Index entries D-IDaadler, S. M. A. General Mennonite Society (Conference). Oc '63, 149. Dale, Louis L. Sex as Public Responsibility. Ap '71, 51. Dalke, Dietrich L. Oklahoma Mennonite Pioneers at Enid. Oc '56, 165. Dalke, Herbert M. Seventy-Five Years of Missions in Oklahoma. Jl '55, 100. DANZIG (POLAND) See also PRUSSIA. Danzig Choral Buch. Vernon Neufeld. Ap '48, 35. Danzig Mennonite Church Buildings Today. Wilson Hunsberger. Jl '49, 10. From Danzig to Elbing. Joyce Gaeddert. Ap '70, 62. From Danzig to Russia. The First Mennonite Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8. Future of the Mennonites in Denmark. P. S. Goertz. Ap '48, 45. Mennonite Artists--Danzig and Koenigsberg. Kurt Kauenhoven. Jl '49, 17. My Visit in Danzig. Arnold Regier. Ap '70, 64. Only Memory and Monuments. Peter J. Dyck. Ja '59, 19. Transition from Dutch to German in West Prussia. Jacob A. Duerksen. Jl '67, 107. Von Danzig nach Uruguay. Gustav E. Reimer. Jl '49, 12. Women's Odyssey. Lotte Heinritz. Ap '48, 19. DARLINGTON (OKLA.) Beginnings of Missions in Oklahoma. Christian Krehbiel. Jl '55, 108. Daught, Gary F. Book Review. Se '97, 35. DAVID JORIS, CA. 1501-1556 Anabaptists and Art. The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Robert W. Regier. Ja '68, 16. Davidson, Janice Unruh Portraits of Mennonite Health: Selected Stories from Historical Nursing Research. Mr '94, 19. Davies, Blodwen From Militia Tax to Belief. Oc '50, 27. Davis, Stuart Contemporary Art: An Act of Faith Without Promise of Reward. Robert W. Regier. Ja '65, 12. De Fehr, Art Development from an Anabaptist Perspective. Je '76, 17. DE GRUCHY, JOHN Mennonites and South Africa. An Interview. Mr '75, 6. DEACONESSES See also NURSING. Deaconess and Her Ministry. Ja '48, 30. Piety and Professionalism: The Bethel Deaconesses of the Great Plains. Rachel Waltner Goossen. Mr '94, 4. Deckert, Marion Book Review. Je '77, 23; Se '95, 21. What is a Christian Liberal Arts Education? Mr '79, 4. Dehnert, Celeste Schroeder Peter R. Schroeder--Pastor and Conference Worker. Jl '49, 38. DEKNATEL ORGAN Old Dutch Organ. Esko Loewen. De '72, 99. DENCK, HANS, CA. 1500-1527 Anabaptist View of the Holy Spirit. Peter J. Klassen. Ja '68, 27. Bible and the Reformation. Alvin Beach. Ap '64, 84. Theological Views of Hans Denck. Walter Fellmann. Ja '63, 43. Denise, Cheryl After Church. De '97, 8. At Church. De '98, 40. The Auction. De '98, 37. Baking Bread. De '96, 12. Come. De '96, 13. Communion. De '97, 8. Dancing. De '97, 8. Dedication. De '97, 8. Distant Motions. De '96, 13. Our Father. De '97, 8. School. De '97, 8. Sunday Dinners. De '97, 8. Derksen, Bruno Steinbach. Ap '57, 73. Derksen, Eugene Steinbach. Ap '57, 73. DEUTSCHE MENNONITEN-HILFE Forgotten Goodness: The Deutsche Mennoniten-Hilfe (1920-1932). John B. Toews. Je '95, 12. Devadutt, V. E. Christian and Non-Christian Religions. Ja '66, 33. DEVELOPMENT Development from an Anabaptist Perspective. Art De Fehr. Je '76, 17. Devlin, T. P. Homesteading in Northern British Columbia. De '76, 21. DHAMTARI (INDIA) Dhamtari Mennonite Mission. Paul Erb. Jl '50, 24. DIALECT See LANGUAGE. Pennsylvania-German Dialect. Ernest G. Gehman. Ja '63, 40. DIAMOND RING At the Molotshnaya--A Visit, 1890. Peter G. Epp. Oc '69, 151. Diamond Ring from the Czar. Mrs. J. E. Entz. Oc '70, 185. DIARY Bread of Life: Diaries and Memories of a Dakota Family 19936-1945: Christmas Excerpts. Marian Kleinsasser Towne. De '95, 12. Dick, Daagya Shanti Maynard Shelly and The Mennonite: 1961-1965. Je '93, 18. Dick, Ernest J. Resources on Mennonite History in the Public Archives of Canada (Part I). De '75, 26; (Part 2). Mr '76, 19. Dick, George S. Book Review. Ja '61, 48. Dick, Lucia Thrift. De '99, 25. Dick, Nicholas Symposium: How can Christian Community be Established in the City? Ja '64, 17. Dick, William Psycho-Social Changes Within a Metropolitan Religious Minority. Oc '68, 172. DICTIONNAIRE HISTORIQUE ET CRITIQUE See BAYLE, PIERRE DIDSBURY (ALBERTA) Didsbury Beginnings: The Ephraim Shantz Family. Burton Shantz. De '80, 26. DIETING Number 1,001 on How to Diet. Virginia Toews Stucky and Marion Jungas. Oc '54, 180. Dijk, Folkert J. van Camping of Dutch Mennonite Youth. Jl '55, 127. Dik, Cor Tine Honig--A Dutch Mennonite Artist. Ja '58, 24. Diller, Carol Swiss settlement at the turn of the century: a photographic essay. Robert Kreider, Herman Hilty, Darvin Luginbuhl. De '88, 20. DIRK PHILIPS, 1504-1568 See PHILIPSZ, DIRK, 1504-1568. DIRK'S EXODUS Humility, Vulnerability, and Heroism in Dirk's Exodus. John McCabe Juhnke. De '92, 4. Dying to be Pure: The Martyr Story. Melvin Goering. De '92, 9. Dirk's Exodus: Morality Play and Modern Tragedy. John K. Sheriff. De '92, 16. Dirks, Victor A. Book Review. Oc '65, 189. DIRKSEN, ANNA Anna's Wuensche. Ethel Abrahams. Je '79, 21. DIRKSEN FAMILY Family Trees of North German Mennonites (Roosen, Dirksen, Fieguth, Entz, Dueck). Kurt Kauenhoven. Ja '69, 34. Dirrim, Allen W. Political Implications of Sixteenth Century Hessian Anabaptism. Oc '64, 179. DISASTER SERVICE Hay Life of the Great Plains. Esko Loewen. Jl '57, 142. Kansas Floods of 1951. Harley J. Stucky. Oc '56, 172. DISCIPLESHIP Anabaptists and We. Robert Friedmann. Jl '67, 99. Being and Doing. Elmer F. Suderman. Ap '66, 79. Believing People Today. T. Canby Jones. Oc '67, 188. Biblical Imperative for Discipleship. Jacob J. Enz. Ja '58, 3. Called to be Faithful. Alvin J. Beachy. Ap '68, 51. Challenge as I See It. S. F. Pannabecker. Ja '66, 8. Creativity and Discipleship. John W. Miller. Jl '66, 111. Education for Christian Discipleship Today. Erland Waltner. Oc '55, 147. Finding God and Neighbor. Myron Schrag. Ja '70, 41. Learning to Live Historically. Franklin H. Littell. Jl '66, 129. On the Edge of the Crowd. Elmer F. Suderman. Jl '66, 132. Radical Christian Discipleship Today. Lloyd Ramseyer. Jl '71, 99. DISCIPLINE Amish Problems at the Diener-Versammlung. John A. Hostetler. Oc '49, 34. Anabaptist Church Discipline. Heinz Janzen. Oc '56, 187. Anabaptist Concept of the Church. Erland Waltner. Oc '50, 40. Believer's Church Conference--August 23-25, 1955. Oc '54, 185. Church Discipline in Our Day. H. B. Schmidt. Ap '55, 73. Menno Simons on Church Discipline. Ap '55, 74. DISCUSSION GROUPS Discussion Group Method on Conference Level. Elmer Ediger. Oc '59, 156. DISPLACED PERSONS See also MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE Can These Bones Live. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '46, 3. Christian Witness in War and Peace. C. C. Regier. Ja '49, 17. Clod. Ray Eldon Hiebert. Oc '51, 39. Colonia Mennonita in Uruguay,--27, de Octubre. H. J. Andres. Jl '49, 15. Die Flucht. 1943-46. J. Neufeld. Ja '51, 8. Disaster Ends Russian Mennonite Settlements. Ja '49, 22. Dispersed Mennonite Youth. Wolfgang Fieguth. Ap '53, 74. Ein Gedenkblatt in der neuen Heimat. J. H. Enns. Jl '49, 36. Escape From Communism 1943-46. Johann D. Rempel. Ja '51, 6. Espelkamp. Emily Brunk. Jl '52, 144. From Danzig to Denmark. Bruno Ewert. Ja '46, 37. From Gronau to Canada. Siegfried Janzen. Oc '51, 34. Four Centuries of Prussian Mennonites. Brunno Ewert. Ap '48, 10. Future of the Mennonites in Denmark. P. S. Goertz. Ap '48, 45. Immigration Laws. William T. Snyder. Ap '48, 46. Kidnapped. Peter Dyck. Jan '46, 53. From One Who Survived. Letter. Ap '48, 17. Mennonites of the Ukraine Under Stalin and Hitler. Gerhard Fast. Ap '47, 18. Modern Pilgrims Thanksgiving. Edwin L. Weaver. Oc '47, 9. Open Air Play: Die Neue Heimat. Arnold Regier. Jl '53, 118. Peter Dyck's Story. Ja '48, 8. Pioneering in Paraguay. Ja '50, 6. Program at Home. William T. Snyder. Oc '51, 36. Von Danzig nach Uruguay. Gustav E. Reimer. Jl '49, 12. Welcome to Immigrants. Marjorie Burden. Jl '52, 116. With Russian Mennonites in Denmark. Walter Quiring. Oc '47, 12. Women's Odyssey. Lotte Heinritz. Ap '48, 19. DISSENT See NONCONFORMITY DISSERTATIONS Anabaptism-Mennonitism in Doctoral Dissertations. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '58, 83; Ap '59, 91; Ap '60, 92. Ditmer, R. P. United Missionary Society. Jl '50, 32. DNIEPER DAM (CHORTITZA, UKRAINE) World War II comes to the Chortitza. Robert S. Kreider. Je '84, 11. DNIEPER RIVER From Danzig to Russia; The First Mennonite Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8. Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8. Khortisa Today. Jl '69, 120. On the Banks of the Dnieper. Dedrich Navall. Oc '69, 157. DOCK, CHRISTOPHER, ca 1698 -1771 Christopher Dock's Message for 20th Century Christians. John A. Lapp. De '71, 149. Pioneer Culture of the Plain People. Gordon E. Alderfer. Oc '50, 30. Pioneers in Mennonite Education. Ed. G. Kaufman. Ja '62, 16. DOCTORAL DEGREES Doctoral Degrees Earned by Bethel's Graduates. Robert W. Schmidt. Ap '63, 78. (This issue includes other Mennonite colleges.) DOCTORS (M.D.) See PHYSICIANS, MEDICAL CARE, HOSPITALS. DOCTRINES Believer's Church Conference August 23-25, 1955. Oc '55, 185. Church of the Restoration. Roland H. Bainton. Jl '53, 136. Enduring Witness--the Mennonites, Roland H. Bainton. Ap '54, 83. Great Commission. Roland H. Bainton. Oc '53, 183. Hutterian Brethren and Their Beliefs. Peter Hofer. Oc '55, 192. Personal Perspective on the Believer's Church Conference. Elmer Ediger. Oc '55, 182. DOERKSEN FAMILY Family Trees of North German Mennonites (Roosen, Dirksen, Feiguth, Entz, Dueck). Kurt Kauenhoven. Ja '69, 34. Doerksen, Victor Language and Communication Among Urban Mennonites. Oc '68, 182. DOGMA See THEOLOGY DONNELLSON (IOWA) Donnellson Migrations Analyzed. Howard Raid. Ap '60, 62. Farm Succession at Donnellson, Iowa. Howard Raid. Ap '60, 60. DOOPSGEZINDE See NETHERLANDS DOOPSGEZINDE BIJDRAGEN Renaissance in Dutch Anabaptist Research. Cornelius Krahn. Mr '76, 26. Douglass, James Human Family and Vietnam. Ap '66, 68. Doves, Piet Dutch Mennonite Youth. Jl '48, 11. DRAFT Dialogue with Washington: Mennonites and the Test of Faith. James F. S. Amstutz. Mr '92, 27. DRAFT DODGERS Agony of Civic Isolation: Mennonites in World War I. James C. Juhnke. Ja '70, 27. DRAFT REGISTRATION See CONSCRIPTION, CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS, PACIFISM DRAMA See also Dyck, Arnold; LITERATURE. Books in Review, Jl '66, 144; Jl '67, 144. Christian View of the Fine Arts. Walter Klassen. Jl '66, 99. Church Youth Give Plays. Arthur Isaak. Ap '54, 66. Dirk's Exodus: Morality Play and Modern Tragedy. John K. Sheriff. De '92, 16. Dying to be Pure: The Martyr Story. Melvin Goering. De '92, 9. Fine Arts Center. Monica Gross. Jl '66, 107. Handling Pro-German in Three-Scene Drama. Clipping from Fairview, Oklahoma Newspaper. Se '75, 26. Humility, Vulnerability, and Heroism in Dirk's Exodus. John McCabe Juhnke. De '92, 4. Innenland. A Choral Reading by Elaine Sommers Rich. Je '75, 29. Karl Eigsti: Imagination as Motive. Warren Kliewer. De '91, 12. Mennonite Principles on Europe's Stage and Pulpit. Hermann Epp. Ja '48, 7. Mennonites in German Literature 1940-50. Horst Quiring and Cornelius Krahn. Ap '52, 85. Modern Religious Drama. Warren Kliewer. Oc '62, 180. Moralities and Miracles, by Warren Kliewer. Reviewed by Robert J. Carlson. Oc '65, 191. Open Air Play: Die Neue Heimat. Arnold Regier. Jl '53, 118. Original Music and Drama for the Centennial. Gary Veendorp. Se '74, 60. Pennsylvania Mennonites in Print, 1940-50. James R. Clemens. Ap '52, 83. Religious Drama 1 selected and introduced by Marvin Halverson, 2 by E. Martin Browne, and 3 by Marvin Halverson. Carlson. Oc '65, 191. Reviewed by Warren Kliewer. Ja '62, 43. "The Summoning of Everyman" by Warren Kliewer. Reviewed by F. Suderman. Oc '62, 192. DRAMA REVIEW Hostetter, Robert. Cheyenne Jesus Buffalo Dream. Se '78, 29. Dreiser, Theodore Dreiser's Mennonite Origin. E. E. Leisy. Oc '54, 179. DRESS Amsterdam in Pictures. Oc '67, 167. Cultural Interaction Among the Mennonites in Russia. Walter Quiring. Ap '69, 61. Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part II. Ap '70, 65. Letters and Issues. Jl '68, 114. Mennonitisches Brauchtum. Walter Quiring. Oc '49, 11. Plain Dress. Isaak Marjorie Linscheid. Ap '55, 65. Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hilderbrand. Jl '70, 99. Spring Folk Festival. Jan Gleysteen. Jl '67, 102. Virtue of Simple Dress. Melvin Gingerich. De '71, 150. DRIEDGER, E. A. Mennonites and the Civil Service. Frank H. Epp. Oc '68, 179. Driedger, Leo Book Review. Ja '62, 47; Jl '64, 142; Jl '65, 144. Christian Witness in race Relations. Ap '60, 81. From Mexico to British Honduras. Oc '58, 160. Hague-Osler Settlement. Ja '58, 13. Mennonite Change: The Old Colony Revisited, 1955-1977. De '77, 4. Mennonite Graduate Fellowship. Ap '65, 67. Perspective on Canadian Mennonite Urbanization. Oc '68, 147. Saskatchewan Old Colony Mennonites. Ap '58, 63. Driedger, N. N. Jacob H. Janzen also Prediger. Jl '51, 39. Driedger, Otto H. Mennonite Family Stresses in the City. Oc '68, 176. Driver, H. A. Beginning of Missions in Africa. Ap '61, 54. Dueck, Abe J. Book Review. De '94, 35. DUECK FAMILY Family Trees of North German Mennonites (Roosen, Dirksen, Fieguth, Entz, Dueck). Kurt Kauenhoven. Ja '69, 34. Dueck, Mary Regehr Arnold Dyck: Non-Conformist. De '75, 20. Duerksen, Agnetha Yesterday and Today. Ma-Je '74, 17. Duerksen, Christena I Was Blind. Oc '61, 182. Missionary on the Titanic. Ja '57, 44. Music in the Making. Ja '59, 17. Was it Fate? Ja '66, 36. DUERKSEN, ERNIE My brother's keeper. Menno Duerksen. Mr '90, 9. DUERKSEN FAMILY Family Trees of North German Mennonites (Roosen, Dirksen, Fieguth, Entz, Dueck). Kurt Kauenhoven. Ja '69, 34. Duerksen, Jacob A. Books in Review. De '72, 127; De '74, 95. Prussian and Polish Mennonite, Hutterite and borderline names. De '81, 8. Przechowka and Alexanderwohl. Ap '55, 76. Some Remained Behind. Oc '70, 175. Transition from Dutch to German in West Prussia. Jl '67, 107. Duerksen, Menno, 1911- Corn is five cents a stalk. Je '89, 15. My brother's keeper. Mr '90, 9. Wildcat bus. De '87, 16. DUERKSEN, MENNO, 1911- Corn is five cents a stalk. Menno Duerksen. Je '89, 15. Duerksen, Rosella Reimer Discovery in Anabaptist Hymnody. Jl '59, 132. Early Dutch Anabaptist Hymnbooks. Jl '57, 128. Early German Anabaptist Hymn Books. Ap '57, 61. Dun, Agnus Servant of the People of God (Theodore O. Wedel). Jl '61, 104. DUNAMIS Pastors, prophets, and politicians. Marian Claassen Franz. Mr '82, 24. DUNCANUS, MARTINUS, CA. 1505-1590 Menno Simons Polemics with Catholics. Henry Poettcker. Ja '61, 33. Dunham, B. Mabel Beginnings in Ontario. Oc '50, 14. DUNKELBERGER, GUSTAV Fine Arts Center. Monica Gross. Jl '66, 107. Durham, James C. Book Review. Mr '80, 29. Durnbaugh, Donald Enlarging the Circle: The Historic Peace Churches and Militarism. Se '78, 16. DUTCH LANGUAGE Transition from Dutch to German in West Prussia. Jacob A. Duerksen. Jl '67, 107. DUTCH MENNONITES See NETHERLANDS DUTCH WINDMILLS See MILLS Dyck, A. J. Hoffnungsau in Kansas. Oc '49, 18. Dyck, Anni Book Review. Ap '56, 94. Dyck, Arnold, 1889-1970 Aude-Goodbye (Translated by Elmer F. Suderman). Jl '70, 109. Auf dem Baschtan. Jl '48, 29. Jacob H. Janzen--Writer. Jl '51, 33. Kollishen. Jl '46, 37. Koop enn Bua Op Reise. Ja '46, 26. Mein Besuch bei Ohm Benjamin (Unruh, B. H.). Ja '60, 8. Nicht seine Schuld. Jl '60, 131. Ohmtje Stobb es toonijht. Oc '69, 170. Old Man Stobbe Goes to the Doctor. Oc '69, 170. Parlor (Die Grosse Stube). Ja '46, 27. Poet Gerhard Loewen. Ja '48, 22. Runde Koake. Ap '47, 39. Schnettje met Arbus en Chicago. Jl '49, 42. Schweineschlachten. Oc '47, 26. With "Koop enn Bua" on a Journey. Ap '59, 88. DYCK, ARNOLD, 1889-1970 Arnold Dyck--An Appreciation. N. J. Klassen. Ap '71, 59. Arnold Dyck as Literary Artist. Warren Kliewer. Ap '59, 85. Arnold Dyck at Seventy. Gerhard Wiens. Ap '59, 80. Arnold Dyck--At the End of the Road. Hedwig Knoop. Ap '71, 56. Arnold Dyck, ein Blick auf sein Schaffen. Kurt Kauenhoven. Ap '59, 89. Arnold Dyck Explains the Origin of Low German. Elmer F. Suderman. Ja '69, 5. Arnold Dyck in Brief. Ap '71, 69. Arnold Dyck: Nonconformist. Mary Regehr Dueck. De '75, 20. Arnold Dyck--Our Last Visit. Elizabeth Peters. Ap '71, 54. Arnold Dyck--The Mennonite Artist. Jack Thiessen. Ap '69, 77. Comic Spirit of Arnold Dyck. Elmer F. Suderman. Oc '69, 169. David Niedarp and the Spook. Ap '71, 59. Literary Efforts Among the Mennonites of Russian Background. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '69, 166. Literature of the Russo-Canadian Mennonites. J. H. Janzen. Ja '46, 32. The Mennonite Artist. Jack Thiessen. Ap '69, 77. Popularity of Dyck's Writings. Elizabeth Peters. Ap '59, 87. Tribute to Arnold Dyck. Elisabeth Peters. Ja '69, 3. Dyck, Clara Der Molotschna. Peter G. Epp; Linda Falk Suter, introd. De '89, 22; Mr '90, 31. Peter and Elfrieda Dyck. Oc '69, 183. Traum-Wahrheit. Oc '70, 184. Dyck, Cornelius J. Book Review. Jl '52, 144; Ap '55, 96; Oc '55, 192; Jl '60, 143; Ja '69, 45; Je '77, 26. From U.S.A. to Russia--Johannes D. Dyck. Ap '56, 80. From Ignnatius to Wyclif. Ap '64, 79. In the California Gold Rush. Ja '56, 25. In South America. Oc '51, 27. Institute of Mennonite Studies. Ap '59, 58. Mennonite World Conference. Jl '62, 101. Mennonite World Conference in Review--A Photographic Essay. Je '78, 4. MWC: Background & Foreground. Se '72, 72. Reflections on Strasbourg 84. Edgar Stoesz, et al. Se '84, 15. Role of Preaching in Anabaptist Tradition. Ja '62, 21. Scholarly Pilgrimage of Cornelius Krahn. Se '77, 11. Some Hard Questions to Menno: How Might He Respond? Mr '98, 14. Station KWSO. Jl '52, 128. DYCK FAMILY Family Trees of North German Mennonites (Roosen, Dirksen, Fieguth, Entz, Dueck). Kurt Kauenhoven. Ja '69, 34. Dyck, George Book Review. De '93, 39. Dyck, Harvey L. Despair and Hope in Moscow: A Pillow, a Willow Trunk and a Stiff-Backed Portrait. Se '79, 16. Mid point between revolutions: the Russian Mennonite world of 1911. Mr '81, 9. Dyck, Henry D. Language Differentiation Among the Low German Mennonites of Manitoba. Jl '67, 117. Dyck, J. Wilhelm Mennonites in Josef Ponten's Novels. Jl '57, 135. DYCK, JOHANNES D., 1826-1898 From U.S.A. to Russia--Johannes D. Dyck. Cornelius J. Dyck. Ap '56, 80. In the California Gold Rush. C. J. Dyck. Ja '56, 25. Dyck, John H. A. Book review. Je '89, 38. Dyck, Marvin Service in Puerto Rico. Ap '51, 4. Dyck, Paul I. Books in Review. Oc '69, 187. Dyck, Peter Book review. Je '83, 30. Diary of Anna Baerg. De '73, 121. From Danzig to Elbing. Joyce Gaeddert. Ap '70, 62. Kidnapped? Ja '46, 43. Only Memory and Monuments. Ja '59, 19. Peter Dyck's Story. Ja '48, 8. Third Group Leaving for South America (Photos). Jl '48, 47. To Peter and Elfrieda Dyck. Clara K. Dyck. Oc '69, 183. "Naked and Ye Clothed Me": The Story of Mennonite Disaster Service. Clayton Koppes. Ap '66, 72. Dyck, Peter I. Mennonites in the Early Soviet Period. John B. Toews. Jl '69, 101. Dyck, Stanley P. Halstead Indian Industrial School. Je '87, 4. Dyck, Walter H. Where Christ Should Be Born. Ja '47, 4. Dyck, William O. William O. Dyck's story of the John and Maria (Klassen) Friesen family. By Thomas B. Mierau. William O. Dyck, interviewee. Se '85, 16. EAST PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE John H. Oberholtzer and His Time. S. F. Pannabecker. Jl '47, 29. EASTER Challenge of Easter. John F. Schmidt. Ap '49, 4. Christian Easter. J. H. Langenwalter. Ap '47, 4. Easter, 1966. Elaine Sommers Rich. Ap '66, 67. Russian Easter. Ap '49, 39. Russian Easter and Paskha. Wanda L. Frolov. Ap '52, 75. EASTERN DISTRICT CONFERENCE Eastern District-a photographic essay. Joseph S. Miller. Mr '83, 19. Eastern District Brotherhood. Ely R. Fretz. Oc '54, 167. General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America. Ed. G. Kaufman. Jl '47, 37. Mennonite Way of Life in the Eastern District Conference. Paul R. Shelley. Oc '47, 39. Reflections at the End of a Century. J. W. Fretz. Jl '47, 33. Retreat Camp Grounds--Men-O-Lan. John E. Fretz. Jl '47, 6. EASTERN MENNONITE COLLEGE (HARRISONBURG, VA.) Eastern Mennonite College Grows through the Years. Ira E. Miller. Ja '63, 30. Mennonite Medical Doctors, Graduates of Four-year Mennonite Colleges. Compiled by Emanuel Martin. Jl '63, 116. EAST-WEST DIALOGUE See Peace Issue Jl '65. Intellectual Ferment in Central Europe. An Introduction to an East-West Dialogue by Paul Peachey. Jl '65, 102. Ebel, A. R. Aspirations of an Onion. Oc '50, 38. Right Seeing Helps Well-Being. Oc '51, 41. Step Ahead. Jl '49, 43. Ebersole, Myron Toward A Theology of Care. Oc '66, 149. Program Plans on Mental Health. Oc '54, 185. EBY, MARY EMMA SHOWALTER Cookbook Author Retires to Her Own Kitchen. Jewel Showalter. Je '72, 46. ECOLOGY Models for Survival. Gary Veendorp. Se '73, 82. ECONOMICS Economic Trends in Mennonite Communities. Howard D. Raid. Oc '64, 186. Hunger and Economic Independence. Emilio Castro. Jl '65, 132. ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT Believers' Church Conference. Maynard Shelly. Oc '67, 185. International Christian School in India. Ernest E. Miller. Ja '58, 6. Mennonites in the Ecumenical Movement. W. F. Golterman. Oc '63, 170. EDEN MENNONITE CHURCH (MOUNDRIDGE, KAN.) See also MOUNDRIDGE (KANSAS). Cast back to their root system: rebuilding Eden Mennonite Church, Moundridge, Kansas. June Galle Krehbiel. Mr '89, 22. Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part II. Ap '70, 65. EDEN MENTAL HEALTH CENTER (WINKLER, MANITOBA) Eden Mental Health Center. William Klassen. Oc '66, 182. Ediger, Elmer M. Christian's Political Responsibility. Jl '56, 143. Community Mental Health Center and the Churches. Oc '66, 160. Discussion Group Method on Conference Level. Oc '59, 156. Personal Perspective on the Believer's Church Conference. Oc '55, 182. Voluntary Service--A New Approach to Missions. Ja '51, 28. What is Central in Worship? Ja '57, 28. Ediger, Ferdinand Younger Churches and the West. Ja '66, 19. Ediger, Karen Constructing a Mennonite Theology in a Congregational Setting (response). Mr '97, 36. Ediger, Peter Centennial Sod. Je '75, 27. What Did They Grow? Se '96. 27. What is the Mennonite Church in the City? Ja '64, 3. EDUCATION See also ART, COLLEGE, CULTURE, HUMANITIES, SCHOLARS, SEMINARIES, WADSWORTH INSTITUTE, Bethel College Issue Ap '63, and Student Issue Ap '65. Agricultural Training in Holland. G. Veenstra. Jl '52, 111. Anabaptist Concept of the Church and Education. Arnold Nickel. Ja '62, 12. At the Molotshnaya--A Visit, 1890. Peter G. Epp. Oc '69, 151. Barbara. Gertrud Paulus Reno. Oc '70, 190. Beginnings of Secondary Education in Kansas. P. J. Wedel. Oc '48, 14. Changing Attitudes of Mennonite University Students. John Bergen and David Friesen. Oc '68, 169. Changing Role of Education. Esko Loewen. Ja '71, 4. Christian Faith and Liberal Education. Vernon H. Neufeld. Ja '62, 7. Christian View of the Fine Arts. Walter Klaassen. Jl '66, 99. Christian Scholar. Russell L. Mast. Ja '62, 5. Church's Involvement in Higher Education. Walter Klaassen. Ap '65, 83. Cultural Interaction Among the Mennonites in Russia. Walter Quiring. Ap '69, 61. Cultural Life Among the Mennonites of Russia. H. Goerz. Jl '69, 99. Day in a Mennonite College. Oc '48, 23. Dedrich Navall--Writer and Teacher. Lotte Navall. Oc '69, 161. Dhamtari Mennonite Mission. Paul Erb. Jl '40, 24. Direction in a Changing World. Vernon Neufeld. Oc '60, 147. Education for Responsibility. John D. Unruh, Jr. Jl '59, 125. Education in Ontario. Dorothy Swartzendruber. Jl '62, 120. Education in Crisis--Bethel College and the Church. Elbert Koontz. Ja '71, 3. Education of teachers at Bethel College in Kansas, 1893-1927. William T. Vandever. Mr '87, 4. Education for Tomorrow. William Keeney. Oc '69, 179. Education in Russia. D. P. Enns. Jl '51, 28. Except the Lord build the house; Halstead Seminary centennial. James C. Juhnke. De '83, 4. Great Evangelist, Educator and Poet--Bernhard Harder. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '58, 44. Halstead Indian Industrial School. Stanley P. Dyck. Je '87, 4. Heinrich H. Ewert--Educator of Kansas and Manitoba. J. J. Schaefer. Oc '48, 18. Heinrich Heese Autobiography. Ap '69, 66. Heresy and Theological Literary Criticism. Maynard Kaufman. Jl '66, 118. Higher Education--Cause for Celebration. David D. Eitzen. Oc '70, 189. International Christian School in India. Ernest E. Miller. Ja '58, 6. Jacob H. Janzen--Writer. Arnold Dyck. Jl '51, 33. Jacob H. Janzen als Lehrer. Marg. Wilms Rempel. Jl '51, 38. Martensville: Half-Way House to Urbanization. Herbert Peters. Oc '68, 164. Mennonite Seminary in Chicago. S. F. Pannabecker. Ap '53, 68. Mennonite Education in the Gran Chaco. Waldo Hiebert. Oc '47, 28. Mennonite Intelligentsia in Russia. N. J. Klassen. Ap '69, 51. Mennonites and Education. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '48, 3. Needed: A Mennonite Philosophy of Higher Education. Albert J. Meyer. Ja '62, 3. Old Country School. E. E. Leisy. Oc '47, 15. On the Quality of Discontent. Orville L. Voth. Oc '70, 186. P. M. Friesen. Peter Braun. Oc '48, 8. Pioneer Culture of the Plain People. Gordon E. Alderfer. Oc '50, 30. Pioneer Educator--N. E. Byers. Henry Smith. Ja '48, 44. Pioneer Educator--Johann Cornies. M. S. Harder. Oc '48, 5. Pioneers in Mennonite Education. Ed. G. Kaufman. Ja '62, 16. Public Schools and Religious Education. Milo Stucky. Ap '54, 71. Religious Education in Public Schools. Frank Krause. Oc '49, 44. Religious Education among Mennonites in Manitoba. George Unger. Ap '57, 86. Revival of Parochial Elementary Education. Silas Hertzler. Oc '49, 42. Seminario Biblico Menonita. Ernst Harder. Ap '59, 74. Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth. Ja '52, 24. Swiss Galician Mennonites. W. Kuhn. Ja '53, 24. Teachers Abroad Program. Robert Kreider. Ap '62, 77. Teaching in a Segregated School. Patricia Martin. Ja '67, 37. Theological Training among the Mennonites. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '59, 72. Times in Which I Lived. I. N. E. Byers. Ja '52, 44; II Ap '52, 77. Trends in Art Education. Lena Waltner. Jl '57, 104. Uncle Davy (David H. Richert). Carol R. Andreas. Ja '53, 32. Union Biblical Seminary in Yeotmal, India. S. T. Moyer. Ap '59, 76. Wadsworth School. Anna Kreider. Ap '59, 66. What is a Christian Liberal Arts Education? Marion Deckert. Mr '79, 4. When Christmas Came. Jack G. Classen. Ja '49, 6. Without a Vision. Harold J. Schultz. Mr '72, 11. Eggan, Fred H. R. Voth: ethnologist. Je '82, 14. H. R. Voth: Ethnologist. Mr/Je '96, 30. EIGSTI, KARL Karl Eigsti: Imagination as Motive. Warren Kliewer. De '91, 12. EINLAGE (UKRAINE) Heinrich Heese (1787-1868) Autobiography. Ap '69, 66. Eisenbeis, Walter Anabaptist Sources and Research. Ap '57, 69. Eitzen, David D. See Mennonites and Mental Health. Jl '54, 130. Higher Education--Cause for Celebration. Oc '70, 189. Eitzen, Ruth Carper Letters to Daughters. Oc '70, 185. Song of the First Day. Ja '65, 11. EITZEN, SARA BLOCK Portraits of Mennonite Health: Selected Stories from Historical Nursing Research. Janice Unruh Davidson. Mr '94, 19. EKATERINOSLAV (UKRAINE) Heinrich Heese (1787-1868) Autobiography. Ap '69, 66. ELBING (KAN.) Transition from Dutch to German in West Prussia. Jacob A. Duerksen. Jl '67, 107. From Danzig to Elbing. Joyce Gaeddert. Ap '70, 62. ELDERLY See OLD AGE HOMES ELKHART ( IND.) Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries. Erland Waltner. Ap '59, 55. Elkhart County, Indiana. Mennonites. Harold S. Bender. Ap '59, 71. On Tour of the Seminary. Muriel Thiessen. Ap '59, 59. Story of the Mennonite Biblical Seminary. S. F. Pannabecker. Ap '59, 62. Vision of the Future. C. N. Hostetter, Jr. Ap '59, 53. ELKHART INSTITUTE (ELKHART, IND.) Times in Which I Lived II. N. E. Byers. Ap '52, 77. Elkinton, Howard W. Two Worlds of Peace. Ja '50, 4. ELLENBERGER, JAKOB, 1800-1879 Jakob Ellenberger: Pastor, Teacher, Musician, Writer--Part I. Amelia Mueller. De '77, 28; (Part II) Mr '78, 30. Eller, Cynthia Book review. Je '89, 37. EMDEN (GERMANY) Sight-Seeing Tour of Emden--Before and After. Ja '49, 30. EMMATAL SCHOOL (MARION CO., KANSAS) Beginning of Secondary Education in Kansas. J. J. Wedel. Oc '48, 14. EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION 1492 and the European Mennonite Immigrants. Levi Miller. Mr '92, 4. 1923: The Beginnings of the Great Migration. Frank H. Epp. De '73, 101. Across the Atlantic by Steam and Sail. John F. Schmidt. Je '73, 48. Aeltester David Stoesz and the Bergthal Story: Some Diary Notes, Part I. Lawrence Klippenstein. Mr '76, 14. Among the Mennonites of Kansas in 1878. C. L. Bernays. Oc '49, 20. Are the Doors of Mexico open to Mennonite Immigrants. P. C. Hiebert and William T. Snyder. Ap '47, 45. As Others Saw Them. Noble L Prentis. Ap '70, 59. Die Auswanderung der Mennoniten aus Preussen 1788-1870. Ap '51, 37. B. B. Janz and the Mennonite Emigration. John B. Toews. Jl '68, 111. Bruderthal--75 Years Ago, Ray Funk. Jl '49, 4. Centennial Chronology. Cornelius Krahn. (Part 1) Mr '73, 3; (Part 2) Je '73, 40. Colonia Mennonita in Uruguay--27, de Octubre. Jl '49, 15. Coming of the Mennonites to Alberta. Peter F. Bargen. Ap '56, 83. Commemorating 75 Years. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '49, 3. Contemporary Records of the 1870s Mennonite Migration. Norman E. Saul. Je '92, 15. Contributions of Pioneer David Goerz. D. C. Wedel. Oc '52, 170. Despair and Hope in Moscow: A Pillow, a Willow Trunk and a Stiff-Backed Portrait. Se '79, 16. Disaster Ends Russian Mennonite Settlements. Ja '49, 22. "The Disciples of Menno Simonis: Their Settlement in Central Kansas": Mennonite Immigrants in 1875. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. Se '99, 16. Early Days in Manitoba. J. N. Hoeppner. Ap '51, 11. East West and Home. James Juhnke, et al. Mr '75, 10. Ein Gedenkblatt in der neuen Heimat. J. H. Enns. Jl '49, 36. Elder Benjamin Ratzlaff: his life, times and descendants. Thomas B. Mierau. Mr '85, 17. Ethnic Origin of the Mennonites from Russia. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '48, 45. Four Centuries of Prussian Mennonites. Bruno Ewert. Ap '48, 10. From Central Asia to America. Douglas Hale. Jl '70, 133. From Danzig to Elbing. Joyce Gaeddert. Ap '70, 62. From Danzig to Russia: The First Mennonite Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8. From Gronau to Canada. Siegfried Janzen. Oc '51, 34. From Mexico to British Honduras. Leo Driedger. Oc '58, 160 From Russia to Canada 25 Years Ago. D. D. Rempel. Jl '48, 42. From Russia to Meade. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '51, 18. From Russia to Mexico--the Story of the Kleine Gemeinde. P. J. B. Reimmer. Oc '49, 28. From the Krehbiel Family Album. Emma K. Bachmann. Jl '55, 135. From the Vistula to the Dnieper. Hermann Epp. Oc '51, 14. From U.S.A. to Russia--Johannes D. Dyck. Cornelius J. Dyck. Ap '56, 80. Future of the Mennonites in Denmark. P. S. Goertz. Ap '48, 45. Hoffnungsau in Kansas. A. J. Dyck. Oc '49, 18. Hutterites During World War I. John D. Unruh. Jl '69, 130. Immigrants and the Railroads. John F. Schmidt. Ma-Je '74, 14. Immigration Laws. William T. Snyder. Ap '48, 46. Immigration poetry. S. P. Yoder. Mr '81, 9. Jacob Stucky--Pioneer of Two Continents. J. G. Neufeld. Ja '49, 46. Johann Bartsch Monument: From Russia to Canada. Gerhard Lohrenz. Ja '69, 29. Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part I. C. B. Schmidt. Ap '70, 51. Latest Mennonite Migrations--From Paraguay to Germany. Rie Hoogeveen. Jl '63, 122. Long Ago and Far Away! H. Goerz. Jl '48, 40. Manitoba Mennonites in the Rural-Urban Shift. John Friesen. Oc '68, 152. Martensville: Half-Way House to Urbanization. Herbert Peters. Oc '68, 164. Mennonite Colonization and Agriculture in Mexico. Leonard Sawatzky. Jl '66, 134. Mennonite Migrations as an Act of Protest. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '70, 20. Mennonite Mutual Aid in Canada, 1860-1890: The Mennonite Aid Union and the Russian Aid Committee. Lawrence Klippenstein. Se '99, 7. Mennonites and Civil Service. Frank H. Epp. Oc '68, 179. Mennonites in Soviet Russia. Gerhard Hildebrand. Jl '69, 108. Mennonites on the Move. Peter Fast. Ja '59, 14. Mid point between revolutions: the Russian Mennonite world of 1911. Harvey L. Dyck. Mr '81, 9. Moses of Our Day--David Toews. D. J. Schellenberg. Jl '50, VI. "...The Most Desirable Immigrants." Kansas State Historical Society. (Excerpt from a Kansas Newspaper, 1873). Se '73, 95. Moving to Manitoba. Lawrence Klippenstein. Se '75, 51. Nonresistance and migration in the 1870's: two personal views. John B. Toews, ed. and tr. Je '86, 9. Nonresistance Reexamined. J. B. Toews. Ma-Je '74, 8. Odyssey of a Mennonite Family. Otto Bartel. Oc '56, 180. Passenger ship lists as an archival resource. John F. Schmidt. De '81, 5. Pawnee Rock Mennonites: Background. Abe J. Unruh. Jl '55, 131. Peter Dyck's Story. Ja '48, 8. Pioneering in Paraguay. Ja '50, 6. Present Mennonite Immigration to Canada. J. J. Thiessen. Jl '49, 33. Promised Land. Ellis Graber. Ma-Je '74, 3. Przechowka and Alexanderwohl--. J. A. Duerksen. Ap '55, 76. The Russian State, the Mennonite World and the Migration from Russia to North America in the 1870s. James Urry. Mr '91, 11. Scenes from the Past. Je '72, 49. Settlement of Russian Mennonites in York and Hamilton Counties, Nebraska. Dennis D. Engbrecht. Je '84, 4. Social Structure of the Russian Mennonites. John B. Toews. Jl '71, 133. Some Remained Behind. Jacob A. Duerksen. Oc '70, 175. Sommerfeld Mennonites in Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99. Sonnenberg: From the Jura to Ohio. James Reusser. Jl '55, 138. Third Group Leaving for S. A. (photos). P. J. Dyck. Jl '48, 47. This is My Story. Jl '52, 129. Thrilling Story From an Old Diary. Walter Adrian. Jl '48, 23. To Meet the Lord and Escape the Draft. Fred R. Belk. Ma-Je '74, 38. Transition from Dutch to German in West Prussia. Jacob A. Duerksen. Jl '67, 107. Transplanting Alexanderwohl--1874. Oc '49, 24. Von Danzig nach Uruguay. Gustav E. Reimer. Jl '49, 12. Welcome to Immigrants. Marjorie Burden. Jl '52, 116. William O. Dyck's story of the John and Maria (Klassen) Friesen family. Thomas B. Mierau. William O. Dyck, interviewee. Se '85, 16. EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION--FICTION Our Asian journey. Dallas Wiebe. De '89, 16. ENCYCLOPEDIA See MENNONITE ENCYCLOPEDIA. Engbrecht, Dennis D. settlement of Russian Mennonites in York and Hamilton Counties, Nebraska. Je '84, 4. ENGINEERS Mennonite Intelligentsia in Russia. N. J. Klassen. Ap '69, 51. ENGLAND In the Name of Christ: MCC Relief Work in England During World War II. David Haury. Se '80, 10. ENGLISH LANGUAGE English: Made in Russia. Gerhard Wiens. Jl '62, 132. ENID (OKLA.) North Enid Mennonite Brethren Church. P. C. Grunau. Oc '54, 176. Oklahoma Mennonite Pioneers at Enid. Dietrich L. Dalke. Oc '56, 165. Enns, A. B. Mennonite Art Display: An Evaluation. Ja '63, 7. ENNS, A. B. A. B. Enns--Poet and Art Critic. Jan Herchenroeder. Oc '69, 163. Communication. Oc '69, 164. Poems (Auf mines Vater Grab. Noch sind des Herbstes Saenge..., Die Bohne rankt..., Abend). Oc '69, 165. Enns, D. P. Mennonite Education in Russia. Jl '51, 28. ENNS, ERNEST Mennonites and the Civil Service. Frank H. Epp. Oc '68, 179. Enns, Frank F. Book Review. De '79, 31. Enns, Henk Dutch Mennonite Youth During the War and After. Jl '48, 15. Enns, J. H. Ein Gedenkblatt in der neuen Heimat. Jl '49, 36. Ein Grosser unseres Volkes (Unruh, B. H.). Ja '60, 11. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Jl '56, 112. Enns-Rempel, Kevin Book review. De '87, 30; De '89, 29. Book Review. Mr/Je '96, 61. A Merger That Never Was: The Conference of Evangelical Mennonites 1953-1962. Mr '93, 16. Enns, Robert Book review. Mr '90, 37. Ens, Adolf Book Review. De '80, 29. Mennonite Student Around the World. Ap '65, 74. Mennonite Student Fellowships. Ap '65, 62. Mennonite Students- Statistical Background. Ap '65, 54. Ens, Gerhard Book Reviews. De '76, 28; De '79, 30. ENSS, AMY E. GREAVES SUDERMANN, 1878-1975 Gustav H. Enss, Mennonite alien (1885-1965). James C. Juhnke. De '81, 9. Sound and Silence: The Autobiographical Writings of Amy Sudermann Enss. David P. Sudermann. Se '97, 16. ENSS, GUSTAV H., 1885-1965 Gustav H. Enss, Mennonite alien (1885-1965). James C. Juhnke. De '81, 9. Mennonite Church theological and social boundaries, 1920-1930: loyalists, liberals and laxitarians. James C. Juhnke. Je '83, 18. ENSZ FAMILY Gerhard Ensz family. Marjorie A. Jantzen. Mr '89, 32. Entz, Anna Diamond Ring from the Czar. Oc '70, 185. ENTZ FAMILY Family Trees of North German Mennonites (Roosen, Dirksen, Fieguth, Entz, Dueck). Kurt Kauenhoven. Ja '69, 34. Entz, John Edward First Mennonite Church--Newton (1878-1953). Oc '53, 153. ENTZ, JOHN EDWARD, 1875-1969 J. E. Entz (1875-1969): Shepard to His Flock. Dennis Schmidt. Se '76, 14. Entz, Margaret War Bond Drives and the Kansas Mennonite Response. Se '75, 4. Enz, Jacob J. Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries Libraries. Ap '59, 57. Biblical Imperative for Discipleship. Ja '58, 3. Book Review. Ap '50, 46. John's Message: Book of Exodus Revisited. Se '80, 24. Prophet in Our Day. Ja '51, 3. Resurrection is Demonstration not Speculation. Ap '53, 51. Epp, Alain Weaver See Weaver, Alain Epp Epp, Anthony R. Calvin reveals an early Anabaptist position statement. Mr '86, 12. Erckmann-Chatrain: Anabaptists in the Works of the Alsatian Author Duo. Je '94, 4. Late seventeenth century rehabilitation of the Anabaptists. Mr '84, 29. Epp, C. C. Early Hebron Mennonite Church. Ap '53, 86. EPP, CLAASZ, Jr., d. 1913 East West and Home. James Juhnke, et al. Mr '75, 10. From Central Asia to America. Douglas Hale. Jl '70, 133. To Meet the Lord and Escape the Draft. Fred R. Belk. Ma-Je '74, 38. Epp, Ernest Mennonite Student and the Christian Campus Groups. Ap '65, 66. Epp, Frank H. 1923: The Beginnings of the Great Migration. De '73, 101. D. W. Friesen and His Life Work. Jl '56, 118. Mennonites and the Civil Service. Oc '68, 179. Radio as It Should Be. Ja '59, 39. Epp, George K. Book Review. De '79, 28; De '85, 4; Je '90, 38. Epp, Gilbert Peter Epp Family. De '80, 24. Epp, Henry H. Twenty-Five Years, Fernheim. Oc '55, 175. Mennonite Conferences in Ontario. Jl '62, 109. Epp, Hermann From the Bistula to the Dnieper. Oc '51, 14. Mennonite Principles on Europe's Stage and Pulpit. Ja '48, 7. Epp, J. P. Mennonite Selbstschutz in the Ukraine. An Eyewitness Account. Jl '71, 138. EPP, JACOB Nonresistance and migration in the 1870's: two personal views. John B. Toews, ed. and tr. Je '86, 9. Epp, Justina D. Tribute to Peter G. Epp. Oc '69, 156. EPP, KLAAS, Jr. See EPP, CLAASZ, Jr. Epp, Marlene Cooperation to Amalgamation to Merger: The Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada. Mr '93, 27. "United We Stand, Divided We Fall": Canadian Mennonite Women as COs in World War II. Se '93, 7. EPP, PETER Peter Epp Family. Gilbert Epp. De '80, 24. Epp, Peter G., 1888-1954 At the Molotshnaya--A Visit, 1890. Oc '69, 151. Der Molotschna. Clara Dyck, tr.; Linda Falk Suter, intro. De '89, 22; Mr '90, 31. EPP, PETER G., 1888-1954 Dedrich Naval--Writer and Teacher. Lotte Navall. Oc '69, 161. God's gift, the land: a major theme in Peter G. Epp's novel Eine Mutter. Peter Pauls. Mr '84, 26. Literary Efforts Among the Mennonites of Russian Background. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '69, 166. Literature of the Russo-Canadian Mennonites. J. H. Janzen. Ja '46, 22. Tribute to Peter G. Epp. Justina D. Epp. Oc '69, 156. Epp-Tiessen, Esther Book Review. De '80, 29. ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS, CA. 1469-1536 See also REFORMATION. Erasmus and our Struggle for Peace. Hose Chapiro. Oc '51, 47. Widening the Concept of the Reformation. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '70, 86. Erb, Allen E. Birth of Jesus. Ja '48, 4. World Conference Impressions. Jl '53, 108. Erb, Paul. Dhamtari Mennonite Mission. Jl '50, 24. Physician in His Church. Jl '63, 99. Vachel Lindsay among the Mennonites. Ap '48, 39. What of Mennonite Broadcasting? Jl '52, 128. What of Mennonite Broadcasting? Mr/Je '96, 20. ERCKMANN, EMILE Erckmann-Chatrain: Anabaptists in the Works of the Alsatian Author Duo. Anthony R. Epp. Je '94, 4. ESAU, GERHARD Gerhard Esau--Artist in Wood. Ja '49, 12. Esau, J. J. Relief Workers after World War I. Ja '56, 8. ESAU, JACOB Das Gesundheitswesen in Chortitza. D. A. Hamm. Ap '55, 84. Esau, John A. Book review. Je '82, 28; Se '94, 23. Faith Mennonite Church. Ap '65, 89. Speaking Out: On Being a Sponge. Mr '73, 10. ESCHATOLOGY On the Quality of Discontent. Orville L. Voth. Oc '70, 186. ESPELKAMP (GERMANY) "Die Mennoniten" at Espelkamp. Milton J. Harder. Jl '52, 109. Estep, W. R., Jr. Were the Anabaptists Subversive? The Birth of a Counter-Culture. Ja '71, 14. Estes, Steven R. The Central Conference and Middle District Merger of 1957. Mr '93, 11. ETHICS Christian Ethics in Business and Professions. William Keeney. De '72, 123. Mennonites and social justice: problems and prospects. Duane K. Friesen. Mr '82, 18. Story of Nazism and its reception by German Mennonites. Diether Goetz Lichdi. Mr '81, 24. Walter Rauschenbusch: Anabaptist, pietist, and social prophet. Donovan E. Smucker. Je '81, 21. ETHIOPIA Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '70, 183. ETHNICITY After the Melting Pot--An Ethnic Renaissance. Cornelius Krahn. Mr '73, 11. Christ is our cornerstone. Jacob Tilitzky and Ross T. Bender. Mr '84, 4. Mennonites in Strasbourg in 1984-who are we? Robert Kreider. Se '84, 4. ETHNOCENTRISM, MENNONITE See also ISOLATIONISM and NONCONFORMITY. Ethnic Mennonites? Warren Moore. Ja '67, 25. Overcoming Mennonite Group Egoism. Ja '68, 3. ETHNOLOGY H. R. Voth: ethnologist. Fred Eggan. Je '82, 14. EVANGELICAL MENNONITE BRETHREN Embarrassment of a religious tradition. Calvin Redekop. Se '81, 17. The Mennonite Community at Meade. J. W. Frietz. Jl '51, 8. The Mennonite Community at Meade. J. W. Fretz. Mr/Je '96, 13. Research notes: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren. Wm. Regehr and Calvin Redekop. Mr '82, 29. Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99. Story of the Jansen Churches. D. Paul Miller. Ja '55, 38. EVANGELICAL MENNONITE CHURCH A Merger That Never Was: The Conference of Evangelical Mennonites 1953-1962. Kevin Enns-Rempel. Mr '93, 16. EVANGELISM Great Evangelist, Educator and Poet--Bernhard Harder. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '58, 44. John Samuel Coffman. His Life and Work. John S. Umble. Jl '59, 110. What Do Ye More Than They? John Howard Yoder. Je '72, 57. EVANSTON (ILL.) Evanston Echoes in Mennonite Press. Oc '54, 148. Glimpses from Evanston. W. F. Unruh. Oc '54, 148. Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches. E. G. Kaufman. Oc '54, 150. EVERGREEN COMMUNITY (NORFOLK, CONN.) Fifty Years Society of Brothers (19220-1970). Robert Friedmann. Oc '70, 159. Ewert, Brian H. Book review. Se '88, 30. Ewert, Bruno Four Centuries of Prussian Mennonites, Ap '48, 10. From Danzig to Denmark. Ja '46, 37. Ewert, David Church in a Racially Changing Community. Ja '67, 44. EWERT, HENRY H., 1855-1934 Heinrich H. Ewert--Educator of Kansas and Manitoba. P. J. Schaefer. Oc '48, 18. EWERT, JACOB G., 1874-1923 J. G. Ewert--A Mennonite Socialist. James C. Juhnke. Ja '68, 12. Letters to the Editors. Dorothy Gaede. Ap '68, 69. EWERT, WILHELM, 1829-1887 Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part II. Ap '70, 65. Ewy, Arnold C. Grape and Raisin Industry. Oc '50, 4. EXISTENTIALISM Anabaptism: An Existentialist Philosophy of Religion. Jl '57, 139. Anabaptists and We. Robert Friedmann. Jl '67, 99. Mennonites and Confrontation. Joseph Smucker. Ja '70, 38. EXODUS John's Message: Book of Exodus Revisited. Jacob J. Enz. Se '80, 24. EXPANSION Altona--From Village to City. Victor Penner. Jl '56, 116. FASCISM See NATIONAL SOCIALISM FAITH Christian Faith and Liberal Education. Vernon H. Neufeld. Ja '62, 7. Toward a Faith of Our Children. Mrs. Emry A. Ruth. Oc '59, 188. Toward a Sifting of Faith from Culture. John Howard Yoder. Ja '64, 36. FAITH MENNONITE CHURCH (MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA) Faith Mennonite Church. John A. Esau. Ap '65, 89. FAMILY Change and Mental Health. Otto D. Klassen. Oc '66, 154. Mennonite Family Stresses in the City. Otto H. Driedger. Oc '68, 176. Your Family--the Key to Happiness. Pitirum A. Sorokin. Ap '51, 8. FAMILY TREES See GENEALOGY. FAMINE "The Good Old Days" A Russian Mennonite Document from 1835. (Introduction and translation by John B. Toews). Ja '68, 31. Fanders, Reuben Gallery of Animal Friends. Ap '51, 24. I Remember Butchering. Oc '47, 24. Lunch Time on the Farm. Oc '52, 157. Man's Bird Friends. Oc '52, 168. Tongues in Trees. Ja '54, 10. Wiebe's Dairy--A Story of Ambition and Work. Ap '50, 24. FARM LIFE See also AGRICULTURE, SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS. Biography of a Farm. J. W. Fretz. Ap '50, 28. Butchering. Oc '51, 12. Colfax Washington Community. J. W. Fretz. Jl '54, 140. I Remember Butchering. Reuben Fanders. Oc '47, 24. Master Farmers of Lancaster County. Fred Knoop. Ja '47, 17. Mennonite Brethren, Corn, Oklahoma. Ralph A. Felton. Jl '55, 121. Mennonites of South Dakota. J. D. Unruh. Jl '50, I. Mennonites Settle in Lee County, Iowa. Vernon Neufeld. Oc '53, 170. Planning a Christian Community. J. W. Fretz. Ap '51, 34. FARMER PREACHERS See PREACHING FARMING See AGRICULTURE Fast, Abraham, 1886-1962 Sight-Seeing Tour of Emden--Before and After. Ja '49, 30. FAST, ABRAHAM, 1886-1962 Dedrich Navall-Writer and Teacher. Lotte Navall. Oc '69, 161. Fast, Alexander Relief Workers after World War I. Ja '56, 8. Fast, Bertha Waldensians--World War II. Ap '50, 18. Fast, Darrell Book Review. Ja '67, 45; Mr '88, 30. Fast, Erna J. Christian Students Face the Iron Curtain. Jl '53, 111. In the Name of Christ. Ap '50, 35. Fast, Gerhard Mennonites of the Ukraine under Stalin and Hitler. Ap '47, 18. Fast, Henry A. Awakening to Human Need. Oc '59, 163. Book Review. Ja '54, 47; Jl '57, 144; Ja '58, 48; Ap '58, 96; Ja '59, 48; Jl '59, 144; Ja '60, 48; Jl '60, 141, 143, 144; Jl '61, 140, 143; Ja '62, 46; Ja '63, 48; Se '73, 93. Dedication. Jl '54, Outside back cover. Mennonite Pioneer Venture in Mexico. Oc '62, 156. Mennonite Singers on Adventurous Choir Trip. Ja '56, 10. Mennonites and Aging. Oc '61, 183. Mennonites in Paraguay, in 1939--in 1945. Ja '46, 88. New Mennonite Institutions in Europe. Ap '52, 52. Role of the Church. Oc '66, 147. Spiritual Values of Contributing to Relief. Ap '47, 5. Fast, Heinold Anabaptists as Trouble Makers. Mr '76, 10. European Research in Anabaptist-Mennonite History. Jl '68, 128. Mennonite Students in Germany. Ap '65, 78. FAST, ISAAK, 1815-? Abraham Thiessen: A Mennonite Revolutionary? Cornelius Krahn. Ap '69, 73. FAST, MARIE K. Marie K. Fast. Bertha Fast Harder. De '87, 6. FAST, MARTIN, 1858-1949 Literature of the Russo-Canadian Mennonites. J. H. Janzen. Ja '46, 22. Fast, Peter Biblical View of Missions. Ja '66, 24. Mennonites on the Move. Ja '59, 14. Fellmann, Walter Books in Review. Ja '68, 43, 47. Theological Views of Hans Denck. Ja '63, 43. FELLOWSHIP OF RECONCILIATION Nonviolence and the Peace Movement: The Americanization of Gandhi. Charles Chatfield. Oc '70, 155. Felton, Ralph A. Mennonite Brethren, Corn, Oklahoma. Jl '55, 121. FERNHEIM (PARAGUAY) See also PARAGUAY, CHACO. Mennonite Education in the Gran Chaco. Waldo Hiebert. Oc '47, 28. The Mennonite Encounter with National Socialism: The Example of Fernheim. Je '91, 4. Pioneering in Paraguay. Ja '50, 6. Twenty-Five Years, Fernheim. Henry H. Epp. Oc '55, 175. FICTION See also LITERATURE., BOOKS IN REVIEW, SHORT STORIES, Arnold Dyck American Mennonite Fiction. Stanley C. Shenk. Jl '68, 119. American Mennonite Fiction: A Contribution Toward a Bibliography. Elmer F. Suderman. Jl '67, 131. And the Darkness Became Light. Barbara C. Smucker. Jl '46, 28. Arnold Dyck Explains the Origin of Low German. Elmer F. Suderman. Ja '69, 5. Arnold Dyck--The Mennonite Artist. Jack Thiessen. Ap '69, 77. Aspirations of an Onion. A. R. Ebel. Oc '50, 38. At the Molotshnaya--A Visit, 1890. Peter G. Epp. Oc '69, 151. Aude-Goodbye. Arnold Dyck (Translated by Elmer F. Suderman). Jl '70, 109. Auf dem Baschtan. Arnold Dyck. Jl '48, 29. Best Christmas Present Ever. Warren Kliewer. De '95, 7. Bread of Life: Diaries and Memories of a Dakota Family 1936-1945: Christmas Excerpts. Marian Kleinsasser Towne. De '95, 12. Clod. Ray Eldon Hiebert. Oc '51, 39. Comic Books. Russell Binkley. Je '98, 24. Cows. Stefan Andres. (Translation by Sarah Dyck, introduction by J. W. Dyck). The Mennonite Character in American Fiction. Elmer F. Suderman. Jl '67, 123. Dr. Stonepie's Christmas. J. H. Janzen. Ja '50, 47. Fathers and Sons. Warren Kliewer. 'De 98, 10. Gardening. Ruth Baughman Unrau. Jl '59, 128. (See Unrau, Ruth Baughman). Hans Harder--A Mennonite Novelist. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '53, 78. Homecoming. Warren Kliewer. Jl '60, 124. Jacob H. Janzen--Writer. Arnold Dyck. Jl '51, 33. Mennonites in Josef Ponten's Novels. J. Wilhelm Dyck. Jl '57, 135. Mennonites in Fiction--Gnadenau. G. Baerg. Oc '47, 22. Mennonites in German Literature 1940- 1950. Horst Quiring and Cornelius Krahn. Ap '52, 85. My Guardian Angel. Emma K. Bachmann. Ap '57, 71. Nicht seine Schuld. Arnold Dyck. Jl '60, 131. Old Man Stobbe Goes to the Doctor. Arnold Dyck (translation by Elmer F. Suderman). Oc '69, 170. On Display. Evelyn Miller. De '95, 18. On the Edge of the Crowd. Elmer F. Suderman. Jl '66, 132. Our Asian Journey: Thyatira. Dallas Wiebe. De '93, 6. Parlor (Die Grosse Stube). Arnold Dyck. Ja '46, 27. Pennsylvania Mennonites in Print, 19140- 1950. James R. Clemens. Ap '52, 83. Providence. Jacob Sudermann. Part I, Ap '54, 51: Part II Jl '54, 99. Schnettje met Arbus en Chicago. Arnold Dyck. Jl '49, 42. Schweineschlachten. Arnold Dyck. Oc '47, 26. Step Ahead. A. R. Ebel. Jl '49, 43. Tiffany Claasen. Dallas Wiebe. De '98, 20. Trial of Andrew Foster. Ruth Baughman Unrau. Jl '61, 133. Truth in Fiction. Mary E. Bender. Oc '63, 184. War and Rumors of War. Warren Kliewer. Ja '62, 39. Window Seems a Little Thing. Margaret Piteairn Strachan. Oc '58, 186. With Fear and Trembling. Warren Kliewer. Ja '58, 39. Yticilpmis (Simplicity). Ja '59, 3. FIEGUTH FAMILY Family Trees of North German Mennonites (Roosen, Dirksen, Fieguth, Entz, Dueck). Kurt Kauenhoven. Ja '69, 34. Fieguth, Wolfgang Dispersed Mennonite Youth. Ap '53, 74. FILM See also VISUAL AIDS. Better Film Productions. William and Edith Zehr. Ap '71, 65. Filmmaking revisited. Diane Zimmerman Umble. Se '84, 22. Genesis of a film. Diane Zimmerman Umble. Mr '83, 4. FILM REVIEWS Film review: "And When They Shall Ask." John Thiesen. Se '84, 25. "Flamethrowers" See FRIESEN, GORDON E. FINANCES Financial Report. William Klassen. Oc '66, 185. FINE ARTS See ART, EDUCATION, LITERATURE, MUSIC. Christian View of the Fine Arts. Walter Klaassen. Jl '66, 99. Fine Arts Center. Monica Gross. Jl '66, 107. Fine Arts and the Bible. Orlando Schmidt. Ja '65, 31. Fine Arts Featured in Mennonite Life. Ja '65, 29. Mennonites and the Fine Arts. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '48, 3. [Photographs of the Bethel College Fine Arts Department]. Mr '87, 15. Finger, Thomas Book Review. Mr '94, 30. FIRST MENNONITE CHURCH (NORMAL, ILL.) Urban Mennonite church--the first two decades. Rachel Waltner Goossen. Se '86, 22. FIRST MENNONITE CHURCH OF CHAMPAIGN-URBANA (ILL.) Birth of a dual conference congregation in Champaign-Urbana. V. Gordon Oyer. Mr '90, 17. FLAG Mennonite Flag--Symbol of Unity. S. S. Smeding. Oc '60, 169. Flaming, Kristine See Schmucker, Kristene. FLEISCHER, FREDRIK CORNELIS Fredrik Cornelis Fleischer (1868-1929). Ida Erne-Fleischer. Jl '57, 133. FLINCK, GOVERT, 1615-1660 Anabaptists and Art. The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Robert W. Regier. Ja '68, 16. Artist Govert Flinck. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '57, 52. Floersch, Jerry and Jeffrey L. Longhofer Book Review. Je '95, 30. FLOODS Disaster in Holland. Irvin B. Horst. Ap '53, 77. Great Red River Flood. Abe J. Unruh. Ja '51, 26. Kansas Floods of 1951. Harley J. Stucky. Oc '56, 172. FLORIDA Appeal of Florida. Mrs. Myron S. Yoder. Jl '57, 106. Mennonites in Florida. John Umble. Jl '57, 108. Florovsky, George What Shall I preach. Oc '52, 190. Flory, Gary Book Review. Mr '99, 45. FOLK ART See also ART. Folk Art of the Pennsylvania Germans. Charity Hostetler. Jl '47, 35. FOLK FESTIVAL Folk Festival Draws Crowds. Jl '60, 114. Mennonite Folk Festival. Photography by Ervin H. Schmidt. Ap '58, 59; Ap '59, 78; Jl '60, 114; Jl '61, 113. Springs Folk Festival. Jan Gleysteen. Jl '67, 102. FOLKLORE Collecting Folklore Among Mennonites. Warren Kliewer. Jl '61, 109. Low German for children-rhymes and poems. Bertha Fast Harder. Se '81, 12. Low German Proverbs. Warren Kliewer. Ap '60, 77. More Low German Children's Rhymes. Warren Kliewer. Oc '60, 173. Revived Interest in Pennsylvania-German Culture. John A. Hostetler. Ap '56, 65. Springs Folk Festival. Jan Gleysteen. Jl '67, 102. Village Nicknames Among the Mennonites in Russia. Gerhard Wiens. Oc '70, 177. FOLKWAYS See also SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS. Courtship and Marriage among the Russian Mennonites. Katherine Woelk van den Haak. Jl '59, 138. FOOD See also KATISH. As Others Saw Them. Noble L. Prentis, et. al. Ap '70, 59. Cookbook Author Retires to Her Own Kitchen. Jewel Schowalter. Je '72, 46. Cultural Interaction Among the Mennonites in Russia. Walter Quiring. Ap '69, 61. Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99. Springs Folk Festival. Jan Gleysteen. Jl '67, 102. Yesterday and Today. Agnetha Duerksen. Ma-Je '74, 17. FORECASTING Mennonite Heritage and Future Challenge. Edmund G. Kaufman. De '74, 78. FOREIGN STUDENTS Contact with Foreign Students. Betty Mae Janzen. Ap '65, 78. FORESTRY Mennonite Intelligentsia in Russia. N. J. Klassen. Ap '69, 51. FORGIVENESS See RECONCILIATION FOX, GEORGE, 1624-1691 Believing People Today. T. Canby Jones. Oc '67, 188. FOXE, JOHN, 1516-1587 John Foxe's vision of printing and progress. Keith L. Sprunger. Se '90, 24. FRAKTUR Anna Weber Hat Das Gemacht. Anna Weber (1814-1888)--A Fraktur Painter of Waterloo County, Ontario. Nancy-Lou Patterson. De '75, 15. Bethel College centennial: Lizzie Wirkler's autograph book. David A. Haury. De '83, 27. FRANCE French Mennonites Today. John H. Yoder. Jl '52, 104. Late seventeenth century rehabilitation of the Anabaptists. Anthony R. Epp. Mr '84, 29. Master Farmers of France. Ernst Correll. Ap '52, 61. Mennonites in French Almanacs. John H. Yoder. Oc '54, 154. New Mennonite Institutions in Europe. Henry A. Fast. Ap '52, 52. Swiss and French Mennonites Today. Samuel Gerber. Ap '52, 58. Frances, E. K. Mennonite Contributions to Canada's Middle West. Ap '49, 21. FRANCONIA MENNONITE CONFERENCE Eastern District-a photographic essay. Joseph S. Miller. Mr '83, 19. Reflections on change in the lifetime of six eastern Mennonites. Dwight Roth. De '82, 21. Franz, Delton Books in Review. Ja '67, 45. Planting a church in a changing city. Robert Kreider, interviewer. Mr '88, 23. Reflections on Watergate. Je '73, 58. Witness in Washington. De '71, 158. Franz, Marian Claassen Pastors, prophets, and politicians. Mr '82, 24. Franz, Rufus M. It Happened in Montana (Franz, John M.). Oc '52, 181. FRASER VALLEY (BRITISH COLOMBIA) Mennonites in the Fraser Valley. Alfred Siemens. Jl '60, 102. Fratt, Steven D. Book review. Se '90, 45. FREDERICK II, THE GREAT, 1712-1786 Mennonites in Prussia. A Statistical Distribution. Adalbert Goertz. Ap '69, 83. FREE CHURCH Anabaptist and Free Church Studies. Franklin H. Littell. Ap '70, 83. FREE METHODIST CHURCH OF NORTH AMERICA Growing up Free Methodist. John K. Sheriff. De '87, 10. FREEDOM Freedom for Reluctant Citizens. James C. Juhnke. Ma-Je '74, 30. In Praise of Freedom. James W. Bixel. Jl '55, 99. FREEMAN (SOUTH DAKOTA)Mennonites of South Dakota. J. D. Unruh. Jl '50, I. Printery on the Prairie. Elma Waltner. Ja '52, 16. What Type of Church Architecture? Leroy Graber. Jl '59, 102. French, Paul Comly Journalist's private reflections on the Mennonites. Robert Kreider, ed. (Part 1) Je '90, 18; (Part 2) De '90, 4. Fretz, Clarence Sight-Seeing Tour of Philadelphia. Jl '47, 24. Fretz, Ely R. Eastern District Brotherhood. Oc '54, 167. Fretz, John E. Retreat Camp Grounds--Men-O-Lan. Jl '47, 6. Fretz, J. Herbert Book Review. Oc '53, 190. Germantown Anti-Slavery Protest. Oc '58, 183. Pennsylvania Mennonite Church--West Swamp. Oc '47, 33. "We Are Pilgrims" (Centennial Conference). Oc '59, 153. Fretz, J. Winfield Apostolic Christian Church. Oc '51, 19. Biography of a Farm. Ap '50, 28. Book Review. Jl '49, 46, 47; Ap '51, 47; Jl '51, 47; Ap '52, 96; Ja '53, 48; Ap '53, 95; Ap '54, 95; Jl '54, 144; Oc '54, 189, 190; Ja '56, 32; Oc '56, 192; Ap '57, 91, 94; Jl '57, 144; Ja '58, 47, 48; Ap '58, 94, 95; Ap '60, 91; Jl '60, 139, 140; Jl '61, 141, 143; Oc '62, 189, 191; Je '76, 28. Colfax Washington Community. Jl '54, 140. Conferences on Mennonite Cultural Problems. Jl '48, 9. Conscientious Objector in Recent Literature. Paul Goering and J. W. Fretz. Ja '53, 43. Do You Want Conscription? Jan '48, 29. Eyewitness to History. Oc '62, 159. Farming--Our Heritage. Ap '49, 3. First Mennonites in Chicago. Ap '53, 56. History and the Social Sciences Program. Ap '63, 70. Host at Rio--Frederico Arentz. Ap '55, 60. Manitoba--a Mosaic of Mennonitism. Jl '56, 126. MEDA: Venture in Brotherhood. Oc '64, 154. Mennonite Community: Traditional or intentional. De '75, 5. Mennonite Community at Meade. Jl '51, 8. The Mennonite Community at Meade. Mr/Je '96, 13. Mennonites in Mexico. Ap '47, 24. New Frontiers. Ap '51, outside back cover. Paraguayan Indians. Ap '62, 87. Peace Corps: Child of Historical Peace Churches. Oc '61, 178. Physician in the Community. Jl '63, 100. Planning a Christian Community. Ap '51, 34. Progress through Study Conference. Ja '56, 28. Reflections on Strasbourg 84. Edgar Stoesz, et al. Se '84, 15. Reflections at the End of a Century. Jl '47, 33. Renaissance of a Rural Community. Ja '46, 14. Should Mennonites Participate in Politics? Jl '56, 139. Statistics about Mennonites in Paraguay. Oc '61, 172. Trans-Chaco Highway. Ja '60, 22. Tree at Whitewater. Ap '50, 11. Turkey Growing in Mountain Lake. Oc '50, 35. Visit to the Mennonites in Bolivia. Ja '60, 13. What of Mennonite Broadcasting? Jl '52, 128. What of Mennonite Broadcasting? Mr/Je '96, 20. Western Kansas Mennonite Settlement. Oc '53, 174. FRETZ, J. WINFIELD J. Winfield Fretz and the Early History of Mennonite Sociology. Paul Toews. Je '99, 17. J. Winfield Fretz Bibliography. Barbara A. Thiesen. Je '99, 28. The Personal and Scholarly Pilgrimage of J. Winfield Fretz. Leland Harder. Je '99, 4. Frey, Mark Christian Peacemaker Teams in Hebron. Se'98, 4. Frey, Mrs. Orlin Book Review. Oc '53, 190. FRIEDENSTIMME Voice of Peace in