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Mennonites of Aberdeen, Idaho. F. L. and Anna Wenger. Jl '57, 120.

Abrahams, Ethel

Anna's Wuensche. Je '79, 21.

Book Review. Se '77, 31; De '93, 38.




State of the Mennonite Family. Howard Kauffman. Se '73, 76.

Mennonites and Afrikaners. James Juhnke. De '72, 118.

Adrian, Marlin

Book Review. De '97, 39.

Book Review. Mr '97, 37.

General Conference Mennonite missions and Native American religions (Part 1). Mr '89, 4; (Part 2) Je '89, 4.

"In like manner:" religious paradigms and the motivations for General Conference Mennonite missions among Native Americans. Se '88, 4.

The Women of the Martyrs' Mirror: Paradigms in Anabaptist/Mennonite Mythology. Je '97, 4.

Adrian, Vonna Hicks

Mennonite Saga. Jl '57, 126.

Tornado. Ju ' 48, 115.

Adrian, Walter

Thrilling Story from an Old Diary. Jl '48, 23.


Mennonites, aesthetics and buildings. Calvin Redekop. Se '86, 27.


African Views America. John T. Akar. Ja '67, 19.

Comfortable Pew and the Tangled World. Elmer F. Suderman. Ja '67, 3.


Demolishing a church building in Afghanistan. Rachel Waltner Goossen, based on a paper by Dan Friesen. Mr '88, 21.



African Views America. John T. Akar. Ja '67, 19.

Beginning of Missions in Africa. H. A. Driver. Ap '61, 54.

Beginnings of a Mission Endeavor. Harry D. Wenger. Ap '61, 95.

Brethren in Christ Church in Rhodesia. Henry N. Hostetter. Ap '61, 94.

Church in Congo's Crucible. James E. Bertsche. Ap '61, 89.

Congo Inland Mission Statistics, 1958. Ap '61, 87.

Congo Inland Mission. Ap '61, 88.

Continent is Awakening. Andrew Shelly. Ap '61, 51.

Fifty Years of the Congo Inland Mission. Levi Keidel. Ap '61, 76.

Go Ye Therefore. Andrew R. Shelly. Oc '55, 177.

Good Samaritan. African Style. Jim Merryman. Mr '72, 31.

Kimbanguism. David A. Shank. Je '72, 53.

Lighting Candles in Congo. Robert Bontrager. Ap '61, 52.

MCC's Role in Africa: What Lies Ahead? Vern Preheim. Mr '72, 24.

Mennonite Students around the World. Adolf Ens. Ap '65, 74.

Our Grandfathers are Our Libraries, Museums and Colleges. An Interview with Mpanya Mutombo. Je '75, 6.

Role of the Western Missionary in Africa Today. Johnson Rakama and Timoth Shindika. Ja '66, 22.

Survey of Mennonite Missions in Africa. Melvin Gingerich. Ap '61, 55.

Teachers Abroad Program. Robert Kreider. Ap '62, 77.


Mennonites & Afrikaners. James Juhnke. De '72, 118.

Mennonites and South Africa. An Interview with John de Gruchy. Mr '75, 6.



Beat of Today's World in Worship. Thomas F. Moffett. Ja '67, 40.

I attended a School for Negro Women. Anna Marie Peterson. Ja '61, 14.

Teaching in a Segregated School. Patricia Martin. Ja '67, 37.


Establishing a Home for the Aged. Victor Sawatzky. Ja '58, 42.

Mennonites and the Aging. H. A. Fast. Oc '61, 183.



Adventures in Chaco Agriculture. Menno Klassen. Oc '52, 152.

Agricultural Missions. I. W. Moomaw. Oc '61, 176.

Agricultural Revolution and the Task of the Church. Harley J. Stucky. Oc '59, 184.

Agricultural Revolution of Our Day. Harley J. Stucky. Jl '59, 117

Agricultural Training in Holland. G. Veenstra. Jl '52, 111.

Agriculture among the Mennonites of Mexico. H. D. Stoesz. Ap '47, 40.

Agriculture in the Kleine Gemeinde Community of Spanish Lookout, Belize. Howard Snider. Mr '80, 19.

Agriculture of Manitoba Mennonites. Don E. Totten. Jl '49, 24.

Amish and Tractors. Ja '47, 43.

At a Distance to 'worldly' ways. Tad Thompson. De '84, 14.

Beginning of Hochfeld Village and the Alexanderwohl Church. Peter U. Schmidt. Richard H. Schmidt, tr. Mr '81, 4.

Biography of a Farm. Ap '50, 28.

Bloodless Conquest. G. Veenstra. Ap '52, 74.

Colfax Washington Community. J. W. Fretz. Jl '54, 140.

Danzig Mennonite Church Buildings Today. Wilson Hunsberger. Jl '49, 10

Daut Darp. Harold Funk. Jl '70, 112.

Dressing and Keeping the Earth. W. H. Stauffer Interviewed by G. K. Rule. Ap '49, 15

Economic Trends in Mennonite Communities. Howard D. Raid. Oc '64, 186.

Farm Succession at Donnelson, Iowa. Howard Raid. Ap '60, 60.

Farming and Industry in the Bluffton-Pandora Area. Howard Raid. Ap '56, 53.

Farming--Our Heritage. J. Winfield Fretz. Ap '49, 3.

From Farm to City. J. Richard Burkholder. Ja '64, 45.

Grandfather's Home. B. B. Neuman. Ja '47, 46.

Grass for the Good of the Land. A. D. Stoesz. Ap '54, 60.

Jake Schowalter: he made the land his monument. Maynard Shelly. Mr '82, 4.

Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877 Part I: Text. C. B. Schmidt (translated by Cornelius Krahn). Ap '70, 51.

Lied des Landmannes. N. Unruh. Jl '51, 22.

Life in the Sugar Bush. Jim Lehman. Ap '57, 58.

Lunch Time on the Farm. Reuben Fanders. Oc '52, 157.

Master Farmers of France. Ernst Correll. Ap '52, 61.

Mennonite Cattlemen. Waldo Harder. Ap '47, 11.

Mennonite Colonization and Agriculture in Mexico. Leonard Sawatzky. Jl '66, 134.

Mennonite Community at Meade. J. W. Fretz. Jl '51, 8.

Mennonite Land Settlement Policies. Peter F. Bargen. Oc '60, 187.

Mennonites of Aberdeen, Idaho. F. L. and Anna Wenger. Jl '57, 120.

Mennonites of South Dakota. J. D. Unruh. Jl '50, I.

Mennonites Settle in Lee County, Iowa. Vernon Neufeld. Oc '53, 170.

Mint Farming in Southern Indiana. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '49, 40.

Neukircher Mennoniten Gemeinde von Chinook-Sedalia. Irene Klassen. Ma '84, 20.

Remaking a Community. Henderson, Nebraska. J. J. Friesen. Oc '50, 10.

Shafter-Wasco Community. Vernon Neufeld. Oc '52, 158.

Soil Conservation and the Farmer. A. D. Stoesz. Ap '49, 60.

Swiss Galician Mennonites. W. Kuhn. Ja '53, 24.

Transplanted Witmarsum. J. S. Postma. Jan '56, 19.

Tree at Whitewater. J. W. Fretz. Ap '50, 11.

Turkey Growing in Mountain Lake. J. W. Fretz. Oc '50, 35.

Von der Sichel bis zum Combine. J. J. Hildebrandt. Jl '51, 20.

Western Kansas Mennonite Settlement. J. W. Fretz. Oc '53, 174.

Why I Practice Soil Conservation. Ap '49, 12.


Agriculture among the Mennonites of Russia. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '55, 14.

Cultural Interaction Among the Mennonites in Russia. Walter Quiring. Ap '69, 61.

From Danzig to Russia: The First Mennonite Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8.

"The Good Old Days" A Russian Mennonite Document from 1835. (Introduction and translation by John B. Toews). Ja '68, 31.

Introduction of the reaper into Russia. George Hume. Robert Kreider, ed. Mr '85, 21.

Mennonites in Soviet Russia. Gerhard Hildebrand. Jl '69, 108.

Mennonites in the Early Soviet Period. John B. Toews. Jl '69, 101.

Mid point between revolutions: the Russian Mennonite world of 1911. Harvey L. Dyck. Mr '81, 9.

Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147.

Akar, John T.

Africa Views America. Ja '67, 19.


Coming of the Mennonites to Alberta. Peter F. Bargen. Ap '56, 83.

Cornelius Hiebert in the Alberta Legislature (1905-1909). Lorne R. Buhr. De '80, 15.

Didsbury Beginnings: The Ephraim Shantz Family. Burton Shantz. De '80, 26.

Mennonite Change: The Rise and Decline of Mennonite Community Organizations at Coaldale, Alberta. Ted Regehr. De '77, 13.

Mennonite Conference of Alberta after Twenty-Five Years. David P. Neufeld. Ap '54, 57.

Mennonites of Alberta, Melvin Gingerich. Ap '54, 56.

Mennonites of the Namaka Farm. Henry C. Klassen. De '75, 8.

New Beginning in Alberta. Rudolf Jansen. Oc '56, 182.

Albrecht, Paul

See Mennonites and Mental Health. Jl '54, 136.

Alderfer, Gordon E.

Mid-Winter Letters. Ja '47, 16.

Pioneer Culture of the Plain People. Oc '50, 30.


World Conference Art Display: An Evaluation. A. B. Enns. Ja '63, 7.

Alderfer, Joel D.

Book Review. De '94, 34.

ALEXANDER I, 1801-1825

At the Molotsnaya--A Visit, 1890. Peter G. Epp. Oc '69, 151.

Czar Alexander I Visits the Molotschna Colonies. Translation by K. Kooge and J. B. Toews. Se '74, 57.

Diamond Ring, from the Czar. Mrs. J. E. Entz. Oc '70, 185.


Alexanderwohl Villages in Kansas, 1874. Oc '49, 21.

Alexanderwohl "Schnurbuch." Melvin Gingerich. Ja '46, 45.

Beginnings of Mennonite Secondary Education in Kansas. P. J. Wedel. Oc '48, 14.

Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877 Part I: Text. C. B. Schmidt (translated by Cornelius Krahn). Ap '70, 51.

Krahn Mennonite Settlements, 1877 Part II: Illustrations. Ap '70, 65.

Some Remained Behind. Jacob A. Duerksen. Oc '70, 175.

Spread of Alexanderwohl Community, 1949. Oc '49, 23.

Transplanting Alexanderwohl, 1874. Oc '49, 24.


Beginning of Hochfeld Village and the Alexanderwohl Church. Peter U. Schmidt. Richard H. Schmidt, tr. Mr '81, 4.

Alexanderwohl Church Building. Alvin Goosen. De '74, 88.

Alexanderwohl architecture. Brian D. Stucky. Mr '86, 16.


Alexanderwohl "Schnurbuch." Melvin Gingerich. Ja '46, 45.

Przechowka and Alexanderwohl. J. A. Duerksen. Ap '55, 76.

Some Remained Behind. Jacob A. Duerksen. Oc '70, 175.

Transplanting Alexanderwohl, 1874. Oc '49, 24.


Dutch Mennonites Unite During Crisis. Piet van der Meulen. Jl '48, 20.

General Mennonite Society (Conference). S. M. A. Daalder. Oc '63, 149.

Spiritual Reconstruction. C. Nijdam. Ja '47, 31.


Unique Mennonite Project Initiated. Alta Schrock. Ap '60, 71.


All-Christian Peace Conference. Origin and Significance. H. Kloppenburg. Jl '65, 112 (The whole issue is devoted to this question).

Hands Across the Border. Harold Row. Jl '65, 137.

Intellectual Ferment in Central Europe. Paul Peachey. Jl '65, 102.

On the Threshold of a Dialogue. J. L. Hromadka. Jl '65, 102.

Second All-Christian Peace Assembly I. Charles C. West. Jl '65, 115.

Second All-Christian Peace Assembly II. Hans Ruh. Jl '65, 118.


Mennonites in the Early Soviet Period. John B. Toews. Jl '69, 101.


Mennonites in the Early Soviet Period. John B. Toews. Jl '69, 101.


Gordon Friesen: writer, radical and ex-Mennonite. Allan Teichroew. Je '83, 4.

Almanza, Miguel

Chicano Identity. Se '78, 22.


Story of a Mill. Ida Plank Yoder. Ja '56, 21.



1-W in Action. Arlo Kasper. Jl '58, 106.

1-W and His Church. Glenn Martin. Jl '58, 118.

Alternative Service Law and Its Operation. J. Harold Sherk. Jl '58, 103.

Alternative Service Work as Reflected in The Beacon October 1942-1945. Elizabeth Suderman Klassen. Se '93, 19.

Alternative Service Work in the B. C. Forest Service: A Survey of Documents in Government Archives. A. J. Klassen. Se '93, 26.

Beginning of Alternative Service During the Russo-Japanese War. Gerhard Lohrenz. Jl '71, 114.

Draft Counselor System. Kenneth Loewen. Jl '58, 114.

Expectations for the 1-W Program. John E. Lapp. Jl '58, 108.

Helping Delinquent Boys. Jl '58, 121.

Mennonites and Alternative Service. H. B. Schmidt. Jl '58, 101.

Non-Combatant Service Then and Now. Frank C. Peters. Ja '55, 31.

Program at Home. William T. Snyder. Oc '51, 36.

Responsibility of Pre-Draft Preparation. Boyd Nelson. Jl '58, 110.

Selective Service Reviews the 1-W Program. Victor Olsen. Jl '58, 99.

Service Preparation of the Church. Lawrence F. Becker. Jl '58, 116.


Altona--From Village to City. Victor Penner. Jl '56, 116.

Mennonite Churches of Altona. Ted Friesen. Jl '56, 114.

Radio As it Should Be. Frank H. Epp. Ja '59, 39.


"Let us try what love will do": the story of the American Friends Service Committee. Wallace T. Collett. Mr '83, 12.



Ames, Winslow

Thoughts of an Outsider on Mennonite Civilian Public Service. Ap '48, 41.


Amish and Tractors. Ja '47, 43.

Amish in Kansas. D. Paul Miller. Ap '51, 20.

Amish Problems at the Diener-Versammlung, John A. Hostetler. Oc '49, 34.

At a distance to 'worldly' ways. Tad Thompson. De '84, 14.

Century in Iowa. Melvin Gingerich. Ja '47, 24.

Fifty Years in Dawson County, Montana. Chris A. Buller. Ju. '54, 110.

Glimpses of the Amish. Ja '53, 13.

Joseph Stucky and Central Conference. Harry Yoder. Ap '51, 16.

Master Farmers of Lancaster County. Fred Knoop. Ja '47, 17.

Memories of an Amish childhood: interviews with Alvin J. Beachy. Robert S. Kreider. Se '86, 10.

Mennonites in Florida. John Umble. Jl '57, 108.

Mennonites in the Oklahoma Runs. Marvin Kroeker. Jl '55, 114.

Nebraska Amish of Pennsylvania. Maurice A. Mook. Ja '62, 27.

Pennsylvania Mennonites in Print 1940-1950. James R. Clemens. Ap '52, 83.

Pennsylvania German Barns. Alfred L. Shoemaker, Oc '51, 6.

Plain Dress. Marjorie Linscheid Isaak. Ap '55, 65.

Revival of Parochial Elementary Education. Silas Hertzler. Oc '49, 42.

Revived Interest in Pennsylvania-German Culture. John A. Hostetler. Ap '56, 63.

Sesquicentennial of Amish Settlement in Ontario. Dorothy Sauder. Se '72, 91.

Some Memories of World War II in the Amish Community in Stark County, Ohio. Al Keim. Mr '99, 23.

"Union in a Common Faith": The 1920s Merger of the Western District Amish Mennonite Conference and the "Old" Mennonites. V. Gordon Oyer. Mr '93, 4.


Amsterdam in Pictures. Oc '67, 167.

Amsterdam: Hosting the Conference. Jan Mathijssen. Oc '67, 165.

Breakdown of the Witness. Ap '67, 86.

Church in a Dutch City. Hendrik Bremer. Ja '64, 5.

Crossroads at Amsterdam. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '67, 153.

Doove Barend Drawings of the Anabaptists. Irvin B. Horst. Ja '60, 18.

Echoes from Amsterdam. Oc '67, 173.

"In Dit Amsterdam." Frits Kuiper. Oc '63, 178.

Mennonites in Amsterdam. Irvin B. Horst. Jl '52, 113.

Amstutz, D.

Dutch Mennonite Missions During the War. Ja '48, 16.

Amstutz, James F. S.

Dialogue with Washington: Mennonites and the Test of Faith. Mr '92, 27.

Amstutz, H. Clair

Book review. Ap '53, 96:

See Mennonites and Mental Health. Jl '54, 126.


John Ulrich Amstutz: museum curator and servant of the Swiss community. Herman Hilty. De '88, 13.



Anabaptism: An Existentialist Philosophy of Religion. Maynard Kaufman. Jl '57, 139.

Anabaptism and Mormonism: a study in comparative history. William Juhnke, Jr. De '85, 22.

Anabaptism Confronts Menno Simons. William Keeney. Mr '75, 15.

Anabaptist and Free Church Studies. Franklin H. Littell. Ap '70, 83

Anabaptist Church Discipline. Helna Janzen. Oc '56, 187.

Anabaptist Concept of the Church and Education. Arnold Nickel. Ja '62, 12.

Anabaptist Concept of the Church. Erland Waltner. Oc '50, 40.

Anabaptist Sources and Research. Walter Eisenbeis. Ap '57, 69.

Anabaptist View of the Scriptures (Part 1). Henry Poettcker. Jl '64, 110; (Part 2) Walter Klaassen. Jl '64, 113.

Anabaptist View of the Holy Spirit. Peter J. Klassen. Ja '68, 27.

Anabaptist Vision: from recovery to reform. J. Denny Weaver. Se '82, 14.

Anabaptists and We. Robert Friedmann. Jl '67, 99.

Anabaptists and the Bible: from "Sola Scriptura" to "Solus Christus." Dale R. Schrag. Se '89, 12.

Anabaptists as Troublemakers, Heinhold Fast. Translated by John H. Yoder. Mr '76, 10.

Basic Anabaptist Beliefs--A Consensus Mennoniticus. Walter Klassen. Oc '67, 178.

Being an Anabaptist Today--By a Mennonite Who is Trying to Become One. Sol Yoder. Ja '71, 7.

Bible and the Reformation. Alvin Beachy. Ap '64, 84.

Calvin reveals an early Anabaptist position statement. Anthony R. Epp. Mr '86, 12.

Church and the Spiritualizers. Franklin H. Littell. Ap '55, 61.

Church of the Restoration. Roland H. Bainton. Jl '53, 136.

Community of Saints. Franklin H. Littell. Oc '50, 3.

Consensus Mennoniticus Before 1525. H. W. Meihuizen. Oc '67, 181.

Death of the Witness. Ap '67, 80.

Development from an Anabaptist Perspective. Art De Fehr. Je '76, 17.

Did Our Forefathers Have a Theology? Albert D. Klassen, Jr. Oc '56, 189.

Discovery in Anabaptist Hymnody. Rosella Reimer Duerksen. Jl '59, 132.

Dutch Anabaptism in Elizabethan England. Fred J. Zerger. Ja '71, 19.

Ein alter Handschriftenband. Samuel Geiser. Ju' 59, 136.

Enduring Witness- The Mennonites. Roland H. Bainton. Ap '54, 83.

European Research in Anabaptist-Mennonite History. Heinold Fast. Jl '68, 128.

Frontier Community. Roland Bainton. Ja '54, 34.

Great Commission. Roland H. Bainton. Oc '53, 183.

Late seventeenth century rehabilitation of the Anabaptists. Anthony R. Epp. Mr '84, 29.

Lieder und Tod der Taeufer. Joh. P. Classen. Ap '51, 40.

Ludwig Keller--Scholar with a Mission. Amalie Keller. Oc '53, 159.

Martyrs' Mirror Digest. Ap '67, 53.

Martyr's Mirror and Anabaptist Women. Wayne Plenert. Je '75, 13.

Master Farmers of France. Ernst Correll. Ap '52, 61.

Mennonite Heritage and Future Challenge. Edmund G. Kaufman. De '74, 78.

Mennonites in Reference Books 1940-1950. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '52, 87.

Mennonites in a French Almanac. John H. Yoder. Oc '54, 154.

Mini-History of the Mennonites. Hilda W. Krahn. Ma-Je '74, 5.

My Pilgrimage to Anabaptism. Gan Sakakibara. Mr '73, 12.

New Approach to Anabaptist Research. Franklin H. Littell. Oc '53, 167.

Note on Goethe and the Anabaptists. Harry Loewen. Je '73, 63.

Ontological Dimensions of Anabaptism. Maynard Kaufman. Ap '58, 79.

Our Father's Faith, and Ours. Franklin H. Littell. Ja '60, 30.

Response to "Anabaptists and the Bible: from 'Sola Scriptura' to 'Solus Christus.'" Lois Barrett. Se '89, 19.

Role of Preaching in Anabaptist Tradition. Cornelius J. Dyck. Ja '62, 21.

Some New Books on Anabaptism. Robert Friedmann. Jl '63, 132.

Some Publications on Anabaptist-Mennonites, 1955. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '56, 31.

Three Anabaptist Paintings Unveiled. Gerald Studer. De '72, 112.

Toward an Anabaptist Epistemology. Maynard Kaufman. Ja '58, 35.

Waldensians and the Mennonites. Sandro Sarti. Ap '50, 21.

Walter Rauschenbusch: Anabaptist, pietist and social prophet. Donovan E. Smucker. Je '81, 21.

Were the Anabaptists Subversive? The Birth of a Counter-Culture. W. R. Estep, Jr. Ja '71, 14.

Wilhelm Wiswedel. Robert Friedmann. Ja '55, 41.

Word, Spirit and Scripture. Walter Klaassen. Oc '60, 182.

Worship Among the Anabaptists. Robert Friedmann. Jl '68 109.


Early German Anabaptist Hymnbooks. Rosella Reimer Duerksen. Ap '57, 61.

Political Implications of Sixteenth Century Hessian Anabaptism. Allen W. Dirrim. Oc '64, 179.

Vocations of the Swiss and South German Anabaptists. Robert Kreider. Ja '53, 38.


Anabaptists and Art. The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Robert W. Regier. Ja '68, 16.

Basic Beliefs of the Dutch Mennonites. H. W. Meihuizen. Oc '56, 184.

Dirk Philips. William Keeney. Ap '58, 70.

Dutch Anabaptism and the Muensterites. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '68, 120.

Dutch Anabaptism in Elizabethan England. Fred J. Zerger. Ja '71, 19.

Early Dutch Anabaptist Hymnbooks. Rosella Reimer Duerksen. Jl '57, 128.

Mennonites and Doopsgezinde. Irvin B. Horst. Ap '51, 29.

Puritans of the Netherlands. Keith Sprunger. Jl '70, 139.

Renaissance in Dutch Anabaptist Research. Cornelius Krahn. Mr '76, 26.


Erckmann-Chatrian: Anabaptists in the Works of the Alsatian Author Duo. Anthony R. Epp. Je '94, 4.


Anabaptist View of the Holy Spirit. Peter J. Klassen. Ja '68, 27.

Ausbund. Joh. P. Classen. Jl '57, 115.

Background of the Nineteenth Century Swiss Mennonite Immigrants. Delbert L. Grätz. Ap '56, 61.

Brief Biographies of Grebel, Manz & Blaurock. Anne Grant-Morris Schenk. De '72, 114.

Editions of the Ausbund. Joh. P. Classen. Ja '57, 47.

Mennonites Return to Zurich. Paul Peachey. Jl '53, 102.

Vocations of the Swiss and South German Anabaptists. Robert Kreider. Ja '53, 38.


Film review: "And when they shall ask." John Thiesen. Se '84, 25.

Only a memory: Mennonite pioneers in the San Luis Valley. Viola Bergman Hettinger. De '85, 26.

William O. Dyck's story of the John Mierau and Maria (Klassen) Friesen family. Thomas B. Mierau. William O. Dyck, interviewee. Se '85, 16.

Andreas, Carol R.

Uncle Davy. Ja '53, 32.

Andreas W. C.

Highlights and Sidelights of the Mennonites in Beatrice. Jl '46, 21.

Andres, H. J.

Colonia Mennonita in Uruguay--27, de Octubre. Jl '49, 15.

Andres, Joanna S.

Contemplation. Ja '46, 8.

I only Thank and to the Angels Listen. Ja '46, 4.

My Children Have the Mumps. Jl '47, 44.

Pfeffernuesse, Springerle and Marzipan. Ja '49, 4.

At New Year's Break. Ja '47, 5.

Andres, Stefan

Cows. Jl '68, 105.


Cows. Jl '68, 105.

Gallery of Animal Friends. Reuben Fanders. Ap '51, 24.

Goat. Warren Kliewer. Ap '55, 86.

Lord's Handiwork in our Fields. Richard H. Schmidt. Oc '47, 17.

Anneken, Jans

Farewell of the Witness. Ap '67, 68.


(See also Centennial)

At an Anniversary of a Church. Edwin Unruh. Ap '58, 61.

Bicentennial of Germantown. Samuel W. Pennypacker. Oc '58, 181.

In Commemoration of Seventy-Five Years in America. Ap '53, 95.

Mennonite Life Dinner, 1955. Ja '56, inside back cover.

One Hundred Years in Wadsworth. Rachel Kreider. Oc '53, 161.

Promised Land. Ellis Graber. Oc '58, 167.

Readers' Response to Tenth Anniversary. Ja '56, inside back cover.

Seventy-Five Years of Missions in Oklahoma. Herbert M. Dalke. Jl '55, 100.

Ten Years of Mennonite Life. Oc '55, 150.

Twenty-Five Years. Fernheim. Henry H. Epp. Oc '55, 175.


Anabaptists and Art. The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Robert W. Regier. Ja '68, 16.

Rembrandt and the Mennonites. H. M. Rotermund. Ja '52, 7.


Reciprocity in Identification. Jacob A. Loewen. Ja '66, 10.


Gerald B. Winrod: Deluded Defender of the Faith. John Waltner. Ja '69, 30.


Why I Am a Mennonite. Isaac I. Klaassen. Jl '58, 141.

Why I Am a Mennonite. Dedrich Navall. Ja '57, 47.

Why I Am a Mennonite. William Yake. Ja '56, 30.


Embarrassment of a religious tradition. Calvin Redekop. Se '81, 17.

Gordon Friesen: writer, radical and ex-Mennonite. Allan Teichroew. Je '83, 4.

Research notes: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren. Wm. Regehr and Calvin Redekop. Mr '82, 29.


Apostolic Christian Church. J. W. Fretz. Oc '51, 19.

Background of Apostolic Christian Church. Delbert Gratz, Oc '51, 20.


Seventy-Five Years of Missions in Oklahoma. Herbert M. Dalke. Jl '55, 100.


Archaeology and the Bible. Waldemar Janzen. Ap '64, 68.


Alexanderwohl architecture. Brian D. Stucky. Mr '86, 16.

Among the Habaner of Czechoslovakia. Gary Waltner. Ap '66, 84.

Architecture and Our Faith. V. Gerald Musselman. Oc '65, 159.

Art and Environment. Robert Regier. Jl '67, 105.

Bethel College administration building: Proudfoot and Bird's expression in Richardsonian Romanesque. Brent J. Zerger. Se '87, 11.

Building a New Church. Robert Hartzler. Oc '62, 150.

Building of a College Community Church. Ed. G. Kaufman. Ja '57, 6.

Building the Lord's House. Don E. Smucker. Ja '57, 18.

Challenge of a New Church. Harold W. Buller. Ja '57, 4.

Church Architecture. Leroy Graber. Jl '59, 102.

Danzig Mennonite Church Buildings Today. Wilson Hunsberger. Jl '49, 10.

Daut Darp. Harold Funk. Jl '70, 112.

Early Mennonite houses in Goessel, Kansas: the Voth/Unruh/Fast house. Kristine K. Flaming. Mr '89, 27.

Fine Arts in the Bible. Orlando Schmidt. Ja '65, 31.

From Danzig to Russia: The First Mennonite Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8.

Hesston...Congregation Builds New Worship Center. Daniel Kauffman. Ja '57, 11.

History and Significance of a Mennonite Prayerhouse: The 1880 Bethel Adobe Sanctuary of Inman, Kansas. John M. Janzen. Se '94, 4.

Hochfeld Village. Richard H. Schmidt. Mr '85, 12.

Hutterite mill of Bon Homme Colony: an architectural documentary. Allan Teichroew. De '84, 9.

Hutterite Mill of 1612. Gary Waltner. Ap '66, 90.

Mennonite Church Architecture. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '57, 19.

Mennonite Intelligentsia in Russia. N. J. Klassen. Ap '69, 51.

Mennonites, aesthetics and buildings. Calvin Redekop. Se '86, 27.

Pennsylvania German Barns. Alfred L. Schoemaker. Oc '51, 6.

Recent American Church Architecture. James W. Bixel. Ja '57, 31.

Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99.

What is Central in Worship? Elmer Ediger. Ja '57, 28.

What Type of Church Architecture. Leroy Graber. Jl '59, 102.



Mennonite Brethren Archives in Winnipeg. Ken Reddig. De '79, 11.

Mennonite Heritage Centre. Lawrence Klippenstein and John Friesen. De '78, 19.

Resources on Mennonite History in the Public Archives of Canada (Part I). Ernest J. Dick. De '75, 26; (Part II). Mr '76, 19.

Theodore R. Schellenberg (1903-1970) and the National Archives. Ap '70, 92.

Arent van Essen

Witness under Torture. Ap '67, 66.

Arentz, Fredrico

Host at Rio-Frederico Arentz. J. W. Fretz. Ap '55, 60.


Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '70, 183.

Mennonite Student around the World. Adolf Ens. Ap '65, 74.

Arnold, Eberhard

Spirit of the Risen Lord. Jl '69, 142.


Fifty Years Society of Brothers (1920-1970). Their Story and Their Books. Robert Friedmann. Oc '70, 159.

Arnold, Emmy

Spirit of the Risen Lord. Jl '69, 142.


See also issue of Ja '65.

A. B. Enns--Poet and Art Critic. Jan Herchenroeder. Oc '69, 163.

Abner Hershberger's Heritage Project: Images of Community. Se '98, 25.

Albert Henry Krehbiel, 1873-1945: early American impressionist. Rebecca F. Krehbiel. Mr '85, 4.

