft.)
435 Kauffman, Mabel Erb (2.7 cu. ft.) (donated by Lois Roth of Hesston, Dec. 30, 1998)
108 Kaufman, Edmund George (34 cu. ft.)
300 Kaufman, Edna Ramseyer (7.45 cu. ft.)
084 Kaufman, Frieda (2 cu. ft.) 2
312 Kaufman, Peter, genealogy (located in file cabinets in Kaufman Research Room) 1
335 Kaufman, Willard (3 cu. ft.) (Moundridge, Kansas, physician; files from his terms on Bethel College board of directors)
183 Kehler, Peter (1.3 cu. ft.)
064 Keller, Ludwig (9.3 cu. ft.)
429 King, Shirley Sprunger (.45 cu. ft.)
423 Kintzi, Theodor (.15 cu. ft.) (hand-written Lieder-Buch brought in by Bob Regier, 26 May 1998; Kintzi is his grandfather, I think)
372 Klaassen, Peter, arithmetic book (.25 cu. ft.)
534 Klassen, Albert D. (1903-1971) and Agatha Hiebert Klassen (1907-1989)
171 Klassen, J. P. (.15 cu. ft.)
464 Klassen, Leonore Friesen (1 cu. ft.)
480 Kliewer, Friedrich “Fritz” (1905-1956) (taped interview by J. Winfield Fretz in 1951) (.15 cu. ft.)
028 Kliewer, John W. (1869-1938), and Emma Ruth Kliewer (3.45 cu. ft.)
511 Kliewer, Warren
513 Kloss, Elisabeth
148 Knittel, Lucy (.45 cu. ft.)
137 Koehn, Dennis (.45 cu. ft.)
336 Koehn, Levi H. (.3 cu. ft.)
569 Koehn, Victor R.
156 Koontz, Elbert (1.3 cu. ft.)
430 Koop, Abram (.15 cu. ft.) (copied from Mennonite Heritage Centre, Winnipeg Sept. 1998)
010 Krehbiel, Christian (1832-1909) and Susanna Ruth Krehbiel (1840-1920) (2.6 cu. ft.) 2
011 Krehbiel, Christian Emmanuel (1869-1948) (9.75 cu. ft.)
275 Krehbiel, David J. (.15 cu. ft.)
070 Krehbiel, Edward B. (.3 cu. ft.)
012 Krehbiel, Henry Peter (21.6 cu. ft.)
187 Krehbiel, Jacob S. (.15 cu. ft.)
041 Krehbiel, John Carl (1811-1886), Anna Wohlgemuth Krehbiel (?-1840), Katharina Raeber Krehbiel (1826-1870) and John J. Krehbiel (1838-1921), Anna Leisy Krehbiel (1845-1923) (.3 cu. ft.) 3
357 Krehbiel, Leona (3.15 cu. ft.)
363 Krehbiel, Mary (1873-1956) (.15 cu. ft.)
219 Krehbiel, Olin (5.5 cu. ft.)
470 Krehbiel, Roberta Leisy (Donnellson, Iowa, genealogy research) (.3 cu. ft.)
253 Krehbiel, Ronald (.15 cu. ft.)
169 Kreider, Amos
400 Kreider, Rachel (Mrs. Leonard C.) (.15 cu. ft.) (mostly Bethel memorabilia, brought in by her daughter Anna Juhnke, Dec. 9, 1996)
264 Kreider, Robert (see also MLA.MS.355 Deknatel organ) (21.3 cu. ft.)
142 Kroeker, Abraham (.15 cu. ft.)
501 Kroeker, John J., and Katherine Janzen Kroeker (ownership retained by John D. Thiesen)
042 Kuhlmann, Ernst P. (.3 cu. ft.)
130 Kuyf, Wilhelmina (.6 cu. ft.)
265Lambert, George (As of 7 Nov 1989, this is an item to be donated by Robert Kreider, along with some A. E. Kreider papers. These are at present still in his possession.)
029 Langenwalter, Jacob H. (6.6 cu. ft.)
304 Lederach, John Paul (.6 cu. ft.)
189 Lehman, John (and family) (.3 cu. ft.)
415 Lehman, Sylvan (.15 cu. ft.) (donated by his daughter Virginia Lehman, 15 December 1997)
517 Lehrman, Henry H. (1888-1973) and Theresa Wiebe Lehrman (1892-1972) (.3 cu. ft.)
292 Lingenfelder, Helen Penner (.3 cu. ft.) 1
327 Linscheid, Alfred G. and Martha (Kliewer) (1.3 cu. ft.) 1
259 Linscheid, Glen (.3 cu. ft.)
013 Linscheid, Gustav A. (1.3 cu. ft.)
381 Linscheid, Jacob, Jr. (1869-1950) and Louis H. Linscheid (1903-1985) and Agnetha Tieszen Linscheid (1897-1987) (2.3 cu. ft.)
