Refs from Horst Penner 1940
449,430 Danzig Rat prohibits Mennonite services 1660 (p. 22)
499,41 letter from Danzig Rat to Emden authorities asking them to prevent Anabaptists from shipping to Danzig 1534 (p. 9); 1650 Mennonites forbidden to acquire land outside the city (p. 22), anti-Mennonite pamphlet "Informatio contra mennonistas" (p. 22)
499, 370 a 1678 Glaubensuntersuchung [the Hansen one?], Mennonites in rural area were allowed to assume local offices (p. 32)
M.S.U. q. 1 reference to residents of Brunau (Scharpau) in 1727 (p. 39n15)