Anabaptist and Art--The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Robert W. Regier. Ja '68, 16.

Anna's Wuensche. Ethel Abrahams. Je '79, 21.

Anna Weber Hat Das Gemacht. Anna Weber (1814-1888)--A Fraktur Painter of Waterloo County, Ontario. Nancy-Lou Patterson. De '75, 15.

Annunciation Scene. Cheryl Pannabecker. Se '96, 24

Arnold Dyck: Non-Conformist. Mary Regehr Dueck. De '75, 15.

Art and Environment. Robert Regier. Jl '67, 105.

Art as I See It. Lena Waltner. Ja '47, 46.

Art in Daily Life in Holland. Hilda W. Krahn. Jl '57, 100.

Artist, Jan Luyken. Jan Gleysteen. Oc '65, 168.

Artist, Govert Filnck. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '57, 52.

Artist Interprets Life. John F. Schmidt. Oc '58, 153.

Artistic Pilgrimage of John P. Klassen. Larry Kehler. De '73, 114.

Artists at Work. (Herman P. Lepp, Johannes Janzen, Isaac H. Funk). Oc '51, 43.

Arts-A New Frontier in the Church? David H. Suderman. Ja '65, 3.

At the Molotshnaya. Johann H. Janzen. Oc '69, 155.

At the Molotshnaya--A Visit, 1890. Peter G. Epp. Oc '69, 151.

Bethel College centennial: Lizzie Wirkler's autograph book. David A. Haury. De '83, 27.

Der Bildhauer Heinrich Mekelburger. Kurt Kauenhoven. Ja '54, 29.

Botanical Garden #1. Gail Lutsch. De '99, 34.

Bread and Wine; Five Loaves and Two Fish. (Prints) Marvin Bartel. Ja '65, 4, 18.

Christian Creed in Blue Delftware. Sibold S. Smeding. Oc '56, 183.

Commercial Art. Randy Penner. Jl '66, 115.

Concert of the Angels. Daniel Wohlgemuth. Ja '56, 4.

Contemporary Art: An Act of Faith Without Promise of Reward. Robert W. Regier. Ja '65, 12.

Controversy and the Religious Arts. Warren Kliewer. Ja '65, 8.

Cracking Walnuts. (Jan Gleysteen) Arnold Willis Cressman. Ja '65, 36.

Creativity and Discipleship. John W. Miller. Jl '66, 111.

Cup Reading on a Pitcher. B. B. Wiens. Ja '52, 13.

Daniel Wohlgemuth, Mennonite Artist, Commemorates 80th Birthday. Ap '57, 56.

Daniel Wohlgemuth--An Artist of Bible Lands. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '54, 4.

Doove Barend Drawings of the Anabaptists. Irvin B. Horst. Ja '60, 18.

Edward J. Linscheid--Artist-Farmer. Joan Guyer. Jl '53, 113.

Else Kreuger Pursues Art as a Hobby. Jl '56, 102.

Embryo Series. Merrill Krabill. Se '96, 26.

Expressed Material Contra Materialism. Kenneth Hiebert. Ja '65, 19.

Family's artistic journey from Goessel to a one room schoolhouse in Deadwood. Ernest and Mary Lou Goertzen. De '82, 4.

Fine Arts Center. Monica Gross. Jl '66, 107.

Flowers in the Meadow: The Paper Cuttings of Elizabeth Johns Stahley. Nancy-Lou Patterson. Mr '79, 16.

From Danzig to Russia: The First Mennonite Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8.

From a College Art Studio. Ja '59, 13.

From Plow to Brush--Alexander Harder. Oc '53, 147.

The Funky Buzz: Carnival of Imaginary Butterflies. De '99, 21.

Gerhard Esau, Artist in Wood. Ja '49, 12.

Grandmother's Quilt. Eva Harshbarger. Oc '48, 17.

Home-crafts in Our Day. Jeanne K. Tiahrt. Oc '48, 11.

Hutterian Pottery or Haban Fayences. Robert Friedmann. Oc '58, 147.

I. Jacob Bock and His Folk Art. Reginald Good. De '80, 21.

Isaac Blesses Jacob. S. H. N. Gorter. Ap '57, 51.

The Island Cave. Lysianne Unruh. De '99, 35.

J. P. Klassen as an Artist. Betty Miller. Oc '62, 160.

Jesus Talks to the Woman at the Well. Mahlon Schmucker. Se '96, 25.

John P. Klassen--Artist and Teacher. Larry Kehler. Oc '69, 147.

Jonah. Gregg Luginbuhl. Se '96, 28.

Karl Eigsti: Imagination as Motive. Warren Kliewer. De '91, 12.

Laura's Piece. Matt Busby. De '99, 18.

Linoleum Cuts of Amish People. Arthur L. Sprunger. Jl '46, 34.

List of Mennonite Subjects in Rembrandt's Art. Oc '56, 154.

Martyrs' Mirror Digest. Ap '67, 53.

Menno Simons: Image, Art, and Identity. Carla Reimer. De '96, 5.

Mennonite Artists--Danzig and Koenigsberg. Kurt Kauenhoven. Jl '49, 17.

Mennonite Artist and the Church. Jan Gleysteen. Oc '64, 162.

Mennonites and the Fine Arts. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '48, 3.

Months of the Year. Johann H. Janzen. Oc '51, 13.

More About Habaner Pottery. Robert Friedmann. Jl '59, 129.

My Mission as an Artist. Marie Birkholtz-Bestvater. Ap '54, 53.

Oak and the Willows. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '58, 51.

Of Christianity and Art. Elaine Sommers Rich. Ja '65, 18.

Old Books from a Musty Corner. Ja '56, 4-5.

Peace on the Molotschna. Johann H. Janzen. Ja '56, 6.

Pennsylvania Dutch Art. Oc '53, 169.

Pharisee; Futile Plea; Hiroshima. Elaine Sommers Rich, verses; Paul Friesen, sculpture; Robert Regier, intaglio. Ap '62, 88.

Plowing the Steppes. J. P. Klassen. Ja '46, 48; De '75, 25.

Portraits of Menno Simons. Sibold S. Smeding. Jl '48, 16.

Printmaking: Interview with Bob Regier. Carla Reimer. De '97, 10.

Recent Protest Art. Robert W. Regier. Ap '68, 70.

Rembrandt and the Mennonites. H. M. Rotermund. Ja '52, 7.

Rembrandt van Rijn. N. van der Zizpp. Oc '56, 147.

Rembrandt, the Bible and the Mennonites. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '52, 4.

Rembrandt Knew Mennonites. Irvin B. Horst. Oc '56, 148.

Sculpture Speaks About His Work. Paul Friesen. Ja '65, 16.

"See the vernal landscape glowing": the symbolic landscape of the Swiss-German Mennonite settlers in Waterloo County. Nancy-Lou Patterson. De '83, 8.

Shoemaker and Artist. (Hans Johann Dyck). Ja '61, 19.

Significance of Art. Gordon D. Kaufman. Ja '65, 5.

Sketches from a Chortitza Boyhood. A selection of drawings by John P. Klassen. De '73, 104.

Some Rembrandts in America. John F. Schmidt. Oc '56, 155.

Spirit of Pleasant Hill Farm. A. R. Ebel. Jl '49, 43.

Thirty Years of Excavation. Herman Landsfeld. Oc '64, 167.

Thistles - Eastpark Series. Gail Lutsch. De '99, 31.

Three Anabaptist Paintings Unveiled. Gerald Studer. De '72, 112.

Tine Honig--A Dutch Mennonite Artist. Cor Dik. Ja '58, 24.

Tongues in Trees. Reuben Fanders. Ja '54, 10.

Traum und Wirklichkeit (Jakob Sudermann). A. S. Ja '53, 17.

Trends in Art Education. Lena Waltner. Jl '57, 104.

Tribute to Arnold Dyck. Elisabeth Peters. Ja '69, 3.

Vegetation - Westpark Series. Gail Lutsch. De '99, 33.

Water's Edge - Westpark Series. Gail Lutsch. De '99, 33.

Woodcarving--Elma Waltner. Lena Waltner. Ap '52, 63.

World Conference Art Display: An Evaluation. A. B. Enns. Ja '63, 7.


Heresy and Theological Literary Criticism. Maynard Kaufman. Jl '66, 118.

Significance of the Poetic Act. Paul Wiebe. Jl '66, 122.


Death and ethnicity: Swiss-German Mennonite gravestones of the "Pennsylvania style" (1804-54) in the Waterloo region, Ontario. Nancy-Lou Patterson. Se '82, 4.

Mesopotamian connection: the Bethel cuneiform tablets and their journey to Kansas. Keith L. Sprunger. De '85, 14.


Transitions and Recollections: Some Moments on My Visual Journey. Bob Regier. De '91, 4.

Merrill Krabill, Sculptor. De '92, 21.

Shifts and Changes. John Blosser. De '94, 27.






Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries. Erland Waltner. Ap '59, 55.

Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries Libraries. J. J. Entz. Ap '59, 57.


Association of Mennonite University Students. Reinhard H. Vogt. Ap '65, 63.


Athletics at Bethel College. Gerhard Buhr. Ap '63, 84.

Revival of soccer at Bethel. David Kreider. Mr '87, 27.


Teaching the Atomic Bomb: The Greatest Thing in History. William E. Juhnke. Se '92, 4.


Views of atonement in the Christian Exponent. Janeen Bertsche. Je '86, 4.

Aubrey, Stuart

Book Review. Je '76, 30.


From Central Asia to America. Douglas Hale. Jl '70, 133.

Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147.


Ausbund. Joh. P. Classen. Jl '57, 115.

Early German Anabaptist Hymn Books. Rosella Reimer Duerksen. Ap '57, 61.

Editions of the Ausbund. Joh. P. Classen. Ja '57, 47.

Historic Melody. Walter H. Hohmann. Jl '60, 107.

Lieder und Tod der Taeuffer. Joh. T. Classen. Ap '51, 40.

Pioneer Culture of the Plain People. Gordon E. Alderfer. Oc '50, 30.


Letters and Issues. Jl '68, 115.

Mennonite "Zionist" Movement? Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 171.


Anabaptism in the Inn Valley. Robert Friedmann. Jl '60, 109.

Century of the Refugee. John H. Hershbarger. Jl '56, 116.

Mennonite Church in Austria. Ernst Wyes. Ja '58, 9.

Mennonites in Austria. Ferdinand Muller. Jl '60, 112.

Of Hutterite Books. Robert Friedman. Ap '52, 81.


Story of the Mennonites at Avon, South Dakota. J. A. Boese. Ja '60, 39.



Bach Mai: A View from Inside.. Douglas Hostetter. Je '73, 55.

Bachmann, Emma K.

Bubendieb. Jl '57, 131.

From the Krehbiel Family Album. Jl '55, 135.

My Guardian Angel. Ap '57, 71.


Our Pax Boys--Europe. Curtis Janzen. Ap '54, 80.

Baehr, Anne-Ruth Ediger

Archives. De '81, 4.

BAERG, ANNA, 1897-1972

Diary of Anna Baerg. Peter J. Dyck. De '73, 121.

Baerg, G.

Mennonites in Fiction--Gnadenau. Oc '47, 22.

Bainton, Roland H.

Anabaptist and Free Church Studies. Franklin H. Littell. Ap '70, 83.

Church of the Restoration. J '53, 136.

Enduring Witness--the Mennonites. Ap '54, 83.

Frontier Community. Ja, '54, 34.

Great Commission. Oc '53, 183.

Bakker, Johannes

Some Recent Publications. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '66, 143.


Bangladesh: Born in Adversity and Hope. Atlee Beechy. De '72, 108.

Poetry as a National Monument. Maynard Shelly. De '72, 106.

Bangs, Carl

Books in Review. Mr '73, 30.


Crosstown Credit Union. J. A. Kroeker. Jl '49, 32.

Sixty Years in the Banking Business. H. E. Suderman. Ja '48, 38.


Anabaptist Concept of the Church. Erland Waltner. Oct. '50, 40.

Church of the Restoration. Roland H. Bainton. Jl '53, 136.

Consensus Mennoniticus Before 1525. H. W. Meihuizen. Oc '67, 181.

Menno Simons Polemics with Catholics. Henry Poettcker. Ja '61, 33.

Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99.


Baptists Come Back to Waldshut. Paul Peachey. Ap '54, 63.

Bernhard Harder's Critique of the Baptists and Mennonite Brethren. A. P. Toews. Oc '59, 179.

Contemporary Russian Mennonites. G. Lohrenz. Jl '69, 114.

Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147.

Russian Baptists and Mennonites. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '56, 99.

Russian Baptists Report About Visit in U.S.A. I. I. Motorin. Jl '65, 139.

Mennonites in Soviet Russia. G. H. Jl '69, 108.

Mennonites of Russia Today. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '69, 116.

Barbour, Hugh S.

Comparisons and contrasts among historic peace churches. De '90, 35.

Barend, Doove

Doove Barend Drawings of the Anabaptists. Irvin B. Horst. Ja '60, 18.

Basic Beliefs of the Dutch Mennonites. H. W. Meihuizen. Oc '56, 184.

Bargen, Bennie

Books in Review. Jl '67, 143.

Christian Community is Born. Ja '56, 13.

General Conference Mennonite Press. Ja '51, 35.

Bargen, Peter F.

Coming of the Mennonites to Alberta. Ap '56, 83.

Mennonite Land Settlement Policies. Oc '60, 187.


Pennsylvania German Barns. Alfred L. Shoemaker. Oc '51, 6.


Mutual Aid in Action. Ja, '47, 18.

Barrett, Lois

Anabaptist Evangelism in the Context of Modernity and Postmodernity. Je '98, 32.

Response to "Anabaptists and the Bible: from 'Sola Scriptura' to 'Solus Christus.'" Se '89, 19.

What I Learned from John Howard Yoder. Mr '98, 4.

Bartel, Lois Franz

Pioneer Home. Oc '62, 162.

Bartel, Marvin

Bread and Wine; Five Loaves and Two Fish. (Prints) Ja '65, 18.

Bartel, Otto

Odyssey of a Mennonite Family. Oc '56, 180.

BARTH, KARL, 1886-1968

Mennonite Research in Progress. Cornelius Krahn and Melvin Gingerich. Ap '69, 89.


Heinrich Heese Autobiography. Ap '69, 66.


From Danzig to Russia: The First Mennonite Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8.

Johann Bartsch Monument: From Russia to Canada. Gerhard Lohrenz. Ja '69, 29.


Flight to Batum. John B. Toews. Jl '71, 117.

Bauman, Clarence

Bible--Its Origin, Nature, and Authority. Ap '64, 53.

Book Review. Jl '65, 141, 144.

Baumgartner, Jeff

Uncle Davy: a history of the Bethel College Math Department, 1900-64. Mr '87, 22.

BAYLE, PIERRE, 1647-1706

Late seventeenth century rehabilitation of the Anabaptists. Anthony R. Epp. Mr '84, 29.

Bays, Daniel H.

Book review. Mr '89, 38.

Beachy, Alvin J.

Bible and the Reformation. Ap '64, 84.

Biblical Basis for Civil Disobedience. Ja '70, 6.

Book Review. Oc '70, 173; Ja '71, 24; Je '77, 25; Mr '79, 27.

Called to be Faithful. Ap '68, 51.

Case Study in Civil Disobedience: Pilgram Marbeck. Ja '70, 12.


Memories of an Amish childhood: interviews with Alvin J. Beachy. Robert S. Kreider. Se '86, 10.


Alternative Service Work as Reflected in The Beacon October 1942-1945. Elizabeth Suderman Klassen. Se '93, 19.

Bearinger, Noah

To God and Man. Jl '46, 46.

Where Men Destroy. Jl '46, 31.


Highlights and Sidelights of the Mennonites in Beatrice. W. C. Andreas. Jl '46, 21.

J. G. Wiebe Lumber Company. Mrs. Oscar Wiebe. Jl '53, 127.

Rural Church--Beatrice, Nebraska. Jacob T. Friesen. Ap '53, 80.

Wiebe's Dairy--A Story of Ambition and Work. Reuben Fanders. Ap '50, 24.

Beck, Ervin

CPS Protest Songs. De '96, 14.

Beck, Vincent

CPS Protest Songs. De '96, 14.

Becker, Lawrence F.

Service Preparation of the Church. Jl '58, 116.

Becker, Mark

Mennonite resistance to draft registration. De '85, 19.


Mennonites of Krefeld. Walter Risler. Ap '51, 26.

Beckerrath, Roswitha von

Cradle of Germantown--Krefeld. Jl '47, 22.

Beechy, Atlee

Bangladesh: Born in Adversity and Hope. De '72, 108.

Service and Community. Mr '99, 20.


Some Recent Publications. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '66, 143.

Themes and symbols in the "Mennonite" novels of Ernst Behrends. Harry Loewen. Mr '82, 14.


Believers' Church Conference. Maynard Shelly. Oc '67, 185.

Believer's Church Conference, August 23-25, 1955. A Digest of the Lectures, Oc '54, 185.

Mennonite Research in Progress. Cornelius Krahn and Melvin Gingerich. Ap '69, 89.

People in Community-Contemporary Relevance. J. Lawrence Burkholder. Ja '68, 5.

Personal Perspective on the Believer's Church Conference. Elmer Ediger. Oc '55, 182.


Agriculture in the Kleine Gemeinde Community of Spanish Lookout, Belize. Howard Snider. Mr '80, 19.

Mennonites in Belize--A. J. Dean Funk Photographic Essay. J. Dean Funk. De '80, 4.

Belk, Fred R.

Books in Review. Je '73, 63.

To Meet the Lord and Escape the Draft. Ma-Je '74, 38.

Bender, Elizabeth

Grimmelshausen and the Hutterites. Oc '63, 187.

Bender, Harold S., 1897-1962

Book Review. Oc '50, 44.

C. Henry Smith--A Tribute. Ap '50, 4.

Elkhart County, Indiana, Mennonites. Ap '59, 71.

Fifth Mennonite World Conference. Jl '52, 99.

First Mennonite Minister in America. Oc '58, 174.

Goshen College Biblical Seminary. Ap '59, 69.

Mennonite Encyclopedia. Jl '46, 6.

Outside Influences on Mennonite Thought. Ja '55, 45.

BENDER, HAROLD S., 1897-1962

Anabaptist and Free Church Studies. Franklin H. Littell. Ap '70, 83.

Anabaptist vision: from recovery to reform. J. Denny Weaver. Se '82, 14.

Black Coats, Pig-Headed Fathers, and Growing Souls: Some Reflections on the Figure of Harold Bender. Jeff Gundy. De '99, 9.

From Anabaptism to Mennonitism: the Mennonite Encyclopedia as a historical document. Rachel Waltner. De '82, 13.

Inter-Mennonite Scholarly Dialogue in 1929: Edmund G. Kaufman and Harold S. Bender. James C. Juhnke. De '98, 42.

Mennonite Church theological and social boundaries, 1920-1930: loyalists, liberals and laxitarians. James C. Juhnke. Je '83, 18.

Bender, Mary Eleanor

Book Review. Jl '63, 138.

Truth in Fiction. Oc '63, 184.

Bender, Mrs. Paul

Golden Knight. Ja '62, 36.

Bender, Paul

International Mennonite Brotherhood and Heerewegen. Ja '58, 11.

Bender, Ross T.

Christ is our cornerstone. Jacob Tilitzky, jt. author. Mr '84, 4.




Building a Mennonite Church in Berdyansk. Leonhard Sudermann. John B. Toews, trans. Je '98, 4.

Berg, Ford

Mennonite Publishing House. Ja '51, 32.

Revival in Our Day. Jl '52, 119.

Spanish Publication. Ap '53, 94.

Berg, P. H.

Mennonite Brethren Press. Ja '51, 38.

Bergen, John

Book Review. Se '80, 29.

Changing Attitudes of Mennonite University Students. Oc '68, 169.

Bergen, John J.

The Case of John J. Bergen. Se '93, 15.

Bergey, Lorna L.

Mennonite Change: The Life History of the Bienheim Mennonite Church, 1839-1974. De '77, 23.

Berglund, Axel-Ivar

Zulus celebrate Christmas. Robert Kreider. Mr '88, 13.


Only a memory: Mennonite pioneers in the San Luis Valley. Viola Bergman Hettinger. De '85, 26.


Martensville: Half-Way House to Urbanization. Herbert Peters. Oc '68, 164.

Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99.


A Delayed Merger: The Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Manitoba and the General Conference. John Friesen. Mr '93, 22.


Daniel F. Bergthold 1876- 1948. J. H. Lohrenz. Jl '51, 3.

Bernays, C. L.

Among the Mennonites of Kansas in 1878. Oc '49, 20.


Christian Dilemma: The Politics of Morality. Harold H. Gross. Ap '68, 59.


Apostolic Christian Church. J. W. Fretz. Oc '51, 19.

Berne Community. Olin A. Krehbiel. Jl '47, 17.

Economic Life of the Berne Community. Leland C. Lehman. Jl '47, 19.

Samuel Ferdinand Sprunger. Pastor--Conference Worker. Eva F. Sprunger. Oc '53, 178.

Scenes from the Past. Mr '72, 13.


Biography of a Farm. J. W. Fretz. Ap '50, 28.

Bertsche, James E.

Church in Congo's Crucible. Ap '61, 89.

Bertsche, Janeen

See Johnson, Janeen Bertsche


Mennonites and Mental Health. Jl '54, 118.


Academic Development. P. E. Schellenberg. Ap '63, 57.

Academic Program: Bible and Theology. Walter Klaassen. Ap '63, 63.

Academic Program: The Applied Sciences. M. S. Harder. Ap '63, 71.

Athletics at Bethel College. Gerhard Buhr. Ap '63, 84.

Bethel College Alumni. Erwin C. Goering. Ap '63, 94.

Bethel College Memoir. Harry R. Van Dyck. Se '94, 13.

Bethel College. Oc '48, 26.

Bethel College and the Printed Word. John F. Schmidt. Oc '63, 181.

Bethel College Studies. John M. Janzen and James Juhnke. Jl '68, 138.

Bethel College's twenty-fifth anniversary. David A. Haury, ed.; Hilda Voth, tr. De '86, 17.

Bethel College administration building: Proudfoot and Bird's expression in Richardsonian Romanesque. Brent J. Zerger. Se '87, 11.

Bethel College centennial: Lizzie Wirkler's Autograph book. David A. Haury. De '83, 27.

Bethel's Music Department: the early years, 1893-1913. J. Harold Moyer. Mr '87, 10.

C. C. Regier: progressive Mennonite historian. Keith L. Sprunger. Mr '84, 10.

Challenge of a New Church. Harold W. Buller. Ja '57, 4.

Changing Role of Education. Esko Loewen. Ja '71, 4.

Christian View of the Fine Arts. Walter Klassen. Jl '66, 99.

Christian Life on the Campus. Walter Klaassen. Ap '63, 77.

Contributions of Pioneer David Goerz. D. C. Wedel. Oc '52, 170.

Cornelius H. Wedel and Oswald H. Wedel: two generations of Mennonite historians. Keith L. Sprunger. De '81, 6.

Crises in Bethel History. Ed. G. Kaufman. Ap '63, 53.

Daniel explosion: Bethel's first Bible crisis. James C. Juhnke. Se '89, 20.

Development of the Campus. Edmund J. Miller. Ap '63, 89.

Doctoral Degrees Earned by Bethel's Graduates. Robert W. Schmidt. Ap '63, 78.

E. G. Kaufman: autobiographical reflections [Part 2]. Robert S. Kreider, ed. Je '87, 17.

Early Campus Humor. Mariam P. Schmidt. Ap '63, 81.

Edmund George Kaufman: autobiographical reflections at seventy-nine. Robert S. Kreider, ed. Mr '87, 39.

Education of teachers at Bethel College in Kansas, 1893-1927. William T. Vandever. Mr '87, 4.

Education in Crisis--Bethel College and the Church. Elbert Koontz. Ja '71, 3.

Fine Arts Center. Monica Gross. Jl '66, 107.

Fine arts. [Photographs of the Bethel College Fine Arts Department]. Ma. '87, 15.

From a College Art Studio. Nancy Schroeder and Virgil Penner. Ja '59, 13.

Gustav H. Enss, Mennonite alien (1885-1965). James C. Juhnke. De '81, 19.

Home Economics at Bethel College. Sharon Penner Leppke. Mr '87, 16.

Houses of Bethel. David A. Haury and Selma Unruh. De '86, 19.

How Bethel College is Operated. Vernon H. Neufeld. Ap '63, 87.

Industrial Arts in a Mennonite College. P. R. Kaufman and Menno Stucky. Jl '54, 105.

Inter-Mennonite Cooperation. Vernon H. Neufeld. Ap '63, 95.

J. Winfield Fretz and the Early History of Mennonite Sociology. Paul Toews. Je '99, 17.

Mennonite progressives and World War I. James C. Juhnke. De '86, 14.

Mennonite Folk Festival. Photography by Ervin H. Schmidt. Ap '58, 59.

Mennonite Folk Festival. Ap '59, 78.

Mennonite Medical Doctors. Graduates of Four-year Mennonite Colleges. Compiled by Robert Schmidt. Jl '63, 115.

Mennonite Singers on Adventurous Choir Trip. H. A. Fast. Ja '56, 10.

Mission of Bethel College. Vernon H. Neufeld. Ap '63, 51.

Natural sciences. [Photographs of the Bethel College Natural Sciences Department]. Mr '87, 30.

No "easy street": Bethel's struggle for accreditation, 1930-38. Rachel Waltner Goossen. Se '87, 4.

Of scholars and disciples. Robert S. Kreider. Se '87, 20.

On the Quality of Discontent. Orville L. Voth. Oc '70, 186.

Physical education. [Photographs of the Bethel College Physical Education Department]. Mr '87, 21.

Public Services. John F. Schmidt. Ap '63, 91.

Reminiscences and Reflections. Theodore O. Wedel. Oc '48, 39.

Response to "The Daniel explosion: Bethel's first Bible crisis." Richard Tschetter. Se '89, 25.

Revival of soccer at Bethel. David Kreider. Mr '87, 27.

Seeking after knowledge in the age of information: thoughts on the role of the academic library. Dale R. Schrag. Se '87, 23.

Some Aims and Objectives. Ap '63, 62.

Story of a Library. John F. Schmidt. Ap '54, 68.

Student Life: Past and Present. Esko Loewen. Ap '63, 75.

Uncle Davy. Carol R. Andreas. Ja '53, 32.

Uncle Davy: a history of the Bethel College Math Department, 1900-64. Jeff Baumgartner. Mr '87, 22.

Without a Vision. Harold J. Schultz. Mr '72, 11.




Building of a College Community Church. Ed. G. Kaufman. Ja '57, 6.

College Church After Fifty Years. C. E. Krehbiel. Oc '48, 36.

Reminiscences and Reflections. Theodore O. Wedel. Oc '48, 39.


Deaconess and Her Ministry. Ja '48, 30.

Piety and Professionalism: The Bethel Deaconesses of the Great Plains. Rachel Waltner Goossen. Mr '94, 4.


The History and Significance of a Mennonite Prayerhouse: The 1880 Bethel Adobe Sanctuary of Inman, Kansas. Se '94, 4.


Altenheim: The Sunday Visits. Nancy Schroeder-Warner. Se '94, 19.


Architecture and Our Faith. V. Gerald Musselman. Oc '65, 159.


Better Film Productions. William and Edith Zehr. Ap '71, 65.



Academic Program: Bible and Theology. Walter Klassen. Ap '63, 63.

Aids to Bible Study. Russell L. Mast. Jl '64, 134.

Among the Habaner of Czechoslovakia. Gary Waltner. Ap '66, 84.

Anabaptist View of the Scriptures II. Walter Klassen. Jl '64, 113.

Anabaptist View of the Scriptures I. Henry Poettcker. Jl '64, 110.

Archaeology and the Bible. Waldemar Janzen. Ap '64, 68.

Bible in Modern Life. Lloyd L. Ramseyer. Jl '64, 129.

Bible in the Nineteenth Century. C. Norman Kraus. Jl '64, 99.

Bible: Its Origin, Nature, and Authority. Clarence Bauman. Ap '64, 53.

Bible on the Mission Field. Jacob A. Loewen. Jl '64, 124.

Bible and the Reformation. Alvin Beachy. Ap '64, 84.

Fine Arts in the Bible. Orlando Schmidt. Ja '65, 31.

From Ignatus to Wycliffe. Cornelius J. Dyck. Ap '64, 79.

Jewish and Early Christian Interpretations of the Old Testament. Howard Charles. Ap '64, 74.

John's Message: Book of Exodus Revisited. Jacob J. Enz. Se '80, 24.

Mennonite Bibles and Bible Translations. Walter Klaassen. Jl '64, 117.

New Wineskins for Old Wine. Delbert Wiens. Ap '66, 51.

Role of Preaching in Anabaptist Tradition. Cornelius J. Dyck. Ja '62, 21.

Scholar and the Bible. David Schroeder. Ap '64, 64.

Some Thoughts on the Bible. Vernon H. Neufeld. Ap '64, 51.

Transmission of the Bible. William Klassen. Ap '64, 59.

Versions: Ancient and Modern. Walter Klaassen. Jl '64, 104.

Word, Spirit and Scripture. Walter Klaassen. Oc '60, 182.


Biblical View of Missions. Peter Fast. Ja '66, 24.


Bible as canon: God's word and the community's book. Patricia Shelly. Se '89, 4.

Response to "The Bible as canon: God's word and the community's book." Heinz Janzen. Se '89, 11.


Biblical authority: the contemporary theological debate. Duane K. Friesen. Se '89, 26.

Response to "Biblical authority: the contemporary theological debate." Donald Longbottom. Se '89, 31.


Anabaptists and the Bible: from "Sola Scriptura" to "Solus Christus." Dale R. Schrag. Se '89, 12.

Response to "Anabaptists and the Bible: from 'Sola Scriptura' to 'Solus Christus.'" Lois Barrett. Se '89, 19.


Summer Bible School Material. Paul Shelly. Ap '49, 45.


American Mennonite Fiction: A Contribution Toward a Bibliography. Elmer F. Suderman. Jl '67, 131.

American Mennonite Fiction. Stanley Sheck. Jl '68, 119.

Books by J. H. Janzen. Jl '51, 42.

Books on Missions in India. Jl '50, inside back cover.