418 Linscheid, John (.75 cu. ft.) (donated by John Linscheid, 6 January 1998)
128 Linscheid, John E. and Anna (7 cu. ft.)
046 Linscheid, John P. (5.3 cu. ft.)
332 Linscheid, Louis Herman (.6 cu. ft.)
262 Liu, James (.3 cu. ft.)
442 Loeffler, Beverly Nachtigal (Bethel College choir trip to Europe 1955) (.45 cu. ft.)
153 Loewen, Esko (10.6 cu. ft.)
248 Loewen, Frank F., III (.15 cu. ft.)
272 Loewen, Roland (.15 cu. ft.)
475 Loganbill, Earl (1 cu. ft.)
247 Loganbill, Fred (.3 cu. ft.)
038 Lohrentz, Abraham M. (1 cu. ft.)
469 Lohrentz, Agnes (Sister) (.6 cu. ft.)
177 Lohrentz, Henry W. (2.6 cu. ft.)
326 Lohrenz, Marie (.6 cu. ft.) 1
212 Matthies, W. (.15 cu. ft.)
439 McMurry, Glenn D. (.3 cu. ft.) 1
150 Meulen, Jacob ter (.45 cu. ft.)
558 Mishler, Merrill M. (1915-?)
358 Mosiman, Reuben M. and Mary (Eck) (1.6 cu. ft.)
367 Moyer, Helena Isaac (.15 cu. ft.)
323 Moyer, J. Harold (.6 cu. ft.)
388 Moyer, John Leonard and Ruth (Hiebert) (.6 cu. ft.)
270 Moyer, Louise (3 cu. ft.)
105 Moyer, Samuel T. (4.6 cu. ft.)
541 Moyer, William Q.
343 Mueller, Adam Theodore and Amelia (15.2 cu. ft.)
180 Murdock, Victor (.15 cu. ft.)
437 Myers, Huldah (1 cu. ft.)
379 Neufeld, Adolf and Wanda (1 cu. ft.)
103 Neufeld, Dietrich (3.45 cu. ft.)
040 Neufeld, Gerhard (1 cu. ft.)
056 Neufeld, Henry T. (1.15 cu. ft.)
213 Neufeld, John T. (.3 cu. ft.)
378 Neufeld, Peter T. (.6 cu. ft.)
227 Neufeld, Walter (5 cu. ft.)
493 Newfield, Newta (.3 cu. ft.)
218 Nickel, Alvin R. (.15 cu. ft.)
368 Nickel, Gerhard, arithmetic book (.25 cu. ft.)
241 Nicodemus, Cora M. (1.6 cu. ft.)
360 Niebuhr, Herman and Katherine (Dirks) (.15 cu. ft.)
538 Niles, Clarence and Gladys
192 Nussbaum, Janet (.15 cu. ft.)
284 Pankratz, Peter, and Elisabeth Goertz Pankratz (.15 cu. ft.) 1
366 Pannabecker, Samuel Floyd (5.9 cu. ft.)
157[not used; formerly Peace Internships]
225 Penner, Abram (1 cu. ft.)
309 Penner, Albert H. (.3 cu. ft.)
303 Penner, Anna Gertrude (Sister) (2.15 cu. ft.) 1
515 Penner, Anne (.6 cu. ft.) (transferred from Mennonite Mission Network office, Newton, 30 April 2003)
500 Penner, Daniel D. (1887-1961), and Sara Wiebe Penner (1891-1967) (.15 cu. ft.)
043 Penner, H. D. (3.6 cu. ft.)
118 Penner, Johannes K. (1 cu. ft.) UNPROCESSED
370 Penner, Peter, arithmetic book (.25 cu. ft.)
014 Penner, Peter A. (5.45 cu. ft.)
058 Penner, Peter W. (3.6 cu. ft.)
394 Penner, William, and Sara Hiebert Penner (8 cu. ft.) (donated to MLA by Gertrude Penner Innis (daughter), April-May 1996)