Troubled Times. John B. Toews. Se '72, 93. FRIEDENSWALD See CAMP FRIEDENSWALD Friedmann, Robert, 1891-1970 Anabaptism in the Inn Valley. Jl '60, 109. Anabaptists and We. Jl '67, 99. Book Review. Ja '53, 48; Ja '58, 46; Jl '63, 132; Jl '64, 142; Oc '64, 191; Oc '66, 192; Ja '68, 48; Jl '68, 143. Christian Love in Action...the Hutterites. Jl '46, 38. Fifty Years Society of Brothers (1920-1970). Their Story and Their Books. Oc '70, 159. Hutterian Pottery or Haban Fayences. Oc '58, 147. More About Habaner Pottery. Jl '59, 129. Of Hutterite Books. Ap '52, 81. Photograph. Ap '62, 90. Some New Books on Anabaptism. Jl '63, 132. Way to the Mennonites. Jl '62, 136. Wilhelm Wiswedel. Ja '55, 41. Worship Among the Anabaptists. Jl '68, 109. FRIEDMANN, ROBERT, 1891-1970 Robert Friedmann: Historian, Christian, Scholar. Leonard Gross. Ap '71, 79. FRIENDS OF JERUSALEM See TEMPLE CHURCH. Friesen, Abraham Book Review. Se '96, 32. FRIESEN, D. W. D. W. Friesen and His Life Work. Frank H. Epp. Jl '56, 118. Friesen, Dan Demolishing a church building in Afghanistan. Rachel Waltner Goossen. Mr '88, 21. Friesen, David Changing Attitudes of Mennonite University Students. Oc '68, 169. Friesen, Duane K. Biblical authority: the contemporary theological debate. Se '89, 26. Book Review. Ja '71, 24; Je '76, 29. Mennonites and social justice; problems and prospects. Mr '82, 18. Peace Studies: Mennonite Colleges in the North American Context. Mr '80, 13. What I Learned from John Howard Yoder. Mr '98, 5. Friesen, Eric D. Books in Review. De '75, 31. FRIESEN FAMILY William O. Dyck's story of the John and Maria (Klassen) Friesen family. Thomas B. Mierau. William O. Dyck, interviewee. Se '85, 16. Friesen, Gerald E., 1909- Book Review. De '76, 30. FRIESEN, GORDON E., 1909- Gordon Friesen; writer, radical and ex-Mennonite. Allan Teichroew. Je '83, 4. Mennonite Character in American Fiction. Elmer F. Suderman. Jl '67, 123. Friesen, Heinrich Music in the Making. Christena Duerksen. Ja '59, 17. Friesen, J. John Early Mountain Lake Churches. Jl '56, 133. Remaking a Community--Henderson, Nebraska. Oc '50, 10. Romance of Low German. Ap '47, 22. Friesen, Jacob T. Rural Church--Beatrice, Nebraska. Ap '53, 80. Friesen, Jim Mennonite Community in Winnipeg. Ja '64, 13. FRIESEN, JOHANN, 1842-1919 William O. Dyck's story of the John and Maria (Klassen) Friesen family. Thomas B. Mierau. William O. Dyck, interviewee. Se '85, 16. Friesen, John The Story of the Gruenfeld Mennonite Church in Zelenopole, Ukraine. Se '96, 16. Friesen, John Book Reviews. De '78, 29; Je '92, 20. A Delayed Merger: The Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Manitoba and the General Conference. Mr '93, 22. Manitoba Mennonites in the Rural-Urban Shift. Oc '68, 152. Mennonite Heritage Centre. De '78, 19. Friesen, Lauren Book Review. De '93, 33. Grandfather Viking. Jl '71, 132. FRIESEN, MARIA KLASSEN, 1848-1911 WILLIAM O. Dyck's story of the John and Maria (Klassen) Friesen family. Thomas B. Mierau. WILLIAM O. Dyck, interviewee. Se '85, 16. FRIESEN, P. M. (PETER MARTIN), 1894-1914 Mid point between revolutions; the Russian Mennonite world of 1911. Harvey L. Dyck. Mr '81, 9. Abraham Thiessen: A Mennonite Revolutionary? Cornelius Krahn. Ap '69, 73. Ludwig Keller: A Prophet and a Scholar. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '66, 81. Toward a Restitution of the Witness. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '67, 51. My Recollections of P. M. Friesen. F. C. Thiessen. Oc '48, 9. P. M. Friesen. Peter Braun. Oc '48, 8. Friesen, Paul A. Hiroshima--(Sculpture). Text by Elaine Rich. Ap '62, 89. Pharisee--(Sculpture). Ap '62, 88. Sculptor Speaks about His Work. Ja '65, 16. Friesen, Steven K. Book Review. Mr '93, 32. Mennonite Social Consciousness 1899-1905. Je '75, 19. Kauffman Museum. Je '77, 15. Friesen, Ted Mennonite Churches of Altona. Jl '56, 114. FRIESLAND (NETHERLANDS) Menno Simons (1496-1561). Ja '61, 21. Pioneering in Paraguay. Ja '50, 6. FRONTIER AND PIONEER LIFE See SETTLEMENTS AND HOMESTEADING FRUIT RAISING See also AGRICULTURE Citrus Fruit Industry in Southern California. L. J. Horsch. Oc '47, 4. Fruit and Vegetable Industry in Ontario. Oc '50, 24. Fruit Growing in the Niagara Peninsula. G. N. Harder. Ap '55, 75. Grape and Raisin Industry. Arnold C. Ewy. Oc '50, 4. Mennonite Citrus Fruit Growers. Lester Hostetler. Oc '47, 8. FUNDAMENTALISM Cornelius Herman Suckau: Mennonite fundamentalist? Jeff A. Steely. Mr '89, 15. Gerald B. Winrod. Deluded Defender of the Faith. John Waltner. Ja '69, 30. FUNERALS See also SEPRUCHRAL MONUMENTS Christian Burial. Ben E. Kim. Ap '48, 48. Funeral Practices at Pretty Prairie. Gary Stucky. Oc '62, 184. Our "Christian" Funerals. R. C. Kauffman. Jl '47, 45. Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99. FUNK, ANNIE C., 1874-1912 Missionary on the Titanic. Mrs. Christena Duerksen. Ja '57, 44. Funk, Harold Daut Darp (The Village). Jl '70, 112. Funk, Herta Book Review. Mr '80, 28. Funk, Isaac H. Artists at Work. Oc '51, 43. Funk, J. Dean Mennonites in Belize--a J. Dean Funk Photographic Exhibit. De '80, 4. FUNK, JAKOB Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877 Part I. C. B. Schmidt. Ap '70, 51. FUNK, JOSEPH, 1778-1862 Musical Heritage of the Shenandoah Valley. Samuel Showalter. Ja '63, 38. Funk, Merle J. F. Divided Loyalties: Mennonite and Hutterite Responses to the United States at War, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, 1917-1918. De '97, 24. Funk, Ray Bruderthal--75 Years Ago. Jl '49, 4. FURNITURE As Others Saw Them. Noble L. Prentis et. al. Ap '70, 59. FÜRSORGE-KOMITEE Abraham Thiessen: A Mennonite Revolutionary? Cornelius Krahn. Ap '69, 73. Heinrich Heese Autobiography. Ap '69, 66. Gaeddert, Albert M. What Have We Learned from Civilian Public Service? Jl '46, 16. GAEDDERT, DIETRICH, 1837-1900. Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part II. Ap '70, 65. Nonresistance and migration in the 1870's: two personal views. John B. Toews, ed. and tr. Je '86, 9. Russian Mennonite: The Diary of Dietrich Gaeddert (1860-1876). John B. Toews. De '78, 10. Gaeddert, Joyce From Danzig to Elbing. Ap '70, 62. GALICIA (POLAND AND UKRAINE) See also SWISS VOLHYNIAN MENNONITES Swiss Galician Mennonites. W. Kuhn. Ja '53, 24. GALLE FAMILY Wilhelm Galle family and Camp Funston's "Lost Battalion." James C. Juhnke. De '89, 10. Galle, O. K. Western District Brotherhood. Oc '54, 172. GAMES See FOLKLORE GANDHI, MAHATMA, 1869-1948 Letter from Mahatma Gandhi. Griselda Gehman Shelly. Je '83, 25. Mahatma Gandhi and World Peace. Orlando Waltner. Ap '62, 55. Nonviolence and the Peace Movement: The Americanization of Gandhi. Charles Chatfield. Oc '70, 155. GDANSK (POLAND) See DANZIG Gehman, Ernest G. Pennsylvania-German Dialect. Ja '63, 40. GEHMAN, GILBERT T., D. 1932 Letter from Mahatma Gandhi. Griselda Gehman Shelly. Je '83, 25. Geigley, Miller B. My Mother's Quilting Bees. Oc '61, 186. Old Quilts Are Like a Family Album. Oc '62, 187. Geiser, Samuel Ein alter Handschriftenband. Jl '59, 136. World Conference Impressions. Jl '53, 107. GENDER ROLES Male-Female Roles in Our Society. Jean Wedel. Ja '71, 27. GENEALOGY Canadian Mennonite writings: a bibliographical survey, 1970-1980. Lawrence Klippenstein. Mr '82,9. Family Trees of North German Mennonites (Roosen, Dirksen, Fieguth, Entz, Dueck). Kurt Kauenhoven. Ja '69, 34. Passenger ship lists as an archival resource. John F. Schmidt. De '81, 5. Tree at Whitewater. J. W. Fretz. Ap '50, 11. Yoder Patron Saint? Rachel W. Kreider. Jl '68, 103. GENERAL CONFERENCE MENNONITE CHURCH Beginnings of Missions in Oklahoma. Christian Krehbiel. Jl '55, 108. Believer's Church Conference, August 23-25, 1955. Oc '54, 185. Camp Friedenswald. Robert V. Hartzler. Jl '55, 125. The Central Conference and Middle District Merger of 1957. Steven R. Estes. Mr '93, 11. Contributions of Pioneer David Goerz. D. C. Wedel. Oc '52, 170. General Conference Mennonite Missions in India. John Thiessen. Jl '50, X. General Conference Mennonite Press. Benny Bargen. Ja '51, 35. General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America. E. G. Kaufman. Jl '47, 37. Go Ye Therefore. Andrew R. Shelly. Oc '55, 177. Gustav Harder. Edith Claassen Graber. Oc '52, 176. Hymns Used by the General Conference. Margie Wiebe. Ap '48, 36. Mennonite Hymn Tradition. Walter J. Jost. Jl '66, 126. N. B. Grubb--Editor and Minister. Arthur S. Rosenberger. Ja '51, 42. Peter R. Schroeder--Pastor and Conference Worker. Celeste Schroeder Dehnert. Jl '49, 38. Reflections at the End of a Century. J. W. Fretz. Jl '47, 33. Samuel Ferdinand Sprunger--Pastor, Conference Worker. Eva E. Sprunger. Oc '53, 178. Young People's Union. Grace Miller Neufeld. Jl '53, 128. Gerber, Hansulrich What I Learned from John Howard Yoder. Mr '98, 6. Gerber, Samuel Swiss and French Mennonites Today. Ap '52, 58. GERING, JOHN C. Printery on the Prairie. Elma Waltner. Ja '52, 16. Gering, Walter Moments with the Children. Jl '54, 109; Ap '54, 76; Ja '55, 36. With Prussian Mennonites in Denmark. Oc '47, 12. Gerlach, Horst Mennonites, the Molotschna, and the "Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle" in the Second World War. John D. Thiesen, tr. Se '86, 4. GERLACH, HORST. MENNONITES, THE MOLOTSCHNA, AND THE "VOLKSDEUTSCHE MITTELSTELLE" IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR Commentary. Johannes Harder. De '86, 27. GERMANTOWN (PENN.) Beginnings of Germantown. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '58, 169. Bi-Centennial of Germantown. Samuel W. Pennypacker. Oc '58, 181. Cradle of Germantown--Krefeld. Dirk Cettepoel and Roswitha von Beckerath. Jl '47, 22. First Mennonite Minister in America. Harold S. Bender. Oc '58, 174. Germantown, a Mennonite Gateway. J. C. Wenger. Oc '58, 175. Germantown Anti-Slavery Protest. J. Herbert Fretz. Oc '58, 183. Germantown: Mennonite Gateway to North America. Andrew R. Shelly. De '71, 60. Mennonite Landmarks in Germantown. William Henry Shelly. Oc '58, 170. Pioneer Culture of the Plain People. Gordon E. Alderfer. Oc '50, 30. Promised Land. Ellis Graber. Oc '58, 167. Sight-Seeing Tour of Philadelphia. Clarence Fretz. Jl '47, 24. GERMANY "Die Mennoniten" at Espelkamp. Milton J. Harder. Jl '52, 109. Baptists Come Back to Waldshut. Paul Peachy. Ap '54, 63. Christian Witness in War and Pace. C. C. Regier. Ja '49, 17. Christian Students Face the Iron Curtain. Erna J. Fast. Jl '53, 111. Cradle of Germantown--Krefeld. Dirk Cattelpoel and Roswitha von Beckerath. Jl '47, 22. Dispersed Mennonite Youth. Wolfgang Fieguth. Ap '53, 74. Escape from Communism 1943-46. Johann D. Rempel. Ja '51, 6. Die Flucht 1943-46. J. Neufeld. Ja '51, 8. Fourth of December, 1944-the destruction of Heilbronn. Diether Goetz Lichdi. Se '83, 4. From Gronau to Canada. Siegfried Janzen. Oc '51, 34. The German Mennonite Response to the Dissolution of the Rhoen-Bruderhof. James Irvin Lichti. Je 91, 10. German Question and the Quest for Peace. A. J. Rasker. Jl '65, 122. Go Ye Therefore. Andrew R. Shelly. Oc '55, 177. Hans Harder--A Mennonite Novelist. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '53, 78. Impressions of Mennonites in South Germany. Robert Kreider. Ja '47, 11. In the Name of Christ. Erna Fast. Ap '50, 35. Menno Simons Monument, Print Shop and Linden Tree near Hamburg. Jl '52, 120. Mennonite Churches in South Germany. Paul Schowalter. Ja '52, 14. Mennonite Students in Germany. Heinold Fast. Ap '65, 78. Die Mennoniten zu Hamburg. Otto Schowalter. Ap '50, 36. Mennonites the World Over. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '46, 29. Mennonites of Krefeld. Walter Risler. Ap '51, 26. New Mennonite Institutions in Europe. Henry A. Fast. Ap '52, 52. Open Air Play: Die Neue Heimat. Arnold Regier. Jl '53, 118. Our Pax Boys in Europe. Curtis Janzen. Ap '54, 80. Pioneering in Paraguay. Ja '50, 6. Sight-Seeing Tour of Emden--Before and After. Abraham Fast. Ja '49, 30. Story of Nazism and its reception by German Mennonites. Diether Goetz Lichdi. Mr '81, 24. Vision of Our Day. Robert Kreider. Ja '48, 5. Vocation of the Swiss and South German Anabaptists. Robert Kreider. Ja '53, 38. With the Mennonites in Göttingen. Elfrieda Franz Hiebert. Ap '56, 73. GERMANY, EAST Exercising a free conscience: the conscientious objectors of the Soviet Union and the German Democratic Republic. Lawrence Klippenstein. Se '85, 21. GHANA Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '70, 183. GIBSON (COLORADO) Only a memory: Mennonite pioneers in the San Luis Valley. Viola Bergman Hettinger. De '85, 26. Giesbrecht, Herbert Book Review. De '79, 29. Gingerich, Freeman Thousand Evenings--Well Spent. Ja '46, 12. Gingerich, Mary Thousand Evenings--Well Spent. Ja '46, 12. Gingerich, Melvin, 1902-1975 Alexanderwohl Schnurbuch. Ja '46, 45. Anabaptist Vision in Japan. Oc '57, 189. Book Review. Ap '49, 43; Oc '50, 45; Oc '51, 46; Ja '53, 48; Oc '57, 172; Jl '65, 141; Jl '66, 144; De '71, 167. Century in Iowa. Ja '47, 24. Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Oc '70, 183. John Carl Krehbiel (1811-1886). Ap '60, 57. Making of a Mennonite Historian. Ap '71, 73. Mennonite Indentured Servants. Jl '61, 107. Mennonite Peace Witness in Japan. Oc '57, 185. Mennonite Bibliography. Ap '47, 46; Ap '48, 47; Ap '49, 46; Ap '50, 44; Ap '51, 42; Ap '52, 90; Ap '53, 91; Ap '54, 92. Mennonite Bibliography, 1946. Mr/Je '96, 49. Mennonite Medical Doctors. Graduates of Four-year Mennonite Colleges. Jl '63, 115. Mennonite Research in Progress. Ap '49, 42; Ap '50, 43; Ap '51, 41; Ap '52, 89; Ap '53, 90; Ap '54, 91; Ap '55, 90; Ap '58, 87; '59, 91; '60, 92; Jl '61, 134; Ap '62, 90; Jl '63 , 127; Ap '64, 89; Ap '65, 90; Ap '66, 92; Jl '67, 134; Jl '68, 132; Ap '69, 89; Ap '70, 90; Ap '71, 84. Mennonites in Lee and Davis Counties, Iowa. Ap '60, 51. Mennonites in Alberta. Ap '54, 56. Mint Farming in Southern Indiana. Oc '49, 40. Need for a Peace Witness in the Orient. Jl '59, 99. Prague Peace Assembly in the Press. Jl '65, 127. Russian Mennonites React to Their New Environment. Oc '60, 175. Survey of Mennonite Missions in Africa. Ap '61, 55. Twenty-Three Mile Furrow. Jl '49, 6. Virtue of Simple Dress. De '71, 150. What of Mennonite Broadcasting? Jl '52, 128. What of Mennonite Broadcasting? Mr/Je '96, 20. GINGERICH, MELVIN, 1902-1975 Melvin Gingerich--A Tribute. Nelson Springer. Je '75, 32. GISH, ARTHUR On the Quality of Discontent. Orville L. Voth. Oc '70, 186. Glass, Esther Eby Book Review. Ap '54, 95. Gleysteen, Jan Artist. Jan Luyken. Oc '65, 168. Cracking Walnuts. Arnold Willis Cressman. Ja '65, 36. Mennonite Artist and the Church. Oc '64, 162. Springs Folk Festival. Jl '67, 102. World Conference Art Display: An Evaluation. A. B. Enns. Ja '63, 7. GNADENAU SETTLEMENT (KANSAS) Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877. C. B. Schmidt (translated by Cornelius Krahn). Ap '70, 51, 65. Mennonites in Fiction--Gnadenau. G. Baerg, Oc '47, 22. Mennonite Village in Kansas. Alberta Pantle. Oc '47, 20. GNADENFELD (MOLOTSCHNA COLONY, UKRAINE) Some Remained Behind. Jacob A. Duerksen. Oc '70, 175. Goering, Erwin C. Bethel College Alumni. Ap '63, 94. Book Review. Ap '52, 94. Goering, Gladys Reflections on Strasbourg 84. Edgar Stoesz, et al. Se '84, 15. Goering, Jacob D. See Mennonites and Mental Health. Jl '54, 133. Goering, John W. First Mennonite Church, McPherson. Ap '58, 67. Goering, La Vera Book Review. Jl '57, 144. Goering, Melvin Book Review. Mr/Je '96, 59. Dying to be Pure: The Martyr Story. De '92, 9. Dying to be Pure: The Martyr Story. Mr/Je '96, 42. Goering, Oswald Good Recreation Program. Ja '54, 7. Goering, Paul Conscientious Objector in Recent Literature. Ja '53, 43. Goering, Roland R. Heritage Worthy of Our Loyalty. Oc '59, 160. Stillen im Lande. Ja '59, 29. Goering, Sam J. With the Swiss Mennonites Today. Ja '47, 8. Goering, Wynn M. Book Review. Se '95, 26. "Lovers of peace and order." Se '85, 11. 