Books on Religious and Ethnic Groups. Jl '69, 113.

Books on Russia. Ja '69, 48.

Canadian Mennonite writings: a bibliographical survey, 1970-1980. Lawrence Klippenstein. Mr '82, 9.

J. Winfield Fretz Bibliography. Barbara A. Thiesen. Je '99, 28.

Kurt Kauenhoven Bibliography. Victor Peters. Ap '69, 87.

Low German: Some Linguistic Studies; Low German Literature. Jl '67, 116.

Mennonite Response to the Bicentennial, 1975-1976. Marianne Harms. Je '77, 28.

Mennonite Bibliography. Ap '46, 46; Ap '48, 47; Ap '49, 46; Ap '50, 44; Ap '51, 42; Ap '52, 90; Ap '53, 91; Ap '54, 92; Ap '55, 91; Ap '56, 89; Ap '57, 88; Ap '58, 89; Ap '59, 92;, Ap '60, 93; Jl '61, 135; Ap '62, 92; Jl '63, 129; Ap '64, 90; Ap '65, 90; Ap '66, 93; Jl '67, 136; Jl '68, 138; Ap '69, 92; Ap '70, 93; Ap '71, 89 (Continued by Radical Reformation and Mennonite Bibliography).

Mennonite Bibliography, 1946. Melvin Gingerich and Cornelius Krahn. Mr/Je '96, 49.

Mennonite Bibliography, 1995. Barbara A. Thiesen, Mr/Je '96, 51.

Mennonite Bibliography, 1996. Barbara A. Thiesen, Je '97, 34.

Mennonite Bibliography, 1997. Barbara A. Thiesen, Je '98, 38.

Mennonite Bibliography, 1998. Barbara A. Thiesen, Je '99, 30.

Mennonite Centennial Publications. Compiled by Cornelius Krahn. Ma-Je '74, 47.

Pennsylvania Mennonites in Print, 1940-1950. Ap '52, 83.

Radical Reformation. George H. Williams. Ap '70, 85.

Radical Reformation and Mennonite Bibliography. Mr '73, 21; Mr '75, 24; Mr '76, 23; Mr '77, 26; Mr '79, 21; Je '80, 44; Je '81, 24; Se '82, 21; Se '83, 21; Je '84, 19; Je '86, 15; Je '87, 19; Je '88, 24; Je '89, 25; Je 90, 26.

Radical Reformation Research 1971-1972. Cornelius Krahn, et al. Mr '73, 17.

Research on Urban Mennonites. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '68, 189.

Select Bibliography on Canadian Mennonites and World War II. Se '93, 29.

Some Recent Publications. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '66, 143.

Themes and symbols in the "Mennonite" novels of Ernst Behrends. Harry Loewen. Mr '82, 14.

Warren Kliewer in Mennonite Life: A Bibliography. De '98, 18.

Writings of Cornelius Krahn, a Bibliography. Marianne Harms. Se '77, 28.


For the U.S. Bicentennial, 1976. Elaine Sommers Rich. Se '76, 31.

In the Shadow of Independence Hall. Se '76, 4.

Mennonite Response to the Bicentennial, 1975-1976, Marianne Harms. Je '77, 28.

Revolution Without Independence. James C. Juhnke. Se '76, 10.

Biesecker-Mast, Gerald J.

Book Review. De '97, 44.

Jihad, McWorld, and Anabaptist Transcendence. Se '97, 4.

Bilderbeek, Henk van

Confession for Our Day. Oc '56, 186.

Binkley, Russell

Comic Books (Fiction). Je '98, 24.


Abraham J. Kroeker--Writer and Publisher. Oc '52, 165.

Albert Henry Krehbiel, 1873-1945: early American impressionist. Rebecca F. Krehbiel. Mr '85,4

Anna Brons and Ludwig Keller. Mary Sprunger. Je '85, 10.

Arnold Dyck at Seventy. Gerhard Wiens. Ap '59, 80.

Arnold Dyck, ein Blick auf sein Schaffen. Kurt Kauenhoven. Ap '59, 89.

B. H. Unruh--Theologian and Statesman. Johannes Harder. Ja '60, 3.

B. H. Unruh--heimgegangen. J. B. Wiens. Ja '60, 12.

Background of a Mennonite Family--Hamm. Horst Penner. Jl '49, 16.

Bernhard Harder. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '59, 181.

Der Bildhauer Heinrich Mekelburger. Kurt Kauenhoven. Ja '54, 29.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin H. Unruh. Cornelius Krahn Ja '60, 6.

C. C. Regier: progressive Mennonite historian. Keith L. Sprunger. Mr '84, 10.

C. Henry Smith as I Knew Him. N. E. Byers. Ap '50, 5.

C. Henry Smith--A Tribute. Ap '50, 4.

C. B. Hylkema (1870-1948). G. W. Hylkema. Ja '55, 43.

Contributions of Pioneer David Goerz. D. C. Wedel. Oc '52, 170.

Cornelius H. Wedel and Oswald H. Wedel: two generations of Mennonite historians. Keith L. Sprunger. De '81, 16.

Cornelius Herman Suckau: Mennonite fundamentalist? Jeff A. Steely. Mr '89, 15.

D. W. Friesen and His Life Work. Frank H. Epp. Jl '56, 118.

Daniel Wohlgemuth--an Artist of Bible Lands. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '54, 4.

Daniel F. Bergthold 1876-1948. J. H. Lohrentz. Jl '51, 3.

Dirk Phillips. William Keeney. Ap '58, 70.

Editor Abraham L. Schellenberg. T. R. Schellenberg. Ja '54, 19.

Edward J. Linscheid--Artist-Farmer. Joan Guyer. Jl '53, 113.

Elder Benjamin Ratzlaff: his life, times and descendants. Thomas B. Mierau. Mr '85, 17.

Elmer Ellsworth Schultz Johnson. J. Mauriee Hohlfeld. Jl '60, 118.

Family's artistic journey from Goessel to a one room schoolhouse in Deadwood. Ernest and Mary Lou Goertzen. De '82, 4.

Fifty Years of Public Service. P. C. Hiebert. Jl '59, 105.

Fredrik Cornelis Fleischer (1868-1929). Ida Erne-Fleischer. Jl '57, 133.

From the U.S.A to Russia--Johannes D. Dyck. Cornelius Dyck. Ap '56, 80.

Gerhard Esau, Artist in Wood. Ja '49, 12.

Good Old Frisian. J. D. Unruh. Ap '51, 31.

Gordon Friesen: writer, radical and ex-Mennonite. Allan Teichroew. Je '83, 4.

Great Evangelist , Educator and Poet Bernhard Harder. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '58, 44.

Ein Grosser unseres Volkes (Unruh, B. H.). J. H. Enns. Ja '60, 11.

Guardian of the way: the farmer preacher, Henry S. Voth (1878-1953). Peter Penner. Se '82, 8.

Gustav H. Enss, Mennonite alien (1885-1965). James C. Juhnke. De '81, 9.

Gustav Harder. Edith Claassen. Graber. Oc '52, 176.

H. P. Krehbiel: as I remember him. Menno Schrag. Je '85, 4.

H. R. Voth: ethnologist. Fred Eggan. Je '82, 14.

Hans Harder--a Mennonite Novelist. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '53, 78.

Heinrich H. Ewert--Educator of Kansas and Manitoba. P. J. Schaefer. Oc '48, 18.

Henry W. Lohrenz--An Introduction. Marianna Lohrenz Remple. Oc '48, 32.

Henry Peter Krehbiel (1862-1946). Elva Krehbiel Leisy. Oc '54, 162.

I Remember Grandmother. Elizabeth K. Wedel. Oc '60, 172.

In Memoriam--Cornnelis Nijdam. H. Craandijk. Ja '47, 33.

In the California Gold Rush. C. J. Dyck. Ja '56, 25.

J. Winfield Fretz and the Early History of Mennonite Sociology. Paul Toews. Je'99, 17.

Jacob A. Schowalter (1879-1953). Robert Schrag. Ap '57, 64.

Jacob H. Janzen als Lehrer. Marg. Wilms Rempel. Jl '51, 38.

Jacob H. Janzen als Prediger. N. N. Driedger. Jl '51, 39.

Jacob H. Janzen--at Home. Heinz Janzen. Jl '51, 35.

Jacob H. Janzen--Writer. Arnold Dyck. Jl '51, 33.

Jacob Stucky--Pioneer of Two Continents. I. G. Neufeld. Ja '49, 46.

Jacob G. Niebuhr Fabriken. Jacob J. Niebuhr. Ja '55, 25.

Jake Schowalter: he made the land his monument. Maynard Shelly. Mr '82, 4.

Johann Engelbert van Brakel, 1882- 1950. Fritz Kuiper. Oc '51, 4.

Johann P. Wall. 1875-1961. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '61, 185.

Johann Cornies--A Great Pioneer. Walter Quiring. Jl '48, 30.

John H. Oberholtzer and His Time. S. F. Pannabecker. Jl '47, 29.

John H. Harms--Pioneer Mennonite Doctor. E. M. Harms. Oc '49, 13.

John Samuel Coffman: His Life and Work. John S. Umble. Jl '59, 110.

Joseph Stucky and the Central Conference. Harry Yoder. Ap '51, 16.

Life That Made a Difference (C. Henry Smith). Cornelius Krahn. Ap '50, 3.

Ludwig Keller--Scholar With a Mission. Amalie Keller. Oc '53, 159.

Mein Besuch bei Ohm Benjamin (Unruh, B. H.) Arnold Dyck. Ja '50, 8.

Melvin Gingerich--A Tribute. Nelson Springer. Je '75, 32.

Missionary on the Titanic. Mrs. Christena Duerksen. Ja '57, 44.

Moses of Our Day--David Toews. D. J. Schellenberg. J '50, 6.

My Recollections of P. M. Friesen. F. C. Thiessen. Oc '48, 9.

My Way to the Mennonites. Robert Friedmann. Jl '62, 136.

My First Days in America. Gerhard Wiens. Ap '60, 68.

N. B. Grubb--Editor and Minister. Arthur S. Rosenberger. Ja '51, 42.

Ohm Benjamin (Unruh, B. H.). N. J. Neufeld. Ja '50, 10.

One of the Last (Unruh, B. H.). N. Klassen. Ja '60, 4.

Oteila Augsburger Compton. Wilson Martindale Compton. Oc '56, 176.

P. J. Wiens--Missionary to India. Agnes Wiens Willis. Ap '50, 39.

Peter R. Schroeder--Pastor and Conference Worker. Celeste Schroeder Dehnert. Jl '49, 38.

Peter Martinovitch Friesen. Peter Braun. Oc '48, 8.

Peter Jansen--Pioneer, Leader and Philanthropist. Cornelius J. Claassen. Oc '47, 41.

Pioneer Education--N. E. Byers. C. Henry Smith. Ja '48, 44.

Pioneer of Christian Civilization in America (Pieter Cornelisz Plockhoy). Leland Harder. Ja '49, 41.

Pioneer Educator Johann Cornies. M. S. Harder. Oc '48, 5.

Poet Gerhard Loewen. Arnold Dyck. Ja '48, 22.

Portrait of a Prophet (John Holdeman). Inez Unruh. Jl '59, 123.

Recollections of Otelia Augspurger Compton. Mrs. Rolophe Kinsinger Petter. Oc '56, 179.

Robert Friedmann: Historian, Christian, Scholar. Leonard Gross. Ap '71, 79.

Rodolphe Petter: a "called" linguist. Margaret Dietzel Hillegass. Je '82, 4.

Rodolphe Petter and General Conference missions. John D. Thiesen. Se '85, 4.

Samuel Ferdinand Sprunger, Pastor--Conference Worker. Eva F. Sprunger. Oc '53, 178.

Servant of the People of God (Theodore O. Wedel). Angus Dun. Jl '61, 104.

Shoemaker and Artist. (Hans Johann Dyck). Ja '61, 19.

Smith as a Business Man. Carl M. Lehman. Ap '50, 9.

Tree at Whitewater. J. W. Fretz. Ap '50, 11.

Uncle Davy (David H. Richert). Carol R. Andreas, Ja '53, 32.

Vachel Lindsay among the Mennonites. Paul Erb. Ap '48, 39.

Walter Rauschenbusch: Anabaptist, Pietist and social prophet. Donovan E. Smucker. Je '81, 21.

Welcome to Immigrants (Henry A. Warkentin). Marjorie Burden. Jl '52, 116.

Wilhelm Wiswedel. Robert Friedmann. Ja '55, 41.

Wilhelm G. Goeters--Fifty Years of Research. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '53, 89.

William O. Dyck's story of the John and Maria (Klassen) Friesen family. Thomas B. Mierau. William O. Dyck, interviewee. Se '85, 16


J. G. Ewert--A Mennonite Socialist. James C. Juhnke. Ja '68, 12.


Lord's Handiwork in our Fields. Richard H. Schmidt. Oc '47, 17.

Man's Bird Friends. Reuben Fanders. Oc '52, 168.

Birkholtz-Bestvader, Ruth

Mission Work in Colombia. Ap '49, 36.

Birkholtz-Bestvater, Marie

My Mission as an Artist. Ap '54, 53.


Mennonite Artist and the Church. Jan Gleysteen. Oc '64, 162.

World Conference Art Display; An Evaluation. A. B. Enns. Ja '63, 7.

Birky, Wilbur

Book Review. Mr '92, 34.

Bixel, James W.

Book Review. Ap '50, 46; Jl '54, 144; Ap '57, 91; Ja '58, 46; Ap '58, 94.

In Praise of Freedom. Jl '55, 99.

Music in Worship. Jl '58, 122.

Recent American Church Architecture. Ja '57, 31.

Bixel, Phyllis

Organ in Church Design. Jl '58, 131.

Pennsylvania German Coverlets. Oc '50, 34.

BLANKE, FRITZ, 1900-1967

Anabaptist and Free Church Studies. Franklin H. Littell. Ap '70, 83.

Mennonite Research in Progress. Cornelius Krahn and Melvin Gingerich. Ap '69, 89.



Black Power in the White Perspective. George E. Riddick. Ja '67, 29.

Peace Witness and Revolutionary Movements. Vincent Harding. Oc '67, 161.

Where Have All the Lovers Gone? Vincent Harding. Ja '67, 5.


Brief Biographies of Grebel, Manz & Blaurock. Anne Grant-Morris Schenk. De '72, 114.

Consensus Mennoniticus Before 1525. H. W. Meihuizen. Oc '67, 181.


Mennonite Change: The Life History of the Blenheim Mennonite Church. 1839-1974. Lorna L. Bergey. De '77, 23.

Blosser, John

Shifts and Changes. De '94, 27.


Shifts and Changes. De '94, 27.

Blosser, J. Richard

Mennonite Life Index 1986-1990. Mr '91, 25.


Farming and Industry in the Blluffton-Pandora Area. Howard Raid. Ap '56, 53.

John Ulrich Amstutz: museum curator and servant of the Swiss community. Herman Hilty. De '88, 13.

Scenes from Centennial Conference. Oc '59, 150.

Schweitzer Tag. Howard Raid. Ap '56, 56.

Swiss settlement at the turn of the century: a photographic essay. Robert Kreider, Carol Diller, Herman Hilty, and Darvin Luginbuhl. De '88, 20.

Swiss settlement of Bluffton-Pandora, Ohio. Delbert Gratz, Howard Raid, Herman Hilty, and Robert Kreider. De '88, 4.

Swiss Mennonites Come to Bluffton and Pandora. Delbert Grätz. Oc '60, 165.


See also articles on C. Henry Smith and by N. E. Byers.

Bluffton College--Child and Servant. William Keeney. Ap '56, 58.

Bluffton College--An Adventure in Faith. Ap '52, 93.

Mennonite Church theological and social boundaries, 1920-1930: loyalists, liberals and laxitarians. James C. Juhnke. Je '83, 18.

Mennonite Medical Doctors, Graduates of Four-year Mennonite Colleges. Submitted by Delbert Graetz. Jl '63, 116.

Witmarsum Theological Seminary. P. E. Whitmer. Ap '59, 65.


Fifty Years Society of Brothers (1920- 1970). Robert Friedmann. Oc '70, 159.

Boer, M. de

Flooding Walcheren Island. Ja '46, 35.

Boese, J. A.

Story of the Mennonites at Avon, South Dakota. Ja '60, 39.

Bohn, Stanley

Book Review. Se '94, 23; Se '95, 20.

Toward a New Understanding of Nonresistance. Ja '67, 14.


Visit to the Mennonites in Bolivia. J. Winfield Fretz. Ja '60, 13.


Breakdown of the Witness. Ap '67, 86.


Hutterite mill of Bon Homme Colony: an architectural documentary. Allan Teichroew. De '84, 9.

Bontrager, Robert

Lighting Candles in Congo. Ap '61, 52.


Abrahams, Ethel Ewert. Frakturmalen und Schönschreiben, the Fraktur art and penmanship of the Dutch-German Mennonites while in Europe, 1700-1900. De '81, 28.

Abrams, Roy H. Preachers Present Arms. Ja '70, 48.

Account of our Religion, Doctrine and Faith, (Hutterites). Ap '52, inside back cover.

Das aktuelle Lexikon. Gütersloh: G. Bertelsmann. Ja '58, 48.

Alderfer, E. Gordon. Montgomery County Story. Ap '52, 96.

Alexandroff, G. et al. Politicheskii Slovar (Russian for "Political Dictionary"). Jl '49, 46.

Alexandrov, Victor. Khrushchev of the Ukraine. Jl '61, 144.

Alt, Hans-Peter. Das Problem der Todesstrafe. Ja '62, 47.

Amelin, Konrad, Christhard Mahrenholz, and Ferdinand Müller. Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie. Band 4. Jl '60, 141.

American Friends Service Committee. New China Policy. Ap '68, 95.

Amstutz, H. Clair. So You're Going to be Married. Ap '53, 96.

Anderson, Richard C. Peace was in Their Hearts. Mr '98, 34.

Armstrong, John A. Ukrainian Nationalism, 1939-1945. Ap '57, 93.

Armstrong, Maurice A. Presbyterian Enterprise: Sources of American Presbyterian History. Ap '57, 94.

Arnold, Eberhard. The Early Christians. Oc '70, 191.

Arnold, Eberhard, et al. When the Time Was Fulfilled; On Advent and Christmas. Ja '68, 48.

Arnold, Emmy. Torches Together: The Beginnings and Early Years of the Bruderhof Communities. Mr '73, 29.

Arx, Cäsar von. Brüder in Christo: Schauspiel in drei Akten. Ja '48, 21; Ap '52, 86.

Atkinson, David. Peace in Our Time?: Some Biblical Groundwork. Se '87, 38.

Bach, Marcus. Dream Gate. Oc '50, 47.

Bach, Marcus. Faith and My Friends. Oc '51, 45.

Bach, Marcus. God and the Soviets. Jl '61, 143.

Bach, Marcus. Report to Protestants. Jl '49, 46.

Baergen, Rudy. The Mennonite Story. Mr '82, 31.

Baergen, Rudy. The Mennonite Story: Leader's Guide. Mr '82, 31.

Bahlmann, P. Die Wiedertäufer in Muenster. Ja '68, 45.

Bainton, Roland H. Christian Attitudes Toward War and Peace. Jl '61, 143.

Bainton, Roland H. Here I Stand. Ja '51, 47.

Bainton, Roland H. The Travail of Religious Liberty. Ap '52, 88.

Baker, Robert A. A Summary of Christian History. Jl '61, 142.

Bakhuizen van der Brink, J. N., ed, et al. Documenta Reformatoria. Teksten uit de geschiedenis van Kerk en Theologie in de Nederlanden sedert de Hervorming. Jl '61, 142.

Balhana, Pilatti, et al. Campos Gerais: Estruturas Agrarias. Je '72, 61.

Balzer, Wolfgang. Galarie de Dresde, 120 chefs-d'oeuvre XVe au XVIIIe sieele. Ap '58, 92.

Bangs, Carl. Arminius: A Study in the Dutch Reformation. Mr '73, 31.

Barclay, William. Acts and the Apostles. Ja '58, 48.

Bargen, Peter Frank. The Legal Status of the Public School Pupil. Ja '62, 46.

Barker, Ernest. Church, State and Education. Jl '67, 143.

Barrett, Lois. Building the House Church. De '87, 29.

Barrett, Lois. The Vision and the Reality: The Story of Home Missions in the General Conference Mennonite Church. Je '84, 18.

Barth, Karl. Das Christliche Leben (Fragment). Die Taufe, Als Begruendung Des Christlichen Lebens: Die Kirchliche Dogmatik IV. Mr '72, 18.

Bartlett, Robert Merrill. The Pilgrim Way. Je '75, 31.

Bates, Scott, ed. Poems of War Resistance. Je '73, 61.

Bauer, Guenther. Anfaenge täuferischer Gemeindebildungen in Franken. Jl '68, 143; Oc '69, 192.

Baum, Johann Wilhelm. Capito und Butzer, Strassburgs Reformatoren. Ja '68, 46.

Bauman, Clarence. Gewaltlosigkeit im Täufertum, eine Untersuchung zur theologischen Ethik des oberdeutschen Täufertums der Reformationszeit. Jl '68, 144.

Bäumker, Willhelm. Das katholische deutsche Kirchenlied in seinen Singweisen. Jl '63, 140.

Beachy, Alvin J. The Concept of Grace in the Radical Reformation. Je '77, 26.

Beaman, Jay. Pentecostal Pacifism: The Origin, Development, and Rejection of Pacific Belief among the Pentecostals. Je '91, 25.

Bechler, Le Roy. The Black Mennonite Church in North America: 1886-1986. De '87, 30.

Beck, Carl, ed. The Mission of the Church. Ja '68, 47.

Beck, Joseph, ed. Die Geschichts-Bücher der Wiedertäufer in Oesterreich-Ungarn. Ja '68, 45.

Beckerath, Gerhard von. Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Krefelder Mennoniten und ihrer Vorfahren im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Jl '55, 144.

Beckmann, Klaus-Martin. Der Begriff der Haeresie bei Schleiermacher. Ja '68, 46.

Beginning German in Grade Three. M. L. A. Teacher's Guide. Ja '59, 48.

Behrends, Ernst. Der Steppenhengst. Oc '70, 192.

Beiler, Edna. Mitsy Buttonwood. Ap '65, 96.

Beiler, Edna. Ten of a Kind. Ap '55, 94.

Belk, Fred Richard. The Great Trek of the Russian Mennonites to Central Asia, 1880-1884. Je '76, 29.

Bellah, Robert N. The Broken Covenant: American Civil Religion in Time of Trial. Se '75, 27.

Bender, Harold S. Conrad Grebel, 1498-1526. Ja '51, 46.

Bender, Urie A. Four Earthen Vessels: Biographical Profiles of Oscar Burkholder, Samuel F. Coffman, Clayton F. Derstine, and Jesse B. Martin. Se '82, 30.

Bender, Urie A. Soldiers of Compassion. Oc '70, 191.

Bender, Urie A. Stumbling Heavenward: the Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man, Peter Rempel. Mr '85, 30.

Bennett, John C. Christianity and Communism Today. Ja '62, 43.

Bennett, Lerone, Jr. What Manner of Man: Biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. Ja '67, 47.

Benrath, Gustav, Adolf. Wegbereiter der Reformation. Ja '68, 47.

Berdyaev, Nicholas. Dostoevsky. Ap '58, 94.

Berdyaev, Nicholas. The Russian Idea. Jl '49, 46.

Berg, Hans Georg vom, ed. Mennonites and Reformed in Dialogue: a Study Booklet Prepared by the Mennonite World Conference and the Alliance of Reformed Churches. De '86, 27.

Berger, Peter L. and Richard John Neuhaus. eds. Against the World, For the World: The Hartford Appeal and the Future of American Theology. Se '76, 28.

Bergmann, Joseph. Das Ambraser Liederbuch vom Jahre 1582. Oc '65, 192.

Berky, Andrew S. Practitioner in Physick. A Biography of Abraham Wagner. Ap '56, 92.

Berky, Andrew S., ed. and transl. The Journals and Papers of David Schultze. Ap '56, 92.

Bernhofer-Pippert, Elsa. Täuferische Denkweise und Lebensformen im Spiegel oberdeutscher Täuferverhoere. Jl '68, 143.

Bethge, Eberhard. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologe, Christ, und Zeitgenosse. Ja '68, 43.

Bettenson, Henry. Documents of the Christian Church. Jl '61, 142.

Bibliographie de la Reforme 1450-1648. Jl '59, 143.

Bier, Philip N. The Quest for Shar-I-Sabs. De '94, 33.

Bird, Michael and Terry Kobayashi. A Splendid Harvest: Germanic Folk and Decorative Arts in Canada. Se '84, 27.

Bishop, Robert and Elizabeth Safanda. A Gallery of Amish Quilts: Design Diversity from a Plain People. Se '84, 27.

Bithell, Jethro. Anthology of German Poetry. Ap '58, 93.

Bixel, Phyllis. Organ in Church Design. Jl '58, 131.

Blanke, Fritz. Aus der Welt der Reformation. Fünf Aufsätze. Jl '61, 142.

Blanke, Fritz. Brothers in Christ. Jl '61, 142

Blanke, Fritz. Brüder in Christo: Die Geschichte der ältesten Täufergemeinde. Oc '56, 191.

Bluffton College--An Adventure in Faith. Ap '52, 93.

Bodenheimer, F. S. Animal and Man in Bible Lands. Jl '61, 140.

Boehm, Anton. Haeresien der Zeit. Ja '68, 46.

Boers, Arthur Paul. Justice That Heals: A Biblical Vision for Victims and Offenders. De '93, 39.

Boers, Arthur Paul. Lord, Teach us to Pray: A New Look at the Lord's Prayer. Je '94, 27.

Boesch, B., ed. Deutsche Literaturgeschichte in Grundzügen. Ap '58, 93.

Boese, J. A. Loretta's Settlement. Ap '53, 95.

Bol'shaia sovetskaia entsiklopediia (Great Soviet Encyclopedia). Ap '50, 47.

Bonnell, John Sutherland. I Believe in Immortality. Jl '59, 144.

Bonner, Thomas Neville. Kansas Doctor, A Century of Pioneering. Jl '60, 139.

Bonthius, Robert H., F. James Davis and J. Garber Drushal. The Independent Study Program in the United States. Jl '58, 144.

Bowie, Walter Russell. I Believe in Jesus Christ. Jl '59, 144.

Bowman, Carl F., ed. Anabaptist Currents: History in Conversation with the Present. Se '97, 38.

Bowman, Carl F. Brethren Society: The Cultural Transformation of a "Peculiar People." Se '96, 38.

Bowman, John Wick, and Roland W. Trapp. Gospel from the Mount. Ap '58, 96.

Boyer, Walter E., Albert F. Buffington, and Don Yoder. Songs Along the Mahantongo. Oc '51, 45.

Bracke, William B. Wheat Country. Jl '51, 46.

Braght, Tieleman Jansz. van. Het Bloedig Tooneel, of Martelaers Spiegel der Doops-Gesinde of Weereloose Christenen. 2nd ed. Amsterdam, 1685. Reprinted in facsimile ed. De '86, 28.

Braithwaite, William C. Beginnings of Quakerism. Ja '50, 47.

Brandsma, J. A. Menno Simons van Witmarsum. Voorman van de Doperse beweging in de lage landen. Jl '61, 139.

Braun, Peter. Denn er wird meinen Fuß aus der Schlinge ziehen. Ap '65, 95.

Brendler, Gerhard. Das Täuferreich zu Muenster 1534-35. Jl '67, 140.

Brenneman, Helen Good. Meditations for the New Mother. Ja '54, 46.

Brewster, Dorothy. William Brewster of the Mayflower: Portrait of a Pilgrim. De '71, 167.

Bright, John. History of Israel. Jl '60, 142.

Brock, Peter. Freedom from Violence: Sectarian Nonresistance from the Middle Ages to the Great War. Je '92, 20.

Brock, Peter. Pacifism in the United States: From the Colonial Era to the First World War. Oc '69, 188.

Brown, Dale W. The Christian Revolutionary. Je '73, 59.

Brown, Robert McAfee. Vietnam: Crisis of Conscience. Ap '68, 188.

Bruce, F. F. The Christian Bible. Ja '62, 46.

Brune, Fredrich. Der Kampf um eine evangelische Kirche im Münsterland, 1520- 1802. Oc '54, 188.

Brunk, Emily. Espelkamp. Jl '52, 144.

Brunk, Gerald R., ed., Menno Simons: A Reappraisal: Essays in Honor of Irvin B. Horst on the 450th Anniversary of the Fundamentboek. Se '94, 27.

Brunk, Harry Anthony. History of Mennonites in Virginia, 1727-1900. Vol. I. Ja '60, 46.

Brunner, Emil. Faith, Hope and Love. Ap '57, 94.

Buck, Dr. H. de. Bibliografie der Geschiedenis van Nederland. Ap '71, 95.

Buckman, Repha J., and Lawson, Robert N. eds., Four Class Acts: Kansas Theatre. De '93, 33.

Bultmann, Rudolf. Primitive Christianity in its Contemporary Setting. Ja '60, 48.

Bultmann, Rudolf. The Presence of Eternity: History and Eschatology. Jl '64, 144.

Burke, Susan M., and Hill, Matthew H. eds., From Pennsylvania to Waterloo: Pennsylvania-German Folk Culture in Transition. De '93, 35.

Burkholder, H. D. Story of Our Conference and Churches. Ap '52, 93.

Burkholder, J. Lawrence. Following Christ in Our Work. Jl '60, 140.

Burkholder, J. Lawrence. Sum and Substance: Essays. Edward Zuercher, ed. De '86, 28.

Burkholder, J. R., and Calvin Redekop, eds. Kingdom, Cross and Community. Mr '77, 31.

Burney, Charles. General History of Music. Jl '59, 144.

Buschbell, Gottfried. Geschichte der Stadt Krefeld, Volume I. Jl '55, 144.

Butterfield, Herbert. Christianity, Diplomacy and War. Oc '54, 189.

Buttrick, G. A., ed. et al. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, An Illustrated Encyclopedia in Four Volumes. Ap '64, 95.

Campenhausen, Hans, Freiherr von, et al. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft. Jl '63, 139.

Cantimori, Delio. Italienische Haeretiker der Spätrenaissance. W. Kaegi, transl. Jl '58, 144.