316 Peters, Alan F. (.45 cu. ft.) 1
239 Peters, Arthur and Anna (4.6 cu. ft.)
015 Peters, David (1.5 cu. ft.)
257 Peters, Ernest A. (3 cu. ft.)
044 Peters, Gerhard A. (.45 cu. ft.)
540 Peters, Harold and Eldo
031 Petter, Rodolphe (39 cu. ft.) (some boxes of this collection are in the vault; negatives in freezer)
200 Platt, Dwight (3 cu. ft.)
440 Pool, Ella I. (Ortmann and Senner genealogical files) (.3 cu. ft.) (transferred to MLA, summer 1999)
063 Preheim, Samuel P. (.3 cu. ft.)
434 Preheim, Vern (2 cu. ft.) 1
203 Quiring, Jacob (4.3 cu. ft.)
139 Quiring, Walter (2 cu. ft.)
528 Raid, Elizabeth
256 Rapp, William Frederick (1852-1923) (1.3 cu. ft.) 3
194 Ratzlaff, Abraham (.3 cu. ft.)
302 Ratzlaff, Harold and Ruth (4.6 cu. ft.) 1
526 Reber, Bryan
473 Rediger, Dallas D. (.5 cu. ft.)
099 Regier, A. J. and Suzanne Bargen Regier (2 cu. ft.)
391 Regier, Arnold. (.3 cu. ft.)
444 Regier, B. C. and Agathe Andres Regier (.15 cu. ft.)
096 Regier, Bernhard (5.3 cu. ft.)
101 Regier, C. C. (2 cu. ft.)
195 Regier, C. H. (.15 cu. ft.)
145 Regier, Charlotte (.75 cu. ft.)
529 Regier, Cornelius (1795-1859) (brought in by Milton Claassen, 23 April 2004; remains the property of Darrel Claassen)
074 Regier, Emil (.15 cu. ft.)
220 Regier, Hans and Luella (6.6 cu. ft.)
273 Regier, Henry G. (.15 cu. ft.)
232 Regier, J. W. (.15 cu. ft.)
325 Regier, Jacob J. (.15 cu. ft.) 1
073 Regier, John (.45 cu. ft.)
072 Regier, John M. (1 cu. ft.)
054 Regier, Marie J. (6.3 cu. ft.)
082 Regier, Peter K. (6.3 cu. ft.)
454 Regier, Robert (.4 cu. ft., audio reel-to-reel tapes, among other things)
081 Regier, Samuel (1.15 cu. ft.)
539 Regier, Stan (architect)
287 Reimer, Helmut (.6 cu. ft.) 1
472 Reimer, Hugo (Lake Charles, Louisiana, land) (.6 cu. ft.)
504 Reimer, Selma Bartel (1914-) (.15 cu. ft.)
314 Rempel, Leonhard B. (2.3 cu. ft.) (tapes and wire recordings) 1
455 Rempel, Richard (2 cu. ft.) (Umatic video tapes of him teaching a calculus class) (transferred to MLA by Richard Rempel 7 June 1994)