'My heart leaps up': Mennonite Life at 50. Mr/Je '96, 4. Goertz, Adalbert Books in Review. Mr '72, 31. Mennonites in Prussia. A Statistical Distribution. Ap '69, 83. Statistics of Mennonites in Canada. Oc '68, 192. Goertz, H. J. Future of the Mennonite Brotherhood. Oc '67, 156. Goertz, Helena Book Review. Ja '53, 47; Ja '56, 32; Jl '60, 142. Goertz, Joel Disappearing tradition: Mennonite hog butchering. De '84, 4. Goertz, Leo Innkeepers. Ja '48, 3. Goertz, P. S. Mennonite Conference, Basel. Ja '48, 47. Future of the Mennonites in Denmark. Ap '48, 45. Goertzen, Ernest Family's artistic journey from Goessel to a one room schoolhouse in Deadwood. Mary Lou Goertzen, jt. author. De '82, 4. GOERTZEN, ERNEST Family's artistic journey from Goessel to a one room schoolhouse in Deadwood. Ernest and Mary Lou Goertzen. De '82, 4. Goertzen, J. W. Some Recent Publications. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '66, 143. Goertzen, Mary Lou Family's artistic journey from Goessel to a one room schoolhouse in Deadwood. Ernest Goertzen, jt. author. De '82, 4. GOERTZEN, MARY LOU Family's artistic journey from Goessel to a one room schoolhouse in Deadwood. Ernest and Mary Lou Goertzen. De '82, 4. GOERZ, DAVID College Church after Fifty Years. C. E. Krehbiel. Oc '48, 36. Contributions of Pioneer David Goerz. D. C. Wedel. Oc '52, 170. Goerz, H. Cultural Life Among the Mennonites of Russia. Jl '69, 99. Day with the Hutterites. Ja '53, 14. Long Ago and Far Away. Jl '48, 40. Goerzen, J. W. 'Plautdietsch' and English. Ja '52, 18. GOESSEL (KANSAS) Early Mennonite houses in Goessel, Kansas: the Voth/Unruh/Fast house. Kristine K. Flaming. Mr '89, 27. Family's artistic journey from Goessel to a one room schoolhouse in Deadwood. Ernest and Mary Lou Goertzen. De '82, 4. Goetters, Wilhelm G. Wilhelm G. Goeters--Fifty Years of Research. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '53, 89. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832 Wanderers Nachtlied. Jl '49, back cover. GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG, VON, 1749-1832 Note on Goethe and the Anabaptists. Harry Loewen. Je '73, 63. GOLDSCHAR (KANSAS) Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part II. Ap '70, 65. Golterman, W. F. Mennonite World Conference Impressions--A Dutch View. Ap '49, 28. Mennonites in the Ecumenical Movement. Oc '63, 170. Good, Reginald I. Jacob Bock and His Folk Art. De '80, 21. GOODWILL CRUSADE HALL (WATERLOO COUNTY, ONT.) Mennonites of Ontario Today. Andrew R. Shelly. Oc '50, 17. Goosen, Alvin Alexanderwohl Church Building. De '74, 88. Goossen, Duane The Politics of Peace and Service. Se '96, 5. Goossen, Rachel Waltner Beckoning Stories: Maria's Gifts. Mr '99, 11. Book review. Je '87, 28; Se '91, 31; Mr '93, 34; De '97, 40. Demolishing a church building in Afghanistan. Based on a paper by Dan Friesen. Mr '88, 21. From Anabaptism to Mennonitism: the Mennonite Encyclopedia as a historical document. De '82, 13. No "easy street": Bethel's struggle for accreditation, 1930-38. Se '87, 4. Piety and Professionalism: The Bethel Deaconesses of the Great Plains. Mr '94, 4. Radical Reformation and Mennonite bibliography, 1982. David A. Haury, jt. author. Se 83, 21. Urban Mennonite church--the first two decades. Se '86, 22. Gorter, S. H. N. Destruction and Re-Construction of Mennonite Churches in Holland. Ja '46, 31. Destruction and Re-construction of Mennonite Churches in Holland. Mr/Je '96, 8. Isaac Blesses Jacob. Ap '57, 51. GOSHEN COLLEGE (GOSHEN, IND.) Inter-Mennonite Scholarly Dialogue in 1929: Edmund G. Kaufman and Harold S. Bender. De '98, 42. Mennonite Church theological and social boundaries, 1920-1930: loyalists, liberals and laxitarions. James C. Juhnke. Je '83, 18. Mennonite Medical Doctors, Graduates of Four-year Mennonite Colleges. Submitted by Melvin Gingerich. Jl '63, 116. Times in Which I Lived, II. N. E. Byers. Ap '52, 77. GOSHEN (INDIANA) Goshen College Biblical Seminary. Harold S. Bender. Ap '59, 69. GOSPEL OF JOHN See BIBLE GÖTTINGEN (GERMANY) With the Mennonites in Göttingen. Elfrieda Franz Hiebert. Ap '56, 73. GOVERNMENT See also POLITICS Reflections on Watergate. Delton Franz. Je '73, 58. GOYA, FRANCISCO D' Recent Protest Art. Robert W. Regier. Ap '68, 70. Graber, Arthur J. Swiss Mennonites--Pretty Prairie. Ap '50, 30. Graber, Edith Claassen Gustav Harder. Oc '52, 176. Graber, Eldon W. Book Review. Jl '58, 144; Jl '60, 142; Jl '61, 141; Ja '62, 46; Ap '65, 96; Jl '67, 143; Ap '69, 96; Oc '70, 190; Ju '72, 63; De '81, 29. Graber, Ellis Promised Land. Oc '58, 167; Ma-Je '74, 3. GRABER, JOE Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part II. Ap '70, 65. Graber, Leroy What Type of Church Architecture? Jl '59, 102. Graber, Martha F. Book Review. Jl '58, 144; Ja '60, 96; Jl '61, 141; Jl '63, 141; Oc '65, 190, 191; Oc '66, 191; Oc '70, 192; Je '72, 63; Je '73, 60. GRACE BIBLE INSTITUTE Grace Bible Institute and the Advance of Fundamentalism among the Mennonites. William Vance Trollinger, Jr. Je '98, 4. Gradert, Julie East West and Home. James Juhnke, et al. Mr '75, 10. GRADUATE STUDENTS See STUDENTS, GRADUATE GRASS See also SOIL CONSERVATION. Grass for the Good of the Land. A. D. Stoesz. Ap '54, 60. Gratz, Delbert L. Background of the Nineteenth Century Swiss Mennonite Immigrants. Ap '56, 61. Background of Apostolic Christian Church (Book review). Oc '51, 20. Book Review. Oc '51, 20; Jl '52, 143; Oc '62, 189; Jl '67, 143. Mennonite Medical Doctors. Graduates of Four-year Mennonite Colleges. Jl '63, 115. Swiss settlement of Bluffton-Pandora, Ohio. Howard Raid, Herman Hilty and Robert Kreider. De '88, 4. Swiss Mennonites Come to Bluffton and Pandora, Ohio. Oc '60, 165. GRAVESTONES See SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS GREBEL, CONRAD, 1498-1526 Brief Biographies of Grebel, Manz & Blaurock. Anne Grant-Morris Schenk. De '72, 114. Consensus Mennoniticus Before 1525. H. W. Meihuizen. Oc '67, 181. Cradle of the Mennonite Church. John C. Wenger. Ja '47, 6. Mennonites Return to Zurich. Paul Peachy. Jl '53, 107. My Son, Founder of the Swiss Brethren. Rick Sturm. Je '79, 26. GREGG, RICHARD, 1885-1974 Nonviolence and the Peace Movement: The Americanization of Gandhi. Charles Chatfield. Oc '70, 155. GRIMMELSHAUSEN, HANS JAKOB CHRISTOPH VON, 1620-1676 Grimmelshausen and the Hutterites. Elizabeth Bender. Oc '63, 187. Grimsrud, Ted Constructing a Mennonite Theology in a Congregational Setting. Mr '97, 30. GROENVELD, H. L. Camp Dora: A Dutch Mennonite Medical Doctor in a Nazi Concentration Camp. Gerlof Homan. Je '92, 4. GRONAU (GERMANY) From Gronau to Canada. Siegfried Janzen. Oc '51, 34. GROOMS, RED Recent Protest Art. Robert W. Regier. Ap '68, 70. Gross, Harold H. Book Review. Jl '64, 144. Christian Dilemma: The Politics of Morality. Ap '68, 59. Interpreting the Signs. Ap '66, 61. Reflections on Kant and the Mennonites. Jl '46, 33. GROSS, JACOB T. Jacob T. Gross--A Mennonite Business Man. J. D. Unruh. Ja '47, 28. Gross, Leonard Books in Review. Mr '73, 29. Robert Friedmann: Historian, Christian Scholar. Ap '71, 79. Gross, Monica Fine Arts Center. Jl '66, 107. GRUBB, N. B. N. B. Grubb--Editor and Minister. Arthur S. Rosenberger. Ja '51, 42. GRUENFELD MENNONITE CHURCH (ZELENOPOLE, UKRAINE) The Story of the Gruenfeld Mennonite Church in Zelenopole, Ukraine. John Friesen. Se '96, 16. Grunau, P. C. North Enid Mennonite Brethren Church. Oc '54, 176. Gundy, Jeff Black Coats, Pig-Headed Fathers, and Growing Souls: Some Reflections on the Figure of Harold Bender. De '99, 9. Black Father. De '99, 15 Book Review. Se '99, 35. Bowling, How I Was Moving Then. De '95, 30-1. Chickens. De '87, 9. Comets and Calls from the Life of Valentine Strubhar. Je '93, 13. Essays. De '86, 11. Some Words on Poetry, Band Camps, Guitars, Gifts, Transgression, Community, Mennonite Art, Etc. De '93, 15. Worms, The Snakes Inside Your Head, Big Dog and Little Dog, or Where is God, Morning with Visitor, Riding. De '93, 17-21. GUNDY, JEFF The Dream of the Self as a "Community of Memory": Jeff Gundy and the Ancestral Voices. Ami Regier. Mr '98, 28. Guyer, Joan Edward J. Linscheid--Artist-Farmer. Jl '53, 113. GUTH, CHRISTIAN Swiss Galician Mennonites. W. Kuhn. Ja '53, 24. Haak, Katherine Woelk van den Courtship and Marriage among the Russian Mennonites. Jl '59, 138. HABANER See also HUTTERIAN BRETHREN Among the Habaner of Czechoslovakia. Gary Waltner. Ap '66, 84. Discovery of Hutterite Books. Herman Landsfeld. Jl '62, 140. Hutterite Mill of 1612. Gary Waltner. Ap '66, 90. Thirty Years of Excavation. Herman Landsfeld. Oc '64, 167. Habegger, David Book review. Se '85, 30. New Mission Era. Je '79, 15. Story Recorded in Stone. Se '78, 19. Habegger, Loris A. Book Reviews. Oc '66, 190; Mr '92, 37. Realizing a Dream. Ja '54, 16. Haetzer, Ludwig Consensus Mennoniticus Before 1525. H. W. Meihuizen. Oc '67, 181. HAGUE (SASKATCHEWAN) Hague in Saskatchewan. Margaret Heinrichs. Ja '58, 18. Hague-Osler Settlement. Leo Driedger. Ja '58, 13. HAHN, EDUARD VON Heinrich Heese Autobiography. Ap '69, 66. HAHN, PHILIPP M. Mennonite "Zionist" Movement? Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 171. HALBE, MAX Mennonites in the Work of Max Halbe. S. P. Hoefert. Oc '63, 189. Hale, Douglas From Central Asia to America. Jl '70, 133. Hallman, Craig A. Book Review. Se '97, 36. HALSTEAD (KANSAS) Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part I: Text. C. B. Schmidt (translated by Cornelius Krahn). Ap '70, 51. HALSTEAD MENNONITE SEMINARY (HALSTEAD, KAN.) Except the Lord build the house: Halstead Seminary centennial. James C. Juhnke. De '83, 4. HAMBURG (GERMANY) Mennoniten zu Hamburg. Otto Schowalter. Ap '50, 36. HAMILTON COUNTY (NEBRASKA) Settlement of Russian Mennonites in York and Hamilton Counties, Nebraska. Dennis D. Engbrecht. Je '84, 4. Hamm, D. A. Da Gesundheitswesen in Chortitza. Ap '55, 84. HAMM FAMILY Background of a Mennonite Family--Hamm. Horst Penner. Jl '49, 16. HAMM, GERHARD Mennonite Intelligentsia in Russia. N. J. Klassen. Ap '69, 51. Hamm, Thomas D. Book Review. Mr '92, 36. Hampton, Peter J. Grandfather's Gold Coins. Je '75, 26. My Dad, the Psychologist. Je '76, 25. Harder, Alexander From Plow to Brush--Alexander Harder. Oc '53, 147. HARDER, BERNHARD, 1857-1931 Bernhard Harder. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '59, 181. Great Evangelist, Educator and Poet--Bernhard Harder. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '58, 44. Literary Efforts Among the Mennonites of Russian Background. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '69, 166. Literature of the Russo-Canadian Mennonites. J. H. Janzen. Ja '46, 22. Harder, Bertha Fast Book Review. Ap '52, 95; Je '82, 27. Living between two Minnesota counties. De '87, 4. Low German for children-rhymes and poems. Se '81, 12. Marie K. Fast. De '87, 6. HARDER, DAVID E., 1872-1930 My Father. M. S. Harder. Jl '46, 44. Harder, Ella Judy See Mennonites and Mental Health. Jl '54, 133. Harder, Ernst Mennonites in Asuncion. Ja '50, 33. Seminario Biblico Menonita. Ap '59, 74. Harder, G. N. Fruit Growing in the Niagara Peninsula. Ap '56, 75. Harder, Glen Ocean at Our Door. Ap '60, 72. HARDER, GUSTAV, 1856-1923 Gustav Harder. Edith Claassen Graber. Oc '52, 176. Harder, H. M. Northern District Brotherhood. Oc '54, 170. Harder, H. N. He is Risen, as He Said. Ap '51, 3. HARDER, HANS, 1903-1987 Hans Harder--A Mennonite Novelist. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '53, 78. Recognition of Seventy: Hans Harder. Cornelius Krahn. Je '73, 54. Harder, Johannes B. H. Unruh--Theologian and Statesman. Ja '60, 3. Book Review. Ap '65, 96. Commentary. De '86, 27. Overcoming Mennonite Group Egoism. Ja '68, 3. Harder, Kurt Book Review. Mr '91, 24. Harder, Leland Book Review. Oc '50, 46; Se '85, 30. Church in the City: Review Article. Ja '64, 47. First Mennonite Church. Ap '53, 58. Mennonite Mobility and the Christian Calling. Ja '64, 7. The Personal and Scholarly Pilgrimage of J. Winfield Fretz. Je '99, 4. Pioneer of Christian Civilization in America (Pieter Cornelis Plockhoy). Ja '49, 41. Plockhoy and Slavery in America. Oc '52, 187. Teaching the Faith of Our Fathers. Ja '58, 33. Harder, Luetta Ocean at Our Door. Ap '60, 72. Harder, Marvin Supreme Court and the C. O. Oc '52, 185. Harder, Milton J. "Die Mennoniten" at Espelkamp. Jl '52, 109. Student Services Committee. Ap '65, 51. Harder, M. S. Applied Sciences Program. Ap '63, 71. Book Review. Ap '52, 93; Ap '53, 95; Ap '56, 91, 93, 94; Ap '57, 92, 95. Pioneer Educator--Johann Cornies. Oc '48, 5. My Father. Jl '46, 44. Harder, Waldo Mennonite Cattlemen. Ap '47, 11. Harding, Vincent Beggars Are Rising ... Where are the Saints? Oc '67, 152. Light in the Asphalt Jungle. Ja '64, 39. Peace Witness and Revolutionary Movements. Oc '67, 161. Where Have All the Lovers Gone? Ja '67, 5. Where Have All the Lovers Gone? Mr/Je '96, 21. HARGIS, BILLY JAMES Books in Review. Ap '68, 93. Harms, Doreen New Avenues of Service for Women. Ja '57, 41. Harms, E. M. John H. Harms--Pioneer Mennonite Doctor. Oc '49, 13. HARMS, GERHARD N., 1863-1951 Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877. Part II. Ap '70, 65. HARMS, JOHN H. John H. Harms--Pioneer Mennonite Doctor. E. M. Harms. Oc '49, 13. Harms, Marianne Mennonite Response to the Bicentennial 1976-1976. Je '77, 28. Writings of Cornelius Krahn, a Bibliography. Se '77, 25. Harms, Orlando Mennonites of Wichita Worship. Ja '53, 4. Harms, Wilmer A. Physician and His Profession. Jl '63, 107. Harris, Sylvia Interlude in the Shenandoah. Ja '49, 38. HARRISBURG MENNONITE CHURCH (HARRISBURG, OR.) interview with Frank Kropf. Berniece