Carlson, James R., and Warren Kliewer. Religious Theatre: issues 1-3. Jl '66, 144.

Carothers, J. Edward, et al, eds. To Love or to Perish, The Technological Crisis and the Churches. Se '73, 84.

Carpenter, Allan. Kansas: Enchantment of America, From Its Glorious Past to the Present. Oc '65, 191.

Carpenter, Joel A., and Shenk, Wilbert R., eds. Earthen Vessels: American Evangelicals and Foreign Missions, 1880-1980. Se '91, 30.

Carper, Eva and Ruth. Bible Lessons for Kindergarten Children, Year 1. Oc '53, 190.

Caskel, Eva. Marguerite Valmore. Ja '51, 48.

Chadwick, Owen. Western Asceticism. Jl '60, 141.

Chapiro, Jose. Erasmus and Our Struggle for Peace. Oc '51, 47.

Cherry, Conrad, ed. God's New Israel: Religious Interpretations of American Destiny. Jl '71, 144.

Chi, Hoang Van. From Colonialism to Communism. Ap '68, 96.

Child, Clifton J. The German-Americans in Politics, 1914-1917. Se '75, 30.

Society of Brothers, eds. Children in Community. Oc '65, 190.

Church Hymnal. Jl '54, 144.

Church Under Communism. Oc '54, 189.

Claassen, Barbara Smucker. Days of Terror. De '79, 31.

Clark, Elmer T. Small Sects of America. Ap '52, 88.

Classen, H. George. Better Business English. Jl '67, 144.

Classen, H. George. Thrust and Counterthrust. Jl '67, 143.

Clemen, Otto, ed. Flugschriften aus den ersten Jahren der Reformation. Ja '68, 46.

Clemens, James R. Pennsylvania Mennonites in Print, 1940-1950. Ap '52, 83.

Clemens, Lois Gunden. Woman Liberated. Ap '71, 96.

Clouse, Robert G., Robert D. Linder, and Richard P. Pierard, eds. The Cross and the Flag. Je '73, 62.

Coggins, James R. John Smyth's Congregation: English Separatism, Mennonite Influence, and the Elect Nation. Je '95, 28.

Cohen, L. J. Say it in German. Jl '58, 144.

Cohn, Norman. Pursuit of the Millennium. Ja '60, 48.

Cole, H. S. D., et al, eds. Models of Doom, A Critique of The Limits of Growth. Se '73, 83.

Comfort, William. Quakers in the Modern World. Ap '57, 95.

De Commissie voor de Archieven van de Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk, eds. De Archieven van de Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk in korte overzichten. Mr '73, 30.

Committee on Social Issues. Psychiatric Aspects of the Prevention of Nuclear War. Ap '68, 94.

Coolman, Ford L., and Rachel W. Kreider. The Mennonite Cemeteries of Medina County, Ohio, Mr '75, 31.

Cornelius, C. A. Berichte der Augenzeugen über das Münsterische Wiedertäuferreich. Jl '68, 142.

Coulton, G. G. Art and the Reformation. Ja '59, 48.

Covington, Edwin. What They Believe. Ja '58, 47.

Cox, John. Overkill: Weapons of the Nuclear Age. Mr '80, 25.

Craigie, Peter C. The Problem of War in the Old Testament. Mr '80, 25.

Creighton, Luella. High Bright Buggy Wheels. Oc '53, 189.

Cromie, Robert, ed. Where Steel Winds Blow; Poet on War: A Collection. Jl '69, 144.

Cross, F. L., ed. Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Ap '58, 92.

Cullmann, Oscar. Early Church. Studies in Early Christian History and Theology. Oc '56, 192.

Cullmann, Oscar. Christology of the New Testament. Jl '60, 142.

Cullmann, Oscar. A Message to Catholics and Protestants. Ja '63, 48.

Cully, Iris V. The Dynamics of Christian Education. Jl '61, 141.

Cully, Kendig Brubaker, ed. Basic Writings in Christian Education. Ja '63, 48; Jl '64, 138.

Cummings, Mary Lou, ed. Full Circle: Stories of Mennonite Women. Se '79, 29.

Cunz, Dieter. Maryland Germans. Oc '51, 46.

Curtis, Andrew, Philip Matthews, and David Neville, eds. A Tribute to John Howard Yoder. Mr '98, 37.

Dalton, Hermann. Beitraege zur Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Russland. Ja '70, 47.

Dankbaar, W. F. Martin Bucers Beziehungen zu den Niederlanden. Oc '64, 192.

Dassel, H. Sr. Menno's Volk in Groningen. Ap '54, 96.

Davaney, Sheila Greeve, ed. Theology at the End of Modernity: Essays in Honor of Gordon D. Kaufman. Je '92, 18.

De Boer, Hans A. Bridge is Love. Oc '58, 191.

De Boer, Hans A. Unterwegs Notiert. Oc '58, 191.

De Castro, Josue. Geography of Hunger. Jl '54, 144.

De Huszar, George B., ed. The Intellectuals. A Controversial Portrait. Oc '62, 190.

De Vries, Jan. The Dutch Rural Economy in the Golden Age, 1500-1700. Se '77, 31.

DeBenedetti, Charles, ed. Peace Heroes in Twentieth-Century America. Se '89, 35.

De Gruchy, John W. The Church Struggle in South Africa. Se '79, 28.

Denbeaux, Fred J. Understanding the Bible. Jl '59, 144.

Denck, Hans. Bibliographie. 1. Teil Schriften. Ja '62, 44.

Denck, Hans. Exegetische Schriften, Gedichte und Briefe. 3. Teil Schriften. Ja '62, 44.

Denck, Hans. Religiöse Schriften 2. Teil Schriften. Ja '62, 44.

Derksen, S. C. Hoe leren we de vrede. Je '72, 47.

Detzer, Dorothy. Appointment on the Hill. Jl '51, 47.

Deutsches Lesebuch. Vol. I and II. Ap '58, 93.

Devotions and Prayers of Johann Arndt. Jl '60, 141.

Dmytryshyn, Basil. Moscow and the Ukraine 1918-1953. A Study of Russian Bolshevik Nationality Policy. Ja '59, 48; Jl '61, 144.

Dodd, C. H. Meaning of Paul for Today. Jl '60, 144.

Doell, Leonard. The Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Saskatchewan, 1892-1975. Mr '88, 31.

Donat, Rudolf. Wie das Werk begann. Entstehung der deutschen Baptitstengemeinden. Oc '59, 191.

Dossl, H. Menno's Volk in Groningen. Ja. Ap '54, 96.

Doughty, W. L., ed. and arr. Prayers of Suzanna Wesley. Jl '57, 144.

Draper, Theodore. Abuse of Power. Ap '68, 94.

Driedger, Leo and Harder, Leland, eds. Anabaptist-Mennonite Identities in Ferment. Mr '92, 38.

Driedger, Leo. Mennonite Identity in Conflict. Mr '90, 37.

Driedger, Leo, and Donald B. Kraybill. Mennonite Peacemaking: From Quietism to Activism. Se '95, 20.

Drinker, Sophia Hutchinson. Hannah Penn and the Proprietorship of Pennsylvannia. Jl '59, 143.

Dudintsev, Vladimir. Not by Bread Alone. Jl '60, 140.

Duerksen, Carol, Harry Loewen, Steven M. Nolt, and Elwood Yoder. Through Fire and Water: An Overview of Mennonite History. De '97, 40.

Duerksen, Menno. Dear God, I'm Only a Boy. De '87, 28.

Dunham, Mabel. Grand River. Oc '50, 45.

Dunham, Mabel. Kristli's Trees. Oc '50, 46.

Durnbaugh, Donald F, comp. and transl. European Origins of the Brethren. Jl '59, 143.

Durnbaugh, Donald. Every Need Supplied: Mutual Aid and Christian Community in Free Churches, 1525-1675. Je '76, 28.

Durnbaugh, Donald. On Earth Peace. Se '78, 29.

Dürrenmatt, Friedrich. Es steht geschrieben. Ja '48, 21.

Dyck, Anna Reimer. Anna: From the Caucasus to Canada. Mr '80, 30.

Dyck, Arnold. Dee Fria; Wellkoam Op'e Forstei!; De Opnoam; Onse Lied en ola Tiet. Ja '54, 46.

Dyck, Arnold. Koop enn Bua en Dietschlaund. Jl '60, 140.

Dyck, Arnold, C. P. Toews, and Heinrich Friesen. The Kuban Settlement. Mr '90, 38.

Dyck, Arnold. De Millionäa von Kosefeld. Ja '47, 47.

Dyck, Arnold C. Verloren in der Steppe and Aus meinem Leben. Collected works of Arnold Dyck, Vol.I. Ed. by Victor G. Doerksen, et al. De '85, 31.

Dyck, Cornelius J. and Willard M. Swartley, eds. Annotated Bibliography of Mennonite Writings on War and Peace, 1930-1980. Mr '89, 37.

Dyck, Cornelius J., ed., An Introduction to Mennonite History. Jl '68, 142; Se '94, 24.

Dyck, Cornelius J., ed. A Legacy of Faith, A Sixtieth Anniversary Tribute to Cornelius Krahn. Jl '63, 137.

Dyck, Cornelius J. and Martin, Dennis, eds., The Mennonite Encyclopedia. Mr '92, 36.

Dyck, Cornelius, J., ed., et al. Something Meaningful for God. De '82, 27.

Dyck, Cornelius J., ed. Spiritual Life in Anabaptism. De '97, 44.

Dyck, Cornelius J., William E. Keeney, and Alvin J. Beachy. The Writings of Dirk Philips 1504-1568. Mr '94, 28.

Dyck, Harvey L., ed. and trans., A Mennonite in Russia: The Diaries of Jacob D. Epp 1851-1886. Mr '93, 35.

Dyck, John P., ed. Troubles and Triumphs, 1914-1924: Excerpts from the Diary of Peter J. Dyck. Je '89, 38.

Dyck, P. P. Orenburg am Ural. Ap '53, 96.

Dyck, Peter and Elfrieda. Up From the Rubble: The Epic Rescue of Thousands of War-ravaged Mennonite Refugees. Se '92, 29.

Eaton, Joseph W., and Robert J. Well. Culture and Mental Disorders. A Comparative Study of the Hutterites and other Populations. Ap '56, 94.

Eaton, Joseph W. and Albert J. Mayer. Man's Capacity to Reproduce. Ja '56, 32.

Ebersole, Finley, ed. Christian Faith and the Contemporary Arts. Ap '65, 96.

Eby, Omar. A Long Dry Season. Je '90, 37.

Eby, Omar. Sense and Incense. Oc '65, 191.

Eckhard, A. Roy. Surge of Piety in America. Jl '59, 144; Jl '60, 141.

Eggers, Ulrich. Community for Life. Mr '89, 39.

Egolin, A. M. Ideological Content of Soviet Literature. Ja '52, 47.

Eiselne, Leona W., comp. Digest of the Krasnyl Arkhiv. Red Archives, Vol. 31-106. Ap '58, 93.

Elias, Jacob W. 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Se '96, 35.

Eller, Cynthia. Conscientious Objectors and the Second World War: Moral and Religious Arguments in Support of Pacifism. Mr '93, 34.

Embden, W. de Groot van. Life in Europe: The Netherlands. Ap '58, 95.

Emerson, Everett H. English Puritanism from John Hooper to John Milton. Oc '69, 187.

Emmaus Mennonite Church, Whitewater, KS. In Commemoration of Seventy-five Years in America Ap '53, 95.

Endo, Shusaku. Golden Country. Mr '72, 30.

Epp, David H. Heinrich Heese. Oc '53, inside back cover.

Epp, Frank H. Education with a Plus--The Story of Rostern Junior College. De '76, 28.

Epp, Frank H., ed. I Would Like to Dodge the Draft-dodgers but... Ja '71, 32.

Epp, Frank H. Mennonites in Canada, 1786-1920: the History of a Separate People. De '75, 29.

Epp, Frank H. Mennonites in Canada, 1920-1940: A People's Struggle for Survival. Mr '83, 29.

Epp, Frank H. Stories with Meaning. De '79, 30.

Epp, Frank H. Whose Land Is Palestine? The Middle East Problem in Historical Perspective. Oc '70, 173.

Epp, Margaret. Chariots in the Smoke. Je '91, 25.

Epp, Peter G. Agatchen. Peter Pauls, tr. Mr '88, 30.

Epp, Reuben. The Spelling of Low German and Plautdietsch: Towards an Official Plautdietsch Orthography. Se '97, 45.

Epp, Reuben. The Story of Low German and Plautdietsch: Tracing a Language across the Globe. Se '97, 45.

Erb, Alta Mae. Christian Education in the Home. Oc '65, 191.

Erb, Alta Mae. Christian Nurture of Children. Oc '56, 192.

Erb, Alta Mae. Christian Parents' Baby Book. Oc '56, 192.

Erb, Paul. Alpha and the Omega. A Restatement of the Christian Hope in Christ's Coming. Oc '56, 192.

Erb, Paul. Don't Park Here, Discussions on Dynamic Christian Living. Ap '64, 96.

Erb, Paul, ed. From the Mennonite Pulpit. Jl '71, 144.

Erb, Paul. Orie O Miller, the Story of a Man and an Era. Jl '70, 144.

Esau, Mrs. H. T. First Sixty Years of M. B. Missions. Ap '56, 93.

Esau, Heather, and John K. Sheriff, eds. A Drink from the Stream. Vol. 2. Se '96, 31.

Esau, John A., ed. Understanding Ministerial Leadership: Essays Contributing to a Developing Theology of Ministry. De '96, 42.

Eshelman, Byron E. Death Row Chaplain. Jl '64, 144.

Eshelman, Merle W.. Africa Answers. Ap '52, 95.

Estep, William R. Anabaptist Beginnings (1523-1533), A Source Book. Je '77, 25.

Estep, William R. The Anabaptist Story: An Introduction to Sixteenth Century Anabaptism. De '97, 42.

Estep, William R. Religious Liberty: Heritage and Responsibility. Mr '90, 39.

Estes, Stephen R. Christian Concern for Health: The Sixtieth Anniversary History of the Mennonite Hospital Association. Mr '80, 30.

Evenhuis, R. B. Ook Dat Was Amsterdam. Mr '73, 30.

Fainsod, Merle. Smolensk under Soviet Rule. Jl '61, 143.

Fairfield, Jim, ed. Probe. Mr '72, 29.

Falcón, Rafael. The Hispanic Mennonite Church in North America: 1932-1982. De '87, 30.

Fan der Fear, Ypk. De breugeman komt. Oc '54, 188.

Farner, Oskar. Zwingli, the Reformer. Ap '53, 95.

Fast, Aganetha. Out of My Attic. Oc '70, 192.

Fast, Gerhard, et al. In den Steppen Sibiriens. Ja '58, 46.

Fast, H. A. Jesus and Human Conflict. Ap '60, 91.

Fast, Heinold. Der linke Flügel der Reformation. Jl '63, 134.

Fast, Karl. Gebt der Wahrheit die Ehre. Oc '53, inside back cover.

Fechter, Paul. Europäische Drama. Geist und Kultur im Spiegel des Theaters. Ap '58, 93.

Ferichs, L. C. J. Verzammeling van Mr. Chr. P. van Eeghen. Nederlandse en Buitenlandse Tekenigen. Jl '59, 144.

Ferm, Robert L. Readings in the History of Christian Thought. Jl '64, 138.

Ferm, Vergilius, ed. Encyclopedia of Morals. Ja '58, 48.

Ferm, Vergilius, ed. Encyclopdia of Religion. Ap '58, 92.

Ferm, Vergilius. Pictorial History of Western Europe and the U. S. Ap '58, 92.

Ferm, Vergilius. A Protestant Dictionary. Ap '52, 87.

Fernald, Helen Clark. Plow the Dew Under. Jl '53, 144.

Fife, Rober Herndon. Revolt of Martin Luther. Ja '58, 47.

Fischer, Hans. Jakob Huter. Leben, Frömmigkeit, Briefe. Ja '58, 46.

Fitch, John A. Social Responsibilities of Organized Labor. Ap '58, 95.

Fitzkee, Donald R. Moving toward the Mainstream: 20th Century Change among the Brethren of Eastern Pennsylvania. Se '96. 42.

Flack, Elmer E., Bruce M. Metzer, et al. Canon and Prinicpal Versions of the Bible. Ja '60, 48.

Flint, Joanne. The Mennonite Canadians. De '80, 28.

Francis, E. K. In Search of Utopia. The Mennonites in Manitoba. Ap '56, 95.

Franck, Ira S. My Search for an Anchor. Jl '67, 143.

Frantz, Adolph Ingram. Water from the Well: The Recollections of a Former Plowboy. Mr '79, 31.

Fretz, J. Winfield. Immigrant Group Settlements in Paraguay: A Study in the Sociology of Colonization. Jl '63, 139.

Fretz, J. Winfield. Pilgrims in Paraguay. Ja '54, 46.

Fretz, J. Winfield. Pilgrims in Paraguay: A Retrospective Review. Je '99, 25.

Friedmann, Robert, ed. Glaubenszengnisse oberdeutscher Taufgesinnter II. Ja '69, 44.

Friedmann, Robert. Hutterite Studies. Harold S. Bender, ed. Oc '62, 189.

Friedmann, Robert. Mennonite Piety Through the Centuries. Ja '51, 46.

Friedmann, Robert, ed. Die Schriften der Huterischen Täufergemeinschaften. Jl '67, 141.

Friesen, Abraham. Erasmus, the Anabaptists, and the Great Commission. Se '99, 37.

Friesen, Abraham Johann. Prost Mahlzeit. Oc '53, 190.

Friesen, Duane K. Christian Peacemaking and International Conflict: a Realist Pacifist Perspective. Se '87, 36.

Friesen, Gerald. The Canadian Prairies: a History. Se '86, 31.

Friesen, Heinrich, C. P. Toews, and Arnold Dyck. The Kuban Settlement. Mr '90, 38.

Friesen, Ivan and Rachel. Shalom Pamphlets. De '82, 30.

Friesen, John. Against the Wind: The Story of Four Villages (Gnadental, Gruenfeld, Neu-Chortitza and Steinfeld) in Southern Ukraine, 1872-1943. Mr/Je '96, 60.

Friesen, P. M. The Mennonite Brotherhood in Russia, 1789-1910. De '78, 29.

Fünfundzwanzig Jahre der Mennonitischen Ansiedlung zu Nord Kildonan 1928-53. Ja '56, 32.

Funk, Joseph and Sons. The Harmonia Sacra, a Compilation of Genuine Church Music. De '95, 35.

Furcha, E. J., trans. and ed. The Essential Carlstadt: Fifteen Tracts. Se '96, 35.

Fuz, J. K. Welfare Economics in English Utopias from Francis Bacon to Adam Smith. Oc '54, 190.

Gable, Lee J., ed. Encyclopedia for Church Group Leaders. Ap '60, 96.

Galling, Kurt, ed., et al. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG). Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft. Jl '61, 140.

Gatewood, Willard B., Jr. ed. Controversy in the Twenties: Fundamentalism, Modernism and Evolution. Ap '71, 95.

Gedenkbüchlein des Dankfestes der Neueingewanderten Mennoniten in Ontario am 2-3 Juli 1951. Ap '53, 96.

Gedenkfeier der Mennonitischen Einwanderung in Manitoba. Jl '51, 45.

Gelder, H. A. Enno van. The Two Reformations in the 16th Century. Oc '63, 191.

Gensichen, Hans-Werner. We Condemn How Luther and 16th Century Lutheranism Condemned False Doctrine. Jl '69, 144.

Gerbrandt, H. J. Adventure in Faith. De '75, 31.

Gering, Helen. Carel van Mander en Italie. Jl '55, 46.

Gering, Walter. Catechism Workbook. Ap '52, 94.

Gerlach, Horst. Mein Reich ist nicht von dieser Welt: 300 Jahre Amische 1693-1993. Se '96 p. 36.

Gerlach, Horst. Nightmare in Red. Jl '71, 143.

Gerrish, B. A., ed. Reformers in Profile: Advocates of Reform, 1300-1600. Mr '72, 29.

Gerstner, Edna. Song by the River. Se '84, 29.

Gesangbuch der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Christian Press. Ap '56, 94.

Gibson, John M. Soldiers of the Word. Jl '60, 143.

Giesbrecht, Herbert, comp. The Mennonite Brethren: A Bibliographic Guide to Information. De '72, 127.

Giesinger, Adam. From Catherine to Khrushchev. Se '75, 30.

Gilberg, Laura Siegel and Barbara Ballinger Buchholz. Needlepoint Designs from Amish Quilts. Se '84, 27.

Gill, Athol. Life on the Road: The Gospel Basis for a Messianic Lifestyle. Se '94, 23.

Gill, Frederick C., ed. Selected Letters by John Wesley. Jl '57, 144.

Gingerich, Alice K. Life and Times of Daniel Kauffman. Ap '56, 93.

Gingerich, Melvin. The Christian and Revolution. Ja '69, 46.

Gingerich, Melvin. Pennsylvania Dutch Books, Je '73, 62.

Gingerich, Melvin. Service for Peace. Ap '50, 46.

Glass, Esther Eby. Larry and Kathy. Ap '65, 96.

Glueck, Theo. Botschaft und Nachfolge. Ap '50, 48.

Goering, Paul and J. W. Fretz. Conscientious Objector in Recent Literature. Ja '53, 43.

Goertz, Hans-Juergen. Innere und aeussere Ordnung in der Theologie Thomas Muentzers. Ja '69, 44.

Goertz, Hans-Juergen, ed. Profiles of Radical Reformers: Biographical Sketches from Thomas Muentzer to Paracelsus. De '83, 30.

Goertzen, Peggy. The Friesen Mill and Early Milling in Marion County, Kansas. Je '95, 29.

Gollwitzer, Helmut. Vietnam, Israel und die Christenheit. Ap '68, 95.

Good, E. Reginald. Anna's Art. Se '77, 31.

Good, Merle. Going Places. De '95, 37.

Good, Merle. Today Pop Goes Home. De '95, 38.

Goossen, Rachel Waltner, and Robert S. Kreider. Hungry, Thirsty, a Stranger: The MCC Experience. De '89, 29.

Goossen, Rachel Waltner. Meetingplace: A History of the Mennonite Church of Normal, 1912-1987. De '90, 39.

Goossen, Rachel Waltner. Prairie Vision: A History of the Pleasant Valley Mennonite Church, 1888-1988. De '90, 39.

Goossen, Rachel Waltner. Women Against the Good War: Conscientious Objection and Gender on the Home Front. Mr '98, 35.

Görz, H. Memrik. Eine Mennonitische Kolonie in Russland. Ap '56, 96.

Görz, H. Die Molotschnaer Ansiedlung: Entstehung, Entwicklung und Untergang. Ap '52, 96.

Gould-Marks, Beryle. Eating the Russian Way. Jl '69, 144.

Graeff, Arthur D. Pennsylvania Germans in Ontario, Canada. Ap '49, 43.

Griffin, Clifford S. Their Brothers' Keepers. Jl '63, 141.

Grimes, Howard. Church Redemptive. Jl '58, 144.

Grimes, Howard. The Rebirth of Laity. Jl '63, 140.

Grobel, Kendrick. Gospel of Truth. Jl '60, 141.

Groenveld, S., J. P. Jacobszoon and S. L. Verheus, eds. Wederdopers, Menisten, Doopsgezinden in Nederland 1530-1980. De '81, 31.

Grueningen, John Paul von, ed. Toward a Christian Philosophy of Higher Education. Jl '60, 142.

Guard, Samuel R. Farmer Gives Thanks. Jl '57, 143.

Gundy, Jeff. Inquiries De '93, 37.

Guth, Herman. Amish Mennonites in Germany: Their Congregations, the Estates Where They Lived, Their Families. Mr/Je '96, 62.

Gutsche, Waldemar. Westlichen Quellen des Russischen Stundismus. Ap '57, 92.

Haas, Craig, and Nolt, Steve. The Mennonite Starter Kit: A Handy Guide for the New Mennonite (Everything They Forgot to Tell You in Church Membership Class) Mr '95, 25.

Hall, Eddy, and Marlene Kropf. Praying with the Anabaptists: The Secret of Bearing Fruit. De '97, 44.

Haller, William. Liberty and Reformation in the Puritan Revolution. Ap '57, 94.

Halverson, Marvin, and E. Martin Browne, ed. Religious Drama. Ja '62, 43.

Hamel, Johannes. A Christian in East Germany. Jl '65, 144.

Hamilton, Alastair, ed. From Martyr to Muppy: A Historical Introduction to Assimilation Processes of a Religious Minority in the Netherlands: The Mennonites. Se '96, 45.

Hamm, Peter M. Continuity and Change among Canadian Mennonite Brethren. De '87, 29.

Handy, Robert T. A Christian America: Protestant Hopes and Historical Realities. Se '75, 27.

Harder, Hans. No Strangers in Exile. De '79, 27 and 28.

Harder, Leland. Doors to Lock and Doors to Open: The Discerning People of God. Je '94, 28.

Harder, Leland and Marvin. Plockhoy from Zurikzee. Ja '53, 47.

Harder, Leland. The Quest for Equilibrium in an Established State: a Study of Social Change in the General Conference Mennonite Church. Ja '64, 45.

Harder, Leland, ed. The Sources of Swiss Anabaptism: the Grebel Letters and Related Documents. Mr '86, 24.

Hare, Nathan. The Black Anglo-Saxons. Ja '67, 48.

Hark, Ann. Blue Hills and Shoofly Pie. Ap '54, 95.

Hark, Ann, and Preston A. Barba. Pennsylvania German Cookery. Oc '50, 45.

Harkness, Georgia. Christian Ethics. Jl '57, 144.

Harmon, Noland H. Ministerial Ethics and Etiquette. Jl '59, 143.

Hartman, Olov. Three Church Dramas. Jl '67, 144.

Haselden, Kyle. The Urgency of Preaching. Oc '63, 192.

Haugaard, William P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation: The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. De '71, 168.

Haury, David A. Heritage Preservation: A Resource Book for Congregations. De '94, 34.

Haury, David A. Prairie People: a History of the Western District Conference. Se '81, 30.

Haury, David A. The Quiet Demonstration: the Mennonite Mission in Gulfport, Mississippi. Se '81, 30.

Haury, Samuel S. Letters Concerning the Spread of the Gospel. Je '82, 31.

Hawgood, John A. The Tragedy of German-America. Se '75, 30.

Hawkley, Louise, and James C. Juhnke, eds., Nonviolent America: History through the Eyes of Peace. Se '93, 31.

Hearn, Lafeadeo. Japan: An Interpretation. Oc '57, inside back cover.

Hecht, Linda A. Huebert, and C. Arnold Snyder, eds. Profiles of Anabaptist Women: Sixteenth-Century Reforming Pioneers. Se '98, 42.

Hefly, James and Marti. Christ in Bangladesh. Se '73, 92.

Hege, Lydie and Christoph Wiebe. Les Amish: origins et particularismes, (1693- 1933). De '96, 43.

Hein, Lucille E. Enjoy Your Children. Jl '60, 142.

Heller, Edna Eby. Dutch Cookbook. Vol. II. Jl '59, 143.

Henry, Carl F. H. Christian Personal Ethics. Ja '58, 48.

Herr, Dorcas Weaver. A Century of Education: Cross Roads School 1893-94 - 1993-94. Se '95, 27.

Hershberger, Guy F. Mennonite Church in the Second World War. Ju '52, 142.

Hershberger, Guy F., ed. Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision. Ap '58, 94.

Hershberger, Guy F. War, Peace and Nonresistance. Ap '54, 94.

Hershberger, Guy F. Way of the Cross in Human Relations. Ja '59, 47.

Hertzler, Silas. Hertzler-Hartzler Family History. Ap '54, inside back cover.

Hiebert, D. Edmond. Introduction to the Pauline Epistles. Ap '58, 96.

Hiebert, Erwin N. The Impact of Atomic Energy. Jl '61, 139.

Hildebrand, Isbrandt. Swath and Sheaf. Mr '73, 31.

Hildebrand, J. J. Sibirien (Part 1). Geschichte der Evangelischen Mennonitengottesgemeinde in Sibirien (Part 2). Ap '53, 96.

Hildebrand, Peter. Odyssee Wider Willen: Das Schicksal eines Auslandsdeutschen. Se '89, 35.

Hillerbrand, Hans J. A Fellowship of Discontent. Ja '68, 46.

Hillerbrand, Hans J. The Reformation: A Narrative History Related by Contemporary Observers and Participants. Oc '65, 191.

Hilsman, Roger. To Move a Nation. Ap '68, 94.

Hofer, Peter. Hutterian Brethren and Their Beliefs. Oc '55, 192.

Holland, Robert Charles. The Hermeneutics of Peter Riedemann (1506-1556): With Reference to I Cor. 5, 9-13 and II Cor. 6, 14- 7, 1. Mr '73, 29.

Holloway, Mark. Heavens on Earth. Ap '55, 94.

Holsinger, Justus G. Serving Rural Puerto Rico. Ja '53, 47.

Holstein, Hugo. Die Reformation im Spiegelbilde der dramatischen Literatur des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. Ja '68, 46.

Homan, Gerlof D. American Mennonites and the Great War: 1914-1918. Mr/Je '96, 61.

Hoover, Amos B., ed. The Jonas Martin era, Presented in a Collection of Essays, Letters and Documents that Shed Light on the Mennonite Churches During the 50 Year Ministry (1875-1925) of Bishop Jonas H. Martin. Mr '83, 30.

Hordern, William. Christianity, Communism and History. Oc '55, 192.

Horsch, John. Mennonites in Europe. Ap '51, 47.

Horst, Irvin B. A Bibliography of Menno Simons ca. 1496-1561, Dutch Reformer; with a Census of Known Copies. Ja '63, 47.

Horst, Irvin B., A. F. de Jong, and D. Visser, eds. De Geest in het geding. Mr '79, 30.

Horst, Irvin B. Minister of Good Will. Oc '51, 44.

Horst, Irvin B. The Radical Brethren: Anabaptism and the English Reformation to 1558. De '74, 93.

Hostetler, Beulah S. Franconia Mennonite Conference and American Protestant Movements, 1840-1940. Se '77, 28.

Hostetler, John A. Amish Life. Ap '53, 95.

Hostetler, John A. Amish Society. Jl '64, 138.

Hostetler, John A. Amish Society. 4th edition. Je '95, 30.

Hostetler, John A. Anotated Bibliography of the Amish. Oc '51, 44.

Hostetler, John A. Hutterite Society. Je '98, 51.

Hostetter, John A. Mennonite Life. Ap '55, 96.

Hostetler, John A. The Sociology of Mennonite Evangelism. Ap '57, 91.

Hostetler, Lester. Handbook to Mennonite Hymnary. Ap '50, 46.

Hostetler, Lester. Youth Hymnary. Ap '57, 91.

Hough, Joseph C., Jr. Black Power and White Protestants. Ja '69, 47.

Howe, Revel L. The Miracle of Dialogue. Oc '63, 192.

Howes, Charles C. This Place Called Kansas. Ap '55, 96.

Hromadka, Josef L. An der Schwelle des Dialogs. Jl '65, 142.

Hromadka, Josef L. Theology Between Yesterday and Tomorrow. Ap '64, 96.

Hübert, G. D., ed. Botschafter an Christi statt. Ap '55, 96.

Hunter, Edith F. Questioning Child and Religion. Jl '58, 144.

Hutchinson, Ruth. Pennsylvania Dutch Cook Book. Ap '49, 44.

Hutterian Society of Brothers and John Howard Yoder. God's Revolution: The Witness of Eberhard Arnold. Mr '85, 31.

Hyatt, J. Phillip. Jeremiah. Prophet of Courage and Hope. Ja '59, 48.

Hyma, Albert. Brethren of the Common Life. Oc '51, 46.

Hyma, Albert. New Light on Martin Luther, with an Authentic Account of the Luther Film of 1953. Oc '58, 191.

Inkeles, Alex, and Kent Geiger. Soviet Society. A Book of Readings. Oc '62, 191.

Jackson, Dave and Neta. Glimpses of Glory: Thirty Years of Community, the Story of Reba Place Fellowship. Se '91, 31.

Jackson, Dave and Neta. On Fire for Christ: Stories of Anabaptist Martyrs. De '89, 30.

Jackson, W. G. F. Seven Roads to Moscow. Jl '61, 142.

Jameson, J. Franklin. Narratives of New Netherland. 1609-1644. Ap '57, 92.

Janzen, A. E. Survey of Five of the Mission Fields of the Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of N. A. located in India, Africa, Brazil, Paraguay and Columbia. Ap '52, 35.

Janzen, Jean. The Upside-Down Tree: Poems. De '92, 36.

Janzen, Reinhild Kauenhoven, and John M. Janzen. Mennonite Furniture: A Migrant Tradition (1766-1910). Mr '93, 32.

Janzen, Susan E. ed., Weathering the Storm: Christian Pacifist Responses to War. Je '94, 29.

Jedig, Von Hugo. Laut- und Formenbestand der Niederdeutschen Mundart des Altai-Gebietes. Oc '69, 186. Ja '70, 46.

Jenkins, Daniel. Strangeness of the Church. Oc '57, 188.

Jensma. Theodoor Erik. Doopsgezinde Zending in Indonesie. Je '72, 63.

Jeremias, Joachim. Unknown Sayings by Jesus. Ja '59, 48.

Jeschke, Marlin. Believers Baptism for Children of the Church. De '83, 29.

Jones, Howard O. Shall We Overcome. Ja '67, 47.

Jones, Russell Bradley. Survey of the Old and New Testaments. Ap '58, 96.

Jost, Esther, ed. 75 Years of Fellowship: Pacific Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches. De '90, 39.

Juhnke, James C. Creative Crusader: Edmund G. Kaufman and Mennonite Community. Mr '95, 23.

Juhnke, James C. Dialogue with a Heritage: Cornelius H. Wedel and the Beginnings of Bethel College. Je '87, 27.

Juhnke, James C. A People of Mission--A History of the General Conference Mennonite Overseas Missions. Mr '80, 28.

Juhnke, James C. A People of Two Kingdoms. Je '76, 30.

Juhnke, James C. Vision, Doctrine, War: Mennonite Identity and Organization in America, 1890-1930. Je '90, 36.

Kanselboek ten dienste van de Doopsgezinde Gemeenten in Nederland, 1948. Ap '53, 96.

Kaplan, Bert, and Thomas F. A. Plaut. Personality in a Communal Society. Ap '58, 95.

Karrenberg, Fr., ed. Evangelisches Soziallexikon. Ja '58, 48.

Kateregga, Badru D. A Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue. De '97, 39.

Kauffman, C. C. Life with Life. Ja '53, 47.

Kauffman, J. Howard, and Leland Harder. Anabaptists Four Centuries Later. Se '75, 31.

Kauffman, J. Howard, and Leo Driedger. The Mennonite Mosaic: Identity and Modernization. Je '93, 23.

Kauffman, Milo. Challenge of Christian Stewardship. Oc '56, 191.

Kaufman, Donald D. The Tax Dilemma: Praying for Peace, Paying for War. Se '79, 28.

Kaufman, Edmund G. Basic Christian Convictions. Se '73, 93.

Kaufman, Gordon D. The Context of Decision. A Theological Analysis. Jl '61, 139; Oc '62, 190.

Kaufman, Gordon D. In Face of Mystery: A Constructive Theology. Se '94, 30.

Kaufman, Gordon D. Nonresistance and Responsibility and Other Mennonite Essays. Se '80, 30.

Kaufman, Gordon D. Systematic Theology. A Historicist Perspective. Ja '71, 24.

Kaufman, P. R. Our People and Their History. Mr '80, 30.

Kawaski, Ichiro. Japanese are Like That. Oc '57, inside back cover.

Kee, Howard Clark. Making Ethical Decisions. Ap '58, 95.

Keeney, William E. The Development of Dutch Anabaptist Thought and Practice from 1539-1564. Jl '68, 142; Oc '69, 190.

Kehler, Larry. The Rule of the Lamb. Se '79, 28.

Keidel, Levi. Black Samson. Se '77, 29.

Keidel, Levi. Footsteps to Freedom. Se '77, 29.

Keidel, Levi. Stop Treating Me Like God. Se '77, 29.

Keidel, Levi. War to be One. Se '77, 29.

Keim, Albert N. The CPS Story: An Illustrated History of Civilian Public Service. Mr '92, 36.

Keim, Albert N., and Grant M. Stoltzfus. The Politics of Conscience: the Historic Peace Churches and America at War, 1917-1955. Je '89, 37.

Keith, W. J. Epic fiction: the Art of Rudy Wiebe. Je '82, 29.

Keith, W. J., ed. A Voice in the Land: Essays by and about Rudy Wiebe. Je '82, 29.

Keller, Ludwig. Johann von Staupitz und die Anfänge der Reformation. Ja '68, 45.

Keller, Werner. Und die Bibel hat doch recht. Jl '60, 144.

Kennedy, Gerald. The Christian and His America. Oc '57, 157.

Kennedy, Gerald. Parables. Jl '60, 144.

Kepler, Thomas S. Book of Revelation. Ap '58, 96.

Kerr, George H. Formosa Betrayed. Je '79, 29.

Khrushchev in America. Jl '61, 144.

King, Martin Luther Jr. Strength to Love. Jl '64, 142.

King, Martin Luther Jr. Stride Toward Freedom. Ja '59, 47.

King, Martin Luther. Why We Can't Wait. Oc '66, 191.

King, Michael A. Trackless Wastes & Stars To Steer By. De '91, 31.

Kingdom, Robert M. Geneva and the Consolidation of the French Protestant Movement, 1564-1572. Oc '69, 188.

Kirchner, Walther. A History of Russia. Jl '61, 142.

Kirkham, E. Kay. Research in American Genealogy. Ap '57, 95.

Kittell, Gerhard, and Gerhard Friedrich, eds. Theological Dictionary of the New Tesament. Jl '64, 139.

Kittell, Gerhard, and Gerhard Friedrich, eds. Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament. Ja '62, 46.

Klaassen, Walter. Anabaptism: Neither Catholic nor Protestant. De '74, 93.

Klaassen, Walter, et al. No Other Foundation, Commemorative Essays on Menno Simons. Jl '63, 137.

Klaassen, Walter, ed., Anabaptism Revisited: Essays on Anabaptist/Mennonite Studies in Honor of C. J. Dyck. Je '93, 25.

Klassen, A. J., ed. The Church in Mission: A Sixtieth Anniversary Tribute to J. B. Toews. Oc '69, 187.

Klassen, James R. Jimshoes in Vietnam. Je '87, 30.

Klassen, Herbert and Maureen. Ambassador to His People: C. F. Klassen and the Russian Mennonite Refugees. Se '92, 31.

Klassen, Pamela. Going by the Moon and the Stars: Stories of two Russian Mennonite Women. De '95, 35.

Klassen, Peter J. A Homeland for Strangers: An Introduction to Mennonites in Poland and Prussia. Mr '91, 23.

Klassen, Peter P. Die deutsch-völkische Zeit in der Kolonie Fernheim, Chaco, Paraguay, 1933-1945. De '92, 38.

Klassen, William. Covenant and Community. Jl '68, 143.

Klassen, William. The Forgiving Community. Oc '66, 190.

Klassen, William, and Walter Klassen, translators and eds. The Writings of Pilgram Marpek. Mr '79, 27.

Klein, H. M. J. History and Customs of the Amish People. Ap '52, 83.

Klees, Frederic. The Pennsylvania Dutch. Ap '52, 83.

Kliewer, Warren. Moralities and Miracles. Oc '65, 191.

Kliewer, Warren. Red Rose and Gray Cowl. Jl '60, 130.

Kliewer, Warren. "The Summoning of Everyman," American Little Theatre Magazine, I (Summer, 1961), 21-25. Oc '62, 192.

Kliewer, Warren. The Violators. Oc '65, 189.

Klippenstein, Lawrence. Canadian Mennonites and Centennial Publications. Se '74, 91.

Klippenstein, Lawrence, Margaret Franz, and Adolf Ens, eds. Resources for Canadian Mennonite Studies: An Inventory and Guide to Archival Holdings at the Mennonite Heritage Centre. Je '89, 39.

Klippenstein, Lawrence, ed. That There Be Peace--Mennonites in Canada and World War II. Se '80, 29.

Kloss, Dr. Heinz. Geschichte der landwirtschaftlichen Zusammenschlüsse der Sprachdeutschen in Ubersee. Ap '58, 93.

Knox, John. The Death of Christ. Ap '64, 96.

Knox, John. Philemon Among the Letters of Paul. Jl '60, 144.

Kohn, Hans, ed. Mind of Modern Russia. Jl '60, 138.

Kohn, Stephen M. Jailed for Peace: the History of American Draft Law Violators, 1658-1985. Se '86, 31.

Kolb, Franz. Die Wiedertäufer in Wipptal. Ja '53, 48.

Koolman, J. ten Doornkaat. Dirk Philips. Vriend en medewerker van Menno Simons. 1504-1568. Oc '65, 190.

Korson, George. Black Rock, Mining Folklore of the Pennsylvania Dutch. Oc '62, 191.

Kotare and Other Mission Stories. Ap '52, 95.

Kraeling, Emil G. Bible Atlas. Jl '57, 144.

Kraemer, Hendrick. Communication of the Christian Faith. Ap '57, 95.

Kraemer, Hendrik. Religion and the Christian Faith. Ja '58, 48.

Kraemer, Hendrik. A Theology of the Laity. Ja '63, 48.

Krahn, Cornelius. Dutch Anabaptism. Origin, Spread, Life and Thought. Jl '68, 142; Oc '69, 189

Krahn, Cornelius. Dutch Anabaptism. Origin, Spread, Life and Thought. 2nd Edition. De '81, 31.

Krahn, Cornelius. Menno Simons. Oc '50, 44.

Kraus, C. Norman. The Community of the Spirit: How the Church is in the World. Se '94, 23.

Kraus, C. Norman. Dispensationalism in America. Jl '60, 143.

Kraus, C. Norman, ed. Evangelicalism and Anabaptism. Mr '80, 27.

Kraus, C. Norman. God Our Savior: Theology in a Christological Mode. Se '93, 34.

Kraus, C. Norman. Jesus Christ our Lord: Christology from a Disciple's Perspective. Mr '89, 35.

Krause, Annemarie E. Mennonite Settlements in the Paraguayan Chaco. Ap '54, 95.

Kraybill, Donald B., and Steven M. Nolt. Amish Enterprise: From Plows to Profits. Se '97, 37.

Kraybill, Donald B. Our Star-Spangled Faith. Se '76, 29.

Kraybill, Donald B. The Puzzles of Amish Life. Se '91, 30.

Kraybill, Donald B. The Upside-Down Kingdom. Mr '92, 37.

Kraybill, Paul N., ed. Mennonite World Handbook. De '79, 30.

Krebs, Manfred, and Hans Georg Rott. Quellen zur Geschichte der Täufer, Band VII & VIII. Jl '63, 135.

Krehbiel, W. J. History of one Branch of the Krehbiel Family. Oc '52, 179.

Kreider, Carl. The Rich and the Poor: a Christian Perspective on Global Economics. Se '88, 30.

Kreider, Robert S., and Rachel Waltner Goossen. Hungry, Thirsty, a Stranger: The MCC Experience. De '89, 29.

Kreider, Robert S., and Rachel Waltner Goossen. When Good People Quarrel: Studies of Conflict Resolution. Se '91, 27.

Kreider, Sara E., and Rachel E. Stahl. The Amish School. Se '86, 31.

Krestyaninov, W. F. Mennonity. Jl '69, 124.

Krimm, Herbert. Das Antlitz der Vertriebenen. Ap '50, 48.

Krisztinkovich, Bèla. Haban Pottery. Oc '64, 191.

Kroeker, Jakob. Allein mit dem Meister. Oc '59, 191.

Kroeker, Jakob. Daniel, Stattsmann und Prophet. Oc '59, 191.

Kroeker, Jakob. Jeremia. Der Prophet tiefster Innerlichkeit und schwerster Seelenführung. Oc '59, 191.

Kroeker, Marvin E. Comanches and Mennonites on the Oklahoma Plains: A. J. and Magdalena Becker and the Post Oak Mission. Mr '98, 37.

Kroeker, N. J. First Mennonite Villages in Russia, 1789-1943 Khortitsa-Rosental. De '82, 29.

Kropf, Marlene, and Eddy Hall. Praying with the Anabaptists: The Secret of Bearing Fruit. De '97, 44.

Kühler, W. J. Geschiedenis der Nederlandische Doopsgezinden in de Zestiende Eeuw. Ap '51, 45.

Kuhn, Walter. Geschichte der Deutschen Ostsiedlung in der Neuzeit. Jl '59, 143.

Künzi, Heinrich. Barbara. Ap '52, 86.

Kuttner, Erich. Het Hongerjaar 1566. Ap '52, 89.

Laedrach, Walter. Passion in Bern. Jl '52, 143.

Lakey, George. Strategy for a Living Revolution. De '74, 94.

Lamont, Corliss. Soviet Civilization. Jl '60, 138.

Landis, Benson Y. Rauschenbusch Reader. Ap '58, 95.

Landis, Benson Y., ed. Yearbook of American Churches. Information on all the faiths in the U.S.A. Ap '58, 92.

Landis, Ira D. I Must See Switzerland. Ap '58, 96.

Landis, Ira D. Landis Family Book. Ja '53, 48.

Lantz, L. J. God of the Hills. Ap '55, 95.

Laubach, Frank C. Greatest Life. Ap '57, 91.

Laubach, Frank C. Inspired Letters in Clearest English. Ap '57, 91.

Laymon, Charles M. Christ in the New Testament. Ja '60, 48.

Lazareff, Helene and Pierre. Soviet Union after Stalin. Jl '60, 138.

LeFevre, Perry D. Christian Teacher. Jl '59, 143.

Lehman, Glenn. Johnny Godshall. Je '94, 31.

Lehman, James O. Salem's First Century: Worship and Witness. Je '87, 28.

Lehman, Naomi. Pilgrimage of a Congregation: First Mennonite Church, Berne, Indiana. De '83, 30.

Lehman, Tim. Seeking the Wilderness: A Spiritual Journey. Se '94, 27.

Lehn, Cornelia. I Heard Good News Today. De '84, 31.

Lehn, Cornelia. Peace Be with You. Je '82, 27.

Leites, Nathan. The Operational Code of the Politburo. Jl '52, 144.

Lejeune, R., ed. Christoph Blumhardt and His Message. H. Ehrlich and N. Maas, transl. Jl '64, 142.

LeMasters, Philip. Discipleship for all Believers: Christian Ethics and the Kingdom of God. Mr '94, 30.

LeMasters, Philip. The Import of Eschatology in John Howard Yoder's Critique of Constantinianism. Mr '94, 30.

Lichten, Frances. Folk Art of Rural Pennsylvania. Jl '47, 35.

Lichti, Dora. Was Gott für uns tut. Ap '56, 94.

Liechty, Daniel. Andreas Fischer and the Sabbatarian Anabaptists: An Early Reformation Episode in East Central Europe. Je '89, 37.

Liechty, Daniel, ed. Early Anabaptist Spirituality: Selected Writings. De '97, 44.

Lightfoot, J. B., ed. Apostolic Fathers. Ja '58, 48.

Lind, Hope Kauffman. Apart & Together: Mennonites in Oregon and Neighboring States, 1876-1976. Se '91, 28.

Lind, Mariam Sieber. Such Thoughts of Thee. Ap '53, 95.

Lind, Millard C. Ezekiel. De '97, 38.

Lipp, Franz. Art und Brauch im Lande ob der Enns. Ap '56, 96.

Lithgow, Marilyn. Quiltmaking and Quiltmakers. Se '84, 27.

Littell, Franklin H. Anabaptist View of the Church. Ja '50, 46; Ja '53, 48.

Littell, Franklin H. Free Church. Ap '58, 94. Ja '60, 46.

Littell, Franklin H. Landgraf Phillipp und die Toleranz. Ja '60, 46.

Littell, Franklin H. Von der Freiheit der Kirche. Ap '58, 94; Ja '50, 46.

Liu, James, and Stephen Wang. Christians True in China. Robert Kreider, ed. Mr '89, 38.

Loewen, Harry, ed. Mennonite Images: Historical, Cultural, and Literary Essays Dealing with Mennonite Issues. De '80, 29.

Loewen, Harry. No Permament City: Stories from Mennonite History and Life. Se '95, 19.

Loewen, Harry, Carol Duerksen, Stephen Nolt, and Elwood Yoder. Through Fire and Water: An Overview of Mennonite History. De '97, 40.

Loewen, Harry, ed. Why I am a Mennonite: Essays on Mennonite Identity. Se '89, 34.

Loewen, Isaak, and J. A. Neufeld. Gedenkbüchlein des Dankfestes der Neueingewanderten Mennoniten in Ontario am 2-3 Juni, 1951. Ap '53, 96.

Loewen, Royden K. Family, Church, and Market: A Mennonite Community in the Old and the New Worlds, 1850-1930. Se '95, 25.

Lohrenz, Gerhard. Stories From Mennonite Life. De '80, 31.

Lohrenz, John H. Mennonite Brethren Church. Oc '51, 44.

Long, James. The German Russians: a Bibliography of Russian Materials with Introductory Essay, Annotations, and Locations of Materials in Major American and Soviet Libraries. De '79, 29.

Longacre, Doris Janzen, ed. Living More with Less. De '80, 28.

Longacre, Doris Janzen, ed. More-With-Less Cookbook. Je '76, 28.

Longenecker, Stephen L. ed. Anabaptist Currents: History in Conversation with the Present. Se '97, 38.

The Lordship of Christ. Proceedings of the Seventh Mennonite World Conference, August 1-7, 1962, Kitchener, Ontario. Jl '64, 142.

Lucas, Henry H. Netherlands in America. Dutch Immigration in United States and Canada. 1789-1956. Ap '57, 92.

Luckhardt, Mildred C. The Church Through the Ages. Ap '52, 87.

Ludwig, G. M. Influence of the Pennsylvania Dutch in the Middle West. Ap '49, 43.

Luebke, Frederick C. Bonds of Loyalty, German Americans and World War I. Se '75, 30.

Lüthi, Walter. The Letter to the Romans. Oc '62, 190.

MacMaster, Richard K. Land, Piety, and Peoplehood: The Establishment of Mennonite Communities in America 1683-1790. Se '85, 28.

Macquarrie, John. Existentialist Theology. Ap '57, 93.

Manikam, Raja B., ed. Christianity and the Asian Revolution. Oc '57, 172.

Manning, Clarence A. Story of the Ukraine. Jl '49, 46.

Manning, Clarence, A. Twentieth Century Ukraine. Jl '61, 144.

Manning, Clarence, A. Ukraine Under the Soviets. Jl '61, 144.

Marshall, Jay W. The Ten Commandments and Christian Community. Se '97, 35.

Marty, Martin E. A Short History of Christianity. Jl '61, 141.

Mateboer, T. Tot de laatste druppel. De ondergang van het rijk der Wederdopers te Munster. Oc '63, 191.

Matthews, Phillip, Andrew Curtis, and David Neville, eds. "A Tribute to John Howard Yoder." Faith and Freedom: A Journal of Christian Ethics, vol. 5, no. 1-2 (June 1996), Mr '98, 37.

May, Herbert G., ed. Oxford Bible Atlas. Ap '64, 96.

McCammon, Dorothy S. We Tried to Stay. Oc '54, 191.

McCauley, Daniel and Kathryn. Decorative Arts of the Amish of Lancaster County. Se '90, 46.

McCutchen, Robert Guy. Hymn Tune Names. Ja '58, 47.

McGiffert, Arthur C. Protestant Thought Before Kant. Ap '52, 88.

Mead, Frank. Handbook of Denominations in the United States. Ap '52, 87.

Meadows, Donella H., et al, eds. The Limits to Growth. Se '73, 82.

Mecenseffy, Grete. Geschichte der Protestantismus im Österreich. Ap '58, 92.

Mehnert, Klaus. Asien, Moskau und Wir. Jl '61, 144.

Meihuizen, H. W. Menno Simons. Ijveraar vor het herstel von de Nieuwtestamentische Gemeente. Oc '62, 191.

Meissner, Boris. Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Jl '60, 138.

Mellink, Albert Fredrik. De Wederdopers in de Noordelijke Nederlanden 1531-1544. Ap '55, 94.

Mennonite Artist: The Insider as Outsider. De '91, 29.

Mennonite Brethren Publishing House. Worship Hymnal. De '71, 166.

Mens, Jan. De Witte Vrouw. Oc '54, 188.

Metzger, Bruce M. Introduction to the Apocrypha. Ap '58, 96.

Meyer, Hans B. Das Danziger Volksleben. Ja '60, 47.

Milhous, Katherine. Egg Tree. Ap '51, 47.

Miller, Elizabeth. From the Fiery Stakes of Europe to the Federal Courts of America. Jl '66, 144.

Miller, Michael M., comp. Researching the Germans from Russia. Je '89, 39.

Miller, Susan Fischer. Culture for Service: A History of Goshen College 1894-1994. Se '95, 23.

Miller, William Lee. The Protestant and Politics. Jl '60, 140.

Minear, Paul S. Images of the Church in the New Testament. Ap '64, 96.

The Minister's Manual. Ap '53, 96.

Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Vol. 9. No. 12. Ap '58, 93.

Moomaw, I. W. Deep Furrows. Ja '62, 48.

Moore, John Allen. Anabaptist Portraits. Se '85, 30.

Moorehead, Alan. Russian Revolution. Jl '60, 138.

Morely, Charles. Guide to Research in Russian History. Ap '58, 93.

Mosher, Steve. God's Power, Jesus' Faith, and World Mission: A Study in Romans. Se '97, 36.

Mow, Merrill. Torches Rekindled: The Bruderhof's Struggle for Renewal. De '90, 37.

Moyer, Elgin S. Great Leaders of the Christian Church. Jl '61, 143.

Mueller, Amelia. There Have to Be Six. Oc '66, 191.

Müller, Hans. Die Menschen sind alle gleich. Ap '52, 86.

Mumaw, John R. Living Happily Married. Ap '53, 96.

Murch, James DeForest. Co-operation without Compromise. Jl '60, 139.

Myers, Tamar. Too Many Crooks Spoil the Broth: A Pennsylvania Dutch Mystery with Recipes. Je '94, 30.

Nafziger, Elfrieda Toews. A Man of His Word: A Biography of John A Toews. Se '93, 33.

Neill, Stephen. Man In God's Purpose. Ap '64, 96.

Nelson, J. Robert, ed. Christian Unity in North America. Jl '60, 139.

Nelson, Truman. The Torture of Mothers. Ja '67, 48.

Nelson, William. Out of the Crocodile's Mouth. Ja '52, 47.

Neufeld, Abram H., ed. and tr. Herman and Katharina, Their Story: The Autobiography of Elder Herman A. and Katharina Neufeld in Russia and in Canada. Mr '86, 25.

Neufeld, Dietrich. A Russian Dance of Death. De '78, 30; De '79, 27.

Neufeld, Vernon H. The Earliest Christian Confessions. Oc '64, 191.

Neufeldt, Leonard. Car Failure North of Nimes. De '95, 36.

Neville, David, Andrew Curtis, and Philip Matthews, eds. A Tribute to John Howard Yoder. Mr '98, 37.

New American Standard Bible-New Testament. Jl '64, 140.

New Catholic Encyclopedia. Ja '68, 46.

Nickalls, John. Journal of George Fox. Jl '54, 144.

Nickel, Katherine. Seed from the Ukraine. Ap '56, 91.

Nida, Eugene. Communication of the Gospel in Latin America. Mr '72, 30.

Niebuhr, H. Richard, and Daniel D. Williams. Ministry in Historical Perspectives. Oc '57, 177.

Niebuhr, Reinhold. Love and Justice. Ap '58, 95.

Nigg, Walter. Das Buch der Ketzer. Ap '52, 88.

Nigg, Walter. Das ewige Reich. Ap '52, 88.

Nock, Arthur Darby. Early Christianity and Its Hellenstic Background. Jl '64, 138.

Noe, Helen. Carel van Mander en Italie. Jl '55, 144.

Nolt, Steven M., and Donald B. Kraybill. Amish Enterprise: From Plows to Profits. Se '97, 37.

Nolt, Steven M., Carol Duerksen, Harry Loewen, and Elwood Yoder. Through Fire and Water: An Overview of Mennonite History. De '97, 40.

Nordhoff, Charles. The Communistic Societies of the United States. Jl '61, 141.

Norwood, Frederick A. Development of Modern Christianity. Ja '58, 47.

Norwood, Frederick A. Reformation Refugees as an Economic Force. Oc '54, 189.

Norwood, Frederick, A. Strangers and Exiles: A History of Religious Refugees. Jl '70, 142.

Nyberg, Kathleen Neill. The Care and Feeding of Ministers. Ja '62, 48.

Nykor, Lynda Musson, and Patricia D. Musson. Mennonite Furniture. Se '84. 27.

O'Conner, Elizabeth. Call to Commitment. Jl '64, 141.

Oesau, Wanda. Hamburgs Grönlandfahrt auf Walfischhfang und Robbenschlag vom 17.-19. Jahrhundert. Ja '56, 17.

Obenhaus, Victor. Responsible Christian. Ap '58, 95.

Oberholzer, Emil. Delinquent Saints. Ap '57, 94.

Old Dutch Burying Ground of Sleepy Hollow in North Tarrytown, New York. Boston: The Rand Press. Ja '58, 47.

Orr, J. Edwin. The Light of the Nations. Ja '67, 46.

Osborne, Ernest G. Understanding Your Parents. Jl '57, 144.

Outler, Albert C. Christian Tradition and the Unity We Seek. Jl '60, 139.

Oyer, Emma. What God Hath Wrought. Ap '51, 47.

Oyer, John S., and Robert S. Kreider. Mirror of the Martyrs: Stories of courage, inspiringly retold, of 16th century Anabaptists who gave their lives for their faith. Je '92, 19.

Palmer, Howard, ed. Immigration and the Rise of Multiculturalism. De '76, 30.

Pannabecker, Samuel Floyd. Open Doors: A History of the General Conference Mennonite Church. Se '76, 28.

Pannell, William E. My Friend, The Enemy. De '71, 167.

Parish, John Arlyn. Kansas Mennonites During World War I. Ja '69, 47.

Park, Alexander G. Bolshevism in Turkestan, 1917-1927. Jl '61, 144.

Parker, T. M. Christianity and the State in the Light of History. Ap '57, 94.

Parker, Valentine. American Protestantism: An Appraisal. Ap '57, 94.

Pauck, Wilhelm. Heritage of the Reformation. Jl '52, 144.

Paull, Hertha. Cry of the Heart. Ja '60, 48.

Paulus, Helmut. Die Tönernen Füsse. Oc '54, 188.

Peachey, Paul, ed. Biblical Realism Confronts the Nation. Oc '64, 192; Jl '65, 143.

Peachey, Paul. Who is My Neigbor? Jl '65, 144.

Peck, Anne Merriman. Pageant of South American History. Jl '60, 139.

Pei, Mario A., and Frank Gaynor, ed. Liberal Arts: Dictionary in English, French, German, Spanish. Ap '58, 92.

Pellikan, Jaroslav. Riddle of Roman Catholicism. Ja '60, 48.

Pellman, Rachel. Amish Quilt Patterns. De '85. 31.

Pellman, Rachel and Kenneth. A Treasury of Mennonite Quilts. De '93, 38.

Pellman, Rachel and Kenneth. The World of Amish Quilts. De '85, 31.

Pendle, George. Paraguay. Ap '57, 95.

Peng, Ming-Min. A Taste of Freedom. Je '79, 29.

Penner, Horst. Weltweite Bruderschaft. Ein mennonitisches Geschichtsbuch. Ap '56, 92.

Peters, Dave. Surviving Church Conflict. Se '98, 44.

Peters, F. C. Your Church and You. Ja '56, 32.

Peters, Gerald, ed. and tr. Diary of Anna Baerg, 1916-1924. Se '86, 30.

Peters, Gerhard Wilhelm. Growth of Foreign Missions in the Mennonite Brethren Church. Ap '56, 93.

Peters, John L. Christian Perfection and American Methodism. Ap '57, 94.

Peters, Victor. With "Koop enn Bua" on a Journey. Ap '59, 88.

Petkau, Irene F., ed. Just When We Were: The Story of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada. De '79, 30.

Petry, Ray C. Christian Eschatology and Social Thought. Ap '57, 94.