477 Richert, David H. (11 cu. ft.)
535 Richert, Emma E. (1892-?)
356 Richert, Heinrich and Anna (Schmidt) (1.3 cu. ft.)
197 Richert, Jacob H. (.15 cu. ft.)
016 Richert, Peter H. (10.45 cu. ft.)
553 Riesen, Willis
258 Rios, Joyce Miller (.15 cu. ft.)
347 Rosenberger, Ethel (.15 cu. ft.)
080 Ruth, Alma and Edna (2.3 cu. ft.)
236 Ruth, Emma (3.25 cu. ft.)
551 Ruth, Fern Pankratz
350 Ruth, Heinrich (1834-1919) (.15 cu. ft.)
321 Ruth, Helen L. (.15 cu. ft.) 1
533 Samuelson, Ellen; Samuelson-Boehr 1994 Kansas House political campaign
521 Sawatzky, Franz (1853-?)
078 Sawatzky, Jacob F. (.75 cu. ft.)
412 Sawatzky, Sheldon (2 cu. ft.) 3
476 Sawatzky, Victor (2.45 cu. ft.)
390 Schaum, Hilda Müller. (1.15 cu. ft.)
141 Schmidt, Augusta (.6 cu. ft.)
520 Schmidt, Clara Alvina (Sister) (1889-1932)
458 Schmidt, Edna Anna Quiring Cook (1906-1999) (.15 cu. ft.)
324 Schmidt, Elisabeth (Beatrice, NE) (.3 cu. ft.) 1
577 Schmidt, Ella Klassen (1908-)
112 Schmidt, Gerhard E. (1886-1962) (1 cu. ft.)
134 Schmidt, H. B. (4.3 cu. ft.)
298 Schmidt, Hartzel (.45 cu. ft.) 1
468 Schmidt, Herbert R. and Mariam Penner Schmidt (1 cu. ft.)
340 Schmidt, Herman F. (.15 cu. ft.)
352 Schmidt, John F. (2.15 cu. ft.) (needs reprocessing)
471 Schmidt, Marie Goertzen Mouttet (1899-1980) (.3 cu. ft.)
498 Schmidt, Orlando Alvin (1924-2002) (1 cu. ft.) (lots of reel-to-reel tapes) (donated by Malcom and Esther Wenger, July 1, 2002)
250 Schmidt, Paul (.15 cu. ft.)
466 Schmidt, Peter P. (1861-?) (1 cu. ft.)
467 Schmidt, Rudolph (1893-1993) (1 cu. ft.)
491 Schmidt, Russell (.15 cu. ft.) RESTRICTED (student journal of MCC experience in Indonesia, mid-1970s)
344 Schmidt, Ted and Marie (.15 cu. ft.)
463 Schnell, Russell F. (1 cu. ft.)
132School and College Notebooks (.6 cu. ft.)
116 Schowalter family collection (1.3 cu. ft.)
017 Schowalter, Jacob A. (.45 cu. ft.)
290 Schowalter, Sue Regier (.3 cu. ft.) 1
424 Schrag, Dale R. (2.3 cu. ft.) (master’s thesis files) (brought in by Dale, 1 July 1998)
451 Schrag, David D. and Wilda (Stauffer) (3 cu. ft.)
432 Schrag, John O. and Esther (.3 cu. ft.) (donated to MLA, 25 September 1998) (Bethel class of 1938 material)
421 Schrag, Martin H. (.3 cu. ft.) (brought in by John O. Schrag, 6 April 1998)
345 Schrag, Mary (.15 cu. ft.)
369 Schroeder, Isaac, arithmetic book (.25 cu. ft.)
311 Schultz, Arnold C. (2.3 cu. ft.)
129 Sermons, West Prussian (1.15 cu. ft.)
495 Shaw, LaVerna Penner (.6 cu. ft.)
149 Shellenberg, T. R. (.3 cu. ft.) 2
530 Shelly, Andrew R.
573 Shelly, Maynard
222 Shelly, Paul (7 cu. ft.)
395 Shelly, Patricia (1.3 cu. ft.)
449 Siemens, John (1926- ) and Johan Siemens (1896-1958) (.5 cu. ft.)
036Smissen, C. J. and C. H. A. van der (some boxes of this collection are in the vault) (9.6 cu. ft.)
244 Smissen, Hillegonda van der (.45 cu. ft.)
243 Smissen, T. A. van der
505 Snyder, Christian Ursinus (1886-1976) and Mary Elizabeth Kauffman Snyder (1883-1969) (.3 cu. ft.)
320 Sokolovsky, Sergei (couldn’t find this as of 26 April 2001; the originals were returned to Sokolovsky by Lawrence Klippenstein sometime in the 1990s, so we probably didn’t make photocopies of the unwieldy charts but just returned them)
392 Sommer, O. J. (still in possession of Robert Kreider as of May 16, 1996)
359 Spaulding, J. Lloyd and Blanche (8.15 cu. ft.)
293 Sprunger, Hugh (21.45 cu. ft.) 1
018 Sprunger, Samuel Ferdinand (2.15 cu. ft.)
506 Stackley, Muriel Thiessen (.3 cu. ft.)
409 Stucky, Clinton Dale (b. 1951) (.15 cu. ft.) (brought in to MLA by Clinton Stucky, 7 July 1997) (contains material on Bethel Peace Club during the Vietnam era)
