Index entries Q-ZQUAKERS Believing People Today. T. Canby Jones. Oc '67, 188. "Let us try what love will do": the story of the American Friends Service Committee. Wallace T. Collett. Mr '83, 12. Quaker Work in East-West Relation. Paul Lacey. Jl '65, 138. QUILTING My Mother's Quilting Bees. Miller B. Geigley. Oc '61, 186. Old Quilts are Like a Family Album. Miller B. Geigley. Oc '62, 187. Quiring, Horst Die Auswanderung der Mennoniten aus Preussen 1788-1870. Ap '51, 37. Book Review. Ja '52, 48; Jl '61, 142. Mennonites in German Literature 1940-1950. Ap '52, 85. Vom grossen Heimweh. Ja '49, 34. Quiring, Walter Cultural Interaction Among the Mennonites in Russia. Ap '69, 61. Johann Cornies--A Great Pioneer. Jl '48, 30. Mennonites in British Honduras. Ja '61, 10. Mennonitische Brauchtum. Oc '49, 11. Testimony of a Reader. Ap '50, back inside cover. Raber, Merrill F. Books in Review. Ap '68, 94; Se '91, 27; Se '98, 44. RACE RELATIONS See also AFRO-AMERICANS, BLACK POWER. African Views America. John T. Akar. Ja '67, 19. Black Power in the White Perspective. George E. Riddick. Ja '67, 29. Christian Witness in Race Relations. Leo Driedger. Ap '60, 81. Church in a Racially Changing Community. David Ewert. Ja '67, 44. Ethnic Mennonites? Warren Moore. Ja '67, 25. "The Good Samaritan." Clarence Jordan. Ja '67, 17. Indian and the Canadian Mennonites. Alfred Heinrichs. Ja '67, 27. Ministry of Reconciliation. Orlando A. Waltner. Ja '67, 35. Race. An International Problem. Don Jacobs. Ja '67, 23. Separate and Unequal. Howard Snider. Jl '68, 100. Teaching in a Segregated School. Patricia Martin. Ja '67, 37. Toward a New Understanding of Nonresistance. Stanley Bohn. Ja '67, 14. Where Have All The Lovers Gone? Vincent Harding. Ja '67, 5. RADIO BROADCASTING Mennonite Radio Evangelism in Japan. Don E. Reber. Oc '57, 178. Mennonites on the Air in Western Canada. J. G. Rempel. Jl '52, 125. Mennonites on the Air. Andrew R. Shelley. Ap '52, 65. Radio as it Should Be. Frank H. Epp. Ja '59, 39. Station KWSO. Cornelius J. Dyck. Jl '52, 128. Ventures in Radio Broadcasting. Eugene K. Souder. Ja '63, 35. What of Mennonite Broadcasting?. Jl '52, 128. What of Mennonite Broadcasting? John Thiessen, Paul Erb, J. W. Fretz, Melvin Gingerich. Mr/Je '96, 19. Raid, Howard Donnellson Migrations Analyzed. Ap '60, 62. Economic Trends in Mennonite Communities. Oc '64, 186. Farm Succession at Donnellson, Iowa. Ap '60, 60. Farming and Industry in the Bluffton-Pandora Area. Ap '56, 53. Schweitzer-Tag--Swiss Day. Ap '56, 56. Swiss Mennonites Plan a Museum. Oc '60, 163. Swiss settlement of Bluffton-Pandora, Ohio. Delbert Gratz, Herman Hilty, and Robert Kreider. De '88, 4. RAILROADS Immigrants and the Railroads. John F. Schmidt. Ma-Je '74, 14. Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part I, II. C. B. Schmidt. Ap '70, 51. Scenes from the Past. To Newton on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. Robert Schrag. De '71, 156. Settlement of Russian Mennonites in York and Hamilton Counties, Nebraska. Dennis D. Engbrecht. Je '84, 4. Rakama, Johnson Role of the Western Missionary in Africa Today. Ja '66, 22. Ramseyer, Lloyd L. Bible in Modern Life. Jl '64, 129. Glimpses from a Visit to Soviet Russia. Oc '56, 160. Radical Christian Discipleship Today. Jl '71, 99. Randall, Katherine L. Radical Reformation and Mennonite bibliography 1980. Je '81, 24. Rasker, A. J. German Question and the Quest for Peace. Jl '65, 122. RATZLAFF, BENJAMIN, 1791-1874 Elder Benjamin Ratzlaff: his life, times and descendants. Thomas B. Mierau. Mr '85, 17. Ratzlaff, Gerhard Book Review. De '99, 39. Ratzlaff, Keith Book Review. De '93, 37. Letter from a Dry Place, The Crippled Farmer Wakes in His Field, Something Like Grace, On Cedar Bluff. De '91, 24-5. Ratzlaff, Rachel Goertz as told to Suzanne Lawrence. De Schtella Yeatza. Mr '95, 12. RATZLAFF, RACHEL GOERTZ De Schtella Yeatza. Mr '95, 12. Ratzlaff, Richard Brighton Mennonite Church. Ap '53, 64. RAUSCHENBUSCH, WALTER, 1861-1918 Walter Rauschenbusch: Anabaptist, pietist and social prophet. Donovan E. Smucker. Je '81, 21. Reber, Don E. Mennonite Radio Evangelism in Japan. Oc '57, 178. RECIPES It Wouldn't Be Sunday Without Zwieback. Ja '48, 42. Katish Serves Blini. Ja '53, 31. Katish Serves Borshtsh and Rasolnik. Ap '55, 83. Katish Serves Golubtsy and Piroshky. Ja '58, 34. Katish Serves Tea and Rolls. Ja '54, 45. Marzipan. Ja '47, 10. Number 1,001 on How to Diet. Virginia Toews Stucky and Marion Jungas. Oc '54, 180. Paskha. Ap '49, 39. Piroschki. Ja '46, 28. Pfeffernuesse, Springerle und Marzipan. Johanna S. Andres. Ja '49, 4. Russian Easter and Paskha. Wanda L. Frolov. Ap '52, 75. RECONCILIATION See also CONFLICT RESOLUTION. Conflict and Reconciliation. John Powell. Se '72, 76. Jesus Christ Reconciles! Erland Waltner. Se '72, 67. Ministry of Reconciliation. Orlando A. Waltner. Ja '67, 35. Reconciliation as Forgiveness. Theo Loosli. Se '72, 81. Reconciliation as Liberation. Daniel S. Schipani. Se '72, 78. Reconciliation as the Christian Way of Life. Peter Pauls, Jr. Se '72, 83. RECREATION Camp Friedenswald. Robert W. Hartzler. Jl '55, 125. Camping of Dutch Mennonite Youth. Folkert J. van Dijk. Jl '55, 127. Church and Recreation. Robert W. Tulley. Jl '47, 10. Good Recreation Program. Oswald Goering. Ja '54, 7. Goodwill Recreation Hall. Andrew R. Shelly. Oc '47, 44. Mennonite Church Camp--Retreats. Betty van der Smissen. Jl '55, 123. Mennonitische Brauchtum. Walter Quiring. Oc '49, 11. Realizing a Dream. Loris Habegger. Ja '54, 16. Thousand Evenings--Well Spent. Freeman and Mary Gingerich. Ja '46, 12. Reddig, Ken Book Review. De '80, 31. Mennonite Brethren Archives in Winnipeg. De '79, 11. Redekop, Benjamin Book Review. Se '93, 33. The Canadian Mennonite Response to National Socialism. Je '91, 18. The Naumenko Mill Fever. Je '94, 11. Redekop, Calvin Book review. De '82, 29. Changing Mountain Lake. Jl '56, 128. Embarrassment of a religious tradition. Se '81, 17. Emergence of Mennonite leadership on the frontier: a case study of H. W. Lohrenz. De '84, 23. European Mennonite Voluntary Service. Jl '52, 106. Individual and Tradition. Se '80, 26. Mennonites, aesthetics and buildings. Se '86, 27. The Naumenko Mill Fever. Je '94, 11. The PAX Movement: A Small Contribution to the "Peaceable Community." Mr '99, 27. Pilgrims in Paraguay: A Retrospective Review. Je '99, 25. Religious Vitality in a Changing Community. Oc '62, 169. Research notes: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren. Wm. Regehr, jt. author. Mr '82, 29. Society and Personal Decision. Ja '66, 37. Redekop, D. Manitoba Mennonites in the Rural-Urban Shift. John Friesen. Oc '68, 152. RED RIVER See Manitoba. REEDLEY (CALIF.) Grape and Raisin Industry. Arnold C. Ewy. Oc '50, 4. Mennonite Brethren Church--Reedley, California. J. B. Toews. Oc '54, 151. REFORMATION See also ANABAPTISTS. Anabaptist vision: from recovery to reform. J. Denny Weaver. Se '82, 14. Bible and the Reformation. Alvin Beachy. Ap '64, 84. C. H. Wedel's synopsis of The history of the Mennonites. Keith L. Sprunger and Hilda Voth. De '81, 23. Conditions for a Revolutionary Century. William Keeney. Ja '70, 3. Late seventeenth century rehabilitation of the Anabaptists. Anthony R. Epp. Mr '84, 29. Our Fathers' Faith, and Ours. Franklin H. Littell. Ja '60, 30. Radical Reformation. George H. Williams. Ap '70, 75. Some Recent Publications. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '66, 143. Unfinished Reformation. Martin Niemoeller. Ja '58, 27. Widening the Concept of the Reformation. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '70, 86. REFUGEES See also MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Century of the Refugee. John H. Harshbarger. Jl '57, 116. From Batum to New York. Heinz Janzen. De '74, 82. Nicht seine Schuld. Arnold Dyck. Jl '60, 131. To Peter and Elfrieda Dyck. Clara K. Dyck. Oc '69, 183. Regehr, Ted D. Book review. De '89, 30; Se '92, 29. Mennonite Change: The Rise and Decline of Mennonite Community Organizations at Coaldale, Alberta. De '77, 13. Mennonite Life--From a Canadian Perspective. De '75, 4. Regehr, William Research notes: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren. Calvin Redekop, jt. author. Mr '82, 29. REGENERATION (THEOLOGY) Menno Simons Polemics with Catholics. Henry Poettcker. Ja '61, 33. New Birth. William E. Keeney. Ja '61, 29. Regier, Ami M. Book Review. De '95, 41. The Dream of the Self as a "Community of Memory": Jeff Gundy and the Ancestral Voices. A review essay. Mr '98, 28. Regier, Arnold J. Book Review. Ja '63, 48. Mennonite Holiday Tour. Ap '56, 82. My Visit in Danzig. Ap '70, 64. Open Air Play: Die Neue Heimat. Jl '53, 118. Pastoral Ministry to the Sick. Ja '61, 16. Regier, Bernard W. Music and Mennonite Youth in the Prairie States. Ap '48, 27. Regier, Cornelius C., 1884-1950 Christian Witness in War and Peace. Ja '49, 17. REGIER, CORNELIUS C., 1884-1950 C. C. Regier: progressive Mennonite historian. Keith L. Sprunger. Mr '84, 10. Ward: a fifty-year memory. Donald W. Regier. Mr '84, 19. Regier, Donald W. Ward: a fifty-year memory. Mr '84, 19. Regier, Hans E. Purebred Livestock. Ap '47, 16. Regier, Harold M. Buhler Mill and Elevator Company. Ap '53, 82. Regier, Heinrich Early Mountain Lake Churches. J. John Friesen. Jl '56, 133. Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part II. Ap '70, 65. Regier, Jakob Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part II. Ap '70, 65. Regier, Louis R Buhler Mill and Elevator Company. Ap '53, 82. Regier, Otto Where Menno Lived and Died. Ja '61, 7. Regier, Peter P. Oklahoma Mennonite Pioneers at Enid. Dietrich L. Dalke. Oc '56, 165. Regier, Robert W. Anabaptist and Art--The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Ja '68, 16. Art and Environment. Jl '67, 105. The Clothespin Famine. Se '98, 14. Contemporary Art: An Act of Faith Without Promise of Reward. Ja '65, 12. Futile Plea (Intaglio). Ap '62, 89. Printmaking: Interview with Bob Regier. Carla Reimer. De '97, 10. Recent Protest Art. Ap '68, 70. Transitions and Recollections: Some Moments on My Visual Journey. De '91, 4. World Conference Art Display: An Evaluation. A. B. Enns. Ja '63, 7. Regier, William H. The Clothespin Famine. Se '98, 14. REGISTRATION See CONSCRIPTION Reichenbach, Randall D. Book review. Se '88, 30. Reimer, Al Where Was/Is the Woman's Voice? The Re-Membering of the Mennonite Woman. Mr '92, 20. Reimer, Carla Gravel. Je '98, 30. Husks. Je '98, 31. Menno Simons: Image, Art, and Identity. De '96, 5. On the Brink. Je '98, 30. Printmaking: Interview with Bob Regier. De '97, 10. So Much Unexplained. Je '98, 31. Some Kind of Gods. De '95, 11. Reimer, Cornelius C. Mennonite Relief Work in Russia. Ja '49, 14. Reimer, Gustav E. Von Danzig nach Uruguay. Jl '49, 12. Reimer, Jacob B. Menno Colony in Paraguay. Se '74, 54. Reimer-Duke, Naomi Alder. Mr '98, 33. The Clamor of my Dead. De '94, 22. Coincidence. Mr '98, 31. Letters to my Grandfather. De '92, 25. On Learning Solitude. Mr '98, 32. Reimer, P. J. B. From Russia to Mexico--the Story of the Kleine Gemeinde. Oc '49, 28. REINLAND VILLAGE (MANITOBA) Daut Darp. Harold Funk. Jl '70, 112. REISEPREDIGER See PREACHING RELIEF See also MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE, MENNONITE DISASTER SERVICE. "Let us try what love will do": the story of the American Friends Service Committee. Wallace T. Collett. Mr '83, 12. Awakening to Human Need. H. A. Fast. Oc '59, 163. B. B. Janz and the Mennonite Emigration. John B. Toews. Jl '68, 111. Beginnings of American Mennonite Relief Work. Alvin J. Miller. Ap '62, 71. Care. J. N. Weaver. Ja '51, 4. Christian Witness in War and Peace. C. C. Regier. Ja '49, 17. Clothing the Naked. Alvin J. Miller. Jl '63, 118. Fifty Years of Public Service. P. C. Hiebert. Jl '59, 105. Forgotten Goodness: THE Deutsche Mennoniten-Hilfe (1920-1932). John B. Toews. Je '95, 12. Fourth of December, 1944-the destruction of Heilbronn. Diether Goetz Lichdi. Se '83, 4 From Militia Tax to Relief. Blodwen Davies. Oc '50, 24. Hands Across the Sea. Gerhard Wiens. Ap '62, 69. Impressions of Mennonites in South Germany. Robert Kreider. Ja '47, 11. In Europe. Harold W. Buller. Oc '51, 23. In the Name of Christ. Erna Fast. Ap '50. 35. J. G. Ewert--A Mennonite Socialist. James C. Juhnke. Ja '68, 12. Memorial Denkschrift. Ja '56, 8-9. Mennonite Benevolence and Civic Identity: The Post-War Compromise. James C. Junke. Ja '70, 34. Mennonite Relief Work in Russia. C. C. Reimer. Ja '49, 14. Mennonite Central Committee Witness. Orie O. Miller. Oc '51, 21. Mennonites in the Early Soviet Period. John B. Toews. Jl '69, 101. Ministry of Good Will. Irvin B. Horst. Oc '51, 44. The Multiple Visions of MCC's 75 Years. Robert S. Kreider. Je '95, 4. Organization for "Special Needs." R. de Zeeuw. Oc '63, 157. Program at Home. William T. Snyder. Oc '51, 36. Relief Work in Revolutionary Russia. Alvin J. Miller. Jl '62, 126. Relief Workers after World War I. Ja '56, 8. Serving a Nation in Agony. William Keeney. Ap '68, 54. Spiritual Values of Contributing to Relief. H. A. Fast. Ap '47, 5. Unique Relief Project. Elbert Koontz. Jl '49, 8. Ward: a fifty-year memory. Donald W. Regier. Mr '84, 19. World Revolution and the Christian. Ernest E. Miller. Ap '56, 51. "Naked and Ye Clothed Me": The Story of Mennonite Disaster Service. Clayton Koppes. Ap '66, 72. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION See also EDUCATION. Public Schools and Religious Education. Milo Stucky. Ap '54, 71. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY See also CHURCH AND STATE. Anabaptism and Mormonism: a study in comparative history. William Juhnke, Jr. De '85, 22. Late seventeenth century rehabilitation of the Anabaptists. Anthony R. Epp. Mr '84, 29. "One nation under God": religion and the American dream. James C. Juhnke. De '83, 23. Religion and the American dream: a study in confusion and tension. Robert D. Linder. De '83, 17. RELIGIOUS SCHISMS Anabaptist vision: from recovery to reform. J. Denny Weaver. Se '82, 14. Eastern District-a photographic essay. Joseph S. Miller. Mr '83, 19. Elder Benjamin Ratzlaff: his life, times and descendants. Mr '85, 17. embarrassment of a religious tradition. Calvin Redekop. Se '81, 17. Mennonite Church theological and social boundaries, 1920-1930: loyalists, liberals and laxitarians. James C. Juhnke. Je '83, 18. RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE See RELIGIOUS LIBERTY and PLURALISM RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS See SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS REMBRANDT HARMENSZOON VAN RIJN, 1606 - 1669 Anabaptists and Art. The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Robert W. Regier. Ja '68, 16. List of Mennonite Subjects in Rembrandt's Art. Oc '56, 154. Rembrandt and Dutch Mennonite Artists in Mennonite Life. Ja '68, 21. Rembrandt and the Mennonites. H. M. Rotermund. Ja '52, 7. Rembrandt Knew Mennonites. Irvin B. Horst. Oc '56, 148. Rembrandt, the Bible and the Mennonites. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '52, 4. Rembrandt van Rijn. N. van der Zijpp. Oc '56, 147. Rembrandt's Biblical Drawings and Etchings. Hans-Martin Rotermund. Ja '65, 40. Some Rembrandts in America. John F. Schmidt. Oc '56, 155. Where East and West Meet. Wicher Veen. Oc '67, 159. Rempel, C. J. Waterloo Mennonites. Jl '62, 106. See Mennonites and Mental Health. Jl '54, 118. Rempel, D. D. From Russia to Canada--Twenty Five Years Ago. Jl '48, 42. REMPEL, D. G. D. G. Rempel's Adventure in Toy Manufacturing. Ja '50, 41. Rempel, David G. C. B. Schmidt, Historian: Facts and Fiction. Ma-Je '74, 33. From Danzig to Russia. The First Mennonite Migration. Ja '69, 8. Rempel, Erwin H. Book Review, Se '94, 25. Rempel, Henry Columbus Mennonite Church. Ap '65, 87. Rempel, J. Soil--Our Mother. Ap '49, cover. Rempel, J. G. Mennonites on the Air in Western Canada. Jl '52, 125. Mennonite World Conference Impressions--a Canadian View. Ap '49, 25. World Conference Impressions. Jl '53, 110. Rempel, Johann D. Escape From Communism 1943-46. Ja '51, 6. Rempel, Marg Willms Jacob H. Janzen als Lehrer. Jl '51, 38. Rempel, Peter Book Review. De '80, 30. Rempel, Terry A Nonviolent World View: Doing International Politics from a Pacifist Perspective. Je '97, 29. Remple, Mariana Lohrenz Henry W. Lohrenz--An Introduction. Oc '48, 32. Reno, Gertrud Paulus Barbara. Oc '70, 165. Reschley, Steven D. Book Review. Se '95, 24. RESEARCH Anabaptism-Mennonitism in Doctoral Dissertations. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '58, 83; '59, 91; '60, 92. Anabaptist Sources and Research. Walter Eisenbeis. Ap '57, 69. Bethel College Studies. John M. Janzen and James Juhnke. Jl '68, 138. European Research in Anabaptist-Mennonite History. Heinold Fast. Jl '68, 128. Mennonite Research in Progress. Cornelius Krahn and Guy F. Herschberger. Ap '56, 88; Ap '57, 87; Ap '58, 87; Ap '59, 91; Ap '60, 92; Jl '61, 134; Ap '66, 92; Jl '67, 134; Jl '68, 132; Ap '69, 89; Ap '70, 90; Ap '71, 84; .(Also annually in the April issue). Research on Urban Mennonites. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '68, 189. Ressler, Ruth There are These Facets. Oc '57, 176. RESURRECTION He is Risen, as He Said. H. N. Harder. Ap '51, 3. Resurrection--Demonstration, not Speculation. Jacob J. Ens. Ap '53, 51. RETREAT See RECREATION Retzleff, Bernie Book Review. De '76, 30. Reusser, James Sonnenberg: From the Jura to Ohio. Jl '55, 138. REVIVALS Revival in Our Day. Ford Berg. Jl '52, 119. REVOLUTION Abraham Thiessen: A Mennonite Revolutionary? Cornelius Krahn. Ap '69, 73. Books in Review. Ja '69, 44. Conditions for a Revolutionary Century. William Keeney. Ja '70, 3. Crossroads at Amsterdam. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '67, 153. Learning the Wrong Lessons. Keith L. Sprunger. Ap '68, 64. Letters to the Editor. Hans-Juergen Goertz. Ja '68, 22. Mennonites and Confrontation. Joseph Smucker. Ja '70, 38. Peace Witness and Revolutionary Movements. Vincent Harding. Oc '67, 161. Quiet Revolution: Menno Simons. William Keeney. Ja '70, 15. To Young Revolutionaries. Elaine Sommers Rich. Oc '70, 190. Rezmerski, John C. For Martin L. King, Jr. Jl '68, 99. Rich, Elaine Sommers Die Alte Anna. Oc '62, 158. Ballad on a Birthday. Ja '61, 19. Book Review. Ap '55, 94; Ja '59, 48; Ap '60, 96; Jl '63, 134; Oc '65, 189; Jl '66, 144; Oc '66, 191; Ja '68, 47; Oc '70, 191; Mr '72, 30. Critique of Without Marx or Jesus. A Review. Je '73, 53. Easter, 1966. Ap '66, 67. For the U. S. Bicentennial, 1976. Se '76, 31. Growing. Ja '61, 19. Hinge. Jl '70, 132. In Memoriam--Janie Must, 1886-1958. Oc '58, 190. Inevitability. Ja '68, 118. Innenland. A Choral Reading. Je '75, 29. Of Christianity and Art. Ja '65, 18. Old People's Homes. Jl '66, 128. On Her Being Arrived at the Age Forty-two. Jl '70, 131. Shoofly or Apple? Jl '63, 106. Sonnet Sequence on the Beatitudes. Ja '58, 23. To Young Revolutionaries. Oc '70, 190. White Swan. Ja '63, 46. Woman's Place in the World. Ja '57, 42. Yorifumi Yaguchi--A Japanese Mennonite Poet. Ja '68, 40. RICHERT, DAVID H., 1875-1964. Pointer. Steven G. Schmidt. De '87, 15. Uncle Davy. Carol R. Andreas. Ja '53, 32. Richert, P. H. Agony of Civic Isolation: Mennonites in World War I. James C. Juhnke. Ja '70, 27. Riddick, George E. Black Power in the White Perspective. Ja '67, 29. RIEDMANN, PETER, 1506-1556 Anabaptist View of the Holy Spirit. Peter J. Klassen. Ja '68, 27. Worship Among the Anabaptists. Robert Friedmann. Jl '68, 109. RIEHL, WILHELM H., 1823-1897 Truth in Fiction. Mary E. Bender. Oc '63, 184. Riesen, Emil R. Pathways to Peace. Ja '49, 20. RIFTON (NEW YORK) Fifty Years Society of Brothers. (1920-1970). Robert Friedmann. Oc '70, 159. Rijks, D. J. Menno Simons in Stained Glass. Oc '61, 190. Rijks-Vaags, W. G. Menno Simons in Stained Glass. Oc '61, 190. van Rijswijk, C. Encountering Freedom. Je '97, 12. Risler, Walter Mennonites of Krefeld. Ap '51, 26. Ritschl, Dietrich Political Misuse of the Concern for Peace. Jl '65, 110. RITTENHOUSE, WILLIAM, 1644-1708 First Mennonite Minister in America. Harold S. Bender. Oc '58, 174. Rixt/Westra Newborn Love. Jl '63, 106. Roland, Albert Waldensians--Their Heroic Story. Ap '50, 16. ROOSEN FAMILY Family Trees of North German Mennonites (Roosen, Dirksen, Fieguth, Entz, Dueck). Kurt Kauenhoven. Ja '69, 34. Rosenberger, Arthur S. N. B. Grubb--Editor and Minister. Ja '51, 42. ROSENTHAL (MAN.) Hildebrands of Rosenthal, Manitoba. Sharon Olfert. De '79, 19. ROSENTHAL (RUSSIA) Mennonites of Russia Today. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '69, 116. Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147. ROSTHERN (SASK.) Mennonite Beginnings at Rosthern. De '76, 4. Rotermund, Hans-Martin Rembrandt and the Mennonites. Ja '52, 7. Rembrandt's Biblical Drawings and Etchings. Ja '65, 40. Roth, Dwight E. Book Review. Je '98, 51. Reflections on change in the lifetime of six eastern Mennonites. De '82, 21. Roth, John D. Mennonite Integration in Costa Rica. Mr '98, 24. Roth, Roy Christmas for Christians. Ja '54, 3. ROTHMANN, BERNHARD, ca 1495-1535 Rise Up and Walk. Henk Bremer. Oc '67, 150. ROTTERDAM (NETHERLANDS) Destruction and Re-Construction of Mennonite Churches in Holland. S. H. N. Gorter. Ja '46, 31. Row, Harold Hands Across the Border. Jl '65, 137. RUDNERWEIDE MENNONITE CHURCH Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99. Ruh, Hans Second All-Christian Peace Assembly II. Jl '65, 118. RUISDAEL, JACOB VAN, 1629-1682 Anabaptists and Art. The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Robert W. Regier. Ja '68, 16. RUISDAEL, SALOMON VAN, ca 1600-1670 Anabaptists and Art. The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Robert W. Regier. Ja '68, 16. Rule, Glenn K. Dressing and Keeping the Earth. W. H. Stauffer interviewed by Glenn K. Rule. Ap '49, 15. Rupp, Anne Neufeld Childhood memories in Manitoba. De '87, 22. RURAL LIFE See FARM LIFE. RUSSIA See also SOVIET UNION. Abraham J. Kroeker--Writer and Publisher. Oc '52, 165. Abraham Thiessen: A Mennonite Revolutionary? Cornelius Krahn. Ap '69, 73. Aeltester David Stoesz and the Bergthal Story: Some Diary Notes, Part I. Lawrence Klippenstein. Mr '76, 14. Agriculture Among the Mennonites of Russia. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '55, 14. Alexanderwohl Schnurbuch. Melvin Gingerich. Ja '46, 45. At the Molotshnaya. Johann H. Janzen. Oc '69, 155. At the Molotshnaya--A Visit, 1890. Peter G. Epp. Oc '69, 151. Auswanderung der Mennoniten aus Preussen 1788-1870. Horst Quiring. Ap '51, 37. B. B. Janz and the Mennonite Emigration. John B. Toews. Jl '68, 111. Barbara. Gertrud Paulus Reno. Oc '70, 165. Beginning of Alternative Service During the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05). Gerhard Lohrenz. Jl '71, 114. Between the Volga and the Rhine. Cornelius Krahn. Se '77, 4. Birth of Mennonite Mental Health Services in Russia. Oc '66, 188. Books on Religious and Ethnic Groups. Jl '69, 113. Books on Russia. Ja '69, 48. C. B. Schmidt, Historian: Facts and Fiction. David G. Rempel. Ma-Je '74, 33. Centennial Chronology. Cornelius Krahn. (Part 1) Mr '73, 3; (Part 2) Je '73, 40. Clothing the Naked. Alvin J. Miller. Jl '63, 118. Communication. A. B. Enns. Oc '69, 164. Comrade Hildebrandt. Henry Janzen. Oc '52, 180. Contemporary Records of the 1870s Mennonite Migration. Norman E. Saul. Je '92, 15. Cultural Achievements of the Chortitza Mennonites. Walter Kuhn. Jl '48, 35. Cultural Interaction Among the Mennonites in Russia. Walter Quiring. Ap '69, 61. Cultural Life Among the Mennonites of Russia. H. Goerz. Jl '69, 99. Czar Alexander I Visits the Molotschna Colonies. Translation by K. Hooge and J. B. Toews. Se '74, 57. Disaster Ends Russian Mennonite Settlements. Ja '49, 22. East West and Home. James Juhnke, et al. Mr '75, 10. Education in Russia. D. T. Enns. Jl '51, 28. English: Made in Russia. Gerhard Wiens. Jl '62, 132. Ethnic Origin of the Mennonites from Russia. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '48, 45. Freedom for Reluctant Citizens. James C. Juhnke. Ma-Je '74, 30. From Danzig to Russia. The First Mennonite Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8. From the Vistula to the Dnieper. Hermann Epp. Oc '51, 14. Gesundheitswesen in Chortitza. D. A. Hamm. Ap '55, 84. "The Good Old Days." A Russian Mennonite Document from 1835. John B. Toews. Ja '68, 31. Grandfather's Home. B. B. Neumann. Ja '47, 46. Grandfather's Gold Coins. Peter J. Hampton. Je '75, 26. Hands Across the Sea. Gerhard Wiens. Ap '62, 69. Heinrich Heese (1787-1868). Ap '69, 66. Hunger. Gerhard Wiens. Ja '49, 9. Immigration and Famine in Russia, 1833: Two letters of Johann Cornies. James Urry. Se '91, 18. Jacob H. Janzen als Lehrer. Marg. Wilms Rempel. Jl '51, 38. Jacob H. Janzen--Writer. Arnold Dyck. Jl '51, 33. Jakob G. Niebuhr Fabriken. Jakob J. Niebuhr. Ja '55, 25. Johann Bartsch Monument: From Russia to Canada. Gerhard Lohrenz. Ja '69, 29. Johann Cornies--A Great Pioneer. Walter Quiring. Jl '48, 30. Language Differentiation Among the Low German Mennonites of Manitoba. Henry D. Dyck. Jl '67, 117. Literary Efforts Among the Mennonites of Russian Background. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '69, 166. Long Ago and Far Away. H. Goerz. Jl '48, 40. Mennonite Intelligentsia in Russia. N. J. Klassen. Ap '69, 51. Mennonite Migrations as an Act of Protest. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '70, 20. Mennonite Selbstschutz in the Ukraine. An Eyewitness Account. J. P. Epp. Jl '71, 138. Mennonite Stove. J. D. Butler. Oc '49, 16. Moving to Manitoba. Lawrence Klippenstein. Se '74, 51. My Dad, the Psychologist. Peter J. Hampton. Je '76, 15. My Recollections of P. M. Friesen. F. C. Thiessen. Oc '48, 9. Naumenko Mill Fever. Calvin Redekop and Benjamin Redekop IV. Je '94, 11. Neither Are Your Ways My Ways. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '52, 51. Non-Combatant Service Then and Now. Frank C. Peters. Ja '55, 31. Ohrloff an der Molotschna. Ja '49, 29. Peter Martinovitch Friesen. Peter Braun. Oc '48, 8. Pietist Revival Comes to South Russia. Cornelius Krahn. Mr '78, 4. Pioneer Educator--Johann Cornies. M. S. Harder. Oc '48, 5. Przechowka and Alexanderwohl. J. A. Duerksen. Ap '55, 76. Religious and Ethnic Groups: Laws, Decrees, and Actions. Jl '69, 122. Russian Mennonite: The Diary of Dietrich Gaeddert (1860-1876). John B. Toews. De '78, 10. Russian State, the Mennonite World and the Migration from Russia to North America in the 1870s. James Urry. Mr '91, 11. Social Structure of the Russian Mennonites. John B. Toews. Jl '71, 133. This is My Story. Jl '52, 129. Thrilling Story from an Old Diary. Walter Adrian. Jl '48, 23. Tobias Voth: The Gentle Schoolmaster of Orlov: A Document of 1850. John B. Toews, ed. Mr '78, 27. Transplanting Alexanderwohl, 1874. Oc '49, 24. Traum und Wirklichkeit. A. Sudermann. Ja '53, 17. Village Nicknames Among the Mennonites in Russia. Gerhard Wiens. Oc '70, 177. Vom grossen Heimweh. Horst Quiring. Ja '49, 34. When Christmas Came. Jack G. Claassen. Ja '49, 6. Your Family--the Key to Happiness. Piirim A. Sorokin. Ap '51, 8. RUSSIAN AID COMMITTEE Mennonite Mutual Aid in Canada, 1860-1890: The Mennonite Aid Union and the Russian Aid Committee. Lawrence Klippenstein. Se '99, 7. RUSSIAN BAPTISTS See BAPTISTS RUSSIAN MENNONITES See EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION, RUSSIA, SOVIET UNION. Ruth, Fern Pankratz. Poems. Mr '86, 10. Toward a Faith of Our Children. Oc '59, 188. Why I Am a Mennonite. Oc '55, 189. Ruth, John L. Lecture for a limited audience. Mr '83, 24. Lecture for a Limited Audience. Mr/Je '96, 37. Mennonite Identity and Literary Art. Mr '77, 4. RUTH, JOHN L. Upon reading "Conrad Grebel, son of Zurich." Elmer Suderman. Mr '83, 10. SABUGARA, ANRELIANO Reciprocity in Identification. Jacob A. Loewen. Ja '66, 10. SAINT THEODORE Yoders' Saint Theodore. Rachel W. Kreider. De '71, 155. SAINT YODER Yoder Patron Saint? Rachel W. Kreider. Jl '68, 103. Sakakibara, Gan My Pilgrimage to Anabaptism. Mr '73, 12. SALEM-ZION MENNONITE CHURCH (FREEMAN, S.D.) What Type of Church Architecture? Le Roy Graber. Jl '59, 102. SALVATION Resurrection--Demonstration, not Speculation. Jacob J. Entz. Ap '53, 51. Salvation by Science? R. C. Kauffman. Oc '48, 34. SAMARKAND (SOVIET UNION) Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147. SANTA FE RAILWAY Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877. C. B. Schmidt. Ap '70, 51. SARASOTA (FLA.) Appeal of Florida. Mrs. Myron S. Yoder. Jl '57, 106. Mennonites in Florida. John Umble. Jl '57, 108. SARDIS (B.C.) Pioneering in British Colombia. B. B. Wiens. Jl '46, 9. Sarti, Sandro Waldensians and the Mennonites. Ap '50, 21. SASKATCHEWAN Hague in Saskatchewan. Margaret Heinrichs. Ja '58, 18. Hague-Osler Settlement. Leo Driedger. Ja '58, 13. Homecoming. Warren Kliewer. Jl '60, 124. Martensville: Half-Way House to Urbanization. Herbert Peters. Oc '68, 164. Mennonite Beginnings at Rosthern. De '76, 4. Mennonites on the Air in Western Canada. J. G. Rempel. Jl '52, 125. Saskatchewan Old Colony Mennonites. Leo Driedger. Ap '58, 63. Tombstone Community. Rudy Wiebe. Oc '64, 150. SATTLER, MICHAEL, ca 1490-1527 Disputed Authorship of an Anabaptist Hymn. Walter H. Hohmann. Oc '60, 185. Sauder, Dorothy Sesquicentennial of Amish Settlement in Ontario. Se '72, 91. Saul, Norman E. Contemporary Records of the 1870s Mennonite Migration. Je '92, 15. SAUR, CHRISTOPHER, 1693-1758 Pioneer Culture of the Plain People. Gordon E. Alderfer. Oc '50, 30. Sawadsky, Hedwig Book Review. Ja '59, 48. Sawatsky, Walter Mennonite Congregations in the Soviet Union Today. Mr '78, 12. Sawatzky, H. L. Manitoba Mennonites: Past and Present. Ma-Je '74, 42. Sawatsky, John C. Business and Industry. Jl '62, 113. Psycho-Social Changes Within a Metropolitan Religious Minority. Oc '68, 172. Sawatzky, Leonard Mennonite Colonization and Agriculture in Mexico. Jl '66, 134. Language and the Mennonite Brotherhood. De '74, 81. Sawatzky, Rodney J. Books in Review. Ap '71, 95; De '76, 28; De '79, 30; Se '80, 30. Sawatzky, Victor Bergthal Mennonite Church, Pawnee Rock. Jl '55, 133. Establishing a Home for the Aged. Ja '58, 42. Schaeffer, P. J. Heinrich H. Ewert--Educator of Kansas and Manitoba. Oc '48, 18. SCHANTZ, JACOB Y. Moving to Manitoba. Lawrence Klippenstein. Se '74, 51. SCHARNSCHLAGER, LEUPOLD, d. 1563 Anabaptist View of the Holy Spirit. Peter J. Klassen. Ja '68, 27. SCHELLENBERG, ABRAHAM L., 1869-1941 Editor Abraham L. Schellenberg. T. R. Schellenberg. Ja '54, 19. Schellenberg, D. J. Moses of Our Day--Daniel Toews. Jl '50, VI. Schellenberg, P. E. Academic Development. Ap '63, 57. Schellenberg, Theodore R., 1903-1970 Editor Abraham L. Schellenberg. Ja '54, 19. SCHELLENBERG, THEODORE R., 1903-1970 Theodore R. Schellenberg (1903-1970) and the National Archives. Ap '70, 92. Schenk, Anne Grant-Morris Brief Biographies of Grebel, Manz & Blaurock. De '72, 114. Schipani, Daniel S. Reconciliation As Liberation. Se '72, 78. Schlabach, Gerald W. The View of Stability: A Premodern Way through a Hypermodern World. Se '98, 33. Schlabach, Theron F. Book reviews. Se '81, 30; Mr '83, 29; Je '93, 23; Je '94, 28. "Etwas über die Wehrlosigkeit" (Something on nonresistance). Leonhard Sudermann; Hilda Ediger Voth, tr. Se '88, 10. Student and the Church. Ap '65, 81. Schlabaugh, Merle Book review. Se '90, 46. Book Review. Se '96, 36. SCHLEIERMACHER, FRIEDERICH, 1768-1834 Heresy and Theological Literary Criticism. Maynard Kaufman. Jl '66, 118. SCHMIDT, C. B. C. B. Schmidt. Ap '70, 49. C. B. Schmidt, Historian: Facts and Fiction. David G. Rempel. Ma-Je '74, 33. Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part I: Text. Ap '70, 51. Schmidt, Clara B. Book Review. Ja '59, 48. Schmidt, David E. Mennonite Student in College. Ap '65, 57. Schmidt, Debbie We all Drink from the Same Stream (response). Mr '97, 29. Schmidt, Dennis J. E. Entz (1874-1969): Shepherd to His Flock. Se '76, 14. Schmidt, Elizabeth Novelty, Mystery, Diversity: Conversations on the Boat. Mr '97, 44. Schmidt, Ervin H. Book Review. Ja '59, 48. Schmidt, H. B. Church Discipline in Our Day. Ap '55, 73. Mennonites and Alternative Service. Jl '58, 101. Schmidt, John F. Across the Atlantic by Steam and Sail. Je '73, 48. Among the Kansas Mennonites. Henry A. Hunsicker. John F. Schmidt, tr. Mr '85, 9. Artist Interprets Life. Oc '58, 153. Bethel College and the Printed Word. Oc '63, 181. Book Review. Ap '53, 95; Jl '53, 144; Jl '55, 143; Ap '56, 92; Ap '57, 92, 94, 95; Jl '57, 143, 144; Ja '58, 47, Ap' 58, 94; Oc '58, 191; Jl '59, 143, 144; Jl '60, 139, 141; Jl '61, 141; Oc '62, 191; Ap '64, 96; Jl '64, 138; Oc '65, 191; Jl '71, 144; Mr '75, 31; Mr '80, 30; De '82, 27; Se '84, 27; Se '86, 31. Challenge of Easter. Ap '49, 4. Horse and Buggy Doctor and His Friends. Je '76, 4. Immigrants and the Railroads. Ma-Je '74, 14. Mennonite Bibliography. Ap '54, 92; Ap '55, 91; Ap '56, 89; Ap '57, 88; Ap '58, 88; Ap '59, 92; Ap '60, 93; Jl '61, 135; Ap '66, 93; Jl '67, 136; Jl '68, 138; Ap '69, 92; Ap '70, 93; Ap '71, 89. Mennonite Research in Progress. Ap '54, 91. O Give Thanks unto the Lord. Oc '47, 3. Passenger ship lists as an archival resource. De '81, 5. Probing the Impact of World War I. De '71, 161. Public Services of Bethel College. Ap '63, 91. Some Rembrandts in America. Oc '56, 155. Story of a Library. Ap '54, 68. "Three Years After Date..." Je '73, 35. Schmidt, John R. Helping Lepers in Paraguay. Ja '58, 20. Medical Service under Pioneer Conditions. Jl '47, 13. New Frontiers for South American Mennonites. Oc '61, 174. See Mennonites and Mental Health. Jl '54, 118. Schmidt, John W. Turkey Wheat. De '74, 67. Schmidt, Kimberly D. Book Review. Se '98, 42. North Newton WILPF: educating for peace. De '85, 8. Schmidt, Mariam P. Early Campus Humor. Ap '63, 81. Nicknames among the Mennonites from Russia. Jl '61, 132. SCHMIDT, NIKOLAI, 1815-1874 Barbara. Gertrud Paulus Reno. Oc '70, 165. Mennonite "Zionist" Movement? Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 171. Schmidt, Orlando Fine Arts and the Bible. Ja '65, 31. Schmidt, Peter U., 1874-1970 Beginning of Hochfeld Village and the Alexanderwohl Church. Richard H. Schmidt, tr. Mr '81, 4. SCHMIDT, PETER U., 1874-1970 Beginning of Hochfeld Village and the Alexanderwohl Church. Peter U. Schmidt. Richard H. Schmidt, tr. Mr '81, 4. Schmidt, Richard H. Beginning of Hochfeld Village and the Alexanderwohl Church. By Peter U. Schmidt. Richard H. Schmidt, tr. Mr '81, 4. Hochfeld Village, Mr '85, 12. Lord's Handiwork in our Fields. Oc '47, 17. Maps. Se '92, 18. Schmidt, Robert W. Doctoral Degrees Earned by Bethel's Graduates. Ap '63, 78. Mennonite Medical Doctors. Graduates of Four-year Mennonite Colleges. Jl '63, 115. Schmidt, Steven G. Book review. Mr '85, 31; De '87, 29; Se '94, 26. Pointer. De '87, 15. Schmiedhaus, Walter Ein Neujahrserlebnis in Mexico. Ja '48, 43. Mennonite Life in Mexico. Ap '47, 29. New Mennonite Settlement in Mexico. Oc '49, 26. Schmucker, Berniece Kropf interview with Frank Kropf. Je '87, 11. Schmucker, Kristine Book Review. Je '95, 29. Early Mennonite houses in Goessel, Kansas: the Voth/Unruh/Fast house. Mr '89, 27. Schmucker, Mahlon Jesus Talks to the Woman at the Well. Se '96, 25. SCHOLARS See also EDUCATION, HISTORIANS, COLLEGE. Christian Scholar. Russell L. Mast. Ja '62, 5. Ludwig Keller: a Prophet and a Scholar. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '66, 81. Mennonite Intelligentsia in Russia. N. J. Klassen. Ap '69, 51. Scholar and the Bible. David Schroeder. Ap '64, 64. Some Marks of a Christian Scholar. Reinhard H. Vogt. Ap '66, 76. SCHOOLS See EDUCATION SCHOWALTER FOUNDATION Jake Schowalter: he made the land his monument. Maynard Shelly. Mr '82, 4. SCHOWALTER, JACOB A., 1879-1953 Jacob A. Schowalter 1879-1953. Robert Schrag. Ap '57, 64. Jake Schowalter: he made the land his monument. Maynard Shelly. Mr '82, 4. SCHOWALTER ORAL HISTORY PROJECT Eyewitness Accounts. Schowalter Oral History Project. Se '75, 19. Voices Against War: A Mennonite Oral History of World War I. Keith Sprunger. Mr '73, 15. Schowalter, Otto Die Mennoniten zu Hamburg. Ap '50, 36. Schowalter, Paul Mennonite Churches in South Germany. Ja '52, 14. SCHRAG, ANDREW D., 1876-1956 Andrew D. Schrag (1876-1956). Martin H. Schrag. Mr '95, 15. Schrag, Dale R. Anabaptists and the Bible: from "Sola Scriptura" to "Solus Christus." Se '89, 12. Book review. Mr '86, 24. Book reviews. De '83, 30; Mr '85, 30. Seeking after knowledge in the age of information: thoughts on the role of the academic library. Se '87, 23. SCHRAG, JOHN John Schrag Espionage Case. James C. Juhnke. Jl '67, 121. Schrag, Martin H. Andrew D. Schrag (1876-1956). Mr '95, 15. Swiss-Volhynian Mennonite Background. Oc '54, 156. Swiss-Volhynian Mennonite Villages, 1800-1874. Jl '58, 142. Java--A New Opportunity. Ja '48, 20. Schrag, Menno H. P. Krehbiel: as I remember him. Je. '85, 4. I, Too, Shall Live. Ap '48, 4. Schrag, Myron Finding God and Neighbor. Ja '70, 41. Schrag, Orpha Life, Work and Leisure in Pioneer Days. Ma-Je '74, 18. Schrag, Robert Jacob A. Schowalter (1979-1953). Ap '57, 64. Newton, Kansas. Ja '60, 26; Ap '60, 64. Scenes from the Past. To Newton on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. De '71, 156. Schrag, Stella Life, Work and Leisure in Pioneer Days. Ma-Je '74, 18. Schrock, Alta Unique Mennonite Project Initiated. Ap '60, 71. Schrock, Jennifer Halteman Another Perspective on Maleness. Se '96, 22. Schroeder, David Scholar and the Bible. Ap '64, 64. SCHROEDER FAMILY Portraits of Mennonite Health: Selected Stories from Historical Nursing Research. Janice Unruh Davidson. Mr '94, 19. Schroeder-Warner, Nancy Altenheim: The Sunday Visits. Se '94, 19. From a College Art Studio. Ja '59, 13. SCHROEDER, PETER R., 1888-1941 Peter R. Schroeder--Pastor and Conference Worker. Celeste Schroeder Dehnert. Jl '49, 38. Schroeder, William Book Review. De '80, 28. Schultz, Carolyn Books in Review. Se '75, 29. Schultz, Harold J. Book Reviews. Mr '72, 11; Mr '77, 31; Je '79, 31; Se '79, 28; Je '82, 31; Se '85, 27; De '86, 28; Se '95, 24 Without a Vision.. SCIENCE Academic Program: The Natural Sciences. Dwight R. Platt. Ap '63, 64. Natural sciences. [Photographs of the Bethel College Natural Sciences Department]. Mr '87, 30. Scientist and War. Orville L. Voth. Ap '68, 84. SCIENCE AND RELIGION Humanizing imperative: a process perspective. Carl S. Keener. Je '81, 8. SCIENCE RIDGE MENNONITE CHURCH (STERLING, ILL.) That holy place on Science Ridge. Robert Kreider. De '87, 25. SCOTTDALE MENNONITE CHURCH (SCOTTDALE, PENNSYLVANIA) Mennonites in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Gerald Studer. Oc '65, 177. SCULPTURE Fine Arts in the Bible. Orlando Schmidt. Ja '65, 31. Sculpture Speaks About His Work. Paul Friesen. Ja '65, 16. SECOND ALL-CHRISTIAN PEACE ASSEMBLY See July 1965 issue SECULARISM Anabaptists and We. Robert Friedmann. Jl '67, 99. Mennonites and Urban Culture: An Opportunity in Nonconformity. Hugh S. Hostetler. Ja '69, 39. SEDALIA (ALTA.) Neukircher Mennoniten Gemeinde von Chinook-Sedalia. Irene Klassen. Mr '84, 20. SEEMANN, ENOCH, Jr., 1694-1744 Mennonite Artists--Danzig and Koenigsberg. Kurt Kauenhoven. Jl '49, 17. SEGAL, GEORGE, b. 1924 Recent Protest Art. Robert W. Regier. Ap '68, 70. SELBSTSCHUTZ Mennonite Selbstschutz in the Ukraine. An Eye Witness Account. J. P. Epp. Jl '61, 138. Mennonites in the Early Soviet Period. John B. Toews. Jl '69, 101. SEMINARIES Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries. Erland Waltner. Ap '59, 55. Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries Libraries. J. J. Entz. Ap '59, 57. Goshen College Biblical Seminary. Harold S. Bender. Ap '59, 69. Institute of Mennonite Studies. C. J. Dyck. Ap '59, 58. Mennonite Seminary in Chicago. S. F. Pannabecker. Ap '53, 68. On Tour of the Seminary. Muriel Thiessen. Ap '59, 59. Seminario Biblico Menonita. Ernst Harder. Ap '59, 74. Story of the Mennonite Biblical Seminary. S. F. Pannabecker. Ap '59, 62. Union Biblical Seminary in Yeotmal, India. S. T. Moyer. Ap '59, 76. Vision of the Future. C. N. Hostetter, Jr. Ap '59, 53. Witmarsum Theological Seminary. P. E. Whitmer. Ap '59, 65. Senn, Fritz Sagts den Kindern. Ap '50, 38. SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS See also FUNERALS. Deaths and ethnicity: Swiss-German Mennonite gravestones of the "Pennsylvania style" (1804-54) in the Waterloo region, Ontario. Nancy-Lou Patterson. Se '82, 4. SERMONS Christ is our cornerstone. Jacob Tilitzky and Ross T. Bender. Mr '84, 4. "The City was Full of Idols" Acts 17:16. Theodore O. Wedel. Oc '64, 147. Clothing Jesus in Strange Garments. Russell L. Mast. Oc '64, 188. Except the Lord build the house: Halstead Seminary centennial. James C. Juhnke. De '83, 4. Intimations of Inequality. Arnold Nickel. Oc '64, 184. Living Under Pressure. Russell Mast. Oc '62, 147. Neukircher Mennoniten Gemeinde von Chinook-Sedalia. Irene Klassen. Mr '84, 20. Prophets Unaware. Russell L. Mast. Oc '65, 147. Where the Action Is. C. Wayne Zunkel. Oc '65, 183. SERVICE See also ALTERNATIVE SERVICE, CIVILIAN PUBLIC SERVICE, VOLUNTARY SERVICE, MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Fifty Years of Public Service. P. C. Hiebert. Jl '59, 105. Lordship of Christ in a Desperate World. Elmer Neufeld. Oc '59, 147. New Avenues of Service for Women. Doreen Harms. Ja '57, 41. New Service Trends. George T. Long. Oc '58, 178. The Politics of Peace and Service: Calling All Mennonites. Duane Goossen. Se '96, 5. Service and Community. Atlee Beechy. Mr '99, 20. Woman's Place in the World. Elaine Sommers Rich. Ja '57, 42. SETTLEMENTS AND HOMESTEADING See also PIONEERS, EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION. Among the Kansas Mennonites. Henry A. Hunsicker. John F. Schmidt, tr. Mr '85, 9. Beginning of Hochfeld Village and the Alexanderwohl Church. Peter U. Schmidt. Richard H. Schmidt, tr. Mr '81, 4. Coming of the Mennonites to Alberta. Peter F. Bargen. Ap '56, 83. Emergence of Mennonite leadership on the frontier: a case study of H. W. Lohrenz. Calvin Redekop. De '84, 23. Hague-Osler Settlements. Leo Driedger. Ja '58, 13. Hochfeld Village. Richard H. Schmidt. Mr '85, 12. Mennonites in Florida. John Umble. Jl '57, 108. Mid point between revolutions: the Russian Mennonite world of 1911. Harvey L. Dyck. Mr '81, 9. Neukircher Mennoniten Gemeinde von Chinook-Sedalia. Irene Klassen. Mr '84, 20. Only a memory: Mennonite pioneers in the San Luis Valley. Viola Bergman Hettinger. De '85, 26. Settlement of Russian Mennonites in York and Hamilton Counties, Nebraska. Dennis D. Engbrecht. Je '84, 4. William O. Dyck's story of the John and Maria (Klassen) Friesen family. Thomas B. Mierau. William O. Dyck, interviewee. Se '85, 16. Sevilla, Janice Waltner Clarion Voices. De '95, 24. On My Disability, The Lady with the Purse..., Nursing HomeVideo, My Mother Comes to Visit, Haunted. De '94, 18-21. SEXUALITY Sex As Public Responsibility. Louis L. Dale. Ap '71, 51. SHAFTER (CALIFORNIA) Shafter-Wasco Community. Vernon Neufeld. Oc '52, 158. Shank, David A. Kimbanguism. Je '72, 53. Shantz, Burton Didsbury Beginnings: The Ephraim Shantz Family. De '80, 26. SHANTZ, EPHRAIM Didsbury Beginnings: The Ephraim Shantz Family. Burton Shantz. De '80, 26. SHELLY, ANDREW B., 1834-1913 Pennsylvania Mennonite Church, West Swamp. J. Herbert Fretz. Oc '47, 33. Shelly, Andrew R. Challenge of Christian Vocation. Ap '59, 51. Continent is Awakening. Ap '61, 51. Germantown: Mennonite Gateway to North America. De '71, 160. Go Ye Therefore... Oc '55, 177. Goodwill Recreation Hall. Oc '47, 44. Mennonites of Ontario Today. Oc '50, 17. Mennonites on the Air. Ap '52, 65. South American Diary. Oc '61, 147. This is Chicago. Ap '53, 52. Shelly, Griselda Gehman letter from Mahatma Gandhi. Je '83, 25. Shelly, Maynard Believers' Church Conference. Oc '67, 185. Book Review. Ap '68, 95; Se '73, 92; Je '75, 30; Se '95, 27. Has the Press Failed Us? Ap '68, 88. Jake Schowalter: he made the land his monument. Mr '82, 4. Mennonite Encyclopedia. Jl '57, 138. Poetry as a National Monument. De '72, 106. SHELLY, MAYNARD Maynard Shelly and The Mennonite: 1961-1965. Daagya Shanti Dick. Je '93, 18. Shelly, Patricia Bible as canon: God's word and the community's book. Se '89, 4. Shelly, Paul R. Mennonite Way of Life in the Eastern District Conference. Oc '47, 39. Shelly, William Henry Mennonite Landmarks of Germantown. Oc '58, 170. SHENANDOAH VALLEY Musical Heritage of the Shenandoah Valley. Samuel Showalter. Ja '63, 38. Virginia Mennonites. Harry A. Brunk. Ja '63, 18. Shenk, Stanley C. American Mennonite Fiction. Jl '68, 119. Shenk, Wilbert R. Book Review. Mr '80, 28. Books in Review. Mr '72, 29. Church Grows in Indonesia. Je '72, 50. Mennonite Churches in Indonesia. Oc '60, 154. What I Learned from John Howard Yoder. Mr '98, 10. Sherk, J. Harold Alternative Service Laws and Its Operation. Jl '58, 103. Sheriff, John K. Book review. Je '82, 29; Je '85, 31; Se '89, 34; De '95, 36. Dirk's Exodus: Morality Play and Modern Tragedy. De '92, 16. Growing up Free Methodist. De '87, 10. Shindika, Timothy Role of the Western Missionary in Africa Today. Ja '66, 22. SHIP LISTS Passenger ship lists as an archival resource. John F. Schmidt. De '81, 5. Shoemaker, Alfred L. Pennsylvania German Barns. Oc '51, 6. Showalter, Jewel Cookbook Author Retires to Her Own Kitchen. Je '72, 46. Showalter, Samuel Musical Heritage of the Shenandoah Valley. Ja '63, 38. SHORT STORY See FICTION. Showalter, Gerald Making or Breaking the Peace? De '96, 30. SIBERIA (SOVIET UNION) Visit to Mennonite Villages in Siberia. Translation, John B. Toews. Se '73, 86. Sider, E. Morris Book reviews. Se '82, 30; Se '95, 19. Siemens, Alfred Christ and Culture in the Mission Field. Ap '62, 82. Mennonites in Fraser Valley. Jl '60, 102. SIEMENS, J. J. Renaissance of a Rural Community. J. Winfield Fretz. Ja '46, 14. Sunflower Rebuilds Community. Jl '49, 28. SIEMENS, JOHANN Heinrich Heese Autobiography. Ap '69, 66. SILK INDUSTRY Abraham Thiessen: A Mennonite Revolutionary? Cornelius Krahn. Ap '69, 76. As Others Saw Them. Noble L. Prentis, et. al. Ap '70, 59. SIMONS, MENNO See MENNO SIMONS. SIMPLICITY See also DISCIPLINE, DRESS, CHURCH CONCEPT, SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS. From under the Mango Trees. Dwight Platt. Jl '60, 99. Lost Chord. Alvin W. Currier. Jl '57, 99. Simplicity Laments Corrupted Manners. Pieter Langendijk. Jl '55, 129. Yticilpmis (Simplicity). Jacob Sudermann. Ja '59, 3. Sitler, Arlene M.C.C. San-Joaquin Valley Project. Jl '51, 4. SLAVERY Germantown Anti-Slavery Protest. J. Herbert Fretz. Oc '58, 183. Plockhoy and Slavery in America. Leland Harder. Oc '52, 187. SLOVAKIA Thirty Years of Excavation. Hermann Landsfeld. Oc '64, 167. Sluijs, J. J. J. van Significance of the World Conference. Oc '67, 158. Smeding, Sibold S. Christian Creed in Blue Delftware. Oc '56, 183. Hidden Church--Pingjum. Ja '50, 44. Mennonite Flag--Symbol of Unity. Oc '60, 169. Portraits of Menno Simons. Jl '48, 16. Smissen, Betty van der Mennonite Church Camp Retreats. Jl '55, 123. SMISSEN, C. H. VAN DER, 1851-1950 Fine Arts Center. Monica Gross. Jl '66, 107. Wadsworth School. Anna Kreider. Ap '59, 66. Smith, C. Henry, 1875-1948 I Find My Life Work. Ja '46, 9. Pioneer Educator--N. E. Byers. Ja '48, 44. Task Not Ended. Ap '50, Outside back cover. SMITH, C. HENRY, 1875-1948 C. Henry Smith as I Knew Him. N. E. Byers. Ap '50, 5. C. Henry Smith--A Tribute. Harold S. Bender. Ap '50, 4. C. Henry Smith's Vision of Mennonite History. Keith L. Sprunger. Mr '95, 4. Life that Made a Difference. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '50, 3. Smith as a Business Man. Carl M. Lehman. Ap '50, 9. Two Mennonite Pioneers. Elmer F. Suderman. Jl '63, 124. Smith, Willard H. Book Review. Jl '63, 140. SMOKER, ELIZABETH MAST, 1898- Reflections on change in the lifetime of six eastern Mennonites. Dwight Roth. De '82, 21. Smucker, Barbara C. And the Darkness Became Light. Jl '46, 28. Smucker, Carl F. See Mennonites and Mental Health. Jl '54, 136. Smucker, David J. Rempel Book Review. De '92, 39. Book Review. Mr/Je '96, 62. Smucker, Donovan E. Building the Lord's House. Ja '57, 18. United Mennonite Witness. Oc '48, 41. Walter Rauschenbusch: Anabaptist, pietist and social prophet. Je '81, 21. Smucker, Jesse N. Christian Fellowship. Jl '47, 3. Smucker, Joseph Mennonites and Confrontation. Ja '70, 38. Snider, Howard M. Agriculture in the Kleine Gemeinde Community of Spanish Lookout, Belize. Mr '80, 19. Book review. Je '90, 38. Separate and Unequal: A summary. Jl '68, 100. Snyder, William T. Are the Doors of Mexico Open to Mennonite Immigrants. Ap '47, 45. Program at Home. Oc '51, 36. Immigration Laws. Ap '48, 46. World Conference Impressions. Jl '53, 105. SOCCER Revival of soccer at Bethel. David Kreider. Mr '87, 27. SOCIAL ACTION "The Good Samaritan." Clarence Jordan. Ja '67, 17. Mennonites and Urban Culture: An Opportunity in Nonconformity. Hugh S. Hostetler. Ja '69, 39. People in Community--Contemporary Relevance. J. Lawrence Burkholder. Ja '68, 5. SOCIAL CONCERNS Are We Opening the Door? G. S. Stoneback. Ja '59, 32. Mennonite Social Consciousness 1899-1905. Steven K. Friesen. Je '75, 19. SOCIAL CUSTOMS See SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS SOCIAL GOSPEL "Old" Mennonites and the Social Gospel. Janeen Bertsche Johnson. Mr '90, 26. Walter Rauschenbusch: Anabaptist, pietist and social prophet. Donovan E. Smucker. Je '81, 21. SOCIAL JUSTICE Mennonites and social justice: problems and prospects. Duane K. Friesen. Mr '82, 18. Story of Nazism and its reception by German Mennonites. Diether Goetz Lichdi. Mr '81, 24. SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS See also CULTURAL LIFE and CULTURAL LIFE--AFRICA, --KANSAS,-- RUSSIA, FARM LIFE, FUNERALS, NICKNAMES, TRADITION. Among the Kansas Mennonites. Henry A. Hunsicker. John F. Schmidt, tr. Mr '85, 9. At a distance to 'worldly' ways. Tad Thompson. De '84, 14. Beginning of Hochfeld Village and the Alexanderwohl Church. Peter U. Schmidt. Richard H. Schmidt, tr. Mr '81, 4. Cheyenne peace traditions. Lawrence Hart. Je '81, 4. Courtship and Marriage. Milton F. Sprunger. Je '76, 13. Courtship and Marriage among the Russian Mennonites. Katherine Woelk van den Haak. Jl '59, 138. Courtship and Marriage Practices of Lancaster Mennonites. Aaron Martin. Ja '62, 31. Deciphering seventeenth century napkins: testimony to a Mennonite family's way of life. Reinhild Kauenhoven Janzen. Se '88, 21. Disappearing tradition: Mennonite hog butchering. Joel Goertz. De '84, 4. Embarrassment of a religious tradition. Calvin Redekop. Se '81, 17. Emergence of Mennonite leadership on the frontier: a case study of H. W. Lohrenz. Calvin Redekop. De '84, 23. Harmony amid disharmony: a diary portrait of Mennonite singing in Russia during the 1860s. John B. Toews, ed. and tr. De '85, 4. Individual and Tradition. Calvin Redekop. Se '80, 26. Introduction of the reaper into Russia. George Hume. Robert Kreider, ed. Mr '85, 21. Mennonite parlors and living rooms: objects, memories, and meanings. Rachel K. Pannabecker. Je '89, 10. Mid point between revolutions: the Russian Mennonite world of 1911. Harvey L. Dyck. Mr '81, 9. Neukircher Mennoniten Gemeinde von Chinook-Sedalia. Irene Klassen. Mr '81, 19. Orenburg Mennonites, 1972: a Soviet description. N. I. Il'inykh. Mr '81, 19. Reflections on change in the lifetime of six eastern Mennonites. Dwight Roth. De '82, 21. Reflections on America. Huang Xinqu. Je '83, 28. Role of women in the Mennonite transition from traditionalism to denominationalism. James C. Juhnke. Se '86, 17. Social Structure of the Russian Mennonites. John B. Toews. Jl '71, 133. Weddings of yesterday. Rosemary Moyer and David A. Haury. De '84, 17. William O. Dyck's story of the John and Maria (Klassen) Friesen family. Thomas B. Mierau. William O. Dyck, interviewee. Se '85, 16. SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS--FICTION Der Molotschna. Peter G. Epp; Clara Dyck, tr.; Linda Falk Suter, intro.. De '89, 22; Mr '90, 31. SOCIAL SERVICE Course of special needs. R. de Zeeuw; William Keeney, tr. Je '89, 21. SOCIALISM J. G. Ewert--A Mennonite Socialist. James C. Juhnke. Ja '68, 12. Education for Tomorrow. William Keeney. Oc '69, 179. SOCIALIZED MEDICINE National Health Service in Britain. A Review by J. Lloyd Spaulding. Jl '63, 110. SOCIETY OF BROTHERS See HUTTERIAN BRETHREN SOCIOLOGY, RELIGIOUS Anabaptist vision: from recovery to reform. J. Denny Weaver. Se '82, 14. Embarrassment of a religious tradition. Calvin Redekop. Se '81, 17. J. Winfield Fretz and the Early History of Mennonite Sociology. Paul Toews. Je '99, 17. Orenburg Mennonites, 1972: a Soviet description. N. I. Il'inykh. Mr '81, 19. Research notes: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren. Wm. Regehr and Calvin Redekop. Mr '82, 29. SOIL CONSERVATION See also AGRICULTURE Dressing and Keeping the Earth. W. H. Stauffer interviewed by Glenn K. Rule. Ap '49, 15. Soil Conservation and the Farmer. A. D. Stoesz. Ap '49. 6. Why I Practice Soil Conservation. Ap '49, 12. SOMMERFELD (MAN.) Daut Darp. Harold Funk. Jl '70, 112. Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99. SOMMERFELDER WAISENAMT (MAN.) Sommerfelder Waisenamt: Origins, Development and Dissolution. Jacob Peters. De '80, 8. SONGS See HYMNS, MUSIC. Sorokin, Pitirim A. Your Family--the Key to Happiness. Ap '51, 8. Souder, Eugene K. Ventures in Radio Broadcasting. Ja '63, 35. SOUDERTON (PENNSYLVANIA) New Service Trends. George T. Long. Oc '58, 178. SOUTH AFRICA See also AFRIKANERS Mennonites and South Africa. An Interview with John de Gruchy. Mr '75, 6. SOUTH AMERICA See also BRAZIL, PARAGUAY, URUGUAY. In South America. Cornelius J. Dyck. Oc '51, 27. Latest Mennonite Migrations--From Paraguay to Germany. Rie Hoogeveen. Jl '63, 122. New Frontiers for South American Mennonites. John R. Schmidt. Oc '61, 174. South American Diary. Andrew R. Shelly. Oc '61, 147. Women's Lib in the Third World. Marie K. Wiens. Se '73, 78. SOUTH DAKOTA Mennonites of South Dakota. D. J. Unruh. Jl '50, I. Printery on the Prairie. Elma Waltner. Ja '52, 16. Story of the Mennonites at Avon, South Dakota. J. A. Boese. Jan '60, 39. SOVIET UNION See also RUSSIA 1923: The Beginnings of the Great Migration. Frank H. Epp. De '73, 101. Beginning of American Mennonite Relief Work. Alvin J. Miller. Ap '62, 71. C. H. Wedel's synopsis of The history of the Mennonites. Keith L. Sprunger and Hilda Voth. De '81, 23. Clothing the Naked. Alvin J. Miller. Jl '63, 118. "Christlicher Saengerbund" and Mennonite choral singing in Russia. Peter Letkemann. De '86, 4. Commentary. Johannes Harder. De '86, 27. Contemporary Russian Mennonites. G. Lohrenz. Jl '69, 115. Despair and Hope in Moscow: A Pillow, a Willow Trunk and a Stiff-Backed Portrait. Harvey L. Dyck. Se '79, 16. Diary of Anna Baerg. Peter J. Dyck. De '73, 121. Escape from Communism, 1943-46. Johann D. Rempel. Ja '51, 6. Exercising a free conscience: the conscientious objectors of the Soviet Union and the German Democratic Republic. Lawrence Klippenstein. Se '85, 21. Family remembers. Justina Neufeld. Mr '90, 4. Flight to Batum. John B. Toews. Jl '71, 117. Die Flucht 1943-46. J. Neufeld. Ja '51, 8. From Batum to New York. Heinz Janzen. De '74, 82. Glimpses from a Visit to Soviet Russia. Lloyd L. Ramseyer. Oc '56, 160. God's gift, the land: a major theme in Peter G. Epp's novel Eine Mutter. Peter Pauls. Mr '84, 26. Harmony amid disharmony: a diary portrait of Mennonite singing in Russia during the 1860s. John B. Toews, ed. and tr. De '85, 4. Introduction of the reaper into Russia. George Hume. Robert Kreider, ed. Mr '85, 21. Khortitsa Today. Jl '69, 120. Mennonite Congregations in the Soviet Union Today. Walter Sawatsky. Mr '78, 12. Mennonite Relief Work in Russia. Cornelius C. Reimer. Ja '49, 14. Mennonites in Russia: The photographs. Jean Jantzen. De '82, 20. Mennonites in Soviet Russia. Gerhard Hildebrand. Jl '69, 108. Mennonites in the Early Soviet Period. John B. Toews. Jl '69, 101. Mennonites in Soviet Russia. Gerhard Hildebrand. Jl '69, 108. Mennonites of Russia Today. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '69, 116. Mennonites of the Ukraine under Stalin and Hitler. Gerhard Fast. Ap '4, 18. Mennonites, the Molotschna, and the "Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle" in the Second World War. Horst Gerlach; John D. Thiesen, tr. Se '86, 4. Mid point between revolutions: the Russian Mennonite world of 1911. Harvey L. Dyck. Mr '81, 9. News from Soviet Russia. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '56, 87. On the Banks of the Dnieper. Dedrich Navall. Oc '69, 157. Orenburg Mennonites, 1972: a Soviet description. N. I. Il'inykh. Mr '81, 19. Relief Work in Revolutionary Russia. Alvin J. Miller. Jl '62, 126. Religious and Ethnic Groups: Laws, Decrees, and Actions. Jl '69, 122. Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147. Russian Mennonite bicentennial: some pertinent dates. Lawrence Klippenstein. Je '88, 16. Through Soviet Eyes. Grant M. Stoltzfus. Mr '72, 8. SOVIET UNION--FICTION Der Molotschna. Peter G. Epp; Clara Dyck, tr.; Linda Falk Suter, intro.. De '89, 22; Mr '90, 31. SPAIN Conscientious objectors of Spain. John Paul Lederach. Je '81, 15. Spaulding, Blanche Book review. De '84, 31. Spaulding, J. Lloyd Book Review. Oc '51, 47; Ap '52, 96; Ja '59, 47; Ja '60, 47; Ja '62, 47; Jl '65, 143; Ap '68, 94, 96; Ja '70, 48; Jl '71, 143. National Health Service in Britain (A Review). Jl '63, 110. What We Found in Moundridge. Jl '52, 131. SPITTELMAIER, AMBROSIUS, ca 1497-1528 Worship Among the Anabaptists. Robert Friedmann. Jl '68, 109. Springer, Joe Book Review. Je '92, 19. Springer, Nelson P. Melvin Gingerich--A Tribute. Je '75, 32. Mennonite Bibliography. Ap '55, 91; Ap '56, 89; Ap '57, 88; Ap '58, 89; Ap '59, 92; Ap '60, 93; Ap '66, 93: Jl '67, 136; Jl '68, 138; Ap '69, 93; Ap '70, 93; Ap '71, 89; Mr '73, 21. Sprunger, Arthur L. Linoleum Cuts of Amish People. Jl '46, 34, 35. Sprunger, David A. Book review. Je '90, 37; De '92, 36; Je '94, 31; Mr '95, 25; Se '96, 31; De '97, 41. Sprunger, Eva F. Samuel Ferdinand Sprunger, Pastor--Conference Worker. Oc '53, 178. Sprunger, Keith L. Book Review. Oc '65, 191; Oc '69, 187; De '71, 167; Mr '73, 30; Je '73, 61; De '74, 93; Je '75, 31; Se '81, 29; De '86, 28; De '86, 27; Se '96, 45. C. H. Wedel's synopsis of The History of the Mennonites. Hilda Voth, jt. author. De '81, 23. C. C. Regier: progressive Mennonite historian. Mr '84, 10. C. Henry Smith's Vision of Mennonite History. Mr '95, 4. Cornelius H. Wedel and Oswald H. Wedel: two generations of Mennonite historians. De '81, 16. John Foxe's vision of printing and progress. Se '90, 24. Learning the Wrong Lessons. Ap '68, 64. Mesopotamian connection: the Bethel cuneiform tablets and their journey to Kansas. De '85, 14. Most Monumental Mennonite. Se '79, 10. Puritans of the Netherlands. Jl '70, 139. Voices Against War: A Mennonite Oral History of World War I. Mr '73, 15. Sprunger, Mary S. Anna Brons and Ludwig Keller. Je '85, 10. Book Review. Je '95, 28. Dutch golden age: prosperity and the martyr tradition. Se '90, 28. Sprunger, Milton F. Courtship and Marriage. Je '76, 13. SPRUNGER, S. F., 1848-1923 Economic Life of the Berne Community. Jl '47, 19. Samuel Ferdinand Sprunger, Pastor-Conference Worker. Oc '53, 178. Stackley, Muriel Thiessen On Tour of the Seminary. Ap '59, 59. Stahly, Delmar See Mennonites and Mental Health. Jl '54, 118. STAHLEY, ELIZABETH JOHNS Flower in the Meadow: The Paper Cuttings of Elizabeth Johns Stahley. Nancy-Lou Patterson. Mr '79, 16. STARK COUNTY (OHIO) Some Memories of World War II in the Amish Community in Stark County, Ohio. Al Keim. Mr '99, 23. Stassen, Glen What I Learned from John Howard Yoder. Mr '98, 11. Stauffer, W. H. Dressing and Keeping the Earth. Ap '49, 15. Stayer, James M. Books in Review. Jl '67, 141. STEAMSHIPS See also SHIP LISTS, EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION. Across the Atlantic by Steam and Sail. John F. Schmidt. Je '73, 48. Steelberg, Donald R. Book Review. De '91, 31; Je '94, 30. Steely, Jeff A. Cornelius Herman Suckau: Mennonite fundamentalist? Ma. '89, 15. STEINBACH (MAN.) How a Dutch Mill Grew on the Manitoba Prairie. De '72, 120. Johann Bartsch Monument: From Russia to Canada. Gerhard Lohrenz. Ja '69, 29. Steinbach. Eugene and Bruno Derksen. Ap '57, 73. Stigge, Sydney Christian Peacemaker Teams in Hebron. Se '98, 4. Stoesz, A. D. Agriculture among the Mennonites of Mexico. Ap '47, 40. Grass for the Good of the Land. Ap '54, 60. Soil Conservation and the Farmer. Ap '49, 6. Stoesz, Edgar Names of Mountain Lake. De '87, 8. New Frontier in Mutual Aid. Oc '62, 182. Reflections on Strasbourg 84. Edgar Stoesz, et al. Se '84, 15. Stoltzfus, Gene Crushing the Ones we Help. Ap '68, 81. Stoltzfus, Grant M. Mental Hospital Experience of Civilian Public Service. Ap '47, 8. Through Soviet Eyes. Mr '72, 8. Virginia Mennonites in the Civil War. Ja '63, 27. Stoltzfus, Phil How to Stop Constructing Things: Kaufman, Wittgenstein, and the Pragmatic End of Constructivism. Mr '97, 37. Stoneback, George S. Are We Opening the Door? Ja '59, 32. Mennonites of Wichita Live and Work. Ja '53, 9. When Society Plays God. Ap '60, 87. Stoner, John K. Toward a Mennonite/Christian View of Politics. Se '96, 10. STOVES Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part I. C. B> Schmidt. Ap '70, 51. Strachan, Margaret Pitcairn Window Seems a Little Thing. Oc '58, 186. STRASBOURG (FRANCE) See also MENNONITE WORLD CONFERENCE. Filmmaking revisited. Diane Zimmerman Umble. Se '84, 22. Genesis of a film. Diane Zimmerman Umble. Mr '83, 4. Mennonites in Strasbourg in 1984-who are we? Robert Kreider. Se '84, 4. Reflections on Strasbourg 84. Edgar Stoesz, et al. Se '84, 15. STRUBHAR, VALENTINE Comets and Calls from the Life of Valentine Strubhar. Jeff Gundy. Je '93, 13. Stucky, Brian D. Alexanderwohl architecture. Mr '86, 16. Stucky, Gary L. Funeral Practices at Pretty Prairie. Oc '62, 184. Stucky, Harley J. Agricultural Revolution and the Task of the Church. Oc '59, 184. Agricultural Revolution of Our Day. Jl '59, 117. Book Review. Ap '54, 94; Oc '54, 189; Ap '55, 94; Ja '56, 32; Ja '58, 47, Ja '59, 48. Kansas Floods of 1951. Oc '56, 172. Should Mennonites Participate in Government? Ja '59, 34. STUCKY, JACOB, 1824-1893 Jacob Stucky--Pioneer of Two Continents. I. G. Neufeld. Ja '49, 46. STUCKY, JOSEPH, 1825-1902 Joseph Stucky and Central Conference. Harry Yoder. Ap '51, 16. Stucky, Menno Industrial Arts in a Mennonite College. P. R. Kaufman and Menno Stucky. Jl '54, 105. Stucky, Milo Public Schools and Religious Education. Ap '54, 71. Stucky, Virginia Toews Number 1,001 on How to Diet. Oc '54, 180. STUDENT SERVICES COMMITTEE Student Services Committees. Milton Harder. Ap '65, 51. STUDENTS See also COLLEGE, EDUCATION, SCHOLARS. Association of Mennonite University Students. Reinhard H. Vogt. Ap '65, 63. Changing Attitudes of Mennonite University Students. John Bergen and David Friesen. Oc '68, 169. Contract with Foreign Students. Betty Mae Janzen. Ap '65, 78. From the Longer Perspective. Carolyn E. Yoder. Mr '72, 14. Graduate Student Encounters Secular Scholarship. Donald G. Wismer. Ap '65, 72. Higher Education in the Netherlands. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '65, 80. Menno House. Werner Heinrichs. Ap '65, 65. Mennonite Graduate Fellowship: Its History, Purpose, and Future. Leo Driedger. Ap '65, 67. Mennonite Student and the Christian Campus Groups. Ernest Epp. Ap '65, 66. Mennonite Student Around the World. Adolf Ens. Ap '65, 74. Mennonite Student Fellowships. Adolf Ens. Ap '65, 62. Mennonite Student in College. David E. Schmidt. Ap '65, 57. Mennonite Students in Germany. Heinold Fast. Ap '65, 78. Mennonite Students--Statistical Background. Adolf Ens. Ap '65, 54. Mennonite Undergraduate. Ken Loewen. Ap '6, 59. Student and the Church. Theron F. Schlabach. Ap '65, 81. Student Life: Past and Present. Esko Loewen. Ap '63, 75. Student Services Committees. Milton Harder. Ap '65, 51. Students Protest in Washington. David Janzen and Kay Peters. Ap '62, 63. STUDENTS, GRADUATE Association of Mennonite University Students. Reinhard Vogt. Ja '57, 39. Graduate Student Encounters Secular Scholarship. Donald G. Wismer. Ap '65, 72. Mennonite Graduate Fellowship: Its History, Purpose, and Future. Leo Driedger. Ap '65, 67, (See also "Students" and "Education"). Studer, Gerald C. Books in Review. Oc '70, 191. Mennonites in Southwestern Pennsylvania. 175th Anniversary. Oc '65, 177. Three Anabaptist Paintings Unveiled. De '72, 112. STUDY CONFERENCES See also CONFERENCES. Christian Unity in Faith and Witness. Oc '60, 149. Confession of Our Day. Henk van Bilderbeek. Oc '56, 186. Progress through Study Conferences. J. W. Fretz. Ja '56, 28. Sturm, Rick My Son, Founder of the Swiss Brethren. Je '79, 26. STUTTGART (GERMANY) Mennonite "Zionist" Movement? Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 171. Stutzman, Ervin R. Book Review. Se '96, 42. Stuurman, F. J. Mennonites in Blokzijl, Holland. Ap '55, 75. SUCKAU, CORNELIUS HERMAN, 1881-1951 Cornelius Herman Suckau: Mennonite fundamentalist? Jeff A. Steely. Mr '89, 15. Suderman, A. Traum und Wirklichkeit. Ja '53, 17. Sudermann, David P. Ash Wednesday Elegy, 1995. Je '97, 28. Sound and Silence; The Autobiographical Writings of Amy Sudermann Enss. Se '97, 16. Suderman, David H. Arts--A New Frontier in the Church? Ja '65, 3. Book Review. Ap '56, 94; Oc '57, 157; Ja '58, 46, 48; Oc '62, 190; Ap '65, 96. Humanities Program. Ap '63, 67. Our Musical Heritage in the Colleges. Ap '48, 31. Returning Public Service Man. Ja '46, 5. Suderman, Elmer F. Aching to Sing. Se '76, 22. Adam in the Garden. Ja '68, 42. Afraid of the Dark. Se '72, 92. All Spring. De '74, 84. American Mennonite Fiction: A Contribution toward a Bibliography. Jl '67, 131. Arnold Dyck Explains the Origin of Low German. Ja '69, 5. Baked Bread of Fellowship. Je '77, 21. Being and Doing. Ap '66, 79. Better Than Television. De '71, 154. Book Review. Oc '50, 46, 47; Ap '51, 47; Jl '51, 46, 47; Oc '51, 47; Oc '53, 189; Ap '55, 94, 95; Oc '62, 192; Mr '73, 31; Je '73, 61. Can You Hear Me? Se '72, 92. Choir of Frogs. Ap '71, 61. Christmas and the Rapture. De '95, 10. Comfortable Pew and the Tangled World. Jan '67, 3. Comic Spirit of Arnold Dyck. Oc '69, 169. Congregation Listens. Ap '71, 72. Expectation: The Shoe Last. Oc '64, 158. Father Homesteads a Quarter Section on the Cherokee Strip: September 17, 1893. De '94, 8. Few Know Low German. Jl '67, 116. First Fruits of a Poet. Jl '60, 130. Ghost. Mr '77, 30. Gravestone Wink. Se '80, 22. Greater Miracle. Se '80, 21. In the Lonely Night. Ja '68, 39. Kansas Sun. Je '77, 21 Mennonite Bibliography 1947. Ap '48, 47. Mennonite Community and Pacifist Character in American Literature. Mr '79, 8. Mennonite Morning Prayer. Se '76, 22. Mennonite Character in American Fiction. Jl '67, 123. Mennonites, the Mennonite Community, and Mennonite Writers. Se '92, 21. Modern Psalm. Ja '62, 26. Mottled Midnight. Jl '68, 108. My Mother and a Ph.D., Keeping the Sabbath, Our Pleasures are Simple, April, 28, 1936. De '91, 27. Night of the South Wind. Mr '73, 9. Not Enough Room. Ma-Je '74, 32. On the Edge of the Crowd. Jl '66, 132. Philosophy Lesson. Jl '70, 132. Plains. Se '74, 56. Poems of the prairie. De '84, 13. Poems. Se '86, 20. Poetry. Mr '89, 34. Rachel Weeps for Her Children. Mr '80, 7. Religious Values in Contemporary Literature. Ja '65, 22. Shattered Sky: Still, Small Voice. Oc '65, 157. Small Thoughts. Se '80, 21. Song from the Fencepost. Mr '72, 27. Spring. Mr '77, 31. Thy Kingdom Come. Ja '68, 42. To a Church. Se '80, 22. Trifles. Se '76, 22. Trifles. De '71, 154. Two Views of the World. Ap '71, 83. Two Mennonite Pioneers. Jl '63, 124. Universal Values in Rudy Wiebe's Peace Shall Destroy Many. Oc '65, 172. Upon reading "Conrad Grebel, son of Zurich." Mr '83, 10. Warren Kliewer, Writer and Mennonite. Se '98, 8. Waving Fields of Red Turkey Wheat. Je '73, 64. We are Spies. Ap '71, 61. What is Your Name? Se '73, 94. Which Way? Mr '75, 18. Who They Were. Je '77, 21. You Could Always Do Both. Ap '71, 72. Suderman, H. E. Sixty Years in the Banking Business. Ja '48, 38. Suderman, Jakob Der schoenste Klang. Ja '53, 30. Sudermann, Leonhard "Etwas über die Wehrlosigkiet" (Something on nonresistance). Theron F. Schlabach, ed.; Hilda Ediger Voth, tr. Se '88, 10. SUDERMAN, LEONHARD, 1821-1900 Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part II. Ap '70, 65. SUDERMANN, HERMANN, 1856-1928 Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part II. Ap '70, 65. Sudermann, Jacob Definition. Ja '56, 3; Ja '60, 35. Doctrine. Jl '67, 101. Elijah; The Intruder; Cain; The Beginner; Reciprocity; The Defiler; Skylark at Marbach. Oc '65, 152. Gospel Herald. Ja '56, 3. Islands; The Poet; Controversy; June; The Birthday Gift; St. Thomas. Oc '64, 158. Mourner. Jl '67, 101. Peace and Good Will. Ja '57, 3. Providence. Par I. Ap '54, 51; Part II, Jl '54, 99. Spartan Fox. Ja '60, 20. That Live Coal. Ja '60, 20. Transcendence. Ja '68, 39. Where? Je '77, 22. Why I Am a Mennonite. Jl '55, 142. Word. Ja '57, 3. You Are the Soul. Jl '67, 130. Yticilpmis (Simplicity). Ja '59, 3. SUDERMANN, JAKOB On the Banks of the Dnieper. Dedrich Navall. Oc '69, 157. Sudermann, Leonhard Building a Mennonite Church in Berdyansk. John B. Toews, trans. Je '98, 4. SUNFLOWERS Sunflower Rebuilds Community. J. J. Siemens. Jl '49, 28. Suter, Ella W. What Makes a Woman Beautiful. Jl '46, 13. Suter, Linda Falk Der Molotschna. Peter G. Epp; Clara Dyck, tr. De '89, 22; Mr '90, 31. Swartzendruber, Dorothy Education in Ontario. Jl '62, 121. SWISS-GERMAN MENNONITES Death and ethnicity: Swiss-German Mennonite gravestones of the "Pennsylvania style" (1804-54) in the Waterloo region, Ontario. Nancy-Lou Patterson. Se '82, 4. "See the vernal landscape glowing": the symbolic landscape of the Swiss-German Mennonite settlers in Waterloo County. Nancy-Lou Patterson. De '83, 8. SWISS VOLHYNIAN MENNONITES Background of the Nineteenth Century Swiss Mennonite Immigrants. Delbert L. Grätz. Ap '56, 61. Jacob Stucky--pioneer of two Continents. I. J. Neufeld. Ja '49, 46. Life, Work and Leisure in Pioneer Days. Orpha and Stella Schrag. Ma-Je '74, 18. Limits and Latitude: Everyday Expressions of Community and Individuality in Swiss Volhynian Mennonite Storytelling. John McCabe-Juhnke. Mr '91, 4. Schweizer Mennonite Nicknames. Naomi Preheim. De '74, 85. Swiss Mennonites Come to Bluffton and Pandora, Ohio. Delbert Grätz. Oc '60, 165. Swiss Mennonites of Pretty Prairie. A. J. Graber. Ap '50, 30. Swiss Mennonites Plan a Museum. Howard Raid. Oc '60, 163. Swiss Volhynian Mennonite Background. Oc '54, 156. Swiss Volhynian Mennonite Villages 1800-1874. Martin H. Schrag. Jl '58, 142. SWITZERLAND Cradle of the Mennonite Church. John C. Wenger. Ja '47, 6. Einsteigen Bitte! All Aboard! Norma Jost and Ruth Carper. Jl '52, 100. How I Became a Missionary. Rodolphe Charles Petter. Ja '55, 4. Mennonite Conference, Basel. P. S. Goertz. Ja '48, 47. Mennonite World Conference. S. F. Pannabecker. Oc '52, 149. Mennonite World Conference as Mirrored in the Press. Jl '53, 99. Mennonites Return to Zurich. Paul Peachy. Jl '53, 102. Some Remained Behind. Jacob A. Duerksen. Oc '70, 175. Swiss and French Mennonites Today. Samuel Gerber. Ap '52, 58. With the Swiss Mennonites Today. Sam J. Goering. Ja '47, 8. TABOR COLLEGE (HILLSBORO, KAN.) Oc '48, 30. Henry W. Lohrenz and Tabor College. Paul Toews. Se '83, 11. J. G. Ewert--A Mennonite Socialist. James C. Juhnke. Ja '68, 12. Mennonite Medical Doctors. Graduates of Four-year Mennonite Colleges. Compiled by S. L. Loewen. Jl '63, 116. TAIWAN Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '70, 183. Mennonite Student Around the World. Adolf Ens. Ap '65, 74. TANGANYIKA Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '70, 183. TASHKENT (SOVIET UNION) Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147. Taves, Harvey Welfare and Missions. Jl '62, 123. TEACHERS Andrew D. Schrag (1876-1956). Martin H. Schrag. Mr '95, 15. Mennonite Intelligentsia in Russia. N. J. Klassen. Ap '69, 51. Teachers Abroad Program. Robert Kreider. Ap '62, 77. Teaching in a Segregated School. Patricia Martin. Ja '67, 37. TEACHERS ABROAD PROGRAM Teachers Abroad Program. Robert Kreider. Ap '62, 77. Teichroew, Allan As Far as the Eye Can See: Some Depression Photographs of Mennonite Farmers. Se '78, 4. Book Reviews. Je '77, 23; Mr '79, 31. Gordon Friesen: writer, radical and ex-Mennonite. Je '83, 4. Hutterite mill of Bon Homme Colony: an architectural documentary. De '84, 9. Mennonites and the Conscription Trap. Se '75, 10. TEMPERANCE Mennonite Social Consciousness 1899-1905. Steven K. Friesen. Je '75, 19. TESCHEMACHER, JACOB Not a Dutch but a German Cabinet Organ--A Teschemacher. Esko Loewen. Je '76, 8. THANKSGIVING Raise the Song of Harvest Home. Erland Waltner. Oc '48, 4. Modern Pilgrim's Thanksgiving. Edwin Weaver. Oc '47, 9. THEATERS--STAGE SETTING AND SCENERY Karl Eigsti: Imagination as Motive. Warren Kliewer. De '91, 12. THEOLOGIANS The Theology of Gordon Kaufman. Alain Epp Weaver. Se '91, 22. THEOLOGY See also ANABAPTISTS, BIBLE, FUNDAMENTALISM, PHILOSOPHY, PIETISM, PROCESS THEOLOGY, REGENERATION (THEOLOGY). Academic Program: Bible and Theology. Walter Klassen. Ap '63, 63. Active or Passive Christianity. Cornelius Krahn. Mr/Je '96, 6. Anabaptist Evangelism in the Context of Modernity and Postmodernity. Lois Barrett. Je '98, 32. Anabaptist View of the Holy Spirit. Peter J. Klassen. Ja '68, 27. Basic Anabaptist Beliefs or a Consensus Mennoniticus. Walter Klaassen. Oc '67, 178. Believing People Today. T. Canby Jones. Oc '67, 188. Biblical Basis for Civil Disobedience. Alvin Beachy. Ja '70,6. C. C. Regier: progressive Mennonite historian. Keith L. Sprunger. Mr '84, 10. Cheyenne peace traditions. Lawrence Hart. Je '81, 4. Christian Dilemma: The Politics of Morality. Harold H. Gross. Ap '68, 59. Christian's Responsibility. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '58, 31. Constructing a Mennonite Theology in a Congregational Setting. Ted Grimsrud. Mr '97, 30. Cornelius H. Wedel and Oswald H. Wedel: two generations of Mennonite historians. Keith L. Sprunger. De '81, 16. Did Our Forefather's Have a Theology? Albert D. Klassen, Jr. Oc '56, 189. Elder Benjamin Ratzlaff: his life, times and descendants. Thomas B. Mierau. Mr '85, 17. Embarrassment of a religious tradition. Calvin Redekop. Se '81, 17. Grace Bible Institute and the Advance of Fundamentalism Among the Mennonites. William Vance Trollinger, Jr. Je '98, 4. Gustav H. Enss, Mennonite alien (1885-1965). James C. Juhnke. De '81, 9. Henry W. Lohrenz and Tabor College. Paul Toews. Se '83, 11. Heresy and Theological Literary Criticism. Maynard Kaufman. Jl '66, 118. How to Stop Constructing Things: Kaufman, Wittgenstein, and the Pragmatic End of Constructivism. Phil Stoltzfus. Mr '97, 37. Humanizing imperative: a process perspective. Carl S. Keener. Je '81, 8. Inter-Mennonite Scholarly Dialogue in 1929: Edmund G. Kaufman and Harold S. Bender. James C. Juhnke. De '98, 42. Jihad, McWorld, and Anabaptist Transcendence. Gerald. J. Biesecker-Mast. Se '97, 4. Making or Breaking the Peace? Gerald Showalter. De '96, 30. Mennonite Biblicism and Gordon Kaufman. William Klassen. De '97, 13. Mennonite Church theological and social boundaries, 1920-1930: Loyalists, liberals and laxitarians. James C. Juhnke. Je. '83, 18. Mennonite Theology and Mennonite Worship. Paul M. Miller. Oc '62, 174. Mennonite Theology in The Netherlands. J. A. Oosterbaan. Oc '63, 174. Mennonites and Urban Culture: An Opportunity in Nonconformity. Hugh S. Hostetler. Ja '69, 39. Mystery and God. Gordon Kaufman. Mr '97, 4. N. van der Zijpp--An Appreciation. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '69, 177. Nanne van der Zijpp. T. Alberda van der Zijpp. Oc '69, 174. Novelty, Mystery, Diversity: Conversations on the Boat. Elizabeth Schmidt. Mr '97, 44. Research notes: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren. Wm. Regehr and Calvin Redekop. Mr '82, 29. A Response to William Klassen. Gordon Kaufman. De '97, 21. Some Hard Questions to Menno: How Might He Respond? Cornelius J. Dyck. Mr '98, 14. Some Reflections on a Theological Pilgrimage. Gordon Kaufman. Mr '97, 10. Some Theological Reflections on the City. Paul Peachey. Ja '64, 28. Story of Nazism and its reception by German Mennonites. Diether Goetz Lichee. Mr '81, 24. Theological Views of Hans Denck. Walter Feldmann (Translated by Walter Klassen). Ja '63, 43. Theology of the Church's Mission. John H. Yoder. Ja '66, 30. Toward a Theology of Care. Myron Ebersole. Oc '66, 149. The Vow of Stability: A Premodern Way through a Hypermodern World. Gerald W. Schlabach. Se '98, 33. Walter Rauschenbusch: Anabaptist, pietist and social prophet. Donovan E. Smucker. Je '81, 21. We All Drink from the Same Stream. Alain Epp Weaver. Mr '97, 19. What I Learned from John Howard Yoder. Lois Barrett, Duane K. Friesen, Hansulrich Gerber, Stanley Hauerwas, James Juhnke, Albert J. Meyer, Glen Stassen, J. Denny Weaver, Michael L. Westmoreland-White. Mr '98, 4. When Bloch Pointed to the Cages Outside the Cathedral. Scott Holland. Se '99, 26. Which Bridge into the Next Century? Harvey Yoder. De '96, 26. Thielman, George C. Hutterites in Contemporary Society. Ja '70, 42. Thiesen, Barbara A. Book Review. Je '94, 30. J. Winfield Fretz Bibliography. Je '99, 28. Mennonite Life Index 1986-1990. Mr '91, 25. Mennonite Bibliography, 1995. Mr/Je '96, 51. Mennonite Bibliography, 1996. Je '97, 34. Mennonite Bibliography, 1997. Je '98, 38. Mennonite Bibliography, 1998. Je '99, 30. Radical Reformation and Mennonite Bibliography. Je '91, 28; Je '92, 21; Je '93, 26; Je '94, 15; Je '95, 18. Thiesen, John D. Book review. Se '81, 30; De '87, 28; Mr '88, 31; Se '89, 35; Mr '90, 38; De '92, 39. Civilian Public Service: two case studies. Je '90, 4. Film review: "And when they shall ask." Se '84, 25. The Mennonite Encounter with National Socialism: The Example of Fernheim. Je '91, 4. Mennonites, the Molotschna, and the "Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle" in the Second World War. Horst Gerlach, John Thiesen, transl. Se '86, 4. Rodolphe Petter and General Conference missions. Se '85, 4. THIESSEN, ABRAHAM, 1838-1889 Abraham Thiessen: A Mennonite Revolutionary? Cornelius Krahn. Ap '69, 73. Thiessen, F. C. My Recollections of P. M. Friesen. Oc '48, 9. Thiessen, Irmgard Mental Health and the Mennonites. Jl '63, 114. Thiessen, J. J. Present Mennonite Immigration to Canada. Jl '49, 33. Thiessen, Jack Arnold Dyck--The Mennonite Artist. Ap '69, 77. Books in Review. Ja '70, 46. Farmer's Son. Ja '68, 37. His Willow. Ja '68, 35. Low German of the Canadian Mennonites. Jl '67, 110. Thiessen, John, 1893-1967 Book Review. Jl '51, 45; Ap '52, 95; Jl '52, 143; Jl '59, 144. General Conference Mennonite Missions in India. Jl '50, X. What of Mennonite Broadcasting? Jl '52, 128; Mr/Je '96, 20. THIESSEN, JOHN, 1893-1967 Some Recent Publications. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '66, 143. Thiessen, Muriel See Stackley, Muriel Thiessen Thiessen, Ruby Witnessing in Kyushu. Oc '57, 158. Thompson, Tad At a distance to 'worldly' ways. De '84, 14. THRESHING See also AGRICULTURE. Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part I: Text. C. B. Schmidt (translated by Cornelius Krahn). Ap '70, 51. Tiahrt, Jeanne K. Home-Crafts in Our Day. Oc '48, 10. Tilitzky, Jacob Christ is our cornerstone. Ross T. Bender, jt. author. Mr '84, 4. TITANIC Missionary on the Titanic. Mrs. Christena Duerksen. Ja '57, 44. Titera, Evelyn Stolfus Blessed Relief. Jl '59, 116. Toews, A. P. Bernhard Harder's Critique of the Baptists and Mennonite Brethren. Oc '59, 179. TOEWS, ABRAHAM P., 1899- Some Recent Publications. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '66, 143. TOEWS, DAVID, 1870-1947 Moses of Our Day--David Toews. D. J. Schellenberg. Jl '50, VI. TOEWS, GERHARD Literature of the Russo-Canadian Mennonites. J. H. Jansen. Ja '46, 22. Toews, J. B. Mennonite Brethren Church--Reedley, California. Oc '54, 151. Toews, Jacob J. Book Review. Oc '51, 44. Toews, John B. B. B. Janz and the Mennonite Emigration. Jl '68, 111. Book review. Mr '75, 31; Mr '86, 25; Se '86, 30; Mr '93, 35; Se '95, 23. Building a Mennonite Church in Berdyansk. Leonhard Sudermann. John B. Toews, trans. Je '98, 4. Czar Alexander I Visits the Molotschna Colonies. Se '74, 57. Flight to Batum. Jl '71, 117. Forgotten Goodness: The Deutsche Mennoniten-Hilfe (1920-1932). Je '95, 12. "The Good Old Days" A Russian Mennonite Document. Ja '68, 31. Harmony amid disharmony: a diary portrait of Mennonite singing in Russia during the 1860s. De '85, 4. Mennonites in the Early Soviet Period. Jl '69, 101. Nonresistance and migration in the 1870's: two personal views. Je '86, 9. Nonresistance Reexamined. Ma-Je '74, 8. Prussian Mennonite experiences the Napoleonic Wars: the account of Abraham Neufeldt. Je '88, 4. Russian Mennonite: The Diary of Dietrich Gaeddert (1860-1876). De '78, 10. Social Structures of the Russian Mennonites. Jl '71, 133. Tobias Voth: The Gentle Schoolmaster of Orlov: A Document of 1850. Mr '78, 27. Visit to Mennonite Villages in Siberia. Se '73, 86. Voice of Peace in Troubled Times. Se '72, 93. Toews, Mary Fortitude. Jl '66, 125. Plastic Scenery. Jl '55, 122. To a Congo Ferry. Ja '54, 44. Toews, Paul Henry W. Lohrenz and Tabor College. Se '83, 11. J. Winfield Fretz and the Early History of Mennonite Sociology. Je '99, 17. "Will a new day dawn from this?": Mennonite pacifist people and the good war. De '90, 16. Toews, Wilma Homemaking--a Challenging Vocation. Oc '56, 163. It Wouldn't be Sunday without Zwieback. Ja '48, 42. Tomin, Julius Marxist Speaks. Jl '65, 106. TOPEKA (KAN.) As Others Saw Them. Noble L. Prentis, et. al. Ap '70, 59. (Cover). "Naked and Ye Clothed Me": The Story of Mennonite Disaster Service. Clayton Koppes. Ap '66, 72. TORONTO (ONT.) Menno House. Werner Heinrichs. Ap '65, 65. Psycho-Social Changes Within a Metropolitan Religious Minority. William Dyck and John Sawatzky. Oc '68, 172. Training Missionaries for Today's World. Donald N. Larson. Ja '66, 4. Totten, Don E. Agriculture of Manitoba Mennonites. Jl '49, 24. TOURS Mennonite Holiday Tour. Arnold J. Regier. Ap '56, 82. Mennonite Singers on Adventurous Choir Trip. H. A. Fast. Ja '56, 10. Towne, Marian Kleinsasser Bread of Life: Diaries and Memories of a Dakota Family 1936-1945: Christmas Excerpts. De '95, 12. TOYS D. G. Remple's Adventure in Toy Manufacturing. Ja '50, 41. TRADITION See also FOLKLORE and SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS Individual and Tradition. Calvin Redekop. Se '80, 26. Low German Children's Rhymes. Warren Kliewer. Jl '59, 141. Mothers and Daughters. Ruth Baughman Unrau. Jl '59, 142. Die Stillen im Lande. Roland R. Goering. Ja '59, 29. Changing Mountain Lake. Calvin Redekop. Jl '56, 128. Trollinger, William Vance, Jr. Grace Bible Institute and the Advance of Fundamentalism among the Mennonites. Je '98, 4. TSCHETTER, PAUL, 1842-1919 Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part II. Ap '70, 65. Tschetter, Richard Is God Love? Oc '51, 3. Response to "The Daniel explosion: Bethel's first Bible crisis." Se '89, 25. Tally, Robert W. Church and Recreation. Jl '47, 10. Tulner, H. P. Deventer Mennonite Church. Ap '52, 72. TURKESTAN From Central Asia to America. Douglas Hale. Jl '70, 133. TURKEY WHEAT See also WHEAT, AGRICULTURE. Turkey Wheat: A Mennonite Contribution to Great Plains Agriculture. John W. Schmidt. De '74, 67. TYROL (AUSTRIA) See also AUSTRIA. Anabaptism in the Inn Valley. Robert Friedmann. Jl '60, 109. UKRAINE See also RUSSIA, SOVIET UNION, VOLHYNIA, CHORTITZA, MOLOTSCHNA. B. B. Janz and the Mennonite Emigration. John B. Toews. Jl '68, 111. From Danzig to Russia: the First Mennonite Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8. Mennonite Selbstschutz in the Ukraine. An Eyewitness Account. J. P. Epp. Jl '71, 138. Mennonites in Soviet Russia. Gerhard Hildebrand. Jl '69, 108. Mennonites in the Early Soviet Period. John B. Toews. Jl '69, 101. Mennonites of Russia Today. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '69, 116. Mennonites of the Ukraine under Stalin and Hitler. Gerhard Fast. Ap '47, 18. Ulrich, Wilfred Mennonite Conferences in Ontario. Jl '62, 109. Mennonite Vocations. Jl '62, 117. Umble, Diane Zimmerman Filmmaking revisited. Se '84, 22. Genesis of a film. Mr '83, 4. Umble, Jenifer Hiett Book Review. Se '94, 27. Spiritual companions: women as wives in the Martyrs' mirror. Se '90, 32. Umble, John S. John Samuel Coffman: His Life and Work. Jl '59, 110. Mennonites in Florida. Jl '57, 108. Unger, George Religious Education among Mennonites in Manitoba. Ap '57, 86. UNITED STATES As Far as the Eye Can See: Some Depression Photographs of Mennonite Farmers. Allan Teichrow. Se '78, 4. Colonial Experience Which Sticketh Closer than a Brother. Robert Kreider. Se '80, 16. In the Shadow of Independence Hall. Se '76, 4. "Lovers of peace and order." Wynn Goering. Se '85, 11. "One nation under God": religion and the American dream. James C. Juhnke. De '83, 23. Reflections on America. Huang Xinqu. Je '83, 28. Religion and the American dream: a study in confusion and tension. Robert D. Linder. De '83, 17. Windows to the Mennonite Experience in America--A Photographic Essay. Robert Kreider. Je '78, 25. UNIVERSITY See also COLLEGE, EDUCATION, STUDENTS. Association of Mennonite University Students. Reinhard H. Vogt. Ap '65, 63. Unrau, Ruth Baughman Book Reviews. Se '77, 29. Gardening. Jl '59, 128. Mothers and Daughters. Jl '59, 142. Occupation: Housewife. Ap '58, 60; Ap '60, 70. Trial of Andrew Foster. Jl '61, 133. Unruh, A. H. Book Review. Ap '55, 96. Unruh, Abe J. Great Red River Flood. Ja '51, 26. Pawnee Rock Mennonites: Background. Jl '55, 131. UNRUH, B. H. Biographical Sketch of Benjamin H. Unruh. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '60, 6 "The Good Old Days" A Russian Mennonite Document from 1835. (Introduction and translation by John B. Toews). Ja '68, 31. Ein Grosser unseres Volkes. J. H. Enns. Ja '60, 11. B. H. Unruh--heimgegangen. J. B. Wiens. Ja '60, 12. B. H. Unruh--Theologian and Statesman. Johannes Harder. Ja '60, 3. Mein Besuch bei Ohm Benjamin. Arnold Dyck. Ja '60, 8. Ohm Benjamin. N. J. Neufeld. Ja '60, 10. One of the Last. N. Klassen. Ja '60, 4. Relief Workers after World War I. Ja '56, 8. Unruh, Edwin At an Anniversary of a Church. Ap '58, 61. UNRUH FAMILY Portraits of Mennonite Health: Selected Stories from Historical Nursing Research. Janice Unruh Davidson. Mr '94, 19. Unruh, Inez Portrait of a Prophet. Jl '59, 123. Unruh, J. D. Book Review. Oc '51, 44, 45. Good Old Frisian. Ap '51, Jacob T. Gross--a Mennonite Business Man. Ja '47, 28. Mennonites of South Dakota. Jl '50, I. Unruh, John D., Jr. Education for Responsibility. Jl '59, 125. Hutterites During World War I. Jl '69, 130. Unruh, Lysianne The Island Cave. De '99, 35. Unruh, N. Lied des Landmannes. Jl '51, 22. Unruh, Selma. houses of Bethel. David A. Haury. De '86, 19. Unruh, Verney Challenge in Japan. Oc '57, 147. Unruh, W. F. Glimpses from Evanston. Oc '54, 148. URBAN ISSUES Walter Rauschenbusch: Anabaptist, pietist and social prophet. Donovan E. Smucker. Je '81, 21. URBAN MENNONITES New Mennonite Community. J. Lawrence Burkholder. De '72, 104. Language and Communication Among Urban Mennonites. Victor Doerksen. Oc '68, 182. Mennonites and the Civil Service. Frank H. Epp. Oc '68, 179. Mennonite Family Stresses in the City. Otto H. Driedger. Oc '68, 176. Psycho-Social Changes Within a Metropolitan Religious Minority. William Dyck and John Sawatzky. Oc '68, 172. Symposium: How can Christian Community be Established in the City? J. Lawrence Burkholder, et al. Ja '64, 17. URBANIZATION 1-W and His Church. Glenn Martin. Jl '58, 118. Language and Communication Among Urban Mennonites. Victor Doerksen. Oc '68, 182. Manitoba Mennonites in the Rural-Urban Shift. John Friesen. Oc '68, 152. Martensville: Half-Way House to Urbanization. Herbert Peters. Oc '68, 164. Mennonite Family Stresses in the City. Otto H. Driedger. Oc '68, 176. Mennonite Research in Progress. Cornelius Krahn and Melvin Gingerich. Ap '69, 89. Mennonites and the City. Waldemar Janzen. Oc '68, 186. Mennonites and Urban Culture: An Opportunity in Nonconformity. Hugh S. Hostetler. Ja '69, 39. Perspective on Canadian Mennonite Urbanization. Leo Driedger. Oc '68, 147. Planting a church in a changing city. Delton Franz as interviewed by Robert Kreider. Mr '88, 23. Research on Urban Mennonites. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '68, 189. Symposium: How can Christian Community be Established in the City? J. Lawrence Burkholder, et a. Ja '64, 17. Urban Mennonite church--the first two decades. Rachel Waltner Goossen. Se '86, 22. Urry, James Book Review. Je '91, 27. The Russian State, the Mennonite World and the Migration from Russia to North America in the 1870s. Mr '91, 11. Immigration and Famine in Russia, 1833: Two letters of Johann Cornies. Se '91, 18. URUGUAY Colonia Mennonita in Uruguay--27, de Octubre. H. J. Andres. Jl '49, 15. Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '70, 183. Im Schweisse Deines Angesichts. Walter Quiring. Oc '54, 190. In South America. Cornelius J. Dyck. Oc '51, 27. Von Danzig nach Uruguay. Gustav E. Reimer. Jl '49, 12. UYLENBURG, HENDRIK VAN, 1587-1661 Anabaptists and Art. The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Robert W. Regier. Ja '68, 16. Van Bilderbeek, H. Dutch Mennonite Peace Group. Oc '63, 172. Van der Burg, J. H. New Church in the Northeastpolder. Oc '63, 179. Van der Zijpp, N. Future of the Dutch Mennonites. Oc '63, 176. Van Dyck, Harry R. A Bethel College Memoir. Se '94, 13. VAN HAEMSTEDE, ALRIAEN Dutch Anabaptism in Elizabethan England. Fred J. Zerger. Ja '71, 19. VAN LEIDEN, JAN Jan van Leiden: Violence and Grace. Jurgen Byl. Jl '71, 103. Van Sluijs-Bijl, Mar F. National Federation of Mennonite Women. Oc '63, 169. Van Zetten, Ger Mennonite Youth Agency. Oc '63, 162. VANCOUVER (BRITISH COLOMBIA) Mennonites in Vancouver--A Survey. Peter Letkemann. Oc '68, 160. Pioneering in British Colombia. B. B. Wiens. Jl '46, 9. VANDENBERG, HAN Biblical View of Missions. Peter Fast. Ja '66, 24. Vandever, William T. Education of teachers at Bethel College in Kansas, 1893-1927. Mr '87, 4. Veen, Wicher Where East and West Met. Oc '67, 159. Veendorp, Gary Models for Survival. Se '73, 82. Original Music and Drama for the Centennial. Se '74, 60. Veenstra, G. Bloodless Conquest. Ap '52, 74. Agricultural Training in Holland. Jl '52, 111. Meppel Mennonite Church. Oc '54, 152. VERBAND DER BUERGER HOLLAENDISCHER HERKUNFT Mennonites in the Early Soviet Period. John B. Toews. Jl '69, 101. "The Good Old Days" A Russian Mennonite Document from 1835. Ja '68, 31. VERBAND DER MENNONITEN SUEDRUSSLANDS B. B. Janz and the Mennonite Emigration. John B. Toews. Jl '68, 111. VERLOREN IN DER STEPPE See DYCK, ARNOLD Vice, Roy L. Book Review. Se '96, 35. VIETNAM WAR Agony of Civic Isolation: Mennonites in World War I. James C. Juhnke. Ja '70, 27. Bach Mai: A View from Inside. Douglas Hostetter. Je '73, 55. Called to be Faithful. Alvin J. Beachy. Ap '68, 51. Christian Dilemma: The Politics of Morality. Harold H. Gross. Ap '68, 59. Conscience of a Nation. Russell L. Mast. Oc '67, 147. Crushing the Ones We Help. Gene Stoltzfus. Ap '68, 81. Has the Press Failed Us. Maynard Shelly. Ap '68, 88. Human Family and Vietnam. James Douglas. Ap '66, 68. Interpreting the Signs. Harold H. Gross. Ap '66, 61. Learning the Wrong Lessons. Keith L. Sprunger. Ap '68, 64. Pacification and Development in Vietnam. John M. Janzen. Ap '68, 76. Peace Witness and Revolutionary Movements. Vincent Harding. Oc '67, 161. Recent Protest Art. Robert W. Regier. Ap '68, 70. Serving a Nation in Agony. William Keeney. Ap '68, 54. Scientist and War. Orville L. Voth. Ap '68, 84. What the War Has Done to Our Witness. Luke Martin. Je '73, 56. VILLAGES Alexanderwohl Villages in Kansas, 1874. Oc '49, 21. Altona--From Village to City. Victor Penner. Jl '56, 116. Beginning of Hochfeld Village and the Alexanderwohl Church. Peter U. Schmidt. Richard H. Schmidt, tr. Mr '81, 4. Gandenau Village Plan, 1874. Oc '47, 20. Hochfeld Village. Richard H. Schmidt. Mr '85, 12. Life in a Mennonite Village. Elizabeth Peters. Jl '56, 110. Mennonite Names of Persons and Places. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '60, 36. Mennonite Village in Kansas. Alberta Pantle. Oc '47, 20. Steinbach. Eugene and Bruno Derksen. Ap '57, 73. Swiss-Volhynian Mennonite Villages, 1800-1874. Martin H. Schrag. Jl '58, 142. Village Nicknames Among the Mennonites in Russia. Gerhard Wiens. Oc '70, 177. Visit to Mennonite Villages in Siberia. Translation, John B. Toews. Se '73, 86. VIOLINS Music in the Making. Christena Duerksen. Ja '59, 17. VIRGINIA Interlude in the Shenandoah. Sylvia Harris. Ja '49, 38. Virginia Mennonites. Harry A. Brunk. Ja '63, 18. Virginia Mennonites in the Civil War. Grant M. Stoltzfus. Ja '63, 27. VISUAL AIDS Teaching the Faith of Our Fathers. Leland Harder. Jl '58, 33. VOCATIONS See also BUSINESS, INDUSTRY, AGRICULTURE.. Challenge of Christian Vocations. Andrew Shelly. Ap '59, 51. Homemaking--a Challenging Vocation. Wilma Toews. Oc '56, 163. I Would Do It Again. P. P. Wedel. Ja '59, 10. Mennonite Vocations (Ontario). Wilfred Ulrich. Jl '62, 117. Mennonites of Wichita Live and Work. G. S. Stoneback. Ja '53, 9. Mothers and Daughters. Ruth Baughman Unrau. Jl '59, 142. Occupation: Housewife. Ruth Baughman Unrau. Ap '58, 60; Ap '60, 70. Vocations of Swiss and South German Anabaptists. Robert Kreider. Ja '53, 38. Vogt, Harold From Farmer to Office Craftsman. Ja '53, 36. Program Plans on Mental Health. Oc '54, 185. Vogt, Reinhard H. Association of Mennonite University Students. Ja '57, 39; Ap '65, 63. Mennonite Community in Winnipeg. Ja '64, 13. Some Marks of a Christian Scholar. Ap '66, 76. VOLGA GERMANS Religious and Ethnic Groups: Laws, Decrees, and Actions. Jl '69, 122. VOLHYNIA (UKRAINE) See also SWISS VOLHYNIAN MENNONITES. Some Remained Behind. Jacob A. Duerksen. Oc '70, 175. Swiss-Volhynian Mennonite Background. Oc '54, 156. Swiss-Volhynian Mennonite Villages, 1800-1874. Martin H. Schrag. Jl '58, 142. DAS VOLK DER WANDERSCHAFT See BEHRENDS, ERNST VOLUNTARY SERVICE See also MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE, PAX. European Mennonite Voluntary Service. Cal Redekop. Jl '52, 106. Helping Lepers in Paraguay. John R. Schmidt. Ja '58, 20. In Europe. Harold W. Buller. Oc '51, 23. M.C.C. San-Joaquin Valley Project. Arlene Sitler. Jl '51, 4. Mennonite Central Committee Witness. Orie O. Miller. Oc '51, 21. Mennoniten at Espelkamp. Milton J. Harder. Jl '52, 109. Northern District Brotherhood. H. U. Harder. Oc '54, 170. Ocean at Our Door. Glen and Luetta Harder. Ap '60, 72. Our Youth in Christian Service. Harry E. Martens. Ap '54, 77. Program at Home. William T. Snyder. Oc '51, 36. Voluntary Service--a New Approach to Missions. Elmer Ediger. Ja '51, 28. Ye Have Done it Unto Me. Carl R. Jantzen. Ja '57, 35. Voolstra, Sjouke Book Review. Mr '94, 28. Voth, Elvera Book Review. Jl '54, 144. VOTH, H. R. (HEINRICH RICHERT), 1855-1931 Beginnings of Missions in Oklahoma. Christian Krehbiel. Jl '55, 108. H. R. Voth: ethnologist. Fred Eggan. Je '82, 14; Mr/Je '96, 30. Hopi images: a photo essay. Je '82, 20. Christ and Culture in the Mission Field. Alfred Siemens. Ap '62, 82. VOTH, HENRY S., 1878-1953 Guardian of the way: the farmer preacher, Henry S. Voth (1878-1953). Peter Penner. Se '82, 8. Voth, Hilda Ediger Bethel College's twenty-fifth anniversary. David A. Haury, ed. De '86, 17. C. H. Wedel's synopsis of The history of the Mennonites. Keith L. Sprunger and Hilda Voth. De '81, 23. Cornelius H. Wedel and Oswald H. Wedel: two generations of Mennonite historians. Keith L. Sprunger. De '81, 16. "Etwas über die Wehrlosigkeit" (Something on nonresistance). Leonhard Sudermann; Theron F. Schlabach, ed. Se '88, 10. Voth, Orville L. On the Quality of Discontent. Oc '70, 186. Scientist and War. Ap '68, 84. VOTH, TOBIAS, 1791-? Tobias Voth: The Gentle Schoolmaster of Orlov: A Document of 1850. John B. Toews, ed. Mr '78, 27. WADSWORTH (OHIO) Mennonite College Through Town Eyes. Rachel Kreider. Je '77, 4. One Hundred Years in Wadsworth. Rachel Kreider. Oc '53, 161. WADSWORTH INSTITUTE (WADSWORTH, OHIO) The Abraham J. Moser Diary of Wadsworth Institute-1868. Rachel W. Kreider and Anna Kreider Juhnke, eds. Nettie Hooley, tr. Je '93, 4. Pioneers in Mennonite Education. Ed. G. Kaufman. Ja '62, 16. Wadsworth School. Anna Kreider. Ap '59, 66. Wagler, Harley Book Review. Se '91, 31. WALDENSIANS Waldensians After World War II. Bertha Fast. Ap '50, 18. Waldensians and the Mennonites. Sandro Sarti. Ap '50, 21. Waldensians in America. Ap '50, 23. Waldensians--their Heroic Story. Albert Roland. Ap '50, 16. WALDNER, JACOB S. Hutterites During World War I. John D. Unruh. Jl '69, 130. Waldner, Marie For Half a Century. Ap '53, 95. Waldrep, G. C. The Amish Settlement That Failed. De '98, 32. First Gentile Convert in a Mennonite Community. De '98, 33. Manuscript Evidence. De '98, 35. Nightworld. De '98, 36. Shelter. De '98, 34. Weather Report: 15 December. Dec '99, 36. WALDSHUT (GERMANY) Baptists Come Back to Waldshut. Paul Peachy. Ap '54, 63. WALL, MARIA WIENS Portraits of Mennonite Health: Selected Stories from Historical Nursing Research. Janice Unruh Davidson. Mr '94, 19. Waltner, Elma Printery on the Prairie. Ja '52, 16. WALTNER, ELMA Woodcarving-Elma Waltner. Lena Waltner. Ap '52, 63. Waltner, Erland Anabaptist Concept of the Church. Oc '50, 40. Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries. Ap '59, 55. Book Review. Jl '52, 142, 144; Ap '53, 96; Oc '56, 191, 192; Ap '57, 91, 94, 95; Oc '57, 177, 181; Ja '58, 48; Oc '69, 187. Builders for Eternity. Oc '59, 168. Education for Christian Discipleship Today. Oc '55, 147. Jesus Christ Reconciles! Se '72, 67. Raise the Song of Harvest Home. Oc '48, 4. Reflections on Strasbourg 84. Edgar Stoesz, et al. Se '84, 15. Waltner, Gary Among the Habaner of Czechoslovakia. Ap '66, 84. Hutterite Mill of 1612. Ap '66, 90. Waltner, John Books in Review. Ap '68, 93. Gerald B. Winrod: Deluded Defender of the Faith. Ja '69, 31. Waltner, Lena Art As I See It. Ja '47, 46. Pasture. Jl '58, 136. Trends in Art Education. Jl '57, 104. Woodcarving--Elma Waltner. Ap '52, 63. Waltner, Orlando A. Church Crossing Frontiers. Ja '66, 3. Mahatma Gandhi and World Peace. Ap '62, 55. Ministry of Reconciliation. Ja '67, 35. Waltner, Rachel See Goosen, Rachel Waltner WAR See also WAR BONDS, VIETNAM WAR, WORLD WAR, PEACE, ALTERNATIVE SERVICE, CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS, PRISONERS OF WAR. Bach Mai: A View from Inside. Douglas Hostetter. Je '73, 55. Beginning of Alternative Service During the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05). Gerhard Lohrenz. Jl '71, 114. Books in Review. Ap '68, 94. Court Martial 1918: Pvt. Ura V. Aschliman (420382). Se '76, 18. Eyewitness Accounts. Schowalter Oral History Project. Se '75, 19. George Bush's Holy War. Richard V. Pierard. Se '92, 12. Human Family and Vietnam. James Douglass. Ap '66, 68. Interpreting the Signs. Harold H. Gross. Ap '66, 61. Kansas Mennonites During the Spanish-American War. James C. Juhnke. Ap '71, 70. Mennonites and the Conscription Trap. Allan Teichroew. Se '75, 10. Probing the Impact of World War I. John F. Schmidt. De '71, 161. Prussian Mennonite experiences the Napoleonic Wars: the account of Abraham Neufeldt. John B. Toews. Je '88, 4. Recent Protest Art. Robert W. Regier. Ap '68, 70. Scientist and War. Orville L. Voth. Ap '68, 84. United States vs. S. H. Miller: The Strange Case of a Mennonite Editor Convicted of Violating the 1917 Espionage Act. Ted Joseph. Se '75, 14. Virginia Mennonites in the Civil War. Grant M. Stoltzfus. Ja '63, 27. War Bond Drives and the Kansas Mennonite Response. Margaret Entz. Se '75, 4. What the War Has Done to Our Witness. Luke Martin. Je '73, 56. WAR BONDS Handling Pro-German in Three-Scene Drama. Clipping from Fairview, Oklahoma Newspaper. Se '75, 26. War Bond Drives and the Kansas Mennonite Response. Margaret Entz. Se '75, 4. WARD (WEST VIRGINIA) Ward: a fifty-year memory. Donald W. Regier. Mr '84, 19. WARKENTIN, BERNHARD, 1847-1908 Bernhard Warkentin and the Kansas Mennonite Pioneers. David A. Haury. De '74, 70. I Remember Mrs. Warkentin. Catharine Alice Woodruff. De '74, 76. WARKENTIN FLOUR MILL (HALSTEAD AND NEWTON, KAN.) Bernhard Warkentin and the Kansas Mennonite Pioneers. David A. Haury. De '74, 70. WARKENTIN, HENRY A. Welcome to Immigrants. Marjorie Burden. Jl '52, 116. WARKENTIN, JAKOB Heinrich Heese Autobiography. Ap '69, 66. WARKENTIN, JOHANN, 1859-1948 By Reason of Strength: Johann Warkentin, 1859-1948. Peter Penner. De '78, 4. WARKENTIN, WILHELMINA, 1852-1932 I Remember Mrs. Warkentin. Catharine Alice Woodruff. De '74, 76. WASCO (CALIF.) Shafter-Wasco Community. Vernon Neufeld. Oc '52, 158. WASHINGTON Colfax Washington Community. J. W. Fretz. Jl '54, 140. Story of a Church. Willard Wiebe. Ja '52, 11. WATERGATE AFFAIR, 1972-74 Reflections on Watergate. Delton Franz. Je '73, 58. WATERLANDERS Anabaptists and Art. The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Robert W. Regier. Ja '68, 16. WATERLOO COUNTY (ONT.) Church's Involvement in Higher Education--A New Venture. Walter Klaassen. Ap '65, 83. Death and ethnicity: Swiss-German Mennonite gravestones of the "Pennsylvania style" (1804-54) in the Waterloo region, Ontario. Nancy-Lou Patterson. Se '82, 4. Mennonite Change: The Life History of the Blenheim Mennonite Church, 1839-1974. Lorna L. Bergey. De '77, 23. "See the vernal landscape glowing": the symbolic landscape of the Swiss-German Mennonite settlers in Waterloo County. Nancy-Lou Patterson. De '83, 8. Waterloo Mennonites. C. J. Rempel. Jl '62, 106. WATONWAN COUNTY (MINN.) Living between two Minnesota counties. Bertha Fast Harder. De '87, 4. WAYNE COUNTY (OHIO) Church of God in Christ. Harry D. Wenger. Jl '59, 122. Weaver, Alain Epp Book Review. Je '92, 18; Je '94, 27; Se '94, 30; Mr '98, 37. The Theology of Gordon Kaufman. Se '91, 22. We all Drink from the Same Stream. Mr '97, 19. WEAVER, AMOS, 1900- Reflections on change in the lifetime of six eastern Mennonites. Dwight Roth. De '82, 21. Weaver, Brent Singing at the Fire. Je '97, 22. Weaver, Edwin L. Modern Pilgrim's Thanksgiving. Oc '47, 9. Weaver, J. Denny Anabaptist vision: from recovery to reform. Se '82, 14. Book review. Mr '82, 31; Je '87, 27; Mr '89, 35; Se '93, 34. Peace of religion or a religion of peace. Mr '89, 10. What I Learned from John Howard Yoder. Mr '98, 12. Weaver, J. N. Care. Ja '51, 4. Weaver, J. Richard Community and Culture as Expressions of Values. Mr '99, 33. Weaver, Laura H. Divided Together: Written and Visual Explorations of the Self. De '99, 17. Forbidden fancies: a child's vision of Mennonite plainness. Je '88, 20. Writing about the Covering and Plain Clothes as a Mennonite "Family" Possession. De '94, 4. Weaver, Valerie First Footwashing. Se '96, 16. Weaver, Velma Beyler The Gladys Hostetler Diary. Velma Beyler Weaver, ed. Mr '94, 12. WEBER, ANNA, 1814-1888 Anna Weber Hat Das Gemacht. Anna Weber (1814-1888)--Fraktur Painter of Waterloo County, Ontario. Nancy-Lou Patterson. De '75, 15. Weber, Ralph K. Books in Review. Ja '69, 47; Jl '70, 142. WEDDINGS See also COURTSHIP. Courtship and Marriage Practices of Lancaster Mennonites. Aaron Martin. Ja '62, 31. Weddings of yesterday. Rosemary Moyer and David A. Haury. De '84, 17. Will you Kill a Cow for Me? James R. Jaquith. Se '73, 72. WEDEL, C. H. (CORNELIUS HEINRICH), 1860-1910 C. H. Wedel's synopsis of The history of the Mennonites. Keith L. Sprunger and Hilda Voth. De '81, 23. College Church after Fifty Years. C. E. Krehbiel. Oc '48, 36. Cornelius H. Wedel and Oswald H. Wedel: two generations of Mennonite historians. Keith L. Sprunger. De '81, 16. Ludwig Keller: A Prophet and a Scholar. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '66, 81. Words to Young Christians. Oc '47, back cover. Wedel, D. C. Book Review. Ap '52, 94, 95; Ap '58, 92; Jl '59, 143. Contributions of Pioneer David Goerz. Oc '52, 170. Is There a Voice. Jl '46, 5. Wedel, Delmer Rehabilitation of Prisoners of War. Ja '49, 35. Wedel, Elizabeth K. I Remember Grandmother. Oc '60, 172. Wedel, Erwin C. Book Review. Ap '52, 94. Wedel, Janine R. Book Review. Mr '91, 24. Wedel, Jean Male-Female Roles in Our Society. Ja '71, 27. WEDEL, OSWALD H., 1894-1957 Cornelius H. Wedel and Oswald H. Wedel: two generations of Mennonite historians. Keith L. Sprunger. De '81, 16. Wedel, P. J. Beginnings of Secondary Education in Kansas. Oc '48, 14. How it Feels to be Seventy-Five Years Old. Oc '54, 177. Wedel, P. P. I Would Do it Again. Ja '59, 10. Wedel, Theodore O. Christian Church, a Colony of Heaven. Ja '48, cover. "The City Was Full of Idols" Acts 17:16. Oc '64, 147. Reminiscences and Reflections. Oc '48, 39. WEIERHOF (GERMANY) From the Krehbiel Family Album. Emma K. Bachmann. Jl '55, 135. WELFARE Welfare and Missions. Harvey Taves. Jl '62, 123. Wenger, Anna Mennonites in Aberdeen, Idaho. Jl '57, 120. Wenger, Elizabeth Poems (Episode 3 in Pain or From the Cross and First Step). Oc '69, 178. Wenger, F. L. Mennonites in Aberdeen, Idaho. Jl '57, 120. Wenger, Harry D. Beginnings of a Foreign Endeavor. Ap '61, 95. Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. Jl '59, 122. Wenger, John C. Basic Issues in Nonconformity. Ja '54, 42. Cradle of the Mennonite Church. Ja '47, 6. Germantown, a Mennonite Gateway. Oc '58, 175. Mennonites Establish Themselves in Pennsylvania. Jl '47, 27. Wenger, Linden M. Early Mennonite Missions. Ja '63, 22. West, Charles C. Second All-Christian Peace Assembly I. Jl '65, 115. WEST POINT (IOWA) Early Years at West Point, Iowa. John C. Krehbiel. Ap '60, 53. WEST PRUSSIA See PRUSSIA WEST SWAMP MENNONITE CHURCH (BUCKS CO., PENN.) Pennsylvania Mennonite Church--West Swamp. J. Herbert Fretz. Oc '47, 33. WESTERN DISTRICT CONFERENCE Western District Conference-a photographic essay. David A. Haury. Se '81, 4. Westmoreland-White, Michael L. What I Learned from John Howard Yoder. Mr '98, 12. WHALING Mennonites and Whaling. Ja '56, 17. WHEAT Pioneers, Wheat, and Faith. Centennial Photo Section. Ma-Je '74, 24. Turkey Wheat. John W. Schmidt. De '74, 67. Wheat Centennial Proclaimed. Resolution adopted by the Kansas legislature. Je '73, 46. WHITEHEAD, ALFRED NORTH Significance of the Poetic Act. Paul Wiebe. Jl '66, 122. WHITEWATER (KAN.) Gustav Harder. Edith Claassen Graber. Oc '52, 176. Whitmer, P. E. Witmarsum Theological Seminary. Ap '59, 65. WICHITA (KAN.) From Whence Came the Mennonites of Wichita. J. H. Langenwalter. Ja '53, 7. Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part I: Text. C. B. Schmidt. Ap '70, 51. Mennonites of Wichita Live and Work. G. S. Stoneback. Ja '53, 9. Mennonites of Wichita Worship. Orlando Harms. Ja '53, 4. Widmer, Pierre Mennonite World Conference Impressions--a French View. Ap '49, 24. Wiebe, C. W. Health Conditions Among the Mennonites of Mexico. Ap '47, 43. Wiebe, Dallas Book Review. De '94, 33. Christmas, 1964, Flying West: Christmas, 1987. De '95, 26-7. Dallas Wiebe: Interview. De '93, 4. An Elegy for Warren Kliewer. De '98, 9. Our Asian journey. De '89, 16. Our Asian Journey: Thyatira. De '93, 6. Tiffany Claasen. De '98, 20. WIEBE FAMILY Portraits of Mennonite Health: Selected Stories from Historical Nursing Research. Janice Unruh Davidson. Mr '94, 19. WIEBE, G. A. Wiebe's Dairy--A Story of Ambition and Work. Reuben Famnders. Ap '50, 24. WIEBE, J. G. J. G. Wiebe Lumber Company. Mrs. Oscar Wiebe. Jl '53, 127. Wiebe, Katie Funk Book review. Mr '85, 30; Se '86, 30; Mr '88, 30. Mennonite Brethren women: images and realities of the early years. Se '81, 22. Wiebe, Margie Hymns Used by the General Conference. Ap '48, 36. Wiebe, Maria J. G. Wiebe Lumber Company. Jl '53, 127. Wiebe, Menno To Be or Not to Be Mennonite People? Se '73, 67. Wiebe, Paul Significance of the Poetic Act. Jl '66, 122. Wiebe, Roger Start of a Story Called Joe. Se '73, 93. Wiebe, Rudy, 1934- Tombstone Community. Oc '64, 150. WIEBE, RUDY, 1934- Mennonite Character in American Fiction. Elmer F. Suderman. Jl '67, 123. Universal Values in Rudy Wiebe's Peace Shall Destroy Many. Elmer F. Suderman. Oc '65, 172. Wiebe, Willard Book Review. Ap '52, 93. Story of a Church. Ja '52, 11. Wiens, B. B. Cup Reading on a Pitcher. Ja '52, 13. Pioneering in British Colombia. Jl '46, 9. Wiens, Delbert New Wineskins for Old Wine. Ap '66, 51. Wiens, Gerhard Arnold Dyck at Seventy. Ap '59, 80. De Buaschsaen. Ja '68, 37. English: Made in Russia. Jl '62, 132. Hands Across the Sea. Ap '62, 69. Hunger. Ja '49, 9. Letters to the Editors. J. H. Enns. Ap '68, 69. Mother Tongue Frustrations. Ja '54, 32. My First Days in America. Ap '60, 68. Russian in Low German. Ap '58, 75. Sien Wiedeboom. Ja '68, 35. Spring. Ap '55, 89. Village Nicknames Among the Mennonites in Russia. Oc '70, 177. Wheat. Ap '55, 89. Wiens, J. B. B. H. Unruh--heimgegangen. Ja '60, 12. Wiens, Marie K. Women's Lib in the Third World. Se '73, 78. WIENS, P. J., 1877-1945 P. J. Wiens--Missionary to India. Agnes Wiens Willis. Ap '50, 39. WIENS, PETER J. Mennonites and the Civil Service. Frank H. Epp. Oc '68, 179. Wiens, Roland M. Mission Work in Osaka. Oc '57, 169. WIENTZ, JOHANN Mennonite Artists--Danzig and Koenigsberg. Kurt Kauenhoven. Jl '49, 17. WILLEMS, DIRK Meditation on Dirk Willems. Joseph Liechty. Se '90, 18. Williams, George H. Radical Reformation: Books and Articles. Ap '70, 85. Willis, Agnes Wiens P. J. Wiens--Missionary to India. Ap '50, 39. Willms, P. D. Warum Mennonit? Why Mennonite? Oc '55, 190. Willms, Peter Our Christian Witness in Hagi. Oc '57, 173. WINDMILLS See MILLS Wingert, Norman A. Mennonite Central Committee in Japan. Oc '57, 153. WINKLER (MAN.) Winkler, Manitoba. Frank Brown. Jl '56, 120. WINNIPEG (MAN.) Crosstown Credit Union. J. A. Kroeker. Jl '49, 32. Manitoba Roundabout. Victor Peters. Jl '56, 104. Mennonite Community in Winnipeg. Jim Friesen and Reinhard Vogt. Ja '64, 13. Mennonites in Winnipeg. G. Lohrenz. Ja '5, 16. Winnipeg, Manitoba. J. H. Enns. Jl '56, 112. Winrod, Gerald B. Gerald B. Winrod: Deluded Defender of the Faith. John Waltner. Ja '69, 30. WIRKLER, LIZZIE Bethel College centennial: Lizzie Wirkler's autograph book. David A. Haury. De '83, 27. WIRSCHE, DAVID Reciprocity in Identification. Jacob A. Loewen. Ja '66, 10. Wismer, Donald G. Graduate Student Encounters Secular Scholarship. Ap '65, 72. WISWEDEL, WILHELM, 1877-1962 Wilhelm Wiswedel. Robert Friedmann. Ja '55, 41. WITCHCRAFT Diviner comes to a Zairian village. Levi Keidel. Mr '88, 8. WITMARSUM (NETHERLANDS) From Days of Menno to the Present. Leo Laurense. Ja '61, 6. Menno Simons (1496-1561). Ja '61, 21. WITNESS Believing People Today. T. Canby Jones. Oc '67, 188. Challenge as I See It. S. F. Pannabecker. Ja '66, 8. Mennonite Migrations as an Act of Protest. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '70, 20. Mennonite Peace Witness in Japan. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '57, 185. Need for Peace Witness in the Orient. Melvin Gingerich. Jl '59, 99. Peace Witness and Revolutionary Movements. Vincent Harding. Oc '67, 161. People in Community--Contemporary Relevance. J. Lawrence Burkholder. Ja '68, 5. Toward a Restitution of the Witness. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '67, 51. WOHLGEMUTH, DANIEL, 1876-1859 Concert of the Angels. Ja '56, 4. Daniel Wohlgemuth--An Artist of Bible Lands. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '54, 4. Daniel Wohlgemuth, Mennonite Artist, Commemorates 80th Birthday. Ap '57, 56. From Danzig to Russia: The First Mennonite Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8. World Conference Art Display: An Evaluation. A. B. Enns. Ja '63, 7. WOMEN Beckoning Stories: Maria's Gifts. Rachel Waltner Goossen, Mr '99, 11. Male-Female Roles in Our Society. Jean Wedel. Ja '71, 27. Martyr's Mirror and Anabaptist Women. Wayne Plenert. Je '75, 13. Mennonite Brethren women: images and realities of the early years. Katie Funk Wiebe. Se '81, 22. National Federation of Mennonite Women. Mary F. van Sluijs-Bijl. Oc '63, 169. New Avenues of Service for Women. Doreen Harms. Ja '57, 41. North Newton WILPF: educating for peace. Kimberly Schmidt. De '85, 8. Role of women in the Mennonite transition from traditionalism to denominationalism. James C. Juhnke. Se '86, 17. Spiritual companions: women as wives in the Martyrs' mirror. Jenifer Hiett Umble. Se '90, 32. "United We Stand, Divided We Fall": Canadian Mennonite Women as COs in World War II. Marlene Epp. Se '93, 7. What Makes a Woman Beautiful? Ella W. Suter. Jl '46, 13. Where Was/Is the Woman's Voice? The Re-Membering of the Mennonite Woman. Al Reimer. Mr '92, 20. Women's Lib in the Third World. Marie K. Wiens. Se '73, 78. WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE FOR PEACE AND FREEDOM North Newton WILPF: educating for peace. Kimberly Schmidt. De '85, 8. Wood, Richard E. Book Review. Mr '80, 27. WOODLAWN MENNONITE CHURCH (CHICAGO, ILL.) Planting a church in a changing city. Delton Franz as interviewed by Robert Kreider. Mr '88, 23. Woodruff, Catharine Alice I Remember Mrs. Warkentin. De '74, 76. WOODSTOCK SCHOOL (MUSSOORIE, INDIA) International Christian School in India. Ernest E. Miller. Ja '58, 6. WOOSTER (OHIO) Oteila Augspurger Compton. Wilson Martindale Compton. Oc '56, 176. WORLD CONFERENCE See MENNONITE WORLD CONFERENCE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES Glimpses from Evanston. W. F. Unruh. Oc '54, 148. New Delhi and We. A. J. Metzler. Jl '62, 99. Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches. E. G. Kaufman. Oc '54, 150. WORLD WAR, 1914-1918 Agony of Civic Isolation: Mennonites in World War I. James C. Juhnke. Ja '70, 27. Church of the Brethren and World War I: the Goshen statement. Robert G. Clouse. De '90, 29. Hutterites During World War I. John D. Unruh. Jl '69, 130. Interview with Frank Kropf. Berniece Kropf Schmucker, ed. Je '87, 11. John Schrag Espionage Case. James C. Juhnke. Jl '67, 121. Mennonite rhetoric in World War I: keeping the faith. Susan Schultz Huxman. Se '88, 15. Mennonite progressives and World War I. James C. Juhnke. De '86, 14. Mennonites in the Early Soviet Period. John B. Toews. Jl '69, 101. Mennonites in World War I. James C. Juhnke. De '90, 25. Nonviolence and the Peace Movement: The Americanization of Gandhi. Charles Chatfield. Oc '70, 155. Post-Armistice courts-martial of conscientious objectors in Camp Funston, 1918-1919. Gerlof D. Homan. De '89, 4. Wilhelm Galle family and Camp Funston's "Lost Battalion." James C. Juhnke. De '89, 10. WORLD WAR, 1939-1945 Alternative Service Work in the B. C. Forest Service: A Survey of Documents in Government Archives. A. J. Klassen. Se '93, 26. Alternative Service Work as Reflected in The Beacon October 1942-1945. Elizabeth Suderman Klassen. Se '93, 19. Beckoning Stories: Maria's Gifts. Rachel Waltner Goossen, Mr '99, 11. Canadian Mennonites in World War II. Lawrence Klippenstein. Se '93, 4. The Case of John J. Bergen. John J. Bergen. Se '93, 15. Civilian Public Service: two case studies. John D. Thiesen. Je '90, 4. The Clothespin Famine. William H. Regier and Robert Regier. Se '98, 14. Commentary. Johannes Harder. De '86, 27. Destruction and Re-construction of Mennonite Churches in Holland. S. H. N. Gorter. Mr/Je '96, 8. Dietitian's Memoir. Elizabeth Sieber Hernley. Se '91, 12. Divided Loyalties: Mennonite and Hutterite Responses to the United States at War, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, 1917-1918. Merle J. F. Funk. De '97, 24. Fourth of December, 1944-the destruction of Heilbronn. Diether Goetz Lichdi. Se '83, 4. "Good Boys of CPS". Robert S. Kreider. Se '91, 4. Journalist's private reflections on the Mennonites. Paul Comly French; Robert Kreider, [ed.] Je '90, 18. Journalist's private reflections on the Mennonites. [Part 2] Paul Comly French; Robert Kreider, ed. De '90, 4. Learning the Wrong Lessons. Keith L. Sprunger. Ap '68, 64. Mennonite Benevolence and Civic Identity: The Post-War Compromise. James C. Juhnke. Ja '70, 34. Mennonites in Soviet Russia. Gerhard Hildebrand. Jl '69, 106. Mennonites, the Molotschna, and the "Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle" in the Second World War. Horst Gerlach; John D. Thiesen, tr. Se '86, 4. My Personal Pilgrimage toward Peace. Jacob A. Loewen. Se '93, 11. Nonviolence and the Peace Movement: The Americanization of Gandhi. Charles Chatfield. Oc '70, 155. Select Bibliography on Canadian Mennonites and World War II. Se '93, 29. Some Memories of World War II in the Amish Community in Stark County, Ohio. Mr '99, 23. Story of Nazism and its reception by German Mennonites. Diether Goetz Lichdi. Mr '81, 24. Teaching the Atomic Bomb: The Greatest Thing in History. William E. Juhnke. Se '92, 4. "United We Stand, Divided We Fall": Canadian Mennonite Women as COs in World War II. Marlene Epp. Se '93, 7. "Will a new day dawn from this?": Mennonite pacifist people and the good war. Paul Toews. De '90, 16. World War II comes to the Chortitza. Robert S. Kreider. Je '84, 11. WORSHIP Best of Today's World in Worship. Thomas F. Moffett. Ja '67, 40. Mennonite Theology and Mennonite Worship. Paul M. Miller. Oc '62, 174. Music in Worship. James W. Bixel. Jl '58, 122. Musical Instrument in Worship. Vernon Neufeld. Ap '48, 33. Some Recent Publications. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '66, 144. Summerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99. Transition in Worship. Walt H. Hohmann. Ja '46, 8. What is Central in Worship? Elmer Ediger. Ja '57, 28. Worship Among the Anabaptists. Robert Friedmann. Jl '68, 109. WRITERS See POETS, LITERATURE WUESTENFELDE (GERMANY) Menno Simons (1496-1561). Ja '61, 21. WÜST, EDUARD, 1818-1859 Mennonite "Zionist" Movement? Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 171. Pietist Revival Comes to South Russia. Cornelius Krahn. Mr '78, 4. Wyes, Ernst Mennonite Church in Austria. Ja '58, 9. Xinqu, Huang Reflections on America. Je '83, 28. Yaguchi, Yorifumi Books in Review. Ja '68, 46. YAGUCHI, YORIFUMI Yorifumi Yaguchi--A Japanese Mennonite Poet. Elaine Sommers Rich. Ja '68, 40. YAKE, MARTHA EBY, 1894- Reflections on change in the lifetime of six eastern Mennonites. Dwight Roth. De '82, 21. Yake, William Why I Am a Mennonite. Ja '56, 30. Yoder, Carolyn E. From the Longer Perspective. Mr '72, 14. Yoder, Christian Yoders' Saint Theodore. Rachel W. Kreider. De '71, 155. Yoder, Edward Christian Simplicity. Ap '47, back cover. Yoder, Elizabeth Book Review. Mr '79, 30. Yoder, Elsie May Appeal of Florida. Jl '57, 106. Yoder, Elwood Through Fire and Water: An Overview of Mennonite History. De '97, 40. YODER FAMILY Yoder Patron Saint? Rachel W. Kreider. Jl '68, 103. Yoder, Harry Book Review. Ja '53, 46. Joseph Stucky and Central Conference. Ap '51, 16. Yoder, Harvey Which Bridge into the Next Century? De '96, 26. Yoder, Ida Plank Mom's Apron. Ap '56, 96. Story of a Mill. Ja '56, 21. Yoder, John Howard Anabaptists as Trouble Makers. Heinhold Fast. Mr '76, 10. ...And on Earth Peace... Jl '65, 108. Believers' Church Conference. Maynard Shelly. Oc '67, 185. Book Review. Jl '61, 139; Se '82, 27. French Mennonites Today. Jl '52, 104. Mennonites in a French Almanac. Oc '54, 154. Theology of the Church's Mission. Ja '66, 30. Toward a Sifting of Faith from Culture. Ja '64, 36. What Do Ye More Than They? Je '72, 57. YODER, JOHN HOWARD What I Learned from John Howard Yoder. Lois Barrett, et al. Mr '98, 4; Duane K. Friesen, 5; Hansulrich Gerber, 6; Stanley Hauerwas, 6; James Juhnke, 8; Albert J. Meyer, 9; Wilbert R. Shenk, 10; Glen Stassen, 11; J. Denny Weaver, 12; Michael L. Westmorland-White, 12. Yoder, J. Otis Mennonite Home Missions. Ap '53, 61. Yoder, Perry Book Review. Mr '80, 31. Yoder, S. P. Immigration poetry. Mr '85, 27. Yoder, Sanford Calvin Our Heritage--A Challenge. Jl '49, 3. Yoder, Sol Being an Anabaptist Today--By a Mennonite Who is Trying to Become One. Ja '71, 7. Yoder, Steve Book Review. Se '96, 35. YORK COUNTY (NEBRASKA) Settlement of Russian Mennonites in York and Hamilton Counties, Nebraska. Dennis D. Engbrecht. Je '84, 4. YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION Heritage Worthy of Our Loyalty. Roland R. Goering. Oc '59, 160. YOUTH Black Power in the White Perspective. George E. Riddick. Ja '67, 29. Christian Students Face the Iron Curtain. Erna J. Fast. Jl '53, 111. Church Youth Give Plays. Arthur Isaak. Ap '54, 66. Dispersed Mennonite Youth. Piet Doves. Jl '48, 11. Dutch Mennonite Youth During the War and After. Henk Ens. Jl '48, 15. Mennonite Youth Agency. Ger van Zetten. Oc '63, 162. Young People's Union. Grace Miller Neufeld. Jl '53, 128. Youth Work around the World. J. P. Jacobszoon. Oc '63, 167. Youth Work in Large Cities. J. P. Jacobszoon. Oc '63, 165. ZAHLENGESANG See MUSIC ZAIRE Diviner comes to a Zairian village. Levi Keidel. Mr '88, 8. Our Grandfathers are Our Libraries, Museums and Colleges. An Interview with Mpanya Mutombo. Je '75, 8. ZAPOROZHE (UKRAINE) Khortitsa Today. Jl '69, 120. Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147. Zeeuw, R. de Course of special needs. William Keeney, tr. Je '89, 21. Organization for "Special Needs." Oc '63, 157. Zehr, William and Edith Better Film Productions. Ap '71, 65. ZELENOPOLE (UKRAINE) The Story of the Gruenfeld Mennonite Church in Zelenopole, Ukraine. John Friesen. Se '96, 16. Zerger, Brent J. Bethel College administration building: Proudfoot and Bird's expression in Richardsonian Romanesque. Se '87, 11. Zerger, Fred J. Dutch Anabaptism in Elizabethan England. Ja '71, 19. Zerger, Sandra Book Review. Se '95, 19. Ziegler, Jesse H. See Mennonites and Mental Health. Jl '54, 126. Zijpp, Nanne van der Experiences of the Dutch Mennonites During the Last World War. Jl '46, 24. Rembrandt van Rijn. Oc '56, 147. ZIJPP, NANNE VAN DER Nanne van der Zijpp. T. Alberda van der Zijpp. Oc '69, 174. N. van der Zijpp--An Appreciation. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '69, 177. Zijpp, T. Alberda van der Nanne van der Zijpp (1900-1965). Oc '69, 174. ZIMMERMAN, HEINRICH Mennonite Artists--Danzig and Koenigsberg. Kurt Kauenhoven. Jl '49, 17. ZION ACRES (SOUDERTON, PENN.) New Service Trends. George T. Long. Oc '58, 178. ZION MENNONITE CHURCH (ELBING, KAN.) From Danzig to Elbing. Joyce Gaeddert. Ap '70, 62. ZION MENNONITE CHURCH (SOUDERTON, PENN.) New Service Trends. George T. Long. Oc '58, 178. ZIONISM Mennonite "Zionist" Movement? Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 171. Zuercher, Melanie Mystery and God (response). Mr '97, 9. ZULU (AFRICAN PEOPLE) Zulus celebrate Christmas. Robert Kreider, based on a lecture by Axel-Ivar Berglund. Mr '88, 13. Zunkel, C. Wayne Where the Action Is. Oc '65, 183. ZWIEBACK It Wouldn't be Sunday without Zwieback. Wilma Toews. Ja '48, 41, 42. ZWINGLI, HULDRYCH (ULRICH), 1484-1531 Church of the Restoration. Roland H. Bainton. Jl '53, 136. Cradle of the Mennonite Church. John C. Wenger. Ja '47, 6. Mennonites Return to Zurich. Paul Peachy. Jl '53, 107. |