Kropf Schmucker, ed. Je '87, 11. Harshbarger, Eva Book Review. Ap '53, 96; Ja '54, 46. Grandmother's Quilt. Oc '48, 12. Harshbarger, John H. Century of the Refugee. Jl '57, 116. Hart, Lawrence Cheyenne peace traditions. Je '81, 4. KAIROS: The Quincentennial Moment. Mr '92, 8. Sand Creek and Oklahoma City: Constructing a Common Ground. De '97, 33. Hartzler, J. E. Book Review. Ap '56, 95. Philosophy in the Mennonite Tradition. Ap '48, 43. Hartzler, Levi Bethel Mennonite Church. Ap '53, 60. Hartzler, R. L. Mennonite Cooperation in the Congo Inland Mission. Ap '61, 70. Hartzler, Robert W. Building a New Church. Oc '62, 150. Camp Friedenswald. Jl '55, 125. HATFIELD, MARK O.,. b. 1922 Senator Speaks His Mind. Press Conference with Mark O. Hatfield. De '71, 147. Hauerwas, Stanley What I Learned from John Howard Yoder. Mr '98, 6. Haury, David A. Bernard Warkentin and the Kansas Mennonite Pioneers. De '74, 70. Bethel College centennial: Lizzie Wirkler's autograph book. De '83, 27. Bethel College's twenty-fifth anniversary. Hilda Voth, tr. De '86, 17. Book Review. Je '82, 30; De '83, 30; Je '90, 36; Se '91, 29; Se '95, 18. Houses of Bethel. Selma Unruh. De '86, 19. In the Name of Christ: MCC Relief Work in England During World War II. Se '80, 10. Mennonite Congregation of Boston. Se '79, 24. Mennonite Library and Archives: a brief history. Se '87, 26. Radical Reformation and Mennonite bibliography, (1982). Rachel Waltner, jt. author. Se '83, 21; (1983) Stephanie Hiebert, jt. author. Je '84, 19. Reader survey. Mr '86, 4. Research note: G. A. Haury photographs. Je '82, 26. Weddings of yesterday. Rosemary Moyer, jt. author. De '84, 17. West Prussian church records in the Mennonite Library and Archives. Je '88, 13. Western District Conference-a photographic essay. Se '81, 4. HAURY, G. A. (GUSTAV A.), 1863-1926 Research note: G. A. Haury photographs. David A Haury. Je '82, 26. Haury, Rose Wiebe Book review. De '85, 31. Haury, Samuel S. Letters About the Spread of the Gospel in the Heathen World. Translated by Beatrice Rediger and James C. Juhnke. Je '79, 4. HEAD COVERING Writing about the Covering and Plain Clothes as a Mennonite "Family" Possession. Laura H. Weaver. De '94, 4. HEALTH Das Gesundsheitswesen in Chortitza. D. A. Hamm. Ap '55, 84. Health Conditions Among the Mennonites of Mexico. C. W. Wiebe. Ap '47, 43. Medical Services in Britain. Walter Klaassen. Jl '63, 113. Mental Health and the Mennonites. Irmgard Thiessen. Jl '63, 114. National Health Service in Britain. A Review by J. Lloyd Spaulding. Jl '63, 110. Physician in His Church. Paul Erb. Jl '63, 99. Physician in His Profession. Wilmer A. Harms. Jl '63, 107. Physician in the Community. J. Winfield Fretz. Jl '63, 100. Portraits of Mennonite Health: Selected Stories from Historical Nursing Research. Janice Unruh Davidson. Mr '94, 19. HEBRON (PALESTINE) Christian Peacemaker Teams in Hebron. Mark Frey and Sydney Stigge. Se '98, 4. HEESE, HEINRICH Abraham Thiessen: A Mennonite Revolutionary? Cornelius Krahn. Ap '69, 73. Heinrich Heese (1787-1868). Translated by Cornelius Krahn. Ap '69, 66. Mennonite Intelligentsia in Russia. N. J. Klassen. Ap '69, 51. Heidbrink, John C. Peace Conference and the Future. Jl '65, 124. HEILBRONN (GERMANY) Fourth of December, 1944-the destruction of Heilbronn. Diether Goetz Lichdi. Se '83, 4. Heilke, Thomas Book Review. Se '97, 43. Book Review. De '97, 42. Book Review. Se '99, 37. Heinrichs, Alfred Indian and the Canadian Mennonites. Ja '67, 27. Heinrichs, Margaret Hague in Saskatchewan. Ja '58, 18. Heinrichs, Werner Menno House. Ap '65, 65. Heinritz, Lotte Women's Odyssey. Ap '48, 19. HENDERSON (NEBRASKA) Church Youth Give Plays. Arthur Isaak. Ap '54, 66. Remaking a Community--Henderson, Nebraska. J. J. Friesen. Oc '50, 10. HERALD BOOK STORE (SOUDERTON, PENN.) Herald Book and Printing Company. Ja '51, 40. HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY (NEWTON, KAN.) H. P. Krehbiel: as I remember him. Menno Schrag. Je '85, 4. Hercrenroeder, Jan A. B. Enns--Poet and Art Critic. Oc '69, 163. HERESY Books and Issues. Ja '68, 45. Heresy and Theological Literary Criticism. Maynard Kaufman. Jl '66, 118. Hernley, Elizabeth Sieber A Dietitian's Memoir. Se '91, 12. HEROLD MENNONITE CHURCH (CORDELL, OKLA.) From Central Asia to America. Douglas Hale. Jl '70, 133. Hershberger, Abner World Conference Art Display; An Evaluation. A. B. Enns. Ja '63, 7. HERSHBERGER, ABNER Abner Hershberger's Heritage Project: Images of Community. Douglas G. Campbell. Se '98, 25. Hershberger, Ezra S. World Conference Art Display; An Evaluation. A. B. Enns. Ja '63, 7. Hershberger, Guy, F. Mennonite Research in Progress. Ap '56, 88; Ap '57, 87. Hershberger, John K. Book Review. Se '76, 28. Hershberger, Truman V. University Mennonite Church. Ap '65, 88. HERTZLER, ARTHUR E., 1870-1946 Horse and Buggy Doctor and His Friends. John F. Schmidt. Je '76, 4. Hertzler, Silas Revival of Parochial Elementary Education. Oc '49, 42. HESS, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, 1861-1920 Pioneering in Kansas--Early Hesston, I. Mary Hess. Jl '71, 127. Hess, Mary Pioneering in Kansas--Early Hesston, I. Jl '71, 127. Shaping of Early Hesston. Mr '72, 3. HESSTON COLLEGE (HESSTON, KANSAS) Hesston ... Congregation Builds New Worship Center. Daniel Kauffman. Ja '57, 11. Hesston College. Oc '48, 28. Shaping of Early Hesston. Mary Hess. Mr '72, 3. HESSTON (KANSAS) Hesston Manufacturing Company. Oc '62, 152. Pioneering in Kansas--Early Hesston, I. Mary Hess. Jl '71, 127. Shaping of Early Hesston. Mary Hess. Mr '72, 3. HESSTON MANUFACTURING COMPANY (HESSTON, KAN.) Hesston Manufacturing Company. Oc '62, 152. Hettinger, Viola Bergman Only a memory: Mennonite pioneers in the San Luis Valley. De '85, 26. HEUBUDEN (WEST PRUSSIA) Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part I. C. B. Schmidt. Ap '70, 51. Transition from Dutch to German in West Prussia. Jacob A. Duerksen. Jl '67, 107. HEYDEN, JAN VAN DER, 1637-1712 Anabaptists and Art. The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Robert W. Regier. Ja '68, 16. HIEBERT, C. From Farmer to Office Craftsman. Harold Vogt. Ja '53, 36. HIEBERT, CORNELIUS Cornelius Hiebert in the Alberta Legislature (1905-1909). Lorne R. Buhr. De '80, 15. HIEBERT, DAVID Diamond Ring from the Czar. Mrs. J. E. Entz. Oc '70, 185. Hiebert, Elfrieda Franz Johannes Brahms and His Mennonite Friends. Oc '58, 156. With the Mennonites in Goettingen. Ap '56, 73. Hiebert, Kenneth Expressed Material Contra Materialism. Ja '65, 19. Hiebert, Marva Radical Reformation and Mennonite Bibliography 1981. Se '82, 21. Hiebert, P. C., 1878-1963 Are the Doors of Mexico Open to Mennonite Immigrants? Ap '47, 45. Fifty Years of Public Service. Jl '59, 105. Relief Workers after World War I. Ja '56, 8. World Conference Impressions. Jl '53, 105. HIEBERT, P. C., 1878-1963 Agony of Civic Isolation: Mennonites in World War I. James C. Juhnke. Ja '70, 27. Hiebert, Ray Eldon Clod. Oc '51, 39. Hiebert, Stephanie Radical Reformation and Mennonite bibliography, (1983) Je '84, 19; (1984) Je '85, 17; (1985) Je '86, 15. Hiebert, Waldo Mennonite Education in the Gran Chaco. Oc '47, 28. See Mennonites and Mental Health. Jl '54, 126. HIGHER EDUCATION See EDUCATION, COLLEGE, STUDENTS HILDEBRAND, BERNARD Hildebrands of Rosenthal, Manitoba. Sharon Olfert. De '79, 19. Hildebrand, Hans J. Book Review. Je '93, 25. Hildebrand, J. J. Von der Sichel bis zum Combine. Jl '51, 20. Hildebrand, Menno Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Jl '70, 99. Hillegass, Margaret Dietzel Rodolphe Petter: a "called" linguist. Je '82, 4. HILLSBORO (KANSAS) J. G. Ewert--A Mennonite Socialist. James C. Juhnke. Ja '68, 12. Bruderthal--75 Years Ago. Ray Funk. Jl '49, 4. Hillsboro-Mennonite Community Center. Marion W. Kliewer. Ja '54, 12. Mennonite Brethren Press. P. H. Baerg. Ja '51, 38. Pioneer Home. Lois Franz Bartel. Oc '62, 162. Religious Education in Public Schools. Frank Krause. Oc '49, 44. Hilty, Herman John Ulrich Amstutz: museum curator and servant of the Swiss community. De '88, 13. Swiss settlement at the turn of the century: a photographic essay. Robert Kreider, Carol Diller, Darvin Luginbuhl. De '88, 20. Swiss settlement of Bluffton-Pandora, Ohio. Delbert Gratz, Howard Raid, and Robert Kreider. De '88, 4. Hilty, Peter Happy New Year--Froehliches Neujahr. Ja '55, 37. Hindorf, Heinz Oak and the Willows. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '58, 51. Hinshaw, Cecil Relevance of Nonviolence. Ap '62, 59. Hinz-Penner, Raylene Another Mennonite Poet. Mr '92, 15. Book review. Je '87, 29; De '92, 37; De '94, 32; De '99, 40. Christmas Dinner. De '95, 33. Eve's Striptease by Julia Kasdorf (Review essay). Se '98, 20. For Warren Kliewer. De '98, 7. Passion Week. Mr '92, 26. HIROSHIMA (JAPAN) Teaching the Atomic Bomb: The Greatest Thing in History. William E. Juhnke. Se '92, 4. HIROSHIMA-- (SCULPTURE) Paul A. Friesen. Text by Elaine Rich. Ap '62, 89. HISTORIANS See also SCHOLARS. Anna Brons and Ludwig Keller. Mary Sprunger. Je '85, 10. C. C. Regier: progressive Mennonite historian. Keith L. Sprunger. Mr '84, 10. C. Henry Smith as I Knew Him. N. E. Byers. Ap '50, 5. C. Henry Smith--A Tribute. Ap '50, 4. Cornelius H. Wedel and Oswald H. Wedel: two generations of Mennonite historians. Keith L. Sprunger. De '81, 16. From Anabaptism to Mennonitism: the Mennonite Encyclopedia as a historical document. Rachel Waltner. De '82, 13. Ludwig Keller: A Prophet and a Scholar. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '66, 81. Making of a Mennonite Historian. Melvin Gingerich. Ap '71, 73. Mid point between revolutions: the Russian Mennonite world of 1911. Harvey L. Dyck. Mr '81, 9. N. van der Zijpp--An Appreciation. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '69, 177. Nanne van der Zijpp. T. Alberda van der Zijpp. Oc '69, 174. Robert Friedman: Historian, Christian, Scholar. Leonard Gross. Ap '71, 79. Walter Rauschenbusch: Anabaptist, pietist and social prophet. Donovan E. Smucker. Je '81, 21. HISTORIC PEACE CHURCHES Comparisons and contrasts among historic peace churches. Hugh S. Barbour. De '90, 35. Enlarging the Circle: The Historic Peace Churches and Militarism. Donald Durnbaugh. Se '78, 16. Historic Peace Churches Meeting in 1935. Robert Kreider. Je '76, 21. HISTORIOGRAPHY Anabaptist and Free Church Studies. Franklin H. Littell. Ap '70, 83. Anabaptist vision: from recovery to reform. J. Denny Weaver. Se '82, 14. Believing People Today. T. Canby Jones. Oc '67, 188. C. Henry Smith's Vision of Mennonite History. Keith L. Sprunger. Mr '95, 4. Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '70, 183. Mennonite Historical Periodicals. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '70, 89. Mennonites--A Marxist View: A Book Review: Abram Wallmann. Jl '69, 124. Resources on Mennonite History in the Public Archives of Canada--Part I. Ernest J. Dick. De '75, 26; (Part II) Mr '76, 19. Some Recent Publications. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '66, 143. Widening the Concept of the Reformation. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '70, 86. HISTORY See also HISTORIANS, HISTORIOGRAPHY. Bethel College Studies. John M. Janzen and James Juhnke. Jl '68, 136. Learning to Live Historically. Franklin H. Littell. Jl '66, 129. Learning the Wrong Lessons. Keith L. Sprunger. Ap '68, 64. Mini-History of the Mennonites. Hilda W. Krahn. Ma-Je '74, 5. HISTORY--SOURCES Canadian Mennonite writings: a bibliographical survey, 1970-1980. Lawrence Klippenstein. Mr '82, 9. Passenger ship lists as an archival resource. John F. Schmidt. De '81, 5. Research note: G. A. Haury photographs. David A. Haury. Je '82, 26. HOBBY Else Krueger Pursues Art as a Hobby. Jl '56, 102. HOCHFELD VILLAGE (MARION COUNTY, KAN.) Beginning of Hochfeld Village and the Alexanderwohl Church. Peter U. Schmidt. Richard H. Schmidt, tr. Mr '81, 4. Hochfeld Village. Richard H. Schmidt. Mr '85, 12. Hoefert, S. P. Mennonites in the Work of Max Halbe. Oc '63, 189. Hoeppner, J. N. Early Days in Manitoba. Ap '51, 11. HOEPPNER, JAKOB, 1850-1936 From Danzig to Russia: The First Mennonite Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8. Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147. Hofer, Peter Hutterian Brethren and Their Beliefs. Oc '55, 192. HOFFMAN, CHRISTOPHER, 1815-1885 Barbara. Getrud Paulus Reno. Oc '70, 165. Mennonite "Zionist" Movement? Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 171. HOFFNUNGSAU MENNONITE CHURCH (BUHLER, KAN.) "Thirty Years After Date..." John F. Schmidt. Je '73, 35. HOFFNUNGSAU SETTLEMENT See HOPEFIELD MENNONITE CHURCH (MOUNDRIDGE, KAN.) Hoffnungsau in Kansas. A. J. Dyck. Oc '49, 18. Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Parts I and II. C. B. Schmidt. Ap '70, 51 and 65. HOFMANN, MELCHIOR, CA. 1495-1543 Dutch Anabaptist and the Muensterites. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '68, 120. Quiet Revolution: Menno Simons. William Keeney. Ja '70, 15. HOG BUTCHERING See BUTCHERING Hohlfeld, J. Maurice Elmer Ellsworth Schultz Johnson. Jl '60, 118. Hohmann, Walter H. Beginning of Protestant Hymn Melodies. Oc '64, 174. Book Review. Jl '60, 141; Ja '62, 48; Jl '63, 140; Oc '65, 192. Christian Year. Jl '62, 134. Disputed Authorship of an Anabaptist Hymn. Oc '60, 185. Historic Melody. Jl '60, 107. Transition in Worship. Ja '46, 8. HOHMAN, WALTER H., 1892-1971 Horse and Buggy Doctor and His Friends. John F. Schmidt. Je '76, 4. HOKKAIDO (JAPAN) Mennonites in Hokkaido. Ralph E. Buckwalter. Oc '57, 164. There Are These Facets. Ruth Ressler. Oc '57, 176. HOLDERMAN, JOHN, 1832-1900 Portrait of a Prophet. Inez Unruh. Jl '59, 123. HOLIDAYS Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99. Yesterday and Today. Agnetha Duerksen. Ma-Je '74, 17. HOLLAND See NETHERLANDS Holland, Scott When Bloch Pointed to the Cages Outside the Cathedral. Se '99, 26. HOLLOWELL, JOHN Christian Dilemma: The Politics of Morality. Harold H. Gross. Ap '68, 59. HOLMES, JOHN HAYNES, 1879-1964 Nonviolence and the Peace Movement: The Americanization of Gandhi. Charles Chatfield. Oc '70, 155. Holsinger, Justus G. Books in Review. Oc '70, 190. Puerto Rico Mennonite Church. Jl '71, 106. Teacher Education Program. Ap '63, 74. HOLY SPIRIT Anabaptist View of the Holy Spirit. Peter J. Klassen. Ja '68, 27. Anabaptists and We. Robert Friedmann. Jl '67, 99. New Wineskins for Old Wine. Delbert Wiens. Ap '66, 51. Peace Witness and Revolutionary Movements. Vincent Harding. Oc '67, 161. Spirit of the Risen Lord. Eberhard Arnold. Jl '69, 142. Homan, Gerlof D. Book review. De '87, 28; Mr '98, 35. Camp Dora: A Dutch Mennonite Medical Doctor in a Nazi Concentration Camp. Je '92, 4. Post-Armistice courts-martial of conscientious objectors in Camp Funston, 1918-1919. De '89, 4. HOME ECONOMICS Home Economics at Bethel College. Sharon Penner Leppke. Mr '87, 16. HOMEMAKING Homemaking-a Challenging Vocation. Wilma Toews. Oc '56, 163. HOMES FOR THE AGED Establishing a Home for the Aged. Victor Sawatzky. Ja '58, 42. HOMESTEADING See SETTLEMENTS AND HOMESTEADING HONG KONG Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '70, 183. HONIG, TINE Tine Honig--A Dutch Mennonite Artist. Cor Dik. Ja '58, 24. Hooge, K. Czar Alexander I Visits the Molotschna Colonies. Se '74, 157. Hooge, Selma Book Review. Mr '80, 31. Hoogeveen, Rie Latest Mennonite Migrations--From Paraguay to Germany. Jl '63, 122. HOOGSTRATEN, DIRK VAN, 1596-1640 Anabaptist and Art. The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Robert W. Regier. Ja '68, 16. Hooley, Nettie The Abraham J. Moser Diary of Wadsworth Institute--1868. Je '93, 4. HOOVER, TITUS At a distance to 'worldly' ways. Tad Thompson. De '84, 14. HOPEFIELD MENNONITE CHURCH (MOUNDRIDGE, KAN.) Gustav H. Enss, Mennonite alien (1885-1965). James C. Juhnke. De '81, 9. HOPI INDIANS See INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA, H. R. VOTH Christ and Culture in the Mission Field. Alfred Siemens. Ap '62, 82. H. R. Voth, Ethnologist. Fred Eggan. Mr/Je '96, 30. Hopi images: a photo essay. H. R. Voth. Je '82, 20. Horst, Irvin B. Book Review. Oc '54, 188; Ap '55, 94; Oc '58, 191; Jl '59, 144; Oc '59, 191; Ja '60, 46; Jl '63, 138; Oc '63, 191; Oc '69, 189. Disaster in Holland. Ap '53, 77. Doove Barend Drawings of the Anabaptists. Ja '60, 18. Menno Simons Historical Library and Archives. Ja '63, 34. Mennonites and Doopsgesinden. Ap '51, 29. Mennonites in Amsterdam. Jl '52, 113. Rembrandt Knew Mennonites. Oc '56, 148. Simplicity Laments Corrupted Manners. Pieter Langendijk. Introduction and Translation. Jl '55, 129. HORSCH, JOHN, 1867-1941 Ludwig Keller: A Prophet and a Scholar. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '66, 81. Mennonite Church theological and social boundaries, 1920-1930: loyalists, liberals and laxitarians. James C. Juhnke. Je '83, 18. Horsch, L. J. Citrus Fruit Industry of Southern California. Oc '47, 4. HOSPITAL See also DOCTORS, HEALTH, MENTAL HEALTH, PSYCHIATRY, Pastoral Ministry to the Sick. Arnold J. Regier. Ja '61, 16. Hostetler, Beulah Stauffer Book review. Mr '90, 36. Hostetler, Charity Folk Art of the Pennsylvania Germans. Book Review of Folk Art of Rural Pennsylvania. Jl '47, 35. HOSTETLER, GLADYS The Gladys Hostetler Diary. Velma Beyler Weaver, ed., Mr '94, 12. Hostetler, Hugh S. Mennonites and Urban Culture: An Opportunity in Nonconformity. Ja '69, 39. Hostetler, John A. Amish Problems at the Diener-Versammmlung. Oc '49, 34. Pioneering in the Land of the Midnight Sun. Ap '48, 5. Revived Interest in Pennsylvania-German Culture. Ap '56, 65. Hostetler, Lester Book Review. Oc '51, 45; Ja '53, 48. Future of our Church Music. Ap '48, 37. Mennonite Citrus Fruit Growers. Oc '47, 8. Hostetter, C. N., Jr. Visions of the Future. Ap '59, 53. Hostetter, Douglas Bach Mai: A View from Inside. Je '73, 55. Book review. Je '87, 30. Hostetter, Henry N. Brethren in Christ Church in Rhodesia. Ap '61, 94. Hostetler, Sheri Poems. De '93, 29. HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP Mennonites of Ontario Today. Andrew R. Shelly. Oc '50, 17. Hromadka, J. L. On the Threshold of a Dialogue. Jl '65, 102. HUBMAIER, BALTHASAR, CA. 1480-1528 Anabaptist View of the Holy Sprit. Peter J. Klassen. Ja '68, 27. Baptists Come Back to Waldshut. Paul Peachy. Ap '54, 63. Consensus Mennoniticus Before 1525. H. W. Meihuizen. Oc '67, 181. Were the Anabaptists Subversive? The Birth of a Counter-Culture. W. R. Estep, Jr. Ja '71, 14. HUGUENOTS Late seventeenth century rehabilitation of the Anabaptists. Anthony R. Epp. Mr '84, 29. HUMANITIES Academic Program: The Humanities. David H. Suderman. Ap '63, 67. Hume, George Introduction of the reaper into Russia. Robert Kreider, ed. Mr '85, 21. HUMOR Arnold Dyck--the Mennonite Artist. Jack Thiessen. Ap '69, 77. Comic Spirit of Arnold Dyck. Elmer F. Suderman. Oc '69, 169. Early Campus Humor. Mariam P. Schmidt. Ap '63, 81. HUNGER Hunger and Economic Independence. Emilio Castro. Jl '65, 132. Hunsberger, Dorothy M. Going to Market--Philadelphia. Oc '52, 166. Hunsberger, Wilson Danzig Mennonite Church Buildings Today. Jl '49, 10. HUNSICKER, ABRAHAM (1793-1872) Pioneers in Mennonite Education. Ed. G. Kaufman. Ja '62, 16. Hunsicker, Henry A. Among the Kansas Mennonites. John F. Schmidt, tr. Mr '85, 9. Hunt, W. Boyd Book Review. Oc '62, 190. Hurd, Catharina Book Review. De '80, 30. HUTCHINSON COUNTY (SOUTH DAKOTA) Divided Loyalties: Mennonite and Hutterite Responses to the United States at War, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, 1917-1918. Merle J. F. Funk. De '97, 24. HUTTERIAN BRETHREN Ein alter Handschriftenband. Samuel Geiser. Jl '59, 136. Among the Habaner of Czechoslovakia. Gary Waltner. Ap '66, 84. Apprehending Witness. Ap '67, 60. Books and Issues. Ja '68, 45. Christian Community is Born. Bernhard Bargen. Ja '56, 13. Divided Loyalties: Mennonite and Hutterite Responses to the United States at War, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, 1917-1918. Merle J. F. Funk. De '97, 24. Mennonite Research in Progress. Cornelius Krahn and Melvin Gingerich. Ap '69, 89. Christian Love in Action--the Hutterites. Robert Friedmann. Jl '46, 38. Cultural Interaction Among the Mennonites in Russia. Walter Quiring. Ap '69, 61. Day with the Hutterites. H. Goerz. Ja '53, 14. Fifty Years Society of Brothers (1920-1970). Robert Friedmann. Oc '70, 159. Frontier Community. Roland Bainton. Ja '54, 34. Grimmelshausen and the Hutterites. Elizabeth Bender. Oc '63, 187. Hutterian Brethren at Primevera. Ja '50, 34. Hutterian Pottery or Haban Fayeneces. Robert Friedmann. Oc '58, 147. Hutterite mill of Bon Homme Colony: an architectural documentary. Allan Teichroew. De '84, 9. Hutterite Mill of 1612. Gary Waltner. Ap '66, 90. Hutterites During World War I. John D. Unruh. Ja '69, 130. Hutterites in Contemporary Society. George G. Thielman. Ja '70, 42. Jacob T. Gross-A Mennonite Business Man. J. D. Unruh. Ja '47, 28. Mennonite Migrations as an Act of Protest. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '70, 20. Mennonites of South Dakota. J. D. Unruh. Jl '50, I. Of Hutterite Books. Robert Friedmann. Ap '52, 81. Some Recent Publications. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '66, 143. The German Mennonite Response to the Dissolution of the Rhoen-Bruderhof. James Irvin Lichti. Je '91, 10. Thirty Years of Excavation. Herman Landsfeld. Oc '64, 167. Huxman, Susan Schultz Mennonite rhetoric in World War I: keeping the faith. Se '88, 15. HYLKEMA, C. B., 1870-1948 C. B. Hylkema (1870-1948). G. W. Hylkema. Ja '55, 43. Hylkema, G. W. C. B. Hylkema (1870-1948). Ja '55, 43. HYLKEMA, T. O., b. 1888 Good Old Frisian. J. D. Unruh. Ap '51, 31. HYMNS Ein alter Handschriftenband. Samuel Geiser. Jl '59, 136. Ausbund. Joh. P. Classen. Jl '57, 115. Beginning of Protestant Hymn Melodies. Walter H. Hohmann. Oc '64, 174. Christian Year. Walter H. Hohmann. Jl '62, 134. Danzig Choral Buch. Vernon Neufeld. Ap '48, 35. Discovery in Anabaptist Hymnody. Rosella Reimer Duerksen. Jl '59, 132. Disputed Authorship of an Anabaptist Hymn. Walter H. Hohmann. Oc '60, 185. Early German Anabaptist Hymn Books. Rosella Reimer Duerksen. Ap '57, 61. Early Dutch Anabaptist Hymnbooks. Rosella Reimer Duerksen. Jl '57, 128. Fine Arts in the Bible. Orlando Schmidt. Ja '63, 31. Glaubenshymne. J. T. Classen. Jl '52, 137. Historic Melody. Walter H. Hohmann. Jl '60, 107. Hymns Used by the General Conference. Margie Wiebe. Ap '48, 36. Jesus ist Erschienen. Ja '48, 49. Lieder und Tod der Taeufer. John P. Classen. Ap '51, 40. Mennonite Hymn Tradition. Walter J. Jost. Jl '66, 126. Music of the Old Colony Mennonites. Charles Burkhard. Ja '52, 20. Musical Heritage in the Shenandoah Valley. Samuel Showalter. Ja '63, 38. Samuel Geiser Copies an Old Hymnbook. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '59, 135. Transitions in Worship. Walter H. Hohmann. Ja '46, 8. IDAHO Mennonites of Aberdeen Idaho. F. L. and Anna Wenger. Jl '57, 120. IDENTITY See MENNONITE IDENTITY Il'inykh, N. I. Orenburg Mennonites, 1972: a Soviet description. Mr '81, 19. ILLINOIS See also CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, CHICAGO, EVANSTON, NORMAL. That holy place on Science Ridge. Robert Kreider. De '87, 25. Times in Which I Lived. N. E. Byers. Ja '52, 44. IMMIGRANT HOUSES As Others Saw Them. Noble L. Prentis. Ap '70, 59. Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part II. Ap '70, 65. IMMIGRATION See EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION INDEX Index: 1946-55. Ten Years of Mennonite Life. Ja '56, 33-48. Index: 1956-60. Five Years of Mennonite Life. Ja '61, 39-48; Index 1961-65: Ja '66, 40; Index 1966-70: Ja '71, 33; Index 1971-75: Ap '76, 27; Index 1976-80: Je '81, 28; Index 1981-85: Mr '86, 26; Index 1986-90: Mr '91, 25. INDIA Baptist in All But Name: Molotschna Mennonite Brethren in India. Peter Penner. Mr '91, 17. Biblical View of Missions. Peter Fast. Ja '66, 24. Books on Missions in India. Jl '50, inside back cover. Dhamtari Mennonite Missions. Paul Erb. Jl '50, 24. From under the Mango Trees. Dwight Platt. Jl '60, 99. General Conference Mennonite Missions in India. John Thiessen. Jl '50, X. Go Ye Therefore. Andrew R. Shelly. Oc '55, 177. Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '70, 183. In the Far East. Ernest E. Miller. Oc '51, 31. International Christian School in India. Ernest E. Miller. Ja '58, 6. Mennonite Brethren Mission. J. H. Lohrenz. Ju '50, 29. New Delhi and We. A. J. Jl '62, 99. P. J. Wiens--Missionary to India. Agnes Wiens Willis. Ap '50, 39. This is India. Arthur J. Mosher. Jl '50, XII. Union Biblical Seminary in Yeotmal, India. S. T. Moyer. Ap '59, 76. What is Fate? Christena Duerksen. Ja '66, 36. INDIAN RELICS From the Rodolphe Petter Collection. Ja '56, 6-7. INDIANA Elkhart County, Indiana. Mennonites. Harold S. Bender. Ap '59, 71. Funeral Practices at Pretty Prairie. Gary Stucky. Oc '62, 184. Mint Farming in Southern Indiana. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '49, 40. Swiss Mennonites of Pretty Prairie. A. J. Graber. Ap '50, 30. INDIANS--PARAGUAY Paraguayan Indians. J. Winfield Fretz. Ap '62, 87. INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA See also CHEYENNE INDIANS, HOPI INDIANS, OKLAHOMA. "In like manner:" religious paradigms and the motivations for General Conference Mennonite missions among Native Americans. Marlin Adrian. Se '88, 4. General Conference Mennonite missions and Native American religions (Part 1). Marlin Adrian. Mr '89, 4; (Part 2) Je '89. 4. H. R. Voth: ethnologist. Fred Eggan. Je '82, 14; Mr/Je '96, 30.. Halstead Indian Industrial School. Stanley P. Dyck. Je '87, 4. Hopi images: a photo essay. H. R. Voth. Je '82, 20. Indian and the Canadian Mennonites. Alfred Heinrichs. Ja '67, 27. John's Message: Book of Exodus Revisited. Jacob J. Enz. Se '80. 24. Rodolphe Petter: a "called" linguist. Margaret Dietzel Hillegass. Je '82, 4. Rodolphe Petter and General Conference missions. John D. Thiesen. Se '85, 4. Sand Creek and Oklahoma City: Constructing a Common Ground. Lawrence H. Hart. De '97, 33. Seventy-Five Years of Missions in Oklahoma. Herbert M. Dalke. Jl '55, 100. INDONESIA Church Grows in Indonesia. Wilbert R. Shenk. Je '72, 50. Mennonite Churches in Indonesia. Wilbert Shenk. Oc '60, 154. Mennonite Student around the World. Adolf Ens. Ap '65, 74. INDUSTRIAL ARTS Industrial Arts in a Mennonite College. P. R. Kaufman and Menno Stucky. Jl '54, 105. INDUSTRY See also AGRICULTURE, BUSINESS and ECONOMIC LIFE. Agriculture Among the Mennonites of Russia. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '55, 14. Buhler Mill and Elevator Company. Louis Regier and Harold M. Regier. Ap '53, 82. Business and Industry (Ontario). John C. Sawatsky. Jl '62, 113. Citrus Fruit Industry in Southern California. L. J. Horsch. Oc '47, 4. Cultural Achievements of the Chortitza Mennonites. Walter Kuhn. Jl '48, 35. D. G. Rempel's Adventure in Toy Manufacturing. Ja '50, 41. Farming and Industry in the Bluffton-Pandora Area. Howard Raid. Ap '56, 53. Fifty Years Society of Brothers (1920-1970). Robert Friedmann. Oc '70, 159. From Danzig to Russia: The First Mennonite Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8. From Farmer to Office Craftsman. Harold Vogt. Ja '53, 36. Grape and Raisin Industry. Arnold C. Ewy. Oc '50, 4. Hesston Manufacturing Company. Oc '62, 152. Jakob G. Niebuhr Fabriken. Jakob J. Niebuhr. Ja '55, 25. Khortitsa Today. Jl '69, 120. Mennonite Intelligentsia in Russia. N. J. Klassen. Ap '69, 51. Mennonite Colonization and Agriculture in Mexico. Leonard Sawatzky. Jl '66, 134. Mennonite Industry in Russia. Ja '55, 21. Mennonites in Winnipeg. G. Lohrenz. Ja '51, 16. Mennonites of Krefeld. Walter Risler. Ap '51, 26. Mennonites of Ontario Today. Andrew R. Shelly. Oc '50, 17. Mennonites and Whaling. Ja '56, 17. Planning a Christian Community. J. W. Fretz. Ap '51, 34. Shafter-Wasco Community. Vernon Neufeld. Oc '52, 158. Story of a Mill. Ida Plank Yoder. Ja '56, 21. Sunflower Rebuilds Community. J. J. Siemens. Jl '49, 28. INFORMATION CENTER Mennonite Information Center. Shem Peachey. Oc '62, 167. INMAN (KAN.) Inman Bethel Mennonite Church. Peter T. Neufeld. Jl '53, 132. INSTITUTE OF MENNONITE STUDIES (ELKHART, IND.) Mennonite Research in Progress. Cornelius Krahn and Melvin Gingerich. Ap '69, 89. INSTITUTIONS See EDUCATION, HEALTH, HOSPITALS, etc. INTELLECTUAL LIFE--RUSSIA See also SCHOLARS, COLLEGES, EDUCATIION. Cultural Life Among the Mennonites of Russia. H. Goerz. Jl '69, 99. Mennonite Intelligentsia in Russia. N. J. Klassen. Ap '69, 51. IOWA Century in Iowa. Melvin Gingerich. Ja '47, 24. Donnellson Migrations Analyzed. Howard Raid. Ap '60, 62. Early Years at West Point, Iowa. John C. Krehbiel. Ap '60, 53. Farm Succession at Donnellson, Iowa. Howard Raid. Ap '60, 60. From the Krehbiel Family Album. Emma K. Bachmann. Jl '55, 135. John Carl Krehbiel (1811-1886). Melvin Gingerich. Ap '60, 57. Mennonites in Lee and Davis Counties, Iowa. Melvin Gingerich. Ap '60, 51. Mennonites Settle in Lee County, Iowa. Vernon Neufeld. Oc '53, 170. INTERNATIONAL RELIEF See RELIEF Isaak, Arthur Church Youth Give Plays. Ap '54, 66. Isaak, Marjorie Linscheid. Plain Dress. Ap '55, 65. ISOLATIONISM, MENNONITE See also NONCONFORMITY and ETHNOCENTRISM. Crossroads at Amsterdam. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '67, 153. Mennonite Syndrome. William Klassen. Jl '66, 139. New Wineskins for Old Wine. Delbert Wiens. Ap '66, 51. Overcoming Mennonite Group Egoism. Johannes Harder. Ja '68, 3. |