181 Stucky, Gerald (.15 cu. ft.)
459 Stucky, Harley J. (.15 cu. ft.) UNPROCESSED
550 Stucky, Herbert E. (Bethel photo albums donated ca. 1990)
574 Stucky, Martha (1919- )
229 Stump, H. L. (.15 cu. ft.)
260 Suckau, Cornelius H. (.15 cu. ft.)
560 Suderman, Dale
267 Suderman, David H. (1909-1990) (20 cu. ft.)
094 Suderman, J. M. (3.6 cu. ft.)
182 Suderman, John P. (1.15 cu. ft.)
065 Sudermann, Leonhard (2.6 cu. ft.)
556 Teichroew, Allan J.
019 Thierstein, John R. (5 cu. ft.)
546 Thiesen, Agnes (1895-1957) (ownership retained by John D. Thiesen)
274 Thiesen, Daniel S. (1.5 cu. ft.)
502 Thiesen, David H., and Sarah Goertzen Thiesen (ownership retained by John D. Thiesen)
416 Thiesen, John D. (8 cu. ft.) (ownership retained by John D. Thiesen)
252 Thiessen, Abraham (.15 cu. ft.)
485 Thiessen, Hermann (1919-) (7.2 cu. ft.)
362 Thiessen, Johann F. (1840-?) (.15 cu. ft.)
224 Thiessen, John and Elizabeth (1.75 cu. ft.)
486 Thiessen, Katharina (1886-) (.15 cu. ft.)
033 Tieszen, Abraham F. (1 cu. ft.)
226 Tieszen, Derk (3. cu. ft.)
411 Toevs, Irvin E. “Dutch” (1906-1980) and Frankie L. Bogue Toevs (1908-1995) (1.95 cu. ft.) (donated to the MLA by Dudley Dodgion Toevs, 6 August 1997)
271 Toews, Gerhard and Susan (.15 cu. ft.)
288 Toews, Henry A. and Mary (Wiens) (.45 cu. ft.) (hairy Bible) 1
419 Toews, Jacob F. (1861-1935) (.15 cu. ft.) (donated by Jake T. Friesen, 27 January 1998)
077 Toews, Peter (.3 cu. ft.)
310 Tomlonson, Judy Schroeder (2.3 cu. ft.) (quilt research, mostly)
431 Troyer, Don (.3 cu. ft.) (materials on Camp Mennoscah and Camp Wood) (donated by him, 21 Sept 1998)
438 Troyer, Maurice E. (1903-1998) (.15 cu. ft.) (autobiography manuscript, donated to MLA, 22 April 1999, by Maynard Shelly, a document Maynard acquired while working for Faith and Life Press)
499 Unidentified (.15 cu. ft.)
122 Unrau, Peter (.15 cu. ft.)
235 Unrau, Ruth (.15 cu. ft.)
450 Unruh, Anna (1897-1994) (1 cu. ft.)
413 Unruh, Arthur D. (.3 cu. ft.) (brought in by his niece Elda Bachman, 23 August 1997)
295 Unruh, Benjamin Heinrich (.6 cu. ft.) 1
286 Unruh, David and Maria (.3 cu. ft.) 1
514 Unruh, Heinrich P. (1865-1946) (1 cu. ft.)
020 Unruh, Peter Herman (.75 cu. ft.)
322 Unruh, Robert G. (.75 cu. ft.) 1
071 Unruh, Rudolph T. (.15 cu. ft.)
294 Unruh, Verney (8.15 cu. ft.) 1
199 Unruh, Wilfred J. (1.3 cu. ft.)
545 Unruh, Willard
079 Unruh, William F. (4.15 cu. ft.)
135 Valencia, Hector and Mary (Becker) (.6 cu. ft.)
527 Veendorp, Gary
519 Voran, Dallas (.65 cu. ft.)
375 Voth, Albert C., Hopi photos (.3 cu. ft.)
209 Voth, C. H. (.3 cu. ft.)
349 Voth, Cornelius (1762-1836) (.15 cu. ft.)
446 Voth, Edna (1.15 cu. ft.)
021 Voth, Henry R. (some boxes of this collection are in the vault) (30.25 cu. ft.)
095 Voth, John J. (4.8 cu. ft.)
313 Voth, Moses H. (.3 cu. ft.) 1
277 Voth, Paul D. (.75 cu. ft.)
022 Voth, Peter Richert (1 cu. ft.)
299 Voth, R. D. and Hilda (2.3 cu. ft.) 1
179 Voth, William C. and Matilda (20.3 cu. ft.)
098[Wadsworth Institute, shifted to MLA.III.1.F]
443 Wall, Jacob (b. 1807) diary (.15 cu. ft.)
383 Waltner, Erland (38.9 cu. ft.)
353 Waltner, Lena (.3 cu. ft.)
351 Waltner, Orlando (.3 cu. ft.)
346 Waltner, Philip (.3 cu. ft.)
262 Wang, Stephen; see Liu, James
023 Warkentin, Abraham (5.6 cu. ft.)
068 Warkentin, Bernhard (1847-1908) and Wilhelmina Eisenmayer Warkentin (2.65 cu. ft.)
255 Warkentin, Helena Graewe (1865-1942) (.3 cu. ft.)
328 Warkentin, Helena Duerksen (1896?-1965) (.15 cu. ft.)
285 Warkentin, Maria (Becker) (1867-1943) and Anna Warkentin (1892-1977) (1 cu. ft.) 3
483 Wedel, Arnold M. (4 cu. ft.)
113 Wedel, Cornelius C. (1871-1954) (2 cu. ft.)
131 Wedel, Cornelius H. (4.75 cu. ft.)
242 Wedel, David C. (CPS 8mm film) (.75 cu. ft.)
484 Wedel, Edward B. (.15 cu. ft.)
110 Wedel, Oswald H. (.3 cu. ft.)
462 Wedel, Peter H. (1859-1943) and Katharina Schrag Wedel (1865-1944) (.15 cu. ft.) UNPROCESSED
024 Wedel, Peter J. (3.6 cu. ft.)
026 Wedel, Peter Phillip (11.6 cu. ft.)
436 Wedel, Philip A. (1897-1967) (5 cu. ft.) (boxes 1-5 donated to MLA 22 February 1999 by Rose Wedel of Moundridge, Kansas, wife of Philip A.; brought in by Carol Schmidt Ward, a granddaughter) (books--keeping them in hopes of getting additional papers later) (boxes 6-9, mostly sermons, brought in by Alice Suderman, assistant pastor at Inman Mennonite Church, 4 Sept 2007)
164[not used; combined with MLA.MS.152]
160 Weinbrenner, R. (.6 cu. ft.)
410 Wenger, Malcolm and Esther (2.3 cu. ft.)
537 White, Allen A. (currently at Kauffman Museum)
201 Wiebe, A. J. (.15 cu. ft.)
106 Wiebe, Anna Gertrude Claassen (Mrs. G. A. Wiebe) (1878-?) (.15 cu. ft.)
269 Wiebe, Herman (1.3 cu. ft.)
088 Wiebe, John E. (3.6 cu. ft.)
508 Wiebe, Katie (1906-1980) (.3 cu. ft.)
382 Wiebe, Katie Funk (.45 cu. ft.)
518 Wiebe, Maria
238 Wiebe, Ray (Hillsboro, KS) (.3 cu. ft.)
425 Wiebe, Willard W. (1917-1967) (2 cu. ft.) (brought in by Lola Regier Wiebe Friesen, 2 July 1998)
158 Wiens, Gerhard (4.45 cu. ft.)
562 Wiens, Gerhard G. (1861-1942)
445 Wiens, Olga Hiebert (1903-1998) (.5 cu. ft.)
307 Wiens, Peter (.6 cu. ft.)
025 Wiens, Peter J. (1.6 cu. ft.)
126 Wiens, Waldemar (.6 cu. ft.)
496 Wiens, Wayne (1 cu. ft.)
457 Wismer, Philip, correspondence with Jacob Y. Shantz, 1877-1890 (found with uncataloged audio-visual material in MLA, Aug. 2000; microfilm of originals at AMC Goshen) (.15 cu. ft.)
441 Woelk, Abram B. (1864-1928) and Abraham A. Woelk (1886-1957) (.15 cu. ft.)
399 Woelk, Heinrich A. (1874-1960) (.15 cu. ft.) (tape and transcript transferred to the MLA by Gary Entz, November 1996)
155 World War I Library of Congress (Teichroew) (1.3 cu. ft.) 1
133 World War II Relief Correspondence (.6 cu. ft.) 2
048 Yoder, John H. (.3 cu. ft.)
492 Yoder, John Howard (.3 cu. ft.)
456 Yoder, Katie C. (.5 cu. ft.)
234Yoder, Perry (.6 cu. ft.) (consider transferring this to the College archives, contains Menno Simons lecture committee, Library committee, Dean's advisory committee materials)
184 Zehr, William Morgan (1909-1993) (3.75 cu. ft.)
479 Zerger, Joshua (1858-1910) and Freni Stucky Zerger (1860-1927) (.15 cu. ft.)
405 Zimmermann, Johannes Andreas (1857-1914) and Helene von Riesen Zimmermann (1861-1940) (.3 cu. ft.) (switched to MLA.MS from SA.II.1462 on 12 March 1997)
120 Zimmerman, Louis and Johann (2.75 cu. ft.)