Heubuden Church books
Heubuden Church books
Partial Transcription of the Heubuden Church Books
vols. 2 (1816-1867) and 3 (1868-1900)
compiled by Mark Dillon
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What is Transcribed Here?
This web site contains a partial transcription of LDS Film 555791 containing the Heubuden church books (Kirchenbücher). This transcription covers the years 1816 through 1900, with entries for each time the surname Claassen, Toews, Wiebe or Reimer appears as one of the parties involved (these are the main lines of my own family).
Download/View the Transcriptions
Depending on your web browser, you should be able to view and/or download either the PDF file or the Excel file I have created. (If one does not work, please try the other.) If you opt for the Excel spreadsheet, you will be able to sort and filter the data (by village, surname, events, etc.), which may make it easier to identify family groups, spot trends, or compile the information tailored to your specific purposes.
PDF file: Heubuden2and3.pdf.
Excel file: Heubuden2and3.xls.
I have not proofread the entries in the database. If you find an error, please let me know so that I can make corrections. You may contact me (Mark Dillon) by e-mail at: elfenbein3@gmail.com.
Search Tips
If you are searching for a particular name, please remember that spelling was not consistent in the church books. “Claassen,” for example, appears as “Claassen,” “Klaassen,” “Classen,” “Klassen,” “Klassin,” etc. Likewise, “Toews” appears as “Toews,” “Töws,” “Tews,” etc. I did attempt to standarde the spelling of the village names and the date formats. However, I generally left the spelling of people’s names as it was in the registers. One significant exception is the spelling of “Dÿck,” where I was not consistent in use of the umlaut over the “y.”
top left: Marienburg fortress near Heubuden; bottom left: Heubuden cemetery; right: the Heubuden Church in the snow.