Pfeiffer, Charles F. Between the Testaments. Jl '61, 140.

Pickett, Clarence E. For More Than Bread. Jl '54, inside back cover.

Pierhal, Jean. Albert Schweitzer. The Story of His Life. Ja '58, 48.

Pipkin, H. Wayne, and John Howard Yoder, eds. Balthasar Hubmaier: Theologian of Anabaptism. Se '90, 46.

Pipkin, H. Wayne. Essays in Anabaptist Theology. De '97, 42.

Platt, Lavonne, ed. Hope for the Family Farm: Trust God and Care for the Land. Mr '91, 24.

Plett, Delbert F. The Golden Years: the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Russia (1812-1849). De '86, 30.

Plett, Delbert F., ed. Leaders of the Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Russia (1812-1874). Se '95, 23.

Plett, Delbert F. Pioneers and Pilgrims: The Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde in Manitoba, Nebraska and Kansas, 1874 to 1882. Je '91, 27.

Plett, Jake. Valley of Shadows. De '76, 30.

Pochmann, Henry A. German Culture in America. Philosophical and Literary Influences 1600-1900. Ap '57, 92.

Polons'ka-Vasylenko, N. D. The Settlement of the Southern Ukraine (1750-1775). Jl '61, 144.

Pope, Rev. Hugh O. P. English Versions of the Bible. Ap '58, 96.

Porter, H. C., ed. Puritanism in Tudor England. Je '75, 31.

Porter, Myrtle Crist. Little Red Hummy. Ap '51, 47.

Postma, Johan S. Das niederländische Erbe der preussisch-russländische Mennoniten in Europa, Asien und Amerika. Ja '60, 47.

Poteat, Edwin McNeill. Jesus' Belief in Man. Ap '58, 94.

Proceedings of the Fourth Mennonite World Conference. Ap '52, 93.

Quiring, Horst. Grundworte des Glaubens. Ap '50, 48.

Quiring, Walter. Im Schweisse Deines Angesichts. Oc '54, 190.

Quiring, Walter, and Helen Bartel. In the Fullness of Time, 150 Years of Mennonite Sojourn in Russia. Se'76, 24.

Quiring, Walter, and Helen Bartel. Mennonites in Canada, A Pictorial Record. Oc '62, 189.

Raeff, Marc. Siberia and the Reforms of 1822. Jl '61, 144.

Raid, Howard. The Mennonite Family--Daniel Koller Switzerland-Pfalz-United States. Mr '72, 19.

Raistrick, Arthur. Quakers in Science and Industry. Oc '54, 190.

Rammstedt, Ottheim. Sekte und soziale Bewegung. Jl '68, 142.

Ramsey, Paul. War and the Christian Conscience. Ja '62, 47.

Ratzlaff, Erich L. Im Weichselbogen--Mennonitensiedlungen in Zentralpolen. Mr '72, 31; De '72, 127.

Ratzlaff, Keith. New Winter Light. De '94, 32.

Ratzlaff, Mrs. Harold. Fellowship in the Gospel--India. Jl '51, 45.

Rauch, Georg von. History of Soviet Russia. Jl '60, 138.

Raven, Charles E. Theological Basis of Christian Pacifism. Ja '53, 43.

Redekop, Calvin. Mennonite Society. Je '90, 38.

Redekop, Calvin Wall. The Old Colony Mennonites: Dilemma of Ethnic Minority Life. Ja '70, 47.

Redekop, John Harold. The American Far Right. Ap '68, 93.

Reed, Kenneth. Mennonite Soldier. Je '75, 30.

Reimann, Hannes. Einführung des Kirchengesangs in der Zürcher Kirche nach der Reformation. Jl '60, 141.

Reimer, Al. Mennonite Literary Voices: Past and Present. De '93, 32.

Reimer, Al. My Harp is Turned to Mourning: A Novel. Je '87, 29.

Religious Educational Conference on the Curriculum as an Organ for Teaching Christianity. Ap '52, 93.

Rempel, Hans, comp., and George K. Epp, ed. Waffen der Wehrlosen: Ersatzdienst der Mennoniten in der UdSSR. De '80, 30.

Rempel, J. G. Fuenfzig Jahre Konferenzbestrebungen 1902-1952. Jl '55, 44.

Rempel, J. G. Jubiläum-Album der Konferenz der Mennoniten in Canada, 1902-1952. Ap '53, 95.

Rempel, J. G. Die Rosenorter Gemeinde in Saskatchewan in Wort und Bild. Jl '51, 45.

Rempel, John D. The Lord's Supper in Anabaptism: A Study in the Christology of Balthasar Hubmaier, Pilgram Marpeck, and Dirk Phillips. Se '96, 32.

Rempel, Olga. Einer von Vielen. De '79, 31.

Remple, Olga. Siberian Diary of Aron P. Toews. Je '89, 38.

Report on the Soviet Union in 1956. A Symposium of the Institutes for the Study of the USSR. Ap '57, 93.

Revel, Jean-Francois. Without Marx or Jesus. Je '73, 53.

Rice, Charles S., and Rollin C. Steinmetz. The Amish Year. Jl '57, 144.

Rice, Charles S., and J. B. Shenk. Meet the Amish. Ap '52, 83.

Rich, Elaine Sommers. Hannah Elizabeth. Ap '65, 95.

Rich, Elaine Sommers. Mennonite Women: a Story of God's Faithfulness. 1683-1983. Je '83, 30; Se '83, 20.

Rich, Elaine Sommers. Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow. Oc '66, 190.

Rich, Elaine Sommers. Walking Together in Faith: The Central District Conference, 1957-1990. Se '95, 18.

Rich, Everett, ed. The Heritage of Kansas. Jl '61, 141.

Richey, Russell E., and Donald G. Jones, eds. American Civil Religion. Se '75, 27.

Rimland, Ingrid. Lebensraum! A Passion for Land and Peace. The Theft of Land and Peace. The Dream of Land and Peace. Vols. 1, 2, 3. Se '99, 35.

Rimland, Ingrid. The Wanderers. Mr '79, 30.

Risser, Emma King. History of the Pennsylvania Mennonite Church in Kansas. Ja '49, 48.

Ritter, Alexander, ed. Nachrichten aus Kasachstan: Deutsche Dichtung in der Sowjetunion. Se '75, 28.

Robertson, Archie. That Old Time Religion. Jl '51, 47.

Robinson, J. A. T. Jesus and His Coming. Jl '60, 143.

Robinson, William Childs. The Reformation; A Rediscovery of Grace. Jl '63, 141.

Rocky Mountain Peace Center. Communities of Conversation and Action: A Manual for Building Community. De '89, 31.

Rodgers, John. Medical Ethics, Human Choices. Se '88, 30.

Rosenfeld, Hans-Friedrich. 500 Jahre Plattdeutsch in Greifswald. Ap '58, 3.

Rostenberg, Leona. The Minority Press & The English Crown: A Study in Repression. Mr '73, 29.

Rotermund, Hans-Martin. Rembrandts Handzeichnungen und Radierungen zur Bibel. Ja '65, 47.

Roth, John D., trans. Letters of the Amish Division: A Sourcebook. Se '95, 24.

Roucek, J. S., ed. Slavonic Encyclopedia. Jl '51, 47.

Rowley, H. H. Faith of Israel. Jl '57, 144.

Rowley, H. H. The Modern Reader's Bible Atlas. Oc '62, 190.

Roy, Ralph Lord. Communism and the Churches. Ja '62, 47.

Royer, Katherine. Gottes Gaben. Ap '56, 94.

Royer, Mary. Geschichten von Jesus. Ap '56, 94.

Rudolphi, E. Camillo. Die Buchdrucker-Familie Froschauer in Zuerich, 1521-1595. Ja '68, 46.

Rügger, Hermann. Aufzeichnungen über Enstehung und Bekentnis der Gemeinschaft Evangelisch Taufgesinnter. Oc '51, 20.

Rumpf, Oscar J. Use of Audio-Visuals in the Church. Ja '59, 48.

Rupp, Gordon. Patterns of Reformation. Jl '70, 143.

Rush, Myron. The Rise of Khrushchev. Jl '61, 144.

Rutenber, Culbert B. Dagger and the Cross. Ja '53, 43.

Ruth, John L. Maintaining the Right Fellowship: A Narrative of Life in the Oldest Mennonite Community in North America. Je '85, 30.

Ruth, John L. 'Twas Seeding Time, A Mennonite View of the American Revolution. Je '77, 23.

Sackett, S. J., and William E. Koch, eds. Kansas Folklore. Oc '62, 191.

Saistrand, George A. E. Story of Stewardship in the U.S.A. Ap '57, 94.

Sakakibara, Dr. Gan. The Study of Contemporary Communities of Property. Ja '68, 46.

Salisbury, Harrison E. Behind the Scenes. Ap '68, 96.

Sallet, Richard. Russian-German Settlements in the United States. Se '75, 31.

Sandeen, Ernest R. The Roots of Fundamentalism: Britsh and American Millenarianism 1800-1930. Ap '71, 95.

Sanders, Thomas G. Protestant Concepts of Church and State. Jl '65, 143.

Sareyan, Alex. The Turning Point: How Persons of Conscience Brought about Major Change in the Care of America's Mentally Ill. Mr/Je '96, 59.

Sauer, Erich. Dawn of World Redemption. A Survey of the History of Salvation in the Old Testament. Oc '56, 192.

Sauer, Erich. The Triumph of the Crucified. A Survey of Historical Revelation in the New Testament. Oc '56, 192.

Sawatsky, Rodney J. Authority and Identity: the Dynamics of the General Conference Mennonite Church. Mr '88, 30.

Sawatsky, Walter. Soviet Evangelicals since World War II. De '81, 30.

Saxby, Trevor J. Pilgrims of a Common Life: Christian Community of Goods through the Centuries. Mr '89, 38.

Schaeffer, Francis A. Pollution and the Death of Man. Se '73, 84.

Schäufele, Wolfgang. Das missionarische Bewusstsein und Wirken der Täufer, dargestellt nach oberdeutschen Quellen. Oc '66, 192.

Scheler, Max. Ressentiment. Jl '64, 144.

Schellenberg, T. R. Modern Archives, Principles and Techniques. Ap '57, 92.

Schellenberger, Eunice. Wings of Decision. Oc '51, 47.

Schempp, Hermann. Gemeinschaftssiedlungen auf religioeser und weltanschaulicher Grundlage. Jl '70, 143.

Schenk, Wilhelm. Concern for Social Justice in the Puritan Revolution. Oc '50, 46.

Schertz, Mary H., and Martens, Phyllis, eds., Born Giving Birth: Creative Expressions of Mennonite Women. De '91, 30.

Schlabach, Theron F. Gospel Versus Gospel: Mission and the Mennonite Church. Se '82, 27.

Schlabach, Theron F. A New Rhythm for Mennonites: The Mennonite Church and the Missionary Movement, 1860-1890. Se '77, 28.

Schlabach, Theron F. Peace, Faith, Nation: Mennonites and Amish in Nineteenth Century America. Mr '90, 36.

Schlatter, Adolf. Church in the New Testament Period. Ja '60, 48.

Schmiedehaus, Walter. Die Altkolonier-Mennoniten in Mexiko. De '82, 29.

Schneider, Lambert, and Peter Bachem. Russische Sprichwoerter: Aus vielen Landschaften u. Voelkern. Jl '69, 144.

Schnell, William J. Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave. Ap '57, 91.

Schottenloher, Karl. Bibliographie zur deutschen Geschichte im Zeitalter der Glaubensspaltung 1517-1585. VII Band: Das Schrifttum von 1938-1960. Ap '65, 96.

Schowalter, Mary Emma. Mennonite Community Cookbook. Oc '50, 45.

Schrag, Calvin O. Existence and Freedom: Towards an Ontology of Human Finitude. Ja '63, 48.

Schreiber, Ilse. Vielerlei Heimat unter dem Himmel. Ap '52, 86.

Schreiber, W. T. Fate of the Prussian Mennonites. Jl '55, 144.

Schrock, Elva May. Program Guide for Missionary Societies. Ja '53, 47.

Schrock, Jimmy, ed. Wonderful Good Cooking. Se '75, 29.

Schroeder, G. P. Miracles of Grace and Judgement. Mr '75, 31.

Schroeter, Elizabeth A. From Here to the Pinnacles. Ap '57, 92.

Schultz, Arthur R. Bibliography of German Culture--America to 1940. Ap '55, 94.

Schumacher, Bruno. Geschichte Ost-und Westpreussens. Ja '60, 47.

Scott, Stephen. Why Do They Dress That Way? Mr '88, 31.

Seaver, Paul S. The Puritan Lectureships: The Politics of Religious Dissent, 1560-1662. Je '73, 61.

Seventy-five Years of General Conference Mission Work Among the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians in Oklahoma. Jl '55, 144.

Sevilla, Janice Waltner. Through a Lens Oblique: Selected Poems. De '99, 40.

Sharp, Gene. Gandhi as a Political Strategist. Mr '80, 25.

Shearer, Jody Miller. Enter the River: Healing Steps from White Privilege Toward Racial Reconciliation. Se '95, 20.

Shelly, Maynard B., ed. Studies in Church Discipline. Oc '58, 191.

Shelly, Paul R. Religious Education and Mennonite Piety Among the Mennonites of South-eastern Pennsylvania; 1870-1943. Oc '53, 190.

Shenk, David W. Global Gods: Exploring the Role of Religions in Modern Societies. De '96, 40.

Shenk, David W. A Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue. De '97, 39.

Shenk, Wilbert R., ed. Anabaptism and Mission. Se '85, 27.

Shenk, Wilbert R., ed., The Transfiguration of Mission: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Foundations. Se '94, 25.

Sheriff, John K. Charles Peirce's Guess at the Riddle: Grounds for Human Significance. Mr '95, 25.

Sheriff, John K., and Alain Epp Weaver, eds., A Drink from the Stream: Essays by Bethel College Faculty and Staff. Mr '92, 34.

Sheriff, John K., and Heather Esau, eds. A Drink from the Stream. Vol. 2. Se '96, 31.

Sherwin, Oscar. Prophet of Liberty: the Life and Times of Wendell Phillips. Jl '61, 141.

Shetler, Sanford G. Preacher of the People: a Biography of S. G. Shetler (1871-1942). Se '82, 30.

Sider, E. Morris. Messiah College: a History. Se '85, 27.

Simpson, Alan. Puritanism in Old and New England. Ap '57, 94.

Singing Together. Ja '53, 48.

Slovar'-spravochnik po sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoi statistike (Manual of Economic and Social Statistics). Ap '50, 47.

Smalley, Beryl. Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages. Ap '58, 96.

Smart, James. The Creed in Christian Teaching. Jl '63, 141.

Smissen, Betty van der, and Oswald H. Goering. A Leader's Guide to Nature-Oriented Activities. Ap '69, 96.

Smith, C. Henry. Mennonite Country Boy, the Early Years of C. Henry Smith. Oc '62, 190.

Smith, C. Henry. Smith's Story of the Mennonites. Se '81, 29.

Smith, C. Henry. Story of the Mennonites. Ap '51, 44.

Smith, H. Shelton. Changing Conceptions of Original Sin. Jl '60, 143.

Smith, J. B. A Revelation of Jesus Christ. Ja '62, 46.

Smith, Norman H. Jews from Cyrus to Herod. Ap '57, 95.

Smith, Willard H. Mennonites in Illinois. Se '84, 30.

Smith, Willard H. Paraguayan Interlude: Observations and Impressions. Ap '51, 46.

Smits, Rudolph, comp. Serial Publications of the Soviet Union, 1939-1951. Ap '58, 93.

Smucker, Barbara C. Cherokee Run. Ap '59, 94.

Smucker, Barbara C. Henry's Red Sea. Ja '56, 32.

Smucker, J. N. Look to Your Faith. Ap '64, 96.

Snyder, C. Arnold. Anabaptist History and Theology: An Introduction. De '97, 42.

Snyder, C. Arnold. The Life and Thought of Michael Sattler. Mr '85, 30.

Snyder, C. Arnold, and Linda A Huebert Hecht, eds. Profiles of Anabaptist Women: Sixteenth-Century Reforming Pioneers. Se '98, 42.

Solberg, Richard W. God and Caesar in East Germany. The Conflicts of Church and State in East Germany Since 1945. Jl '65, 141.

Sommer, Fedor. Iron Collar. Jl '57, 144.

Sorokin, Pitrim A. Ways and Power of Love. Ap '55, 95.

Sorokin, Pitrim A., ed. Forms and Techniques of Altruistic and Spiritual Growth, A Symposium. Ap '55, 95.

Spector, Ivan. Introduction to Russian History and Culture. Jl '60, 138.

Spence, Thomas High, Jr. The Historical Foundation and Its Treasures. Ja '58, 47.

Spinka, Matthew. Quest for Church Unity. Jl '60, 140.

Sprunger, Keith L. The Learned Doctor William Ames. Je '73, 60.

Sprunger, Mary, and Piet Visser. Menno Simons: Places, Portraits and Progeny. Se '97, 41.

Sprunger, Mary S., ed. Sourcebook: Oral History Interviews with World War One Conscientious Objectors. De '87, 28.

Stackley, Muriel. Oracle of the Heart: Selected Poems III. De '99, 40.

Stahl, Rachel E., and Sara E. Kreider. The Amish school. Se '86, 31.

Stambaugh, Sara. I Hear the Reaper's Song. Je '85, 31.

Stambaugh, Sara. The Sign of the Fox. De '92, 36.

Stassen, Glen, ed. Just Peacemaking: Ten Practices for Abolishing War. Mr '99, 45.

Stauffer, Ethelbert. Die Botschaft Jesu damals und heute. Jl '61, 140.

Stauffer, Ethelbert. Jerusalem and Rom im Zeitalter Jesu Christi. Jl '61, 140.

Stauffer, Ethelbert. Jesus: Gestalt und Geschichte. Jl '61, 140.

Steeves, Paul D. The Experience of the Russian Baptists 1922 to 1929. De '74, 95.

Stegenga, John. Greek-English Analytical Concordance of the Greek-English New Testament. Jl '64, 141.

Steiner, Samuel J. Vicarious Pioneer: The Life of Jacob Y. Shantz. De '89, 30.

Steinfield, Melvin, ed. Cracks in the Melting Pot. Je '73, 63.

Stepanoff, N. C. Say it in Russian. Jl '58, 144.

Stevenson, Herbert, F. Galaxy of Saints. Jl '5, 144.

Stibbs, Alan M. First Epistle General of Peter. Jl '60, 144.

Stickelberger, Rudolf. Narren Gottes. Ap '52, 86.

Stoesz, A. D. A Stoesz Genealogy, 1973. De '74, 95.

Stoesz, Edgar. Beyond Good Intentions. Se '72, 95.

Stoll, Joseph, David Luthy, Elmos Stoll, eds. Our Heritage. Je '72, 63.

Stoll, Joseph, David Luthy, Elmo Stoll, eds. Seeking True Values. Je '72, 63.

Stoll, Joseph, David Luthy, Elmos Stoll, eds. Step by Step. Je '72, 63.

Stoll, Joseph, David Luthy, Elmos Stoll, eds. Thinking of Others. Je '72, 63.

Stoltzfus, Grant M. and Albert N. Keim. The Politics of Conscience: The Historic Peace Churches and America at War, 1917-1955. Je '89, 37.

Stoltzfus, Louise. Amish Women: Lives and Stories. De '95, 34.

Stoltzfus, Ruth Brunk. Her Heart and Home. Jl '61, 141.

Stoudt, J. J. Pennsylvania Folk Art, An Interpretation. Ap '49, 44.

Stuber, Stanley I. How We Got Our Denominations. Ap '52, 87.

Stucky, Harley J. Doctrine of Love and Nonresistance. Oc '55, 192.

Stucky, Harley J. Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Services of the Swiss Mennonites. Ap '52, 94.

Stucky, Solomon. The Heritage of the Swiss Volhynian Mennonites. De '81, 29.

Studer, Gerald C, ed. Christopher Dock: Colonial Schoolmaster. Oc '70, 190; reissue: Se '95, 19.

Stumpp, Karl. Das Schrifttum über das Deutschtum in Russland. Ap '71, 95.

Stumpp, Karl. Schrifttum über das Deutschtum in Russland. Eine Bibliographie. Jl '59, 143.

Stutzman, Linford. With Jesus in the World: Mission in Modern, Affluent Societies. Se '94, 26.

Sudermann, Leonard. From Russia to America: In Search of Freedom. De '78, 30.

Swartley, Willard, M. and Cornelius J. Dyck, eds. Annotated Bibliography of Mennonite Writings on War and Peace: 1930-1980. Mr '89, 37.

Swartley, Willard M. Mark: The Way for All Nations. Mr '80, 31.

Swomley, John M., Jr. Liberation Ethics. Mr '73, 28.

Tanis, James. Dutch Calvinistic Pietism in the Middle Colonies. A Study of the Life and Theology of Theodorus Jacobus Freyinghuysen. Ja '69, 46.

Target, G. W. We, the Crucifiers. Jl '70, 144.

Taylor, Marvin J., ed. Religious Education. Jl '61, 141.

Templeton, Charles B. Evangelism for Tomorrow. Jl '58, 144.

Thayer, Charles W. Russia. Jl '61, 143.

Thielke, Helmut. Between God and Satan. Ap '64, 96.

Thierfelder, Franz. Deutsche Sprache im Ausland. Band I, der Völkerverkehr als sprachliche Aufgabe. Ap '57, 92.

Thierfelder, Franz. Deutsche Sprache im Ausland. Band II. Die Verbreitung der deutschen Sprache in der Welt. Ap '58, 93.

Thiesen, John. Mennonite & Nazi? Attitudes Among Mennonite Colonists in Latin America, 1933-1945. De '99, 38.

Thode, Arthur. Geschichte der Evangelischen im Posener Lande. Ja '60, 47.

Thompson, Francis. Old Master Drawings at Chatsworth. Reproductions of Thirty of the Drawings by Rembrandt van Rijn, 1606-1669. Jl '59, 144.

Thompson, Laura. Culture in Crisis--A Study of the Hopi Indians. Jl '52, 143.

Three Mennonite Poets: Jean Janzen, U.S.A.; Yorifumi Yaguchi, Japan; David Waltner-Toews, Canada. Se '87, 39.

Tiesen, Henry B. The Molotschna Colony: A Heritage Remembered. De '80, 28.

Tilson, Everett. Segregation and the Bible. Ap '60, 96.

Timbkom, Harry M., et al. Historic Germantown. From the Founding to the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century. Jl '57, 144.

Tobias, Robert. Communist Christian Encounter in East Europe. Ap '58, 95.

Toews, C. P., Heinrich Friesen, and Arnold Dyck. The Kuban Settlement. Mr '90, 38.

Toews, Helene. Glueckliche, Sonnige Schulzeit. Oc '53, inside back cover.

Toews, John B. Czars, Soviets, and Mennonites. Mr '83, 31.

Toews, John B., ed. and tr. Letters from Susan: A Woman's View of the Russian Mennonite Experience (1928-1941). Cornelius H. Wedel historical series, v. 4. Se '89, 34.

Toews, John B. Lost Fatherland. Ja '68, 44.

Toews, John B. The Mennonite Brethren Church in Zaire. Je '79, 31.

Toews, John B. The Mennonites in Russia from 1917-1930. Je '77, 24.

Toews, John B. Perilous Journey: The Mennonite Brethren in Russia, 1860-1910. De '90, 38.

Toews, John B. A Pilgrimage of Faith: The Mennonite Brethren Church in Russia and North America. De '94, 35.

Toews, Paul, ed. Mennonite Idealism and Higher Education: The Story of the Fresno Pacific College Idea. Se '97, 39.

Toews, Paul, ed. Mennonites and Baptists: A Continuing Conversation. Se '94, 29.

Toews, Paul, ed. Pilgrims and Strangers, Essays in Mennnonite Brethren History. De '79, 28.

Tolles, Frederick B. Slavery and the Woman Question. Ja '54, 46.

Tolles, Frederick B., and E. Gordon Alderfer, ed. Witness of William Penn. Ja '60, 47.

Torbet, Robert G. History of the Baptists. Jl '51, 46.

Torrance, Thomas F. Apocalypse Today. Jl '60, 143.

Töws, Aron A. Mennonitische Maertyrer der juengsten Vergangenheit. Jl '51, 45; Jl '55, 143.

Treadgold, Donald W. The Great Siberian Migration. Jl '61, 144.

Tribbecko, John, and George Ruperti, eds. Lists of Germans from the Palatinate Who Came to England in 1709. Jl '67, 143.

Trotsky, Leon. The History of the Russian Revolution. Jl '61, 143.

Turner, Harold W. From Temple to Meetinghouse: The Phenomenology and Theology of Places of Worship. Je '82, 28.

Twilley, L. D. Origin and Transmission of the New Testament. Ja '59, 48.

Ullmann, Richard K. The Dilemmas of a Reconciler. Serving the East-West Conflict. Jl '65, 141.

Umble, John Sylvanus. Goshen College 1894-1954: A Venture in Christian Higher Education. Ap '56, 92.

Unruh, A. H. Geschichte der Mennoniten-Brüdergemeinde, 1860-1954. Ap '58, 91.

Unruh, B. H. Die niederländische-niederdeutschen Hintergründe der mennonitischen Ostwanderungen im 16. 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Ap '56, 91.

Unruh, John D. As I Recall. Je '73, 60.

Unruh, John D. In the Name of Christ. Ja '53, 46.

Urry, James. None But Saints: The Transformation of Mennonite Life in Russia, 1789-1889. Je '90, 38.

Van Baalen, Jan Karel. Chaos of Cults. Ja '58, 47.

Van Dyck, Harry R. Exercise of Conscience: A World War II Objector Remembers. Se '91, 27.

Vedder, Henry C. Short History of the Baptists. Jl '51, 46.

Verheyden, A. L. E. Anabaptism in Flanders (1530-1650); a Century of Struggle. Jl '64, 139.

Visser, Dr. C. Ch. G. Luther's Geschriften in de Nederlanden tot 1546. Ap '71, 95.

Visser, Piet, and Mary Sprunger. Menno Simons: Places, Portraits and Progeny. Se '97, 41.

Vondel, Joost van den. Liebet und Lobet Gott. Lyrik. Oc '59, 191.

Wackernagel, Philipp. Bibliographie zur Geschichte des deutschen Kirchenliedes im XVI. Jahrhundert. Ja '62, 48.

Wackernagel, Philipp. Lieder der niederlaendischen Reformierten aus der Zeit der Verfolgung im 16. Jahrhundert. Ja '68, 46.

Waldner, Marie. For Half a Century. Ap '53, 95.

Walker, Williston. A History of the Christian Church. Jl '61, 142.

Walls, Charles L., ed. Autobiography of Peter Cartwright. Ap '57, 94.

Walsh, Warren B. Russia and the Soviet Union. Jl '60, 138.

Waltner, Emil J. Banished For Faith. Oc '70, 191.

Wang, Stephen, and James Liu. Christians True in China. Mr '89, 38.

Washington, Joseph R. Black Religion: The Negro and Christianity in the United States. Ja '67, 45.

Waters, L. L. Steel Trails to Santa Fe. Ap '52, 96.

Watson, Aldron, illus. Russian Proverbs. Jl '69, 144.

Weaver, Alain Epp, ed. Mennonite Theology in Face of Modernity: Essays in Honor of Gordon D. Kaufman. Mr '97, 47.

Weaver, J. Denny. Keeping Salvation Ethical: Mennonite and Amish Atonement Theology in the Late Nineteenth Century. Je '98, 52.

Wedel, Peter J. Story of Bethel College. Ap '56, 95.

Wedel, Philip A. Catechism Work Book of Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church. Ap '52, 94.

Wedel, Philip A. The Way of Life, A Catechism Workbook. Ap '53, 95.

Weier, John. Steppe: A Novel. De '96, 36.

Weiss, Johannes. Earliest Christianity. A History of the Period A.D. 30-150. July '60, 143.

Wells, Ronald A. History Through the Eyes of Faith. Se '90, 45.

Wells, Robert A., ed. The Wars of America: Christian Views. De '82, 28.

Wenger, John C. Clear Thinking About Courtship. Ap '53, 96.

Wenger, John C. Even Unto Death. Ja '62, 45.

Wenger, John C. The Mennonite Church in America. Ja '69, 45.

Wenger, John C. The Mennonites in Indiana and Michigan. Oc '62, 189.

Wenger, John C. Separated unto God. Jl '52, 142.

Wenger, John C. They Met God. Ja '69, 45.

Wentz, Abel Ross. Basic History of Lutheranism in America. Ja '58, 47.

Wernberg-Moller, Preben, ed. Manual of Discipline. Jl '60, 141.

West, Charles, C. Communism and the Theologians, Study of an Encounter. Jl '65, 141.

Weygandt, Cornelius. The Plenty of Pennsylvania. Ap '52, 83.

White B. R. The English Separatist Tradition from the Marian Martyrs to the Pilgrim Fathers. Je '75, 31.

Whittemore, Lewis Bliss. The Church and Secular Education. Ja '62, 46.

Whittemore, Margaret. Historic Kansas. A Centenary Sketchbook. Ja '56, 32.

Whittlesev, F. L. Comprehensive Program of Church Music. Ja '58, 46.

Wiebe, Armin. The Salvation of Yasch Siemens. Se '84, 28.

Wiebe, Armin. The Second Coming of Yeeat Shpanst. De '96, 34.

Wiebe, Ben. Messianic Ethics: Jesus' Proclamation of the Kingdom of God and the Church in Response. Je '94. 30.

Wiebe, Christoph and Lydie Hege. Les Amish: origine et particularismes, 1693-1993. De '96, 43.

Wiebe, Dallas. Skyblue the Badass. Oc '69, 188.

Wiebe, Dallas. Skyblue's Essays. De '95, 37, 41.

Wiebe, Gerhard. Causes and History of the Emigration of the Mennonites from Russia to America. Je '82, 30.

Wiebe, Katie Funk. Good Times with Old Times: How to Write Your Memoirs. De '82, 27.

Wiebe, Katie Funk, ed. Women Among the Brethren. Mr '80, 28; De '80, 30.

Wiebe, Raymond F. Hillsboro, Kansas: The City on the Prairie. Se '86, 30.

Wiebe, Raymond F. The John Frantz People from Poland to Central Kansas. Mr '80, 29.

Wiebe, Rudy. A Discovery of Strangers. De '96, 38.

Wiebe, Rudy. First and Vital Candle. Oc '66, 191.

Wiens, Delbert. "From the Village to the City--A Grammar for the Languages We Are." Direction Oc '73- Jan '74, Vol. II, No. 3-4. Je '77, 23.

Wiens, Henry J. Mennonite Brethren Churches of North America. Ap '56, 94.

Williams, George H. The Radical Reformation. Jl '63, 136.

Williams, George H., and Angel M. Mergal. Spiritual and Anabaptist Writers, Vol. XXV The Library of Christian Classics. Jl '63, 134.

Williams, George H. Wilderness and Paradise in Christian Thought. Jl '63, 134.

Williams, Robert R. A Guide to the Teachings of the Early Church Fathers. Ap '64, 96.

Wingert, Norman A. Disturbances and Other Poems. Jl '61, 143.

Wingert, Norman A. A Relief Worker's Notebook. Ja '54, 47; Jl '61, 143.

Winter, Gibson. The Suburban Captivity of the Churches. Ja '62, 48.

Wittke, Carl. German Language Press in America. Ap '57, 92.

Woelk, Heinrich and Gerhard. A Wilderness Journey, Glimpses of the Mennonite Brethren Church in Russia, 1925-1980. Je '83, 30.

Wogaman, Philip. Protestant Faith and Religious Liberty. Ja '70, 48.

Wojtasik, Ted. No Strange Fire. De '97, 41.

Wolkan, Rudolf. Die Hutterer. Ja '68, 45.

Wolkan, Rudolf. Die Lieder der Wiedertäufer. Ja '68, 45.

Wolseley, Roland E., ed. Writings for the Religious Market. Jl '57, 143.

Woods, Ralph. The Pennsylvania Germans. Ap '52, 83.

World's Greatest Religions. Oc '57, 181.

Yarrow, C. H. Quaker Experiences in International Conciliation. Mr '79, 29.

Yoder, Elwood, Carol Duerksen, Steven Nolt, and Harry Loewen. Through Fire and Water: An Overview of Mennonite History. De '97, 40.

Yoder, Ida, ed. Edward--Pilgrimage of a Mind: The Journal of Edward Yoder, 1931-1945. De '86, 28.

Yoder, John Howard, and H. Wayne Pipkin, eds. Balthasar Hubmaier: Theologian of Anabaptism. Se '90, 46.

Yoder, John Howard. Ecumenical Movement and the Faithful Church. Jl '60, 139.

Yoder, John Howard. Nevertheless: A Meditation on the Varieties and Shortcomings of Religious Pacifism. Je '72, 62.

Yoder, John Howard. Nevertheless: Varieties of Religious Pacifism. Je '94, 27.

Yoder, John Howard. The Original Revolution. Essays on Christian Pacifism. Je '73, 59.

Yoder, John Howard. The Royal Priesthood: Essays Ecclesiological and Ecumenical. Se '97, 43.

Yoder, John Howard. Täufertum und Reformation in der Schweiz, I. Die Gespräche zwischen Täufern und Reformatoren, 1523-1538. Oc '64, 191.

Yoder, John Howard. When War is Unjust, Being Honest in Just-War Thinking. Se '85, 28.

Yoder, Joseph W. Amish Traditions. Ap '51, 46.

Yoder, Joseph W. Rosanna's Boys. A Sequel to Rosanna of the Amish. Jl '49, 47.

Yoder, Paton. Tradition and Transition. Se '92, 30.

Yoder, Samuel A. Middle East Sojourn. Ap '52, 95.

Yoder, Sanford C. Days of My Years. Ap '60, 96.

Yoder, Sanford C. Poetry of the Old Testament. Ap '50, 47.

Yoder, Walter E. Songs of the Church. Jl '54, 144.

Young, David S. Study War no More. De '82, 30.

Young, Edward J. Study of Old Testament Theology Today. Jl '60, 144.

Zablocki, Benjamin David. The Joyful Community. An Account of the Bruderhof. Je '73, 62.

Zacharias, Peter D. Reinland: An Experience in Community. De '76, 31.

Zahn, Johannes. Die Melodien der deutschen evangelischen Kirchenlieder aus den Quellen geschöpft und mitgeteilt. Oc '65, 192.

Zehr, Howard. Changing Lenses: A New Focus for Crime and Justice. De '90, 38.

Zijpp, N. van der. Geschiedenis der Doopsgezinden in Nederland. Jl '53, 144.

Zimmermann, Wolf-Dieter, and Ronald Gregor Smith. I Knew Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Ja '68, 44.

Borchert, Wolfgang

Say No! Sag nein! Je '71, 105.

Born, Brad S.

Book Review. De '95, 41.

Borovoi, Vitali

"Covenant of Life and Peace" Today. Jl '65, 135.


Mennonite Congregation of Boston. David Haury. Se '79, 24.

Boyer, Ernest

Role of the Church. Oc '66, 147.

Boyer, Paul

Book Review. Se '93, 32.


Helping Delinquent Boys. Jl '58, 121.

Brackbill, Charles

The Lot. De '99, 24.



Artist, Jan Luyken. Jan Gleysteen. Oc '65, 168.

Martyrs' mirror, a mirror of nonresistance. James W. Lowry. Se '90, 36.

Martyrs' mirror invitation. Robert Kreider. Se '90, 4.

Meditation on Dirk Willems. Joseph Liechty. Se '90, 18.

Relevance of Martyrs' mirror to our time. Alan Kreider. Se '90, 9.

Spiritual companions: women as wives in the Martyrs' mirror. Jenifer Hiett Umble. Se '90, 32.


Johannes Brahms and His Mennonite Friends. Elfrieda Franz Hiebert. Oc '58, 156.


Johann Engelbert van Brakel, 1882-1895. Fritz Kuiper. Oc '51, 4.

Brandsma, Jan A.

Menno Simons as a Frisian. Ja '61, 9.

Braun, Peter

In This Issue. Ap '69, 50.

Peter Martinovitch Friesen. Oc '48, 8.


Brazil. W. L. Copithhorne. Je '72, 35.

Brazil As I Saw It. Norma F. Martin. Je '72, 40.

Eyewitness to History. J. Winfield Fretz. Oc '62, 159.

Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '70, 183.

Host at Rio-Frederico Arentz. J. W. Fretz. Ap '55, 60.

Mennonite Student Around the World. Adolf Ens. Ap '65, 74.

Start of a Story Called Joe. Roger Wiebe. Se '73, 93.

Transplanted Witmarsum. J. S. Postma. Ja '56, 19.

Bremer, Hendrik

Church in a Dutch City. Ja '64, 5.

Rise Up and Walk. Oc '67, 150.


Some Remained Behind. Jacob A. Duerksen. Oc '70, 175.


Brethren in Christ Church in Rhodesia. Henry N. Hostetter. Ap '61, 94.

Our Christian Witness at Hagi. Peter Willms. Oc '57, 173.


Last of the Mennonite Brewers. Bruce R. Leisy. Mr '76, 4.


Medical Services in Britain. Walter Klaassen. Jl '63, 113.

National Health Service in Britain. J. Lloyd Spaulding. Jl '63, 110.


Alternative Service Work in the B. C. Forest Service: A Survey of Documents in Government Archives. A. J. Klassen. Se '93, 26.

Homesteading in Northern British Columbia. T. P. Devlin. De '76, 21.

Mennonites in the Fraser Valley. Alfred Siemens. Jl '60, 102.

Mennonites in Vancouver--A Survey. Peter Letkemann. Oc '68, 160.

Mennonites on the Air in Western Canada. J. G. Rempel. Jl '52, 125.

Pioneering in British Colombia. B. B. Wiens. Jl '46, 9.


From Mexico to British Honduras. Leo Driedger. Oc '58, 160.

Mennonites in British Honduras. Walter Quiring. Ja '61, 10.



Brock, Peter

Peter Brock on Peace in Europe & USA. Mr '73, 16.


Anna Brons and Ludwig Keller. Mary Sprunger. Je '85, 10.


Community Mental Health Center and the Churches. Elmer M. Ediger. Oc '66, 160.

Mennonites and Mental Health. Jl '54, 118.

Psychiatric Centers. An Active Year. Larry Kehler. Oc '66, 167.

Voluntary Service--A New Approach to Missions. Elmer Ediger. Ja '51, 28.



Anabaptist View of the Holy Spirit. Peter J. Klassen. Ja '68, 27.

Consensus Mennoniticus Before 1525. . W. Meihuizen. Oc '67, 181.

Finding God and Neighbor. Myron Schrag. Ja '70, 41.

Future of the Mennonite Brotherhood. H. J. Goertz. Oc '67, 156.

"The Good Samaritan." Clarence Jordan. Ja '67, 17.

Human Family and Vietnam. James Douglass. Ap '66, 68.

Mennonites and Confrontation. Joseph Smucker. Ja '70, 38.

New Wineskins for Old Wine. Delbert Wiens. Ap '66, 51.

Overcoming Mennonite Group Egoism. Johannes Harder. Ja '68, 3.

Where East and West Met. Wicher Veen. Oc '67, 159.

Brown, Dale W.

Book Review. Se '96, 38.

Brown, Frank

Winkler, Manitoba. Jl '56, 120.

Brubaker, David

Resource for dealing with conflict--the Mennonite Conciliation Service. Ron Kraybill. Mr '88, 4.


Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877 (Part I). Text. C. B. Schmidt. Ap '70, 51; (Part II) Ap '70, 65.


Revival in Our Day. Ford Berg. Jl '52, 119.

Brunk, Emily

Espelkamp. Jl '52, 144.


Mennonite Church theological and social boundaries, 1920-1930: loyalists, liberals and laxitarians. James C. Juhnke. Je '83, 18.

Brunk, Harry A.

Virginia Mennonites. Ja '63, 18.

Bube, Paul Custodio

Book Review. Je '98, 52.

Buchheit, Robert H.

"Plautdietsch": some impressions about Mennonite Low German in Kansas and Nebraska. Se '82, 16.

Buckwalter, Ralph E.

Mennonites in Hokkaldo. Oc '57, 164.


Buhler Mill and Elevator Company. Louis Regier and Harold M. Regier. Ap '53, 82.

Early Hebron Mennonite Church. C. C. Epp. Ap '53, 86.

Buhr, Gerhard

Athletics at Bethel College. Ap '63, 84.

Buhr, Lorne R.

Books in Review. De '75, 29.

Cornelius Hiebert in the Alberta Legislature (1905-1909). De '80, 15.




From Central Asia to America. Douglas Hale. Jl '70, 133.

Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147.

Buller, Anne

Book Review. Ja '54, 46.

Buller, Chris A.

Fifty Years in Dawson County, Montana. Jl '54, 110.

Buller, Harold W.

Challenge of a New Church. Ja '57, 4.

Dawn, I Deemed, Had Come With Christ. Oc '52, 148.

God, Grant us Moses-Men. Oc '52, 148.

In Europe. Oc '51, 23.

Prayer. Jl '46, 15.

Prayer. Oc '52, 148.

Temptation. Jl '46, 27.

To a Little Shack in Montana. Ap '50, 26.

When Love Stepped Down. Ja '56, 3.

BULLER, JAKOB, 1827-1901

Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877 Part I. C. B. Schmidt. Ap '70, 51.

Burden, Marjorie

Welcome to Immigrants. Jl '52, 116.

Burkhart, Charles

Music of the Old Colony Mennonites. Ja '52, 20.

Burkholder, H. D.

Pacific District Conference. Jl '51, 24.

Burkholder, J. Lawrence

New Mennonite Community. De. '72, 104.

People in Community--Contemporary Relevance. Ja '68, 5.

Burkholder, J. Lawrence

Symposium: How can Christian Community be Established in the City? Ja '64, 17.

Burkholder, J. R.

Book Review. Je '94, 29.

Burkholder, J. Richard

From Farm to City; Review Article. Ja '64, 45.


John Schrag Espionage Case. James C. Juhnke. Jl '67, 121.

Busby, Matt

Laura's Piece. De '99, 18.

The Funky Buzz: Carnival of Imaginary Butterflies. De '99, 21.

Bush, Perry

Book Review. Mr '98, 34.

"We have learned to question government." Je '90, 13.



Business and Industry. John C. Sawatsky. Jl '62, 113.

Cultural Interaction Among the Mennonites in Russia. Walter Quiring. Ap '69, 61.

D. W. Friesen and His Life Work. Frank H. Epp. Jl '56, 118.

Economic Life of the Berne Community. Leland C. Lehman. Jl '47, 19.

Economic Trends in Mennonite Communities. Howard D. Raid. Oc '64, 186.

Farming and Industry in the Bluffton-Pandora Area. Howard Raid. Ap '56, 53.

Going to Market-Philadelphia. Dorothy M. Hunsberger. Oc '52, 166.

J. G. Wiebe Lumber Company. Mrs. Oscar Wiebe. Jl '53, 127.

Jacob T. Gross. A Mennonite Business Man. J. D. Unruh. Ja '47, 28.

Manitoba Mennonites in the Rural-Urban Shift. John Friesen. Oc '68, 152.

Mennonites in Vancouver--A Survey. Peter Letkemann. Oc '68, 160.

Mennonites in Winnipeg. G. Lohrenz. Ja '51, 16.

Multilingualism Among the Old Colony Mennonites. James R. Jaquith. Jl '69, 137.

Sixty Years in the Banking Business. H. E. Suderman. Ja '48, 38.

Smith as a Business Man. Carl M. Lehman. Ap '50, 9.

What we Found in Moundridge. Lloyd J. Spaulding. Jl '52, 131.


Butchering. Oc '51, 12.

Disappearing tradition: Mennonite hog butchering. De '84, 4.

I Remember Butchering. Reuben Fanders. Oc '47, 26.

Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hilderbrand. Jl '70, 99.

Butler, J. D.

Mennonite Stove. Oc '49, 16.

Byers, N. E.

All-Mennonite Convention. Jl '48, 7.

Book Review. Ap '56, 92, 93.

C. Henry Smith as I Knew Him. Ap '50, 5.

Times in Which I Lived. I. Ja '52, 44; II. Ap '52, 77; III. Jl '52, 138.

BYERS, N. E., 1873-1962

Pioneer Educator--N. E. Byers. C. Henry Smith. Ja '48, 44.

Byl, Jurgen

Jan van Leiden: Violence and Grace. Jl '71, 103.



Citrus Fruit Industry of Southern California. L. J. Horsch. Oc '47, 4.

From Farmer to Office Craftsman. Harold Vogt. Ja '53, 36.

Grape and Raisin Industry. Arnold C. Ewy. Oc '50, 4.

In the California Gold Rush. C. J. Dyck. Ja '56, 25.

Mennonite Brethren Church--Reedley, California. J. B. Toews. Oc '54, 151.

M. C. C. San-Joaquin Valley Project. Arlene Sitler. Jl '51, 4.

Mennonite Citrus Fruit Growers. Lester Hostetler. Oc '47, 8.

Shafter-Wasco Community. Vernon Neufeld. Oc '52, 158.

Station KWSO. Cornelius J. Dyck. Jl '52, 128.

Two Worlds of Peace. Howard W. Elkinton. Ja '50, 4.

CALVIN, JOHN, 1509-1564

Bible and the Reformation. Alvin Beachy. Ap '64, 84.

Calvin reveals an early Anabaptist position statement. Anthony R. Epp. Mr '86, 12.


Camp Friedenswald. Robert W. Hartzler. Jl '55, 125.


Agony of Civic Isolation: Mennonites in World War I. James C. Juhnke. Ja '70, 27.

Hutterites During World War I. John D. Unruh. Jl '69, 130.

Wilhelm Galle family and Camp Funston's "Lost Battalion." James C. Juhnke. De '89, 10.


Realizing a Dream. Loris Habegger. Ja '54, 16.

Campbell, Douglas C.

Abner Hershberger's Heritage Project: Images of Community. Se '98, 25.


Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hilderbrand. Jl '70, 99.



1923: The Year of Our Discontent. The Year of Our Promise. Robert Kreider. De '73, 99.

Alternative Service Work as Reflected in The Beacon October 1942-1945. Elizabeth Suderman Klassen. Se '93, 19.

Association of Mennonite University Students. Reinhard Vogt. Ja '57, 39.

Canada. J. H. Janzen. Jl '51, 41.

Canadian Mennonite Response to National Socialism. Benjamin Redekop. Je '91, 18.

Canadian Conscientious Objector. J. W. Nickel. Ja '48, 24.

Canadian Mennonites and Centennial Publications. Lawrence Klippenstein. De '74, 91.

Canadian Mennonite writings: a bibliographical survey, 1970-1980. Lawrence Klippenstein. Mr '82, 9.

Canadian Mennonites in World War II. Lawrence Klippenstein. Se '93, 4.

Canadians in East Paraguay. J. W. Nickel. Ja '50, 30.

Case of John J. Bergen. John J. Bergen. Se '93, 15.

Conference of Mennonites in Canada: Background and Origin. Peter Petkau and Lawrence Klippenstein. De '79, 4.

Daut Darp. Harold Funk. Jl '70, 112.

Didsbury Beginnings: The Ephraim Shantz Family. Burton Shantz. De '80, 26.

Eden Mental Health Center. William Klassen. Oc '66, 182.

Ein Gedenkblatt aus der Neuen Heimat. J. H. Enns. Jl '49, 36.

Elim Gospel Beach. John Loewen. Jl '47, 4.

Else Krueger Pursues Art as a Hobby. Jl '56, 102.

From Russia to Canada 25 Years Ago. D. D. Rempel. Jl '48, 42.

From Militia Tax to Relief. Blodwen Davies. Oc '50, 24.

From Gronau to Canada. Siegfried Janzen. Oc '51, 34.

From Russia to Mexico--The Story of the Kleine Gemeinde. P. J. B. Reimer. Oc '49, 28.

Fuenfzig Jahre Konferenzbestrebungen 1902-1952. J. G. Rempel. Jl '55, 144.

Hutterites During World War I. John D. Unruh. Jl '69, 130.

Hutterites in Contemporary Society. George G. Thielman. Ja '70, 42.

I, Jacob Bock and His Folk Art. Reginald Good. De '80, 21.

Indian and the Canadian Mennonites. Alfred Heinrichs. Ja '67, 27.

Jacob H. Janzen--At Home. Heinz Janzen. Jl '51, 35.

Jacob H. Janzen als Prediger. N. N. Driedger. Jl '51, 39.

Johann Bartsch Monument: From Russia to Canada. Gerhard Lohrenz. Ja '69, 29.

Life in a Mennonite Village. Elizabeth Peters. Jl '56, 110.

Literature of the Russo-Canadian Mennonites. J. H. Janzen. Ja '46, 22.

Low German of the Canadian Mennonites. J. Thiessen. Jl '67, 110.

Mennonite Life--From a Canadian Perspective. Ted D. Regehr. De '75, 4.

Mennonite Change: The Old Colony Revisited, 1955-1977. Leo Driedger. De '77, 4.

Mennonite Contributions to Canada's Middle West. E. K. Francis. Ap '49, 21.

Mennonite Mutual Aid in Canada, 1860-1890: The Mennonite Aid Union and the Russian Aid Committee. Lawrence Klippenstein. Se '99, 7.

Mennonite Land Settlement Policies. Peter F. Bargen. Oc '60, 187.

Mennonites the World Over. Cornelius Krahn. Ja '46, 29.

Mennonites and the Civil Service. Frank H. Epp. Oc '68, 179.

Mennonites on the Air in Western Canada. J. G. Rempel. Jl '52, 125.

Mennonites in the Atlantic Provinces. Peter Penner. De '76, 16.

Moses of Our Day--David Toews. D. J. Schellenberg. Jl '50, VI.

Music in the Making. Christena Duerksen. Ja '59, 17.

My Personal Pilgrimage toward Peace. Jacob A. Loewen. Se '93, 11.

Perspective on Canadian Mennonite Urbanization. Leo Driedger. Oc '68, 147.

Peter Epp Family. Gilbert Epp. De '80, 24.

Pioneering in Paraguay. Ja '50, 6.

Pioneering in the Land of the Midnight Sun. John A. Hostetler. Ap '48, 5.

Present Mennonite Immigration to Canada. J. J. Thiessen. Jl '49, 33.

Psycho-Social Changes Within a Metropolitan Religious Minority. William Dyck and John Sawatzky. Oc '68, 172.

Radio As It Should Be. Frank H. Epp. Ja '59, 39.

Resources on Mennonite History in the Public Archives of Canada, Part II. Ernest J. Dick. Mr '76, 19.

Select Bibliography on Canadian Mennonites and World War II. Se '93, 29.

Statistics of Mennonites in Canada. Adalbert Goertz. Oc '68, 182.

"United We Stand, Divided We Fall": Canadian Mennonite Women as COs in World War II. Marlene Epp. Se '93, 7.

Welcome to Immigrants. Marjorie Burden. Jl '52, 116.


Beginnings of Missions in Oklahoma. Christian Krehbiel. Jl '55, 108.


When Society Plays God. George S. Stoneback. Ap '60, 87.

Carlson, Robert J.

Book Review. Jl '64, 141, 144; Oc '65, 192.

Carlson, Phyllis

Book Review. Ja '62, 48.

Carper, Ruth

Einsteigen Bitte! All Aboard. Norma Yost and Ruth Carper. Jl '52, 100.


Artists at Work. Oc '51, 43.

Woodcarving--Elma Waltner. Lena Waltner. Ap '52, 63.

Casey, Michael

Book Review. Je '91, 26.

Castro, Emilio

Hunger and Economic Independence. Jl '65, 132.


Menno Simons Polemics with Catholics. Henry Poettcker. Ja '61, 33.

The Vow of Stability: A Premodern Way through a Hypermodern World. Gerald W. Schlabach. Se '98, 33.

Cattepoel, Dirk

Mennonite World Conference Impressions--A German View. Ap '49, 30.

Cradle of Germantown--Krefeld. Jl '47, 22.


Mennonite Cattlemen. Waldo Harder. Ap '47, 11.


Bethel College Studies. John M. Janzen and James Juhnke. Jl '68, 136.

Story Recorded in Stone. David Habegger. Se '78, 19.


Canadian Mennonites and Centennial Publications. Lawrence Klippenstein. De '74, 91.

Centennial Chronology, Part One. Cornelius Krahn. Mr '73, 3; Part Two Je '73, 40.

Mennonite Centennial. Mr '73, 16.

Mennonite Centennial Publications. Compiled by Cornelius Krahn. Ma-Je '74, 47.

Original Music and Drama for the Centennial. Gary Veendorp. Se '74, 60.

Pioneers. Wheat and Faith. Centennial Photo Section. Ma-Je '74, 24.

Toward a Centennial Proclaimed. Resolution adopted by the Kansas legislature. Je '73, 46.


After the Centennial Conference. Esko Loewen. Oc '59, 158.

Builders of Eternity. Erland Waltner. Oc '59, 168.

Discussion Group Method on Conference Level. Elmer Ediger. Oc '59, 156.

Heritage Worthy of Our Loyalty. Roland R. Goering. Oc '59, 160.

Lordship of Christ in a Desperate World. Oc '59, 147.

Scenes from the Centennial Conference. Oc '59, 150.

"We Are Pilgrims" (Centennial Conference). J. Herbert Fretz. Oc '59, 153.


Christian Unity in Faith and Witness. Oc '60, 149.


From Central Asia to America. Douglas Hale. Jl '70, 133.

Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147.

To Meet the Lord and Escape the Draft. Fred R. Belk. Ma-Je '74, 38.

Our Asian Journey (Fiction). De '89, 16.

Our Asian Journey: Thyatira (Fiction). De '93, 6.


Joseph Stucky and Central Conference. Harry Yoder. Ap '51, 16.

General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America. E. G. Kaufman. Jl '47, 37.


Thirty Years of Excavation. Herman Landsfeld. Oc '64, 167.


Adventures in Chaco Agriculture. Oc '52, 152.

Menno Colony in Paraguay. Jacob B. Reimer. Se '74, 54.

Mennonite Education in the Gran Chaco. Waldo Hiebert. Oc '47, 28.

Paraguayan Indians. J. Winfield Fretz. Ap '62, 87.

Recipricocity in Identification. Jacob A. Loewen. Ja '66, 10.

Trans-Chaco Highway. Ja '60, 22.


Birth of a dual conference congregation in Champaign-Urbana. V. Gordon Oyer. Mr '90, 17.

Champaign-Urbana Mennonite Church. Leonard N. Neufeldt. Ap '65, 86.

Charles, Howard

Jewish and Early Christian Interpretation of the Old Testament. Ap '64, 74.



Chatfield, Charles

Nonviolence and the Peace Movement: The Americanization of Gandhi. Oc '70, 165.


Erckmann-Chatrain: Anabaptists in the Works of the Alsatian Author Duo. Anthony R. Epp. Je '94, 4.


Barbara. Gertrud Paulus Reno. Oc '70, 165.

Cherkessy Mennonites. Victor Peters. Ap '71, 64.


Mennonite Character in American Fiction. Elmer F. Suderman. Jl '67, 123.


Cheyenne images: a photo essay. Rodolphe Petter. Je '82, 8.

Cheyenne peace traditions. Lawrence Hart. Je '81, 4.

KAIROS: The Quincentennial Moment. Lawrence Hart. Mr '92, 8.

Seventy-Five Years of Missions in Oklahoma. Herbert M. Dalke. Jl '44, 100.



Bethel Mennonite Church. Levi Hartzler. Ap '53, 60.

Brighton Mennonite Church. Richard Ratzlaff. Ap '53, 64.

First Mennonite Church. Leland Harder. Ap '53, 58.

First Mennonites in Chicago. J. W. Fretz. Ap '53, 56.

Grace Mennonite Church. John T. Neufeld. Ap '53, 65.

Iglesia Evangelica Mennonite. John T. Litwiler. Ap '53, 63.

Lincoln Avenue Gospel Mission. J. S. Mendel. Ap '53, 64.

Mennonite Home Missions. T. Otis Yoder. Ap '53, 61.

Mennonite Seminary in Chicago. S. F. Pannabecker. Ap '53, 68.

Personal Perspective on the Believer's Church Conference. Elmer Ediger. Oc '55, 182.

This is Chicago. Andrew R. Shelly. Ap '53, 52.

Woodlawn Mennonite Church. William Keeney. Ap '53, 66.


Mennonite Syndrome. William Klassen. Jl '66, 139.


China. Je '80, 16.

Chinese resolve conflicts. Robert Kreider. Mr '88, 19.

In the Far East. Ernest E. Miller. Oc '51, 31.

Mennonite Mission in China: A Photographic Essay. James C. Juhnke. Je '79, 8.


Neukircher Mennoniten Gemeinde von Chinook-Sedelia. Irene Klassen. Mr '84, 20.


"Christlicher Saengerbund" and Mennonite choral singing in Russia. Peter Letkemann. De '86, 4.


Abraham Thiessen: A Mennonite Revolutionary? Cornelius Krahn. Ap '69, 73.

Chortitza Revisited. Paul Klassen. De '73, 119.

Cultural Achievements of the Chortitza Mennonites. Walter Kuhn. Jl '48, 35.

Cultural Life Among the Mennonites of Russia. H. Goerz. Jl '69, 99.

From Danzig to Russia: The First Mennonite Migration. David G. Rempel. Ja '69, 8.

From the Vistula to the Dnieper. Herman Epp. Oc '51, 14.

Das Gesundheitswesen in Chortitza. D. A. Hamm. Ap '55, 84.

Heinrich Heese (1787-1868). Translated by Cornelius Krahn. Ap '69, 66.

Khortitsa Today. Jl '69, 120.

Mennonites in Soviet Russia. Gerhard Hildebrand. Jl '69, 108.

Mennonites of Russia Today. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '69, 116.

Mennonites of the Ukraine under Stalin and Hitler. Gerhard Fast. Ap '47, 18.

Oak and the Willows. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '58, 51.

On the Banks of the Dnieper. Dedrich Navall. Oc '69, 157.

Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147.

Sketches from the Chortitza Boyhood. A selection of drawings by John P. Klassen. De '73, 104.

Trip to Chortitza. N. J. Kroeker. Ja '71, 11.

Trip to Chortitza--II. N. J. Kroeker. Ap '71, 62.

Village Nicknames Among the Mennonites in Russia. Gerhard Wiens. Oc '70, 177.

World War II comes to the Chortitza. Robert S. Kreider. Je '84, 11.


Sommerfeld Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99.


Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147.


Mennonite Church theological and social boundaries, 1920-1930: loyalists, liberals and laxitarians. James C. Juhnke. De '83, 23.

Views of atonement in the Christian Exponent. Janeen Bertsche. Je '86, 4.


Being and Doing. Elmer F. Suderman. Ap '66, 79.

Christian Life on the Campus. Walter Klaassen. Ap '63, 77.

Society and Personal Decision. Calvin Redekop. Ja '66, 37.

Some Marks of a Christian Scholar. Reinhard H. Vogt. Ap '66, 76.


Christian Peacemaker Teams in Hebron. Mark Frey and Sydney Stigge. Se '98, 4.




Christian Year. Walter Hohmann. Jl '62, 134.


See December 1995 issue.

Appeal of Christmas Today. Henry W. Lohrenz. Ja '49, 3.

Birth of Jesus. Allen H. Erb. Ja '48, 4.

Christmas Fairy Tale. Waldemar Janzen. Oc '60, 170.

Christmas for Christians. Roy Roth. Ja '54, 3.

From Bedlam to Bethlehem. Willard Claassen. Ja '53, 3.

From Central Asia to America. Douglas Hale. Jl '70, 133.

Peace and Good Will. Jacob Suderman. Ja '57, 3.

Pfeffernuesse, Springerle and Marzipan. Joanna S. Andres. Ja '49, 4.

When Christmas Came. J. G. Claassen. Ja '49, 6.


See Ja '64, issue.

Anabaptist Concept of the Church and Education. Arnold Nickel. Ja '62, 12.

Anabaptists and We. Robert Friedmann. Jl '67, 99.

Champaign-Urbana Mennonite Church. Leonard N. Neufeldt. Ap '65, 86.

Church in a Dutch City. Hendrik Brenner. Ja '64, 5.

Church in a Racially Changing Community. David Ewert. Ja '67, 44.

Church in the City. The New Creation as Metropolis. Gibson Winter. Ja '64, 47.

Church's Involvement in Higher Education--A New Venture. Walter Klaasen. Ap '65, 83.

Columbus Mennonite Church. Henry Rempel. Ap '65, 87.

Comfortable Pew and the Tangled World. Elmer F. Suderman. Ja '67, 3.

Faith Mennonite Church. John A. Esau. Ap '65, 89.

Mennonite Artist and the Church. Jan Gleysteen. Oc '64, 162.

Mennonite Church of Boston. Robert L. Jungas. Ap '65, 86.

Mennonites and Urban Culture: An Opportunity in Non-Conformity. Hugh S. Hostetler. Ja '69, 39.

Overcoming Mennonite Group Egoism. Johannes Harder. Ja '68, 3.

People in Community-Contemporary Relevance. J. Lawrence Burkholder. Ja '68, 5.

Psycho-Social Changes Within a Metropolitan Religious Minority. William Dyck and John Sawatzky. Oc '68, 172.

Some Trends in Urban Church Studies. Paul Peachey. Ja '64, 32.

Strategy Questions for the Mennonite Church in the City. Nelson E. Kauffman. Ja '64, 42.

Student and the Church. Theron F. Schlabach. Ap '65, 81.

University Mennonite Church. Truman V. Hershberger. Ap '65, 88.

What is the Mennonite Church In the City. Peter J. Ediger. Ja '64, 3.

Younger Churches and the West. Ferdinand Ediger. Ja '66, 19.


Change and Mental Health. Otto D. Klassen. Oc '66, 154.

Community and Mental Health. William Klassen. Oc '66, 153.

Community Mental Health Center and the Churches. Elmer M. Ediger. Oc '66, 160.

Role of the Church in Mental Health. Ernest Boyer, et al. Oc '66, 147.



Menno Simons and Secular Authority. John F. Kauffman. Ja '68, 23.

No Constantine here!: The case for the preservation of the American heritage of separation of church and state. Robert D. Linder. Je '87, 13.

"One nation under God": religion and the American dream. James C. Juhnke. De '83, 23.

Orenburg Mennonites, 1972: a Soviet description. N. I. Il'inykh. Mr '81, 19.

Political Implications of Sixteenth Century Hessian Anabaptism. Allen W. Dirrim. Oc '64, 179.

Religion and the American dream: a study in confusion and tension. Robert D. Linder. De '83, 17.

Should Mennonites Participate in Government? Harley J. Stucky. Ja '59, 34.




Destruction and Re-construction of Mennonite Churches in Holland. S. H. N. Gorter. Mr/Je '96, 8.


Anabaptist Concept of the Church. Erland Waltner. Oc '50, 40.

Basic Beliefs of the Dutch Mennonites. H. W. Meihuizen. Oc '56, 184.

Believer's Church Conference, August 23-25, 1955. A Digest of the Lectures. Oc '54, 185.

Confession of Our Day. Henk van Bilderbeek. Oc '56, 186.

Personal Perspective on the Believer's Church Conference. Elmer Ediger, Oc '55, 182.



Anabaptist Church Discipline. Heinz Janzen. Oc '56, 187.


emergence of Mennonite leadership on the frontier: a case study of H. W. Lohrenz. Calvin Redekop. De '84, 23.

Guardian of the way: the farmer preacher, Henry S. Voth (1878-1953). Peter Penner. Se '82, 8.

Harmony amid disharmony: a diary portrait of Mennonite singing in Russia during the 1860s. John B. Toews, ed. and tr. De '85, 4.

Mennonite Brethren women: images and realities of the early years. Katie Funk Wiebe. Se '81, 22.

Orenburg Mennonites, 1972: a soviet description. N. I. Il'inykh. Mr '81, 19.

Reflections on change in the lifetime of six eastern Mennonites. Dwight Roth. De '82, 21.


Beginnings of a Mission Endeavor. Harry D. Wenger. Ap '61, 95.

Portrait of a Prophet. Inez Unruh. Jl '59, 123.


Sommerfield Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99.


Church of the Brethren and World War I: the Goshen statement. Robert G. Clouse. De '90, 29.




West Prussian church records in the Mennonite Library and Archives. David. A. Haury. Je '88, 13.


New Wineskins for Old Wine. Delbert Wiens. Ap '66, 51.

Renewal of the Church. John Miller. Ap '66, 57.


Fifty Years of Public Service. P. C. Hiebert. Jl '59, 105.

Pastoral Ministry to the Sick. Arnold J. Regier. Ja '61, 16.

Role of Preaching in Anabaptist Tradition. Cornelius J. Dyck. Ja '62, 21.





"The City Was Full of Idols" Acts 17:16. Theodore O. Wedel. Oc '64, 147.

Symposium: How can Christian Community be Established in the City? (Symposium I-VII). Ja '64, 17.



Champaign-Urbana Mennonite Church. Leonard N. Neufeldt. Ap '65, 86.

Church in a Dutch City. Hendrik Bremer. Ja '64, 5.

Colombus Mennonite Church. Henry Rempel. Ap '65, 87.

From Farm to City. J. Richard Burkholder. Ja '64, 45.

Light in the Asphalt Jungle. Vincent Harding. Ja '64, 39.

Mennonite Church in Boston. Robert L. Jungas. Ap '65, 86.

Mennonite Community in Winnipeg. Jim Friesen and Reinhard Vogt. Ja '64, 13.

Mennonite Mobility and the Christian Calling. Leland Harder. Ja '64, 7.

Some Theological Reflections On the City. Paul Peachey. Ja '64, 28.

Some Trends in Urban Church Studies. Paul Peachey. Ja '67, 33.

Strategy Questions for the Mennonite Church in the City. Nelson E. Kauffman. Ja '64, 42.

Symposium. How Can Christian Community be Established in the City. (Symposium I-VIII). Ja '64, 17.

Toward a Sifting of Faith from Culture. John Howard Yoder. Ja '64, 36.

University Mennonite Church. Truman V. Hershberger. Ap '65, 88.

What is the Mennonite Church in the City: Peter J. Ediger. Ja '64, 3.

Where the Action Is. C. Wayne Zunke. Oc '65, 183.


Biblical Basis for Civil Disobedience. Alvin Beachy. Ja '70, 6.

Case Study in Civil Disobedience: Pilgram Marbeck. Alvin Beachy. Ja '70, 12.

Conscientious objectors of Spain. John Paul Lederach. Je '81, 15.

Menno Simons and Secular Authority. John F. Kauffman. Ja '68, 23.

Mennonite resistance to draft registration. Mark Becker. De '85, 19.


"One nation under God": religion and the American dream. James C. Juhnke. De '83, 23.

Religion and the American dream: a study in confusion and tension. Robert D. Linder. De '83, 17.


Nonviolence and the Peace Movement: The Americanization of Gandhi. Charles Chatfield. Oc '70, 155.

People in Community--Contemporary Relevance. J. Lawrence Burkholder. Ja '68, 5.



Mennonites and the Civil Service. Frank H. Epp. Oc '68, 179.


Scenes from the Past. De '72, 116.

Virginia Mennonites in the Civil War. Grant M. Stoltzfus. Ja '63, 27.



Civilian Public Service: two case studies. John D. Thiesen. Je '90, 4.

Civilian Public Service in World War II in America. Oc '66, 189.

Community and Culture as Expressions of Values. Mr '99, 33.

Comparisons and contrasts among historic peace churches. Hugh S. Barbour. De '90, 35.

CPS Protest Songs. Vincent Beck and Ervin Beck. De '96, 14.

A Dietitian's Memoir. Elizabeth Sieber Hernley. Se '91, 12.

The "Good Boys of CPS". Robert S. Kreider. Se '91, 4.

How the Vision Grew. Larry Kehler. Oc '66, 165.

Journalist's private reflections on the Mennonites. Paul Comly French; Robert Kreider, [ed.] Je '90, 18; (Part 2) De '90, 4.

Mennonite Church in the Second World War. Guy F. Hershebergerr. Jl '52, 142.

Mental Hospital Experience of Civilian Public Service. Grant M. Stoltzfus. Ap '47, 8.

Mid-Winter Letters. E. Gordon Alderfer. Ja '47, 16.

Returning Civilian Public Service Man. David Suderman. Ja '46, 5.

Service in Puerto Rico. Marvin Dyck. Ap '51, 4.

Thoughts of an Outsider on Mennonite Civilian Public Service. Winslow Ames. Ap '48, 41.

Two Worlds of Peace. Howard W. Elinton. Ja '50, 4.

Voluntary Service--A New Approach to Missions. Elmer Ediger. Ja '51, 28.

"We have learned to question government." Perry Bush. Je '90, 13.

What Have We Learned From Civilian Public Service? Albert M. Gaeddert. Jl '46, 16.

"Will a new day dawn from this?": Mennonite pacifist people and the good war. Paul Toews. De '90, 16.

Claassen, Cornelius J.

Peter Jansen--Pioneer, Leader, and Philanthropist. Oc '47, 41.


Tree at Whitewater. J. W. Fretz. Ap '50, 11.

Claassen, Justine

East and West and Home. Mr '75, 10.

Claassen, Peter M.

Story of a Mill. Ida Plank Yoder. Ja '56, 21.

Claassen, Willard

From Bediam to Bethlehem. Ja '53, 3.

Classen, Daniel J.

Meade--A Changed Community. Jl '51, 14.


Kansas Mennonite Settlements, 1877, Part II. Ap '70, 65.

Classen, J. T.

Glaubenshymne. Jl '52, 137.

Classen, Jack G.

When Christmas Came. Ja '49, 6.

Classen, Johann P.

Ausbund. Jl '57, 115.

Editions of the Ausbund. Ja '57, 47.

Lieder und Tod der Taeufer. Ap '51, 40.


Reflections on change in the lifetime of six eastern Mennonites. Dwight Roth. De '82, 21.

Clemens, James R.

Pennsylvania Mennonites in Print--1940-1950. Ap '52, 83.



Writing about the Covering and Plain Clothes as a Mennonite "Family" Possession. Laura H. Weaver. De '94, 4.

Clouse, Robert G.

Church of the Brethren and World War I: the Goshen statement. De '90, 29.


Mennonite Change: The Rise and Decline of Mennonite Community Organizations at Coaldale, Alberta. Ted Regehr. De '77, 13.

COFFMAN, J. S., 1848-1899

Times in Which I Lived--II. N. E. Byers. Ap '52, 77.


Colfax Washington Community. J. W. Fretz. Jl '54, 140.


Russia Revisited. Cornelius Krahn. Oc '70, 147.



Church's Involvement in Higher Education--A New Venture. Walter Klaassen. Ap '65, 83.

Contact with Foreign Students. Betty Mae Janzen. Ap '65, 78.

Day in a Mennonite College. Oc '48, 23.

Heinrich H. Ewert--Educator of Kansas and Manitoba. P. J. Schaefer. Oc '48, 18.

Higher Education in the Netherlands. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '65, 80.

I Attended a School for Negro Women. Anna Marie Peterson. Ja '61, 14.

Menno House. Werner Heinrichs. Ap '65, 65.

Mennonite College Through Town Eyes. Rachel Kreider. Je '77, 4.

Mennonite Graduate Fellowship: Its History, Purpose, and Future. Leo Driedger. Ap '65, 67.

Mennonite Student and the Christian Campus Groups. Ernest Epp. Ap '65, 66.

Mennonite Student around the World. Adolf Ens. Ap '65, 74.

Mennonite Student in College. David E. Schmidt. Ap '65, 57.

Mennonite Student Fellowships. Adolf Ens. Ap '65, 62.

Mennonite Students in Germany. Hainold Fast. Ap '65, 78.

Mennonite Undergraduate. Ken Loewen. Ap '65, 59.

Our Musical Heritage in the Colleges, David H. Suderman. Ap '48, 31.

Peace Studies: Mennonite Colleges in the North American Context. Duane K. Friesen. Mr '80, 13.

Pioneers in Mennonite Education. Ed. G. Kaufman. Ja '62, 16.

University Mennonite Church. Truman V. Hershberger. Ap '65, 88.

What is a Christian Liberal Arts Education? Marion Deckert. Mr '79, 4.



Collett, Wallace T.

"Let us try what love will do": the story of the American Friends Service Committee. Mr '83, 12.


Christian Students Face the Iron Curtain. Erna J. Fast. Jl '53, 111.

Comrade Hildebrandt. Henry Janzen. Oc '52, 180.

Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '70, 183.

Mission in Colombia. Ruth Birckholtz-Bestvader. Ap '49, 36.




Columbus Mennonite Church. Henry Rempel. Ap '65, 87.


1492 and the European Mennonite Immigrants. Levi Miller. Mr '92, 4.




Ludwig Keller: a Prophet and a Scholar. Cornelius Krahn. Ap '66, 81.


Anabaptists and We. Robert Friedmann. Jl '67, 99.

Books and Issues. Ja '68, 46.

Fifty Years Society of Brothers (1920-1970). Their Story and Their Books. Robert Friedmann. Oc '70, 159.


See also LANGUAGE.

Christian View of the Fine Arts. Walter Klaassen. Jl '66, 99.

Language and Communication Among Urban Mennonites. Victor Doerksen. Oc '68, 182.

Low German in Mexico. James R. Jaquith. Oc '70, 180.

Multilingualism Among the Old Colony Mennonites. James R. Jaquith. Jl '69, 137.

Reciprocity in Identification. Jacob A. Loewen. Ja '66, 10.


Sommerfield Mennonites of Manitoba. Menno Hildebrand. Jl '70, 99.


See also MARXISM.

Escape From Communism 1943-46. Ja '51, 6.

From Batum to New York. Heinz Janzen. De '74, 82.

Younger Churches and the West. Ferdinand Ediger. Ja '66, 19.



Anabaptist View of the Holy Spirit. Peter J. Klassen. Ja '68, 27.

Daut Darp. Harold Funk. Jl '70, 112.

Mennonite Community: Traditional or Intentional. J. Winfield Fretz. De '75, 5.

Mennonite Community in Winnipeg. Jim Friesen and Reinhard Vogt. Ja '64, 13.

Mennonites and Confrontation. Joseph Smucker. Ja '70, 38.

People in Community--Contemporary Relevance. J. Lawrence Burkholder. Ja '68, 5.

Religious Vitality in a Changing Community. Calvin Redekop. Oc '62, 169.

Symposium: How Can Christian Community be Established in the City. (Symposium I-VIII). Ja '64, 17.

To Be or Not to Be Mennonite People? Menno Wiebe. Se '73, 67.

Tombstone Community. Rudy Wiebe. Oc '64, 150.



Changing Mountain Lake. Calvin Redekop. Jl '56, 128.

Economic Trends in Mennonite Communities. Howard D. Raid. Oc '64, 186.

Life in a Mennonite Village. Elizabeth Peters. Jl '56, 110.

Mennonites of Aberdeen, Idaho. F. L. and Anna Wenger. Jl '57, 120.

Pasture. Lena Waltner. Jl '58, 136.

Remaking a Community. Henderson, Nebraska. J. J. Friesen. Oc '50, 10.

What We Found in Moundridge. Lloyd J. Spaulding. Jl '52, 131.

Winkler, Manitoba. Frank Brown. Jl '56, 120.


Composer and the Church. J. Harold Moyer. Ja '65, 26.

Johannes Brahms and His Mennonite Friends. Elfrieda Franz Hiebert. Oc '58, 156.


Oteila Augspurger Compton. Wilson Martindale Compton. Oc '56, 176.

Recollections of Oteila Augspurger Compton. Mrs. Rodolphe Kinsinger Petter. Oc '56, 179.

Compton, Wilson Martindale

Oteila Augspurger Compton. Oc '56, 176.


Camp Dora: A Dutch Mennonite Medical Doctor in a Nazi Concentration Camp. Gerlof Homan. Je '92, 4.



All-Mennonite Convention. N. E. Byers. Jl '48, 7.

Amish Problems at the Diener-Versammlung. John A. Hostetler. Oc '49, 34.

Assembly of Churches. Albert J. Penner. Ap '49, 33.

Believer's Church Conference, August 23-25, 1955. Oc '55, 185.

Conferences on Mennonite Cultural Problems. J. Winfield Fretz. Jl '48, 9.

Dutch Mennonites Unite During Crisis. Piet van der Meulen. Jl '48, 20.

Einsteigen Bitte! All Aboard. Norma Yost and Ruth Carper. Jl '52, 100.

Fifth Mennonite World Conference. Harold S. Bender. Jl '52, 99.

Mennonite Brethren Conference, Oklahhoma. Ralph A. Felton. Jl '55, 121.

Mennonite Conference, Basel. P. S. Goertz. Ja '48, 47.

Mennonite World Conference. S. F. Pannabecker. Oc '52, 149.

Mennonite World Conferences. Cornelius Krahn. Jl '48, 3.

Message of World Conference. Jl '53, 101.

New Mennonite Institutions in Europe. Henry A. Fast. Ap '52, 52.

Pacific District Conference. H. D. Burkholder. Jl '51, 24.

Personal Perspective on the Believer's Church Conference. Elmer Ediger. Oc '55, 182.

Proceedings of the Fourth Mennonite World Conference. Ap '52, 93.

Religious Educational Conference on the Curriculum as an Organ for Teaching Christianity. Ap '52, 93.

Story of Our Conference and Churches. H. D. Burkholder. Ap '52, 93.


Confession for Our Day. Henk van Bilderbeek. Oc '56, 186.


Chinese resolve conflicts. Robert Kreider. Mr '88, 19.

Conflict and Reconciliation. John Powell. Se '72, 76.

Demolishing a church building in Afghanistan. Rachel Waltner Goossen, based on a paper by Dan Friesen. Mr '88, 21.

Historical investigation as conflict: the case of the license plate. John Paul Lederach. Mr '88, 15.

Proverbs of conflict and peacemaking from other cultures. Mr '88, 28.

Resource for dealing with conflict--the Mennonite Conciliation Service. Ron Kraybill and David Brubaker. Mr '88, 4.




See also ZAIRE.

Congo Inland Mission. Ap '61, 88.

Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '70, 183.

Pax Work in Congo. Ap '61, 96.


Congo Inland Mission. Ap '61, 88.


At an Anniversary of a Church (Johannestal). Edwin Unruh. Ap '58, 61.

Bergthal Mennonite Church. Pawnee Rock. Victor Sawatsky. Jl '55, 133.

Bethel Mennonite Church. Richard Ratzlaff. Ap '53, 64.

Bethel Mennonite Church. Levi Hartzler. Ap '53, 60.

Birth of a dual conference congregation in Champaign-Urbana. V. Gordon Oyer. Mr '90, 17.

Brighton Mennonite Church. Richard Ratzlaff. Ap '53, 64.

Champaign-Urbana Mennonite Church. Ap '65, 86.

Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. Harry D. Wenger. Jl '59, 122.

Deventer Mennonite Church. H. T. Tulner. Ap '52, 72.

Early Hebron Mennonite Church. C. C. Epp. Ap '53, 86.

Early Mountain Lake Churches. J. John Friesen. Jl '56, 133.

Elkhart County, Indiana. Mennonites. Harold S. Bender. Ap '59, 71.

Fifty Years in Dawson County, Montana. Chris A. Buller. Jl '54, 110.

First Mennonite Church, McPherson. John W. Goering. Ap '58, 67.

First Mennonite Church in Newton (1878-1953). Oc '53, 153.

First Mennonite Church (Chicago). Leland Harder. Ap '53, 58.

Grace Mennonite Church (Chicago). John T. Neufeld. Ap '53, 65.

Hillsboro--Mennonite Community Center. Ja '54, 12.

Iglesia Evangelica Mennonita. John T. Litwiler. Ap '53, 63.

Inman Bethel Mennonite Church. Peter T. Neufeld. Jl '53, 132.

Lincoln Avenue Gospel Mission. J. S. Mendel. Ap '53, 64.

Mennonite Brethren Church--Reedley, California. J. B. Toews. Oc '54, 151.

Mennonite Church of Boston. Robert L. Jungas. Ap '65, 86.

Mennonite Churches in Altona. Ted Friesen. Jl '56, 114.

Mennonite Churches in South Germany. Paul Schowalter. Ja '52, 14.

Mennonite Conference of Alberta After Twenty Five Years. David P. Neufeld. Ap '54, 57.

Mennonite Congregation of Boston. David Haury. Se '79, 24.

Mennonite Congregations in the Soviet Union Today. Walter Sawatsky. Mr '78, 12.

Mennonites in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Gerald Studer. Oc '65, 177.

Mennonites in the Oklahoma Runs. Marvin Kroeker. Jl '55, 114.

Mennonites Settle in Lee County, Iowa. Vernon Neufeld. Oc '53, 170.

Meppel Mennonite Church. G. Veenstra. Oc '54, 152.

Neukircher Mennoniten Gemeinde von Chinook-Sedalia. Irene Klassen. Mr '84, 20.

North Enid Mennonite Brethren Church. P. C. Grunau. Oc '54, 176.

One Hundred Years in Wadsworth. Rachel Kreider. Oc '53, 161.

Pennsylvania Mennonite Church--West Swamp. J. Herbert Fretz. Oc '47, 33.

Planting a church in a changing city (Woodlawn Mennonite Church in Chicago). Delton Franz as interviewed by Robert Kreider. Mr '88, 23.

Przechowka and Alexanderwohl. J. A. Duerksen. Ap '55, 76.

Rural Church--Beatrice, Nebraska. Jacob T. Friesen. Ap '53, 80.

Shafter--Wasco Community. Vernon Neufeld. Oc '52, 158.

Sonnenberg. From the Jura to Ohio. James Reusser. Jl '55, 138.

Story of the Jansen Churches. D. Paul Miller. Ja '55, 38.

Story of Church (Menno Menn. Church). Willard Wiebe. Ja '52, 11.

That holy place on Science Ridge. Robert Kreider. De '87, 25.

Times in Which I Lived. N. E. Byers. Ja '52, 44.

Urban Mennonite church--the first two decades. Rachel Waltner Goossen. Se '86, 22.

Western Kansas Mennonite Settlement. J. W. Fretz. Oc '53, 174.

Woodlawn Mennonite Church (Chicago). William Keeney. Ap '53, 66.


Church's Involvement in Higher Education. Walter Klassen. Ap '65, 83.

The Personal and Scholarly Pilgrimage of J. Winfield Fretz. Leland Harder. Je '99, 4.




Called to be Faithful. Alvin J. Beachy. Ap '68, 51.

Conscience of a Nation. Russell L. Mast. Oc '67, 147.



Canadian Conscientious Objector. J. W. Nickel. Ja '48, 24.

Church of the Brethren and World War I: the Goshen statement. Robert G. Clouse. De '90, 29.

Civilian Public Service: two case studies. John D. Thiesen. Je '90, 4.

Conscientious Objection. Ja '53, 44.

Conscientious objectors of Spain. John Paul Lederach. Je '81, 15.

Dialogue with Washington: Mennonites and the Test of Faith. James F. S. Amstutz. Mr '92, 27.

Exercising a free conscience: the conscientious objectors of the Soviet Union and the German Democratic Republic. Lawrence Klippenstein. Se '85, 21.

From Militia Tax to Relief. Blodwen Davies. Oc '50, 27.

It Happened to Montana. Rufus M. Franz. Oc '52, 181.

Journalist's private reflections on the Mennonites. Paul Comly French; Robert Kreider, ed. Je '90, 18; (Part 2) De '90, 4.

Mennonites in World War I. James C. Juhnke. De '90, 25.

Non-Combatant Service Then and Now. Frank C. Peters. Ja '55, 31.

Post-Armistice courts-martial of conscientious objectors in Camp Funston, 1918-1919. Gerlof D. Homan. De '89, 4.

Supreme Court and the C. O. Marvin Harder. Oc '52, 185.

"We have learned to question government." Perry Bush. Je '90, 13.

"Will a new day dawn from this?": Mennonite pacifist people and the good war. Paul Toews. De '90, 16.


Canadian Mennonites in World War II. Lawrence Klippenstein. Se '93, 4.

"United We Stand, Divided We Fall": Canadian Mennonite Women as COs in World War II. Marlene Epp. Se '93, 7.

My Personal Pilgrimage toward Peace. Jacob A. Loewen. Se '93, 11.

The Case of John J. Bergen. John J. Bergen. Se '93, 15.

Alternative Service Work as Reflected in The Beacon October 1942-1945. Elizabeth Suderman Klassen. Se '93, 19.

Alternative Service Work in the B. C. Forest Service: A Survey of Documents in Government Archives. A. J. Klassen. Se '93, 26.

Select Bibliography on Canadian Mennonites and World War II. Se '93, 29.



Do You Want Conscription? J. W. Fretz. Ja '48, 29.

Mennonite resistance to draft registration. Mark Becker. De '85, 19.

Mennonites and the Conscription Trap. Allan Teichroew. Se '75, 10.




Religion and the American dream: a study in confusion and tension. Robert D. Linder. De '83, 17.


Heinrich Heese Autobiography. Ap '69, 66.


De Schtella Yeatza. Rachel Goertz Ratzlaff. Mr '95, 12.


It Wouldn't Be Sunday without Zwieback. Wilma Toews. Ja '48, 42.

Katish Serves Blini. Ja '53, 31.

Katish Serves Tea and Rolls. Ja '54, 45.

Katish Serves Borshtsh and Rasolnik. Ap '55, 83.

Pfeffernuesse, Springerlie und Marzipan. Joanna S. Andres. Ja '49, 4.

Russian Easter and Paskha. Ap '52, 75.


Cooperative Transforms Rural Economy. D. Paul Miller. Ap '49, 18.

Copithorne, W. L.

Brazil. Je '72, 35.


Anabaptists and Art. The Dutch Golden Age of Painting. Robert W. Regier. Ja '68, 16.


Mennonites in the Oklahoma Runs. Marvin Kroeker. Jl '55, 114.

Mennonite Brethren, Corn, Oklahoma. Ralph A. Felton. Jl '55, 121.

CORNIES, JOHANN, 1789-1848

At the Molotshnaya--A Visit, 1890. Peter J. Epp. Oc '69, 151.

Johann Cornies--a Great Pioneer. Walter Quiring. Jl '48, 30.

"The Good Old Days" A Russian Mennonite Document from 1835. (Introduction and translation by John B. Toews). Ja '68, 31.

Heinrich Heese (1787-1868). Translated by Cornelius Krahn. Ap '69, 66.

Immigration and Famine in Russia, 1833: Two letters of Johann Cornies. James Urry. Se '91, 18.

Mennonite Intelligentsia in Russia. N. J. Klassen. Ap '69, 51.

Pioneer Educator--Johann Cornies. M. S. Harder. Oc '48, 5.

CORNIES, PHILIP, CA. 1884-1942

"The Good Old Days" A Russian Mennonite Document from 1835. (Introduction and translation by John B. Toews). Ja '68, 31.

Mennonites in the Early Soviet Period. John B. Toews. Jl '69, 101.


Apology. Books in Review. Ja '71, 32.

Correll, Ernst

Master Farmers of France. Ap '52, 61.


Historical investigation as conflict: the case of the license plate. John Paul Lederach. Mr '88, 15.

Historical Records of the Younger Churches. Melvin Gingerich. Oc '70, 183.

Mennonite Integration in Costa Rica. John D. Roth. Mr '98, 24.


Living between two Minnesota counties. Bertha Fast Harder. De '87, 4.


Post-Armistice courts-martial of conscientious objectors in Camp Funston, 1918-1919. Gerlof D. Homan. De '89, 4.



Courtship and Marriage. Milton F. Sprunger. Je '76, 13.

Courtship and Marriage among the Russian Mennonites. Katherine Woelk van den Haak. Jl '59, 138.

Courtship and Marriage Practices of Lancaster Mennonites. Aaron Martin. Ja '62, 31.


"Covenant of Life ad Peace" Today. Vitali Borovoi. Jl '65, 135.


Mennonites and Urban Culture: An Opportunity in Nonconformity. Hugh S. Hostetler. Ja '69, 39.

Craandijk, H.

In Memoriam--Cornelis Nijdam. Ja '47, 33.


Art as I See It. Lena Waltner. Ja '47, 46.

Artists at Work. Oc '51, 43.

Grandmother's Quilt. Eva Harshbarger. Oc '48, 12.

Home-Crafts in Our Day. Jeanne K. Tiahrt. Oc '48, 11.

Pennsylvania German Coverlets. Phyllis Bixel. Oc '50, 34.

Spring Folk Festival. Jan Gleysteen. Jl '67, 102.

Woodcarving--Elma Waltner. Lena Waltner. Ap '52, 63.


Crosstown Credit Union. J. A. Kroeker. Jl '49, 32.


Cracking Walnuts. Jan Gleysteen. Ja '65, 36.


Heinrich Heese Autobiography. Ap '69, 66.


On the Edge of the Crowd. Elmer F. Suderman. Jl '66, 132.

Culp, Daryl

Book Review. Mr '97, 47.



Yesterday and Today. Agnetha Duerksen. Ma-Je '74, 17.

Old Colony Culture Change in Mexico. James R. Jaquith. Jl '71, 123.


Our Grandfathers are Our Libraries, Museums and Colleges. An Interview with Mpanya Mutombo. Je '75, 8.


As Others Saw Them. Noble L. Prentis, et. al. Ap '70, 59.


Barbara. Gertrud Paulus Reno. Oc '70, 165.

Contemporary Russian Mennonites. G. Lohrenz. Jl '69, 115.

Cultural Interaction Among the Mennonites in Russia. Walter Quiring. Ap '69, 61.

Cultural Life Among the Mennonites of Russia. H. Goerz. Jl '69, 99.


Reflections on America. Huang Xinqu. Je '83, 28.



Among the Mennonites of Kansas in 1878. C. L. Bernays. Oc '49, 20.

Cultural Achievements of the Chortitza Mennonites. Jl '48, 35.

Glimpses Into the Past. Charles Kauffman. Oc '49, 4.

Hunger. Gerard Wiens. Ja '59, 9.

Mennonite Stove. J. D. Butler. Oc '49, 16.

Mennonites of Krefeld. Walter Risler. Ap '51, 26.

Revived Interest in Pennsylvania-German Culture. John A. Hostetler. Ap '56, 65.

Toward a Sifting of Faith from Culture. John Howard Yoder. Ja '64, 36.




Gordon Friesen: writer, radical and ex-Mennonite. Allan Teichroew. Je '83, 4.

Currier, Alvin C.

Lost Chord. Jl '57, 99.




See also MORAVIA.

Among the Habaner of Czechoslovakia. Gary Waltner. Ap